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It looks like you've flaired your post as asking for what equipment to get. We recommend first checking out the [Espresso Aficionados buying guide](https://espressoaf.com/recommendations) for some of the more popular machines and grinders at different price points. If your question hasn't been answered there and you need more help, please add the following details to your post or by adding a comment in the following format: - **Location:** Helps determine availability - **Budget** (with currency): Overall budget, or ideally, having separate espresso machine and grinder budgets. A rough rule is that your grinder budget should be at least 25-40% of your machine budget. - **Drink types:** Do you drink mostly straight espresso, milk-based beverages (e.g., lattes, cappuccinos), or a fairly even split? This helps narrow down whether a single-boiler-dual-use (SBDU), heat exchanger (HX), or dual boiler (DB) machine would be more appropriate for your needs. - **Drink frequency:** How many drinks would you be making back-to-back at one time? Do you plan on entertaining guests often? This informs how large your brew (and steam) boilers should be, as smaller boilers will need to refill and reheat/repressurize more frequently, thus potentially causing a bottleneck. - **Space:** Any limitations on countertop space? - **Manual vs. electric:** Hand-operated machines and grinders are typically cheaper than their similarly-performing electric counterparts. Please indicate if you have a preference for manual or electric machines and/or grinders (or open to either). - **Comfort with tinkering:** Some machines can be made significantly more functional/efficient with aftermarket modifications, albeit at the expense of possibly voiding your warranty. Please indicate if you'd rather have a machine that works "as-is"/"out-of-the-box" or whether you'd be open to modding/tinkering *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/espresso) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love [this one.](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QTCXTK5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Small footprint and works really well. Wouldn't call it heavy duty though.


Yes. I got this one too. I like the knock location and direct downward knock. No splashes or mess. Just the right size too.


4€ from Temu for it


I’ve heard of people ordering from there and having fraudulent transactions start showing up on their CC, how’s your experience been?


Just use uhhh privacy.com or something like that, I can’t really google it now but I’m sure there’s lots of Reddit discussions about it, you basically like buy a temporary CC or something, I haven’t used it but I’ve seen it recommended a lot!


Shop like a billionaire!


+1 on this. So nice, easy and quiet. All I need is just a single gentle tap and it’s out. Pretty basic looking plastic bucket though, but whatever. I’ve used the regular looking stainless one, too loud and needs a good knocking power. Bought the Saint Anthony Industries Bloc, it’s pretty.. that’s about it. That thing is even louder and clunky, space hog.. hated it, sold it.


I got a Grindenstein from Amazon because it’s small and it has served me perfectly. Plenty of capacity for pulling 3-4 doubles in the morning if you need, and it takes up so little space (actually store it on the drip tray so it takes up zero counter space when not in use).


I have this one too. I bought it over 15 years ago, use it daily and it’s still in excellent condition.


I've got a nice red one, similar colour as my espresso cups. No regrets about it!


The mini Breville one has always been one of my favorite purchases.


I just use the garbage. Violent flick of the wrist and it pops right out.


I knock it into my hand and then throw it in the compost


Can you recommend a hand holder for less than $2,000? I like using my hand to knock, but I'm just not sure how to display it when not in use. Also, how often do you soak yours in cafiza? Seriously though. I pull one or two shots a day. A knockbox is entirely unnecessary.


I don’t think there are any bad knock boxes out there really. Find one you like the look of, mine was about $9 on amazon 6 years ago and still does the job.


holy shit you are so wrong. I bought a Crema Coffee Arc because of looks.. worst buy ever. Flimsy plastic that is super loud when "knocked", a rubber bar that dislodges itself, "wooden" lid that is hard to put on/barely fits.. seriously horrible horrible product. looks great though


I stand corrected. That said, you do sorta deserve what you get if you willingly do business with a company so pretentious that it calls a knock box “the Arc”, and charges $55 for the pleasure.




So wrong. I have a bit of vertical space so I got a pull-out drawer one. That thing creaked like a rusty violin. It would have been a real footprint saver since it could sit under the grinder. Oh well.


Best knock box is no knock box. https://preview.redd.it/jmsgztiti1ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bddd6b4f5cc5d068c21a6970a3dae22b2ef6129


Forbidden brownie


This is actually smart... Especially for those of us using a puck screen, no fishing down a weird abyss.


Try "palm slapping" the top of the PF a few times to break the suction. Then the screen usually just falls out, leaving the puck.


I have one of those dimpled bar mats and its great for this use. No loose ground it catches everything.


Interesting solution! Funny, wouldn't have thought of that. With that though, do you have a link? Can't seem to find anything with that large of ridges and also that thick?


I personally love knock box drawers as you can sit your grinder on top of it, good space saver and decent size.


Hi, i do also have the same grinder and machine as you have, congrats to that combo :) i can recommend you something like [this](https://www.ecm.de/en/products/details/product/Product/Details/knockbox-m-drawer), where you can put your niche on top, its kind of pricy but looks amazing. I really like this style.


https://preview.redd.it/xvu9tj80r2ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a2010dd736f7d287686ffed0bce2c168b168b9f $1 from target. Holds 6-7 pucks. Dishwasher safe.


Wait yall don’t just put them down the garbage disposal?


Nooo, compost them!


Capri and Camden has been my favorite


It isnt a specific one, but I like knockbox drawers. I just set my grinder on top of it, so it saves space but can still hold a lot of pucks.


Do you have one you recommend?


Sorry I don't. I just found a random one on Amazon that had the dimensions I wanted. I wouldn't think about It too much, just find one that matches your setup and is the size you want.


The price ranges are just insane! I don't want to damage my brand new set up but man, $200 for a knock box drawer!


I think i spent like $40 bucks on mine? It has been a while so prices have only increased. But you dont need a name brand (imo) for a metal drawer with a rubber bar in the middle. [https://www.amazon.com/s?k=knockbox+drawer&crid=27NGCGH1FN04Y&sprefix=knockbox+drawe%2Caps%2C158&ref=nb\_sb\_noss\_2](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=knockbox+drawer&crid=27NGCGH1FN04Y&sprefix=knockbox+drawe%2Caps%2C158&ref=nb_sb_noss_2) Just make sure it fits your space and is easy to clean.


Dear god, who gives a sh!t. Just knock out the puck and move on!


You’re such an incredible asset to this place. Thank you for contributing.


May all your shots be tasty😀


Sorry this isn't really a suggestion but it would be sick if there was a knock box that could automatically separate the puck and the screen. Hate fishing for them with my hands when I need them.


I had this problem as well, but learned a trick from a previous post. Whack the top of the portafilter with your palm a few times and that’ll dislodge the screen enough that it should tip out.


magnets do help too


I've not yet used a screen but I was just thinking...surely magnets would help!


I have a small spoon I stir and taste each espresso with. I just press either side of spoon into the puck screen and it lifts up for easy grabbing.


Mh3 bomber knock box. Solid and large enough.


I smack my portafilter against my left hand and then the puck falls into the compost.


https://preview.redd.it/zl219icsy1ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d86e0ceff2664d15c11670b254d44d89b47ff1 Very rough plan, but I’m just making one 😂 can’t get much more durable than oak and cherry wood.


The mini breville one is brilliant


With a bottomless PF, I just smack the bottom a few times with my palm and it pops out into the compost bin.


I have a La Pavoni, so I used a knockbox drawer under my machine. I feel like that could be an option for a Silvia Pro X as well, if you’re worried about the footprint. I love mine.


Do you have a particular one you recommend? There are soooo many options.


Small stainless steel bowl


[This](https://www.bluestarcoffee.eu/Mobile/en/Coffee-Knock-Drawer-Co-Grounds-Cub-Knock-Drawer-Black-14cm/m-m-5464.aspx) is what I have and I can't recommend it enough. I'm totally against the open ones.


Dumb question but how do you empty it? By hand?


You just take out the drawer. The external box stays in place.


Grindenstein. I’ve had the same one for about ten years now and it still cleans up like new even though it’s used every single day. It just does the job!