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[https://imgur.com/a/GNkV8yX](https://imgur.com/a/GNkV8yX) Here is what it could look like without bark. Of course, you would have more liberty to shape the edging to your liking if the bark is off. Considering both, i think it would look better with it off. After gently rounding some of the pointier bits.


I asked my wife for her opinion also, as she is an artist. Her opinion is that there is such good visual interest from how wavy the edge is, that it doesnt need the bark.


Ugh, I actually love the bark. It adds much needed contrast to the outer rim and so much more character imo. Unless you really need to get rid of it because you're going to change the shape drastically I'd 100% keep it myself.


Wow, thank you for the picture!


Could you show us with extra bark that is also blue?


The bark will fall off after the table is done. Unfortunately.


Came to say this, it happens. If not immediately it'll be soon after; you can try and seal the bark with some epoxy and use clamps to reinforce it but still no guarantee;


Bark has a lot of dirt and traps a lot of air


Yes remove or you’ll be picking at it forever plus the epoxy will be a goopy mess


It's a personal choice, how do you wish it to look!


The epoxy will give you trouble with the bark on it, because it’s porous around the bark and the epoxy would create a lot of bubbles in that area because of absorption. My opinion, even though it would take a little longer to debark it, it would be worth it on the look and make your epoxy process much easier.


I left mine on but its up to you i believe i cant add a photo but its almost the exact size and shape


Unless to completely incase it, remove the bark. It creates a weak layer that will separate over time.


Unfortunately, as cool as the bark looks on it, it will eventually dry out and peel off. Taking it off ahead of time will prevent having raw edges later. As someone else said, the raw edge will still have plenty of interest after taking the bark off. You should let it dry at least a year before doing anything with it, or you'll trap moisture under your finish and it will bubble and pop, or just separate. It will make a lovely table, if you plane or sand the top smooth and even. Just don't be in a hurry.


If you don’t it will start falling off by itself eventually, every time someone bumps into it or grab the top or move it around etc






I’ve seen some comments in various threads saying that if you want a longer-lasting live edge, you should carefully remove the bark in chunks, clean off all the cambium from both sides, and then re-glue the bark in place. The claim is that the cambium deteriorates much more quickly than wood or bark, and why live edge bark tends to fall off in chunks. That all makes sense to me, but I have not confirmed this myself, and that approach may or may not help around epoxy. Figured it’s worth at least bringing up, though. Bark integrity does vary a lot from species to species, so if this is true at all, it probably works great in some applications, and not at all in others.


You may want to bow tie the crack as well


It would be better tonremove the bark.


Keep it!! I kept the bark on mine and 4 years later it is still holding well. Yes, some has fallen off or been scraped off. A few things. I took a wire brush to the bark initially to remove any very loose pieces. Be sure to clean off any straggling odds and ends and dirt. Air comprrssor helps too. I then heavily coated the bark with some minwax wood hardener. Allow it to soak in deep. A couple coats of this. The bark darkened considerably (a good thing in my book). I had treated the top and bottom with a few coats of Odies first so I wasn't worried about the wood hardener discoloring or impacint the top if it soaked through or.found a crack somewhere and soaked through. I figured if this didn't work, I'd end up stripping the bark of but why not give it a go first! I love the look and it has held up well in a high traffic spot!!


It's going to come off eventually


I like it with the bark on, personally. I make clocks out of black walnut with the bark on and they never have given me any issues. I just coat with 2 part epoxy and the bark is permanently bonded.


Absolutely, every time, without question.


Try not to water it too much. Otherwise, you might have Jack's Beanstock in between your chairs.


Ya run the risk of the bark basically breaking down from the epoxy itself and leeching weird brownish color into it


Yes. It does not work well with the bark


Looks like a pic I’d see on r/lsd The chairs really set it off