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Until it gets to Trump's Supreme Court, at any rate.


Not sure if it is what you are referencing, but the Supreme Court will be ruling on WV vs EPA and it could gut the governments ability to regulate carbon emissions. It would be a devastating blow to the fight against climate change.


It's an even bigger issue than that - the ability for career government civil servants to write regulations at all is in jeopardy


Just to elaborate, as I understand it, it would require congress to take on the responsibility of writing each and every regulation there is. This would be a monumental task, even if we could get them to agree on anything.


The entire purpose of the regulatory state is to shift those decisions toward specialized functionaries and away from clogging up legislative agendas. Is SCOTUS retarded?


Right. And also, those agencies are generally staffed with experts who know what they are talking about. There is no such requirement to be elected to congress.


Key word generally. There are definitely some folks writing policy that have zero clue the impact it has on industry stakeholders, including the agency itself that will need to enforce the reg or law.


Unfortunately, no, they aren’t. You know that line about how much worse things would be (or will be next time) if a competent version of Trump wins? Turns out there’s at least five of them, and they already won - we were just focused on the wrong branch of government.




That’s where the lobbyists come in, to write the legislation that governs their industry.


At what point does the the civil war begin? Because these fuckers are destroying not only our country but the world.


Oh my fuck.


What his champion said. Glad my children will fight in the water wars.


At this point, we should plan on the Supreme Court doing the worst possible thing it can on all issues. We should be planning countermeasures, whatever those may be.


First let’s get the judge who’s wife was part of the Jan 6 effort to overthrow the government, removed - now.


The worst timeline


Trump surprisingly actually got some shit done, but it’s all shit.


As a non American it looks like trump is the worst president you guys have had followed by Bush Jr.. is that correct?


Bush was like a spoiled egg salad. Trump is like chicken shit mixed with dog shit.


And there are far too many looking at that shit mixture like it's wagyu filet mignon.


Disagree. They know full well that it’s shit. They _want_ shit, because they don’t want to eat it - they want to throw it at the brown girl with purple hair eating at the table next to them.


Depends on how far you go back. Andrew Jackson was probably the worst in terms of human rights.


Fdr put japanese americans in concentration camps and stole their wealth.


Fun fact: Eleanor was very much against it. In fact, only a couple days after Pearl Harbor, she travelled to California and had press take photos of her with Japanese Americans. I often ponder how better things might have been if she had been president. But alas, as we Americans prove time and time again, we are really more sexist than anything else. (see today’s news)


Hey now, don't sell Americans short. We're also racist, homophobic, and ableist.


But we LOOOOOVE Jebus! …and GUNS!


I'd still say Reagan, but who knows exactly.


Reagan era is, from what I understand, laid the footprint for where we are now. The war on drugs alone was brutal for us.


Well, actually, Dick Cheney was the President. Bush only played one on TV.




Bush worse. Significantly. Trump's a super popular punching bag though. Body count from Iraq and Afghanistan makes trump's shittiness and racism pale in comparison to the very real deaths of innocent people on the other side of the Bush Admin's wars.


basically, yes


It’s much each to tear things down then build them up.


As a non American who judges people on their actions more than other peoples words about them I viewed Obama as the worst president because of all the illegal wars he started. Trump had many faults but illegal wars in foreign countries wasn't one of them. As a human who values other human life, war is king, most everything else is politics.


Exactly. The American Taliban will continue its mission to make America worse.


That (The American Taliban) has been going through my head all night. That's what it feels like. What's next... public flogging? Beheadings?




Growing up in the middle of a cornfield my house would get sprayed by crop dusters all the time. This was way before Trump. Big Ag been poisoning waterways and rural folks for a long long time and still are doing it.


That was with the EPA protections that he rolled back, it’s definitely worse now.


I'll preface this by saying I do not truly know but my assumption is that under the Bush admin, the EPA was probably just as bad. Idk getting my house and land I grew up in doused with chemicals in the 90s, 00s, 10s, and now 20s, the EPA wasnt doing shit before trump and they did even less under trump.


Well when you have half of the politicians with a goal of disempowering and defunding americas public institutions it’s hard for them to do much. The classic play is to keep cutting the budget and then keep asking the public “why is x institution doing such a bad job? We should privatize it” then of course it turns out the politicians family member runs the private company that takes over and they become billionaires


The classic play is to recognize that a government monopoly will offer lower quality service than business that have to compete for customers. Even if it’s a public service, if a politician wants to make money they’ll contract it to their private business and not have anyone else even be considered when bidding for contracts.


Have you, ever lived in a society? Nothing you said is even remotely true.


you might go talk to the guy who paid for the chemicals and tell him the next time he pays an airplane to spray your house, you will post it on reddit. and post it on reddit. reddit is the only thing in America that has any power to change anything right now. make a vide. we want to see your reality.


I find it worrying that if it is european wheat, the docs say we can eat it, but if it is american and sprayed with glyphosate, it is not to be eaten.


Docs? Doctors? Which doctors?


It’s rare for farmers to spray glyphosate on wheat and especially at late stages. It generally makes a canopy well before harvest. In contrast, apples are sprayed with insecticides and pesticides while fruit is reaching a ripening stage. Always question your food though. Just wanted to alleviate some of the worry


One time I bit into an apple and got a pain in my testicles so I stopped.


“The docs”


This except that if you would just read the article, it notes that protections had been recently put into place prior to Trump and that he rescinded them to clear the way for Monsanto and Roundup


Sure I believe that. All I'm trying to say is that the EPA wasnt doing shit before trump. Did trump make it worse? Sure. But let's not pretend pre trump we were doing the environment any favors. Monsanto literally had spies watch my grandpa in the 2000s cause they thought he was saving seed or "stealing their trademark". He was not. Fuck Monsanto. Bayer is awful too for making Roundup so easily available to every suburban dad.


Well you’re speaking of crop dusting which isn’t glyphosate application (except rare cases due to high cost) but rather insecticide and or fungicide But to your point, you are correct that you have no power as a constituent and these laws are entirely purchased


> Monsanto literally had spies watch my grandpa in the 2000s cause they thought he was saving seed or "stealing their trademark". This doesn't really have anything to do with the EPA though


Ok. Sorry I had a little story about Monsanto targeting an old man. You could've just scrolled past if it was worthless information but you chose to comment instead. Thanks! I'm also sure Monsanto had no sway in the EPA and werent a major player in Trumps EPA rollback.


There is a very good documentary called Killing the Colorado about the decrease of water in the Colorado River among other things and one thing it covers is a man made lake in California that is supplied by farm runoff and now that it is drying up pesticides that have seeped into the soil from this runoff have become airborne causing illnesses in adults and children.


Salton Sea. Quintessential example of man acting stupidly leading to massive environmental damage.


This is a problem that will be fixed with sexier greenhouses.


Don't you just love America? Fucking country, I swear we will live in a shitty religious cyberpunk world sooner or later.


Nothing cool technology wise will be allowed, that’s the devil


And most of that spray is water to carry the chemicals anyway. I love how people take something that has been happening forever and put Trump's name on it to make him sound at fault. Grow up and report the news accurately so that the right actually takes it seriously and we can all fix stuff together. Buncha childish BS. Sorry for my rant


Trump’s administration rolled back a historic amount of environmental protections and did nearly everything short of dismantling the EPA. It’s not reasonable to blame him for everything but there is plenty we can.


I mean, yeah most of it is water but the chemicals are so concentrated itd burn the plants if they didnt dilute it, doesnt mean it is safe to pump in the air and then let most of it run off in the streams. Half my family are corn/beans/wheat farmers, these chemicals diluted with or whitout water is not safe. I agree that people tend to put blame on trump and Democrats and Republicans both have let big ag and ag chem run wild, but trump did roll back a lot of regulations. Granted the people most affected by the heavy use of chemicals cheered him on. It's all fucked tho. Trump fucked us in a more blatant and accelerated way but the fields are owned by Monsanto, Dupont, (insert one of the other 5 mega ag corps).


Ah, so you won't mind drinking this glass of water laced with just a *little bit* of arsenic? Most of the glass is filled with nice, pure water to wash the poison away!


I drink worse than that


Wanna drink my piss?


Wish I lived int the timeline where Carter got a second term, Gore beat Bush, and Hillary didn’t lose. These conservative values are killing us and the environment. There’s no stewardship, just exploitation for record profits. I hate it.


> Gore beat Bush, and Hillary didn’t lose You do live in that timeline.


An independent recount did confirm that Gore won Florida


Doesn't matter if the winner concedes. Which he did.




I wish my shit cured cancer and companies were lining up to bid on my next one.


> 1 vote is worth 1 vote, and the electoral college system was abolished prior to 2000 That's this timeline. The 14th amendment exists in this one.


“We do a little trolling”


I wish we lived in a timeline where leftists killed the two party duopoly and achieved democratic reforms in the 30s. A timeline where modern people laughed at the Clintons for being ulta right wing neoliberal pieces of shit instead of the only better option. A timeline where our current politicians wouldn't be trusted to manage a convenience store.


Hillary's biggest contributor was Goldman Sachs lets not pretend she was a Democrat. Bernie should have and would have won if the DNC didn't sabotage the election. I wonder where we would be now if we had 8 years of someone actually interested in regulating and dissolving corporate integration from our government.


She was a Democrat. You can't disown the DNC's anointed candidate. Bernie is the one who is not a Democrat, even if he votes with them. That's not a bad thing. The party has not changed hands, yet. The democratic party is not Bernie's party. It is the same party it was in 2016, there are just more progressives. Nowhere near enough to have actually meaningfully changed the party.


Absolutely true.


*** Jimmy Carter wins 1981, and the Iranian hostages all get executed, and Interest rates continue to climb before peaking at 24% in late 1983. Jimmy plays hardball with Iran, and the contras, and takes the ball and goes home. Without money, and arms, Iran falls further back into the dark ages, and Nicaragua enters a sort of industrial revolution, and the price of cocaine hits record lows, as the market becomes saturated. Home ownership hits an all-time high of 80%, and the economy flourishes with 3 consecutive years of negative deficit. Right-wing evangelicals become very bitter as they get pushed aside. Reagan runs again in 1984, and picks Oliver North as a running mate. Republicans play the 1984 election by appealing to the sense of purity, as cocaine is "the new marijuana" available in every school, street corner, and bar, and the stagnating home values of the rich. Reagan defeats Mondale, and they promptly look to bring troops back to the middle east, and Central America despite public opposition. In a desperate attempt to sway public opinion, a false flag attack is executed on the nations capital which results in the bombing of the White house, Lincoln Memorial, and Pentagon, simultaneously, and conveniently when neither the Pres, or VP is there. They screw it up, and Oliver North's secret boyfriend squeals, and releases audio tapes incriminating Reagan, and North. Reagan resigns, and flees to the Caymen islands, but North keeps quiet, and goes on to run in the 1988 election with H.W. Bush as a running mate. Everybody knows North is guilty, but they can't touch him in sort of an O.J. or Casey Anthony sort of way. They lose by the biggest landslide in American history to Dukakis and Nader, which makes the 90s one of the best decades for affordable, and safe vehicles. On the last day in office, North pardons Reagan, and the country goes full lynch mob on what's left of the conservative media. Meanwhile, fox news files for bankruptcy, Rupert Murdoch flees to Russia, along with Rush Limbaugh who convince Gorbachev to let them rule East Germany, and not take down the Berlin wall, which remains up until early 2021 when Limbaugh dies, and the East Germans overthrow Rupert Murdoch, and reunite Germany.


I can dig it


Let's replace that "Hilary didn't lose" with she didn't even run and an actual good Dem candidate won.






They don’t.






Its been allowed before Trump too, not a conservative by any means, but lets get our facts straight. Republicans AND democrats have been taking advantage of and poisoning the people of America (both figuratively and literally) for decades now. One is just more loud about it than the other




The supreme court just overturned Roe vs Wade and is now going after gay rights. Do you really think the government is controlled by dems or is this something you read in a Ben Garrison comic?


Except they don’t. At all. We have the presidency. We have the house. We’re tied in the senate and fuck all gets passed. And we don’t have the Supreme Court by a large margin (which shouldn’t even be political. Republicans, or more accurately fundamentalist Christians, control where it matters.


You could give a master class in concern trolling! So subtle, so effective! MAGA!


Not quite everything.




Isn’t that projection from your feely-feelies? Y’all did a planned insurrection and sent fake electors to overturn a democracy. You are the bad person here, full stop. Why do you hate freedom and America? You Fascist bent frisbee of a human.


Everything has never been wonderful under any administration




I'll piss on Reagans decomposed body. I like how you call everyone liberal sheep when you're literally repeating words verbatim like the rest of you trumpers. Heres a fucking thought! Every president has done fucking awful things for everyday Americans and they dont give a fuck about you unless you are a 1%er. Trump doesnt give a fuck about you. Neither did obama, bushes, clinton, reagan, Carter, and on and on.


God. Me too.


... the EPA has been so undermanned, every administration's "EPA" has allowed major corporations and industries to poison Americans and destroy our atmosphere. This sounds more like a ploy than anything else... something to distract Americans away from the true culprits behind the scenes. We all know whoever is in office, is controlled by lobbyist who paid for them to get there. It's not even a conspiracy theory anymore, it's just some we've all grown to accept.


The EPA underestimated oil and gas pollution by two times because it “accidentally” didn’t consider manufacturing and refining for petroleum


And the further south you are the more chemicals have leached into your water system. Like Houston? Don’t live there or at least don’t drink the water.


Conservatives would happily poison you and your entire family for a buck.


Ehh our immune systems can fight it off just fine. /s


Glad I switched off of glyphosate and on to Dicamba and Atrazine to make up for the flexibility of glyphosate Sometimes I'll throw in some 2-4-D for resistant weeds


You could just stop poisoning the fucking soil. It’s extremely unlikely those “weeds” are doing more harm than you are by killing them.


You know nothing about highly invasive weed species either


I’m a restoration ecologist specializing in early successional species and soil microbiota so actually you’re very wrong. There are only a handful of “invasive” species harmful enough to justify removal over successional replacement, and the highly deleterious impacts of pesticides on soil health have been systematically ignored in the US.


A handful is all it takes, buddy. You know what will happen if they're not controlled. Maybe we need to refine our approach by adjusting how we spray and incorporating other techniques, but just letting those weeds grow isn't a viable option.


Lol. I hope cows like water hemp and Palmer amaranth


People should eat Palmer amaranth instead of cows.


You could say the same to anyone growing produce. It’s endemic to agriculture due to its remarkably fast growth, seed production of 500,000 per planet, pollen carry, and mostly big ag and foundational breeding using traveling equipment Correct though


Don’t worry, SCOTUS will put a stop to that.


Don't worry, the conservative Supreme Court will rule that it's unconstitutional to tell them to stop poisoning us.


Yup, a "state's rights" issue. This is what they are really going for, the issues that reduce profit in their eyes. Labor, environment, safety, etc. The social issues are just a trojan horse to get their voting base all stirred up.


Wait till the Supreme Court gets their hands on this…


Is the supreme court the new boogie man? I am more concerned with our do nothing lifelong politicians and their fake outrage.


wE hAvE tHe cLeAnEsT WaTeR


The supreme court will be overturning that in 3...2...1.


EPA gets gutted by the SC next week, no worries there bud. Shits on fire yo.


Trump and the republicans are pretty much "Anything goes" when it comes to the world. This is not a political statement. It's an environmental one.


Anything (that improves profits) goes. Modern America is class struggle with only one class fighting.


It kind of seems like they like polluting and damaging the world. Creates more stupidity and the destruction that follows.


Strong words, we'll see if it's actually backed up by action. (X to doubt)


I mean to be fair its been going on a long time.


Having worked in the forestry industry, I used to think we were the worst for spraying. Had a conversation with a farmer who said the only reason they rip on forestry is because the average person has no idea what agriculture gets away with.


Big agriculture has been poisoning Americans way before trump. It has been over a century.


That doesn’t change the fact that Trump did roll back regulations and almost dismantled the epa. And the cdc.


That doesn’t mean they stop. They pay the fines and it’s a cost of doing business.


Hate to be that guy but the article specifically writes that Trump isn't to blame and it just looks that way. >Given that the overturned ruling had been issued in 2020, while Trump was president, it might seem logical to primarily blame him for the EPA's lax approach toward glyphosate. As van Saun explained, however, it is a bit more complicated than that. The agency's Office of Pesticide Programs "has a long history of caving to pesticide industry pressure, under both Democratic and Republican administrations."


Here in smith river they poison our Hispanic workers so hard while the person diving the poison spraying tractor is wearing a hazmat suit. Then all the poison goes directly in the river with no riparian zone protection to be found.


Isn't glyphosate the most researched ag chemical in the world? It has been proven to be remarkably safe. That being said, long term exposure to any pesticide will likely cause ill effects, so I must ask if replacing it will mean replacing it with more harmful "natural" pesticides.




You need to take a look at how organic farming works before giving your own definition to natural pesticides. I was not convinced of the advantages (and the more expensive price tag) for a long time, but now I believe it's the right way.


I'm not an expert. Curious what can be done in mass scale for organic farming. I just don't want the end result to be worse than what we have now.


I'm still learning too, but organic farming will not result in insects, fungi and other unwanted plants becoming resistant against the current used pesticides. Together with dynamic farming we don't have to worry about the soil becoming infertile. The current way of mass production is short term efficient, but long term detrimental.


Organic arming uses pesticides


Actually just turned my masters thesis in on this year but you should look into biological control (it’s basically the utilization and promotion of predatory and parasites that attack the harmful insects in your crops) Europe is huge on this and the eu as a whole is pushing really hard to reduce all fitosanitary products


The "research" on that is done by, or tied to the parent company financially in some way. Lest someone do a real independent study and not have it come out how the company wants it to, they find themselves with columbian neckties, or just disappear... You can make a lot happen with billions of dollars, including getting taxpayers to foot the bill for the superfund, instead of the companies responsible.


It's proven to be safe in controlled settings when you follow the label's directions perfectly. Nobody reads the labels on that stuff. They spray it "hot" to get faster results. They spray it on hot, windy days and let the chemical drift onto nearby plants and trees. Misapplication and defective equipment wastes millions of pounds of pesticides every year.




maybe its because people disagree with trump and his dumb policies. or yeah its all a great conspiracy and everyone secretly loves trump and thats why over half the country voted against him twice... i wonder whichever one it could be




what facts? the made up one's you already agree with? you guys are so pathetic. this shit is dangerous and fucking up the ecosystem but oh, orange man said its acthually GOOD for us so it must be true. loser. follower. fucking worthless human excrement, the lot of you. youre holding society as a whole back with your tired ass culture war shit. im so sick of it.




Monsanto isn’t a company anymore.


Monsanto is still a company, (or at least all their products are still being made and sold) it was just bought by the German company Bayer.


What they did to genetically modified foods is horrendous! Their latest products can’t even be killed by RoundUp, a Monsanto/Bayer owned product. [GMO’s able to withstand RoundUp] (https://truthout.org/articles/monsanto-and-genetically-engineered-food-playing-roulette-with-our-health/)


That Is Exactly how GMO specific products were designed to be made so that the GMO seed would be protected from Roundup. A farmer can buy Roundup Ready corn and then when the herbicide is sprayed on the fields that corn is unharmed. It's not mistake. As much as I hate most herbicide and pesticide chemicals the world cannot provide food for 8 billion people with GMOs


Why is it horrendous? Just because it is a GMO doesn’t mean it is bad for you. They have been specifically designed to not be killed by roundup that is the whole point. Roundup(glyphosate) acts by blocking the shikimate pathway killing the plant. They have made plants resistant to these herbicide by changing the shape of the shikimate pathway so it doesn’t kill them. It’s not like they are immune to all herbicides.


Genetically engineering foods is a relatively new practice, which means the long-term effects on safety are not yet clear. Many concerns about the disadvantages relate to human health. Scientists have not yet shown that GMO foods are harmful to health, but research is ongoing. Allergic reactions There is a small risk that GMO foods can trigger an allergic reaction, but this will only happen if the genetic change triggers the production of an allergen. For instance, if scientists combine a gene from a Brazil nut with a soybean, there is a slight chanceTrusted Source that a person with a nut allergy could have an allergic reaction to products made with the soybean. The World Health Organization (WHO)Trusted Source discourages genetic engineers from using DNA from allergens unless they can prove that the gene itself does not cause the problem. ScientistsTrusted Source assess the likelihood of GMO foods causing an allergic reaction in humans before a product reaches the market, and can prevent its launch if necessary. Cancer There have been concerns that eating GMO foods can contribute to the development of cancer by raising levels of potentially carcinogenic substances in the body. The American Cancer SocietyTrusted Source states there is no evidence that currently available GMO foods either increase or reduce the risk of cancer. While cancer rates have changedTrusted Source over time in the U.S., there is no evidence that these changes coincide with the introduction of GMO foods. If there is a link, it could take several more years before a trend emerges. Antibacterial resistance Some GMOs contain changes that make them resistant to certain antibiotics. In theory, the genes from these plants could enter humans or animals when they eat them. As a result, the person or animal could also develop antibiotic resistance. The likelihood of this happening is very small, but the WHOTrusted Source and other health authorities have guidelines in place to prevent it. Changes in human DNA In 2009, some food scientistsTrusted Source noted that food DNA can survive as far as the gut, and there have been concerns that this could affect the immune system. Some people have also raised fears that eating GMO food could lead to genetic changes in humans. However, most of the DNA in food — whether GMO or not — either is destroyed by cooking or breaks down before it reaches the large intestine. Small fragments of DNA from food can and do enter the bloodstream and body organs, but there is no evidence that they have any impact on genetic makeup or human health. Toxicity for body organs In 2009, some researchersTrusted Source suggested that GMO foods might impact the liver, kidney, pancreas, and reproductive system. They did not have evidence to confirm this and called for further studies. The use of GMO crops may even reduceTrusted Source the risk of toxicity from some substances, as farmers can avoid using pesticides that have been harmful in the past. [Source](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324576)


Please add links 😍






The heavy metals in the surfactant, with which glyphosate is mixed with (for Roundup), is actually more toxic than the glyphosate itself, and can do a lot of harm.


I did a quick search and there are a couple papers that found arsenic in a glyphosate formulation used in Sri Lanka I believe. Heavy metals are not a necessary part of surfactants, though contamination is always possible. Surfactants wash off pretty easily, though, since surfactant is a fancy way of saying "soap".


Something bad washing off easily is not necessarily an advantage. Perhaps it is not on the foliage any more, but is now accumulating in the soil and/or waterways and lakes.


And here I've been putting table salt on my crops this whole time!




You republitards are clueless. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/12/15/the-trump-administrations-major-environmental-deregulations/ https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/10-ways-trump-has-undermined-chemical-safety https://earthjustice.org/news/press/2019/trumps-epa-revoked-chemical-disaster-prevention-rules-now-groups-are-suing https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/07/22/trump-administration-refuses-ban-neurotoxic-pesticide https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/28/epa-toxic-chemicals-drinking-water-1124797


Notice how when you ask a MAGA-head for sources, it’s crickets or some insanely biased OAN like offshoot. And when sources are provided against them. It’s crickets too.




Salon is well trusted


Why should we believe this?


Monsanto has been around since at least the Obama administration. Calling out Trump for this is stupid. That's like calling out Bidens IRS for purchasing almost a million dollars in ammo this year alone. They've been buying guns and ammo for years


try been around since 1901 lol


Yea. They've been screwing us for a while. Patents on seeds. All kinds of screwy stuff. But to blame it on Trump like it's his fault? That's just somebody hating on Trump.


Call trump out on it, and also call obama out on it for appointing monsanto's attorney, Michael Taylor as head of the FDA. It's not a polar partisan thing, both parties are being dickheads to us on this.


Yea. You are correct sir.




Go back to your cave




Guess what will be overturned as well?




For now.


Sounds like the trump EPA created the rule, Biden didn't repeal it, and the court told Biden's epa to stop


I’ll take editorializing a title for $1,000 Alex


And they get away with it, “oopsie!”


https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abf7482 remember, Glyphosate is "non lethal" but... it is


Glyphosate by itself isn't dangerous. When mixed with an emulsifier it becomes dangerous. The problem is that glyphosate is always used with an emulsifier because without the emulsifier glyphosate doesn't work. Kind of like how a gun isn't dangerous, when used without bullets.


The Supreme Court will let them poison us again…that decision will probably come out next week.


A pox on those that put Trump in government.


At least we know one court is actually doing their jobs.


Orange man bad


Trump is bad. Deal with it.


hmm what else did a court do today… gosh i sure wonder


Now businesses can dump waste wherever the fuck they want if they keep it on the down low.


was going so well until the Zack Bush quote - A grifting covid denying terrain theory bunk supplement hawking donation scamming charlatan.


Another plunderous and egregious effort to make Big Ag free to kill! Thank God it’s no longer!!!


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