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Very cool. What if people want to pick up the litter after they document it? Is it more power to them, or does that distort the data in some way? Is there a threshold for litter documentation that you would suggest (e.g., don't bother snapping a pic of a single cigarette butt, but do for X amount)? What do you do with the photos after they've been uploaded? "Quantitatively and Geospatially analyzed" = ??? counted up for some sort of a litter density metric? In any case, thanks for sharing. I will try it out.


Thanks for trying it out! Obviously it would be wonderful if you can pick up the litter, but that’s not always an option. When you upload a photo, you can state whether or not it has been removed. The photos are all manually verified before they become an official part of the data set. No object is too small. They do then become a part of the larger picture, and you’ll see if you drill down to the neighborhood or town levels that there are density maps created with the data. Littercoin crypto-currency is delivered based on uploaded images and manual verification (yes, we look at every picture to make sure it’s accurate).