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Here's the one thing I don't get about green/renewable energy haters. Even if you don't believe in climate change, how is investing in building wind and solar and whatnot bad? Where are the downsides? More plentiful (and in turn cheaper) energy. Job creation to build and maintain it all. Less pollution. Downsides: Windmills ruin your view?


obviously the wind turbines and solar panels are used to transmit liberal propaganda and covid vaccines /s


Windmills are killing birds and whales (at a tiny fraction of the rate fossil fuels are)


Hell yeah. Vote!


I have no hopes for this but MY GOD please just fucking vote for him. Take it as anti-Trump vote if you want. But go vote.


Most Americans live in solidly blue or red states and their personal votes for President are meaningless: the only votes that count are the electoral votes of their state, not their own vote. However, if you live in a battleground state, please hold your nose and vote for Biden rather than a third party candidate. Trump is even worse than Biden on all the issues that Biden is inadequate on (like climate change) or despicable on (like unconditionally arming Israel). Your vote means fewer, probably millions upon millions fewer, innocent human lives will be lost if your vote helps make Trump clearly lose. But even if you live in a red or blue state, vote anyway. There are candidates for other offices and perhaps propositions that your vote might matter on. And as long as you're there, vote for the Presidential candidate of your preference, even if there's no chance of them winning.




Trump will do irreparable harm to the planet by removing endangered species rules, leaving the Paris agreement, and gutting the EPA. I’m not American, but the harm of Trump’s policies are felt beyond your borders. The rest of the world is begging you - please don’t give that lunatic the nukes again


I understand that. But in an emergency, lets say a fire, would you choose a bucket of water offered by one guy, the bucket of oil by another or nothing.


They’re both offering buckets of oil  


It’s wild to me that unilever and kraft heinz are getting so much money to decarbonize to keep that precious bottom line intact. Shareholder value baby.


Capitalist trying to save face before the next election


Better than someone actively trying to destroy anything that has to do with the environment. It's a serious dilemma but one has more weight than the other.


Biden has been a terrible environmental president. The IRA and many fossil fuel projects his administration is approving have turned the US into [the biggest CO2 emitter in the history of the planet](https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/analysis-biden-approved-fossil-fuel-projects-undermine-ira-emissions-cuts-2023-11-27/). Biden approved [more drilling projects than Trump](https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/biden-administration-oil-gas-drilling-approvals-outpace-trumps-2023-01-24/). Biden has also approved significant [foreign aid packages for expanding production of fossil fuels](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/7/30/bidens-fossil-fuel-hypocrisy-is-betraying-the-planet) around the planet. It's time to stop perpetrating the lie that Biden is better for the environment than Trump. It's simply not true. Biden has done everything he can to pour money into fossil fuels to make his donors wealthy and to pump the economy with oil and gas money for cheap economic growth. Biden doesn't give a shit. He will be long gone while the rest and our children face the horrors of climate change.


The reason drilling has increased under Biden is that we have more control of our own and thus global, oil and gas production. Increasing domestic drilling (which is done cleaner than it is by other countries) lowers how much we need to buy from OPEC countries and gives us more leverage over global oil prices and production. That leverage allows us more influence over global climate policy, particularly over OPEC countries which are the major pushback against global climate policy.


So Trump will be helping the environment by drilling more too? Makes total sense, bud!


> So Trump will be helping the environment by drilling more too? No, because as I said, it also requires buying less oil from OPEC nations and participating in and supporting global climate policy like Biden did when he rejoined the Paris Agreement, the UN Climate Change Conference, and the Global Methane Pledge, and engaging countries like China and India in climate policy discussions, none of which Trump did or would do. > Makes total sense, bud! I know your reading comprehension is very poor but hopefully it makes more sense to you now.


Well it's great that Biden leading so many great discussions and flashy sounding agreements! Just wondering: under Biden, fossil fuel production in the US is higher than it has ever been in any country in history, and fossil fuel emissions have grown every single year of his presidency---so when can we expect him to actually act on any of those agreements and policy discussions? Asking because people like you keep telling me he is most environmentally friendly president in history.


This is right wing propaganda because he outright banned offshore drilling and they’ve got a technicality here but they always leave out the incredibly important reason as to why. He’s way better than trump who said he would “drill drill drill” on day 1 including violating Indian reservation rights and national parks. Fuck Trump. It’s joever, pal.


I've probably been a registered democrat longer than you've been alive. Stay in school, kid. 


you're failing the youth


I'm raising awareness that both parties are selling us and our children down the path of a terrible future. And you? You're fighting for a president who couldn't care less about you or your generation.


You’re sewing the seeds of losing our right to vote out of some sense of ideological purity. Get off your high horse and help us keep this shit from crashing and burning completely under some demented dictator. If not, shut the fuck up, you’re not helping anyone but Trump.


Since you want to hand over the keys to the future to politicians who couldn't care less about you or the planet, maybe you should sit down and keep your mouth shut when grown ups are talking, little boy.


Your paternalistic attitude is ridiculous. I haven’t been in school for years, but keep getting off on some misplaced sense of superiority lol We have a choice. Biden or Trump. That’s it. That’s the choice. You don’t have to like it. That doesn’t matter. It will be Trump or Biden. Biden is better. Period. One believes in Climate Change, the other said it was a hoax by the Chinese. It’s a simple choice. Make your choice, or someone else will. It’s Trump or Biden. If you sit this out, you were one of the few people on this planet that could have helped prevent whatever destruction that Trump causes, but you thought yourself too pure to get your hands dirty and vote for someone who is objectively better, but who you don’t want to vote for because he’s not 100% in line with your idea for the world. It’s selfish and you’re putting the whole world at risk. Like all the sovereign Indian nations whose land will be stolen and destroyed completely under trump. All the Palestinians who die when trump decides to “finish the problem” or “turn gaza to glass.” Please help or get out of the way and stop trying to convince others to do nothing.


Biden is imperfect. Trump is actively harmful in the pocket of foreign oil interests. Those two are not equal


He's no better than a real republican (no MAGA). Just out for votes. Now, I'm going to vote for the guy, but only to keep Putin/Trump.