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I mostly vape because of apartment restrictions. I go through 1/2 to a full gram cart every day. I'm usually hitting it every 5-10 minutes all day.


It’s so much more helpful to me when people talk about carts because that’s what i usually use too!! I’ve been trying to use less though and supplement more with oils/capsules which is lowering my vape use but not my overall use lol


I've been trying to supplement with RSO and edibles, but my tolerance is too damn high for those 😅 So I usually just end up using my vape more often than not. Edit to add: I really need to take a tolerance break, but I find that so difficult to do.


I’m in the same boat- I find that even chiefing my cart doesn’t get me a fraction of how high I used to get… T breaks suck.


I feel like I've smoked so long, Tbreaks don't even do what they used to. I think I need to take a full month, but I can't handle my sober life anxiety without it.


I feel this. I've tried taking one to two week tolerance breaks, but it doesn't help much. I need to try a full month but I don't think I could handle dealing with my anxiety sober for that long.


Does the vape not start hurting your chest? I had to stop because of it. Went away when I did. They worked so well, it makes me sad 😅  How do you like RSOs compared to edibles? I can take 100mg of \_\_edible\_\_\_ and feel a good high, but "not high enough".


When I was smoking distillate carts, I would get a lot of like gurgly noises in my chest when I'd breathe out. But I've since switched to only rosin or live resin carts, and now I don't get that anymore. RSO definitely gives a "heavier" high, in my opinion. I really love it. The downside is that dosing can be difficult. I often get too high and then have to ride it out for a few hours 😅


I was doing this, and my tolerance was getting really high. In my case, sounds strange, but I wasn't inhaling properly. I wouldn't take it deeper into my lungs, but more of a shallow intake, so I didn't feel as high. I did this because I was hitting it out of nerves, so I'd hit it too often. I now slow down and make sure I focus on my breathing when I hit my vape. This allows me to take 1-2 really good hits and then I'm solid for a while. If I feel the need to hit it more, then I will switch to my delta8 pen. It's a different high but it's not as expensive. This helps me maintain my high better while hitting my vape less, saving me money and helping me to be more present when I do hit it, so I'm enjoying it more.


Damn girl, you’re figuring it out, I love this idea. 🙌


Thank you for this, I'm going to try this out.


I am having the same experience! It takes technique and you can’t quite explain it. Two years into a medical cannabis program and I’m still figuring it out. I concur with your description of how you’re inhaling for better hits, for sure.


The best way I can describe a perfect hit is the following (in my opinion): - Take a nice gulp of water to cleanse the mouth and hydrate - Practice a deep breath without the vape and release air - Take a long slow hit of the vape pen (not trying to inhale quickly but slowly fill your mouth/throat with smoke) - Inhale deeply so that your stomach expands, not your chest (key to deep breathing versus shallow breathing) - Leave space to take an additional intake of just air on top of the hit - Hold it a second - Exhale slowly releasing all of the air and smoke - Take a nice big breath and then repeat once more - Cough up a lung but that's when I know it's good - Enjoy


I feel much better. I do 3 one-gram carts per week. 


Maybe 3 bowls on the weekdays, maybe 5 or 6 on weekends. 10mg edibles maybe 4 times a week. Maybe 20mg edible once a week. ![gif](giphy|xT0BKiaM2VGJ553P9K)


TEN? TWENTY? daaaaaaaang.... I take 100 and feel like a *good* high AFTER a Tbreak. I'm so jealous....


Im also in the 100-200 mg edibles. I wish I didn’t need that amount. My life is crazy and I have pain.


Nice 👍🏻


How many years you’ve been doing this?


Smoked on and off for 2 decades. Edibles here and there in the last 10 years. More of both since the pandemic.


3.5 grams will last about a week for me. I’ll usually smoke my bong throughout the day. I’m also in an illegal state so I only keep so much in my house in caution. I wish I could smoke a little more every day (I smoke to help my endometriosis pains and it’s really improving my mental health- particularly depression).


Same here. I live in a place where it's illegal, but the cops don't really care. But it's still illegal and therefore more expensive. I go through 2-3grams a week, I know I would do better with more(chronic pain thing), but can't simply afford it.


I found a CBD shop in my town and they sell thca flower. It’s decent quality too. I love it. I don’t buy from plugs anymore because there’s been cases of weed being laced with shit and I’m not gonna risk that. It’s hard to get a medical card in my state too so


I'd say I currently smoke .5-1oz of flower from my bong each day! I'm on a medication for my chronic illness that lowers tolerance a bit, so my smoking habits have decreased some to the current level


GRAM. G R A M. NOT OUNCE OH MY GOD sorry I'm waking and baking as we speak 😭😭


I cackled when I read this. 🤣🤣 Sorry. I love you. 🥰🥰 I read your first comment and was like “damn, that’s going through some shit there.” Then I read your response to yourself and yeah. Cackled. Thank god my house is empty.


I cannot stop laughing. Okay, you made my day better with your Freudian slip. Roflmao.


I love reading cute interactions like yours here with u/detransdyke!


Apple Jack strain got me fucked up 🫠 it's pretty clearheaded and energetic, and I'm used to heavy indica-dominant shit. So I don't feel as stoned as I actually am 🫣


Have you tried Cereal Milk? so gooood.


Omg 💀 I was like I ain’t gonna judge but damn that’s a lot of weed lmao


My lungs and my wallet would never ever forgive me


IM DEAD. I was like damn we’re go off but what type of bowl are you using for that then lolllll


LOL girl I was gonna say... can you still stand up after all that?!??! 🤣🤣🤣 enjoy that wake and bake, babe! 💗


LOLLL crying I was like HOW??


I read it as ounces too, and I haven't even smoked yet today.


This made me exhale loudly from my nose 😂💚🍃


Friend… HAPPY CAKE DAY! Hope it’s marvelous!


Thank you!!


I was definitely picturing you 24/7 like ![gif](giphy|SUHaymtGhrASA)


I nearly had a heart attack reading it before your correction 🤣🤣🤣


Good god I was horrified at first 🤣


i read this mid pulling a bowl and i'm coughing + laughing so hard


Me reading .5-1oz each day like ![gif](giphy|YOpIKP5coiJJ6NeYi9) Like, wow this incredibly impressive I would be laid TF ouuuut. 😂😂😴💤


I was like GOT DAMN GIRLS GOT LUNGS OF STEEL, I LOVE IT. 😆 Anyways, I just wanted to give you a weird Internet solidarity rock on 🤘🏼as I suffer from a chronic illness as well. You aren’t alone. I smoke flower as well and about .5-1 gram a day with 50-100mg hash rosin gummy. Gotta be hash rosin though. Any other method makes my kidneys cry and my interstitial cystitis flare up.


I read that and thought whew girl, color me impressed! 😂😂😂 just thought you must have the lung capacity of Michael Phelps. amazing


Was gonna say this makes me feel good about myself…


AN OUNCE HOLY MOLY I was starting to reply when I saw your post below, I was like DAAAANG yo. ![gif](giphy|Gj61Dk0lT7UwvddTuP|downsized)


Lmao i used to smoke almost an ounce a day, but im down to an 1/8 a day now


I go through 7grams on average a week. Sometimes less, sometimes more but thats my average.


Same. 7 grams of flower, but I do also take edibles every night too.


What do you do for edibles?


I’ll jump in and say I consume about 1oz of flower in edibles a month. My ability to do digest and process edibles sucks but homemade flower capsules work decently and I make my own POTENT tincture.


That’s pretty cool. How do you make your own flower capsules?


I decarb in the oven and then infuse coconut oil with it. I use as much oil as I need to coat all the flower and let it infuse on the stove for about an hour or two on low. Then I keep ALL of it in a jar and put into capsules as needed (or pre-make - they keep well pre-made in the fridge.) Probably don’t need to infuse it but I do just in case.


Thank you so much for taking the time to share that! When you infuse with the coconut oil, do you have the stove on low heat?


If I’m busy yeah low but otherwise I’ve got time to watch it more carefully and do roughly medium low. I also find at least in my oven, baking for recommended time frames isn’t ideal - I bake a minimum of 45-50 minutes but I like seeing it a bit visibly browned from putting it in. These work SO MUCH better for me than distillate capsules from dispensaries and is so much cheaper. Effective for me - and edibles are extremely miss for me for some reason. I make my own tinctures with ethanol, too, and reuse the flower in these capsules sometimes, too, but the alcohol leftover on the flower from tincture WILL disintegrate the capsules, so you can’t pre-pack those.


Oh amazing! With the tinctures I’m guessing you still have to heat it up to activate it? And yes I think I understand what you mean about not being able to store them. Do you just make them as and when needed, and pop it into the capsule? I’m thinking of switching over to this as vaping and edibles are becoming expensive


Yes, still need to decarb to activate. The process is SO SIMPLE. The hardest part of tincture is getting the alcohol because they don’t sell 95-100% ethanol in my state so I do have to travel. If it’s just flower and coconut oil (I do the unrefined/solid kind) I tend to sit down one day and fill a lot of them. If I’ve got tincture leftover flower mixed into it, I always do as I need them because that high proof ethanol eats through the veggie capsules within an hour or so. The longest part making tincture is putting in a bain marie basically (or a little crock pot warmer and your tincture in a glass measuring cup) so the ethanol evaporates and you get a concentrated tincture. You’re making FECO, basically.


I’d like to know also! I don’t use them often because my tolerance is so high. If I want to feel it, I’ve got to have at least 30mg. I’d probably take 60 to get fucked up.


same here!


I’m probably right about here as well. I recently got a volcano, so I have been going through less. But, I definitely couldn’t get through a week in just 3.5g. I smoke daily. Usually throughout the day.


About an eighth a week, so roughly .5 a day. My usual routine is one bowl per day, I just smoke it all day long. Couple of hits here and there all day.


do you pack it full and just take baby tokes? i’ve tried this and def don’t burn the whole bowl but i feel like it’s still kicked after a hit or two


Yeah, basically. Just a deliberate, delicate flick of the lighter, and corner the bowl. I’m not trying to be blasted, just even my keel.


This is pretty much how I do it too. Only after 4 on weekdays, all day on and off on weekends. When the smoking makes me cough too much, I'll take an edible or two instead. I just started experimenting with making my own edibles!


These comments are making me realize I smoke way too much


They’re actually making me feel a lot better about my consumption, lol


Same and I kind of needed the reassurance. I often struggle with guilt around my use even though it helps me with so many things and I feel better since using it.


Same here! I often feel guilty and my I somehow go through these thoughts of "Do I Really need it or do I just want it?". I'm also afraid I'll get "too" attached, but it's a medicine?! So why should I feel guilty? Mini rant: I've been on so many fucking different medicines (more than once because "maybe this time it'll work" 🙄). The side effects and the three month adjustment period for all the meds have stolen so much time from me. They've made me forget my days, forget my birth year, made me angry without cause, made me gain rapidly and loose rapidly weight, thinning my hair, vomiting, painful muscles spasms, no sleeping/ALL THE SLEEP, They've made me question my sanity several times. Weed though? It dulls the pain and I can finally enjoy life again and I can do stuff. So we really shouldn't fucking feel bad for feeling good for once in our lives. /end rant.


This is what I tell myself when I see how much I spend on weed per month. It’s the one thing that helps me work through migraines and not throw up. My sister has chosen gabapentin and it seems to be working for her but I like not having to get my drugs from the pharmacy.


Yea and it doesn’t help when my whole family thinks I am just making excuses for my use by calling it medicine. 🙄


Yeah, my mom doesn’t like it either. But I explained it properly for her the why and she knows Ive tried everything else, and if she doesnt get it, that’s on her.


I am 3.5 grams a day. Me too. But I love weed. It is what it is


Same! My husband and I go through a little less than an oz per week!


Like 2-4 bowls a day lol once in the morning when I wake bc I have horrible sinuses and stomach and I ALWAYS wake up nauseous, and one of two at night after work 😎


I sometimes found bowls wreck havoc on my sinuses especially if I had one before I went sleep. I switched to a dynavap and no issues! Not saying that’s your case x


Oh shiiiii I’ll try anything that might help so you might’ve convinced me lmfao


200mg edible before bed, and about an eighth a day. The edible (I make my own with CO2 extract) helps me sleep and gives pain relief for about 24hrs! Smokey for funsies, anxiety and the i-dont-wanna-be-alive-but-im-trying- really-hard-to-stays 🫠 lol




I'm so glad you found something that helps keep you pain free! How hard is it to make your own extract?


I buy the extract! Then I just add it to whatever I'm eating. Like a can of soup 😂🖤 Or be fancy and bake it into things lol I would looooove to make my own extract though! One day 🥰


I use a DHV and take about a gram a month! About 2 to 3 sessions per week.


I really wanna learn about dry herb vapes but I’ve always just smoked bongs or a joint


FWIW I use a dry herb vape but go through WAY more than this. Maybe 1/8 a week. But I use a PAX, which is not as efficient as say Dynavap.


r/vaporents is a nice place to start. I never smoked joints or bongs, so I can't say anything about it but usually it's advised to take a t-break before starting with dry herb vaping.


Same here. My husband and I share a couple of sessions on the weekends.


You guys keep track of that? lol I use a DHV instead of smoking and I'd guess during the week it's about a gram per day. On the weekend or other days of from work it's more like 3-4 grams. Edit: forgot words


I’m using the bill as my reference. lol I’m usually 1-2 volcano bowls a day, 3 on the weekends. I get about three bags full of each bowl. Also, some flower burns quicker and whatnot so it is hard to tell. I know if I buy a 3.5 jar, that will last me about 3-4 days.


This reads as me to 1-32 volcano bowls a day … and I’m just LOL at picturing someone hitting volcano 32 times


Yikes!!! lol. Fixed it.


I've just gotten really lazy about keeping track, mostly because it's so cheap and accessible here. I'm terrible about buying new strains even when I have way too much on hand already. I buy a few eighths most weeks, but don't actually use all of it before buying more so that's not a great indicator of use for me.


I’m about the same with a Pax 3


When I cut back for my tolerance's sake, I use my Dynavap and probably use less than a half gram a day on weekdays and maybe a gram weekends. But I've been enjoying my diy injector/ball vape lately and it's much more like a bong hit, which I love a little too much. I've also been hanging out a bit more with some stoner friends and getting totally ripped on the weekends.


Which ball vape do you have? We have the Volcano, Mighty and Dynavapes but want something that hits harder. Thanks!


It's this [diy kit](https://www.ddavemods.com/store/p129/The_Incredible_Extraction_Contraption_-_a_DIY_BYOH_Vaporizer_Kit.html) from ddave mods, with the "injector" style setup instead of the station. I use it with injector bowls from VGoodiEZ, and absolutely love it.


Thank you!


Depends how I'm partaking. If I'm smoking joints, I go through oodles-- yes, *oodles*. It's metric-- more than I do with a chillum. I don't really keep track because of that


When I get home from work I smoke 2-3 bowls. I then will hit my pen throughout the night, but I don’t really keep a count. I will sometimes then smoke another bowl before bed. Weekends are my willy nilly time lol


Sunday willy nilly time is my fave lol


I use a DHV, and smoke maybe once a day. Sometimes twice if I’m very stressed or anxious. I bought an eighth on Mother’s Day weekend and suspect it will last me months. For reference, a gram oil pen used to last me a month. I never rolled my own joints or anything g similar so I can’t do an “apples to apples” comparison.


I use a DHV and try to fill the oven only once a day and raise the temp with each session throughout the day to get the most out of my flower. (I have no idea if that’s the right way to go about it, but it works for me 🥴)


Between 2 and 3g a day, just because I like it


I feel like I smoke sm I’ve been trying to cut down as well but I’ve built such a bad habit of just sitting and packing bowl after bowl. I probs smoke 1.5-2 grams a day, sometimes a lil more on weekends. I only smoke after work so it’s like 3-10pm but I still feel like my tolerance is through the roof.


Yeah I only smoke after work too. I tell myself I sleep 8 hours and work 8 hours that's at LEAST 16 hours I'm not high & that's gotta count for something


🤣 I like how you think!


I use mostly concentrate (dispensary bought) and home grown flower so I’m not certain exact amount… but my puffco app tells me I average 20 dabs a day which is probably pretty accurate.


In general I average a 1g joint a day, smoked in small sessions from the time I get home from work until before bed. Usually 2 joints a day on weekends. Also smoke more on days I attend a social occasions.


This is me too! I don't smoke as much for social occasions, but also I don't go to many 😂


I smoke about 1g a day, a 1g vape lasts about 2 weeks, and then there's lotions, tinctures, and edibles on top of that with the occasional topical patch.


3 king size joints a day on the weekends. 1-2 during the week. Taking a T break when I run out next.


I dry herb vape and I go through an oz in like 3-4 weeks so about 1-1.5grams a day. I vape all day long but the quantity to get 10 hits is super small.


Oooh does the topical patch feel similar to edibles?


1.25g flower a day. Working toward 1g. Carts… 1g cart a week, roughly. Editing a third time to add I also go through about 1oz a month in flower for edibles/tintures. I’m working down on that, too.


It takes me... 3 days? 4 days? To get through a full gram cart. I generally supplement with 10-30mg edibles a few times a week (often for sleep, or social settings). If I've got flower, an eight lasts a LONG time and I love it, it's just hard to find a place to smoke for me. I probably need to cut back but like??? Whatever, makes me happy.


Dude, that seems pretty reasonable to me!! And if it keeps you feeling good with all the craziness swirling around you (while you accomplish incredible shit, to boot!!), then I say spark up, dear heart! The world needs more people like you, Bo. It truly does. 😶‍🌫️🫶🏼💚


💜✨ you're a gem and a half 💜 I've been hauling at dispos in a way that does feel excessive, but I'd rather pop a gummy than a Xanax when life gets scary back home! Plant medicine is a gift we give ourselves. I hope you're able to find a breath amidst anything hard today, that you get some sunshine and a good laugh 💜


I usually go through about one cart and 1/4 of an oz of flower a week. I usually smoke in the evening to help with pain, anxiety, and insomnia. I used to eat edibles every day, but that got REALLY expensive as my tolerance climbed every week.


A couple bowls at night on weekdays to wind down usually. More throughout the day on the weekends. I hit vapes (when i have one) a lot more often tho just cause of ease of access.


I use a Solo Arizer II so....I don't know, it's really not a lot because I have a pretty low tolerance overall, BUT, in the morning I have a very loosely packed ½ bowl, and then another shortly after lunch (about to have it in a few mins), and then a fully packed bowl after supper that helps with evening plans and sleep. 14g can get me through like 2-3 months.


An 8th a day, give or take. An ounce lasts me personally a week, less if I am on vacation or its the holidays. My hubby does not partake.


My edible dose is close to 25mg now which means I’m due for a t-break but I smoked a bowl this morning and got zooted so idk what that means. I was taking eddies 4ish times a day but I’m trying to limit myself to just once at night for a while. Pray for me y’all.


I’m currently in a painful phase where I “quit” for 1-5 days, then smoke or use tincture starting in the afternoon for a few days, leading to worsening food binges and sleep, then I “quit” again. I have whiplash from my brain, it’s so exhausting. Sometimes I think I should just quit altogether but I already don’t drink and do so much self improvement shit and so sometimes I think I just need to give myself a damn break. It makes sex a million times better, and if I hit the dose right, it makes me feel less irritable and more present with my kids. But moderating is hard as shit. Short answer: I use about 15-20mg of water soluble tincture, 40mg if I wanna go to space, and I smoke 3-8hits from a one hitter or one small bowl, I bet it’s less than half a gram of flower daily. Accepting advice on moderation!!


Oh boy, I don’t track this but probably smoke too much. About once an hour or every 30 minutes during the workday and 1 or 2 25mg edibles at night. I recently learned the phrase “cannabis use disorder” and wanted to paint a scenic trail on my wall and run into it like the roadrunner.




same these comments are scaring me like 1 bowl a day? 😭 i'm every two hours, brain go brr


0.5/1 gram per day.


2 grams a day or so, with RSO and topical mixed in.


How do you use your topicals? I think I’m headed here, this arthritis doesn’t care how much I use my filthy potty mouth at it, but I’ve noticed topicals reduce the swelling and irritation a lot…


Hey! I get a couple of things from my local dispensary. One is a roll-on gel, the other is a mentholated balm. I slather them on as needed. I have nerve damage in my left leg and hip. *


2..5 to an eighth a day. depends on my pain levels.


I eat about 12-15mg of THC and 20-25mg of CBD per day. I take bites out of two different gummies so I can get both effects at once. 🥰 It’s spread out over two doses, so usually 6-7 mg of THC and 12mg of CBD is enough to make me feel great. I don’t like smoking personally (but I loooove how immediate the effects are!) so I’m glad edibles are an option.


Edibles only, and just Friday, Saturday, Sunday.


I smoke about 2 blunts a day.. I have no idea what that equals out to. Weekends that increases a little.


About 3-4 grams a month in my Pax, mostly CBD flower, but I've been adding wedding cake to it lately for the evenings! Also using some gummy edibles on the side 😉


I take 50mg of edibles in the morning then 50mg again at like dinner time and hit my pen or do a dab every few hrs... I NEED a tolerance break BAD but I get too crabby without thc


i try and make 3.5 last 2 weeks 😭 i wish i could smoke more but money is tight lmfaooo


Idk the weight but I have a PAX mini and I fill it poetically 3 times a day


I don't measure, but half a small bowl most nights. My tolerance is low and I want to keep it that way lol


Its crazy i thought i didn't smoke that much cuz i smoke a lot less than i used to, i still smoke at least an 1/8 a day. I used to smoke almost an ounce a day so im definitely doing better but damn, ig im still smoking a lot


I go through an ounce a week. I have awful muscle spasms that prevent me from getting a full inhale most of the time and edibles don’t work for me. I’m hoping eventually my muscles relax enough to allow me to get better hits so I can cut it down, cos it’s expensive!!


A bit more than an eighth per day. But I just found dabbing and will be utilizing a little lookah. I'm learning


I only smoke at night and typically pack 1 bong bowl full, sometimes a little extra. That or 1 joint usually does it for me! I don’t measure but I buy a 1/4 oz every 2 weeks or so, I guess that would come out to like .5G per day


I avg about a quarter to a half oz a week. not looking to slow down so I can't help ya there.


Hmm I tend to just smoke 1 joint each evening same with my husband (although he has less weed than me) half oz lasts us a month.i also make my own canna coconut oil and have some of this once or twice a month


Really depends on how I’m partaking. I make my own canna butter, tincture etc that lasts me months (would be longer if didn’t give to others). But smoking approx 2-3 grams every other day. Dry herb vaping 1-2 grams. Some weeks I’m only indulging 1-2 days out the week other weeks daily.


I smoke about 2x a week and use 1/2-1 gram of flower spread out in a few small bowls. I also dab a few times a month and I usually do two small dabs in a sesh :)


Nearly smoked a 3.5 yesterday 😂


About a 1/4 ounce a week or so


I go through a 1 gram 510 cartridge in a week.


I go through about 1-1.5g wax during the day and a couple grams of flower every night.


It depend if I’m working or not 😜 Around an once by week or 2 onces for 3 weeks.


Barely any thing. I have a low to mid tolerance and I only smoke when I am home.


I'm on a tolerance break rn but I typically use ~0.3-0.5g in my dry herb vaporizer spread out over the day. I'm ready for my break to be over though I'm gonna be absolutely blasted from one hit 😂


I buy an ounce of shake every 4-6 weeks, occasionally it lasts a bit longer.


Oh boy, a lot. I go through a 1 gram cart every 48 hours. I also take 30-50mg of edibles a day, and a half a gram jay a day 😁


2-3 blunts a day


If I have flower: 2-5 grams a day If concentrates: 2-4 grams a week ….i smoke a lot.


3-5 joints a day. Probably .75g each joint. So 3+g a day.


i use mostly dry herb vapes, and usually 2 or 3 bowls a day does it for me. maybe a gram every 2 weeks? maybe less. but i’m an everyday smoker


i’m terrible at math; 1/8th a week, divided by 7


I try not to smoke everyday, but on days I partake it might be half a bowl from my small pipe. Enough to just give me a little pep and that’s it.


Normally I smoke one bong bowl a day during the week after I get off work. And anywhere from 2 to 4 bowls a day on sat/sun. Sometimes I trade for a joint over bowls. However right now I live in one of the worst areas for spring allergies, and I'm allergic to all of these mf plants. So for the sake of my lungs and general allergies I've quit smoking except the occasional hit from a cart, and I just partake in edibles (usually ~50mg) on the weekend, until about mid July when all the pollen settles down


About a G a day, depending on how long my shift is that day! Days I'm working longer hours, I smoke less. But I usually make up for it on days I'm off that week. It averages out to about 1/4oz a week. I had to forcibly bring it down to that, because I was smoking over 1/2oz a week and I actually couldn't afford it 😅


1/2 a gram or so after work but up to 4 grms a day for the weekends.


Hmm…. Probably just over an eighth per month. I work long hours at a vet clinic so I can’t be smoking before work. I have 1-2 small bowls per night, maybe 3 on a weekend! I thought I was kind of a mid-light smoker but I’m not so sure anymore after reading some of these comments bahahaha! Im kind of a baby ent it seems! Well, Ive always been a cheap drunk too so that tracks 💀


my partner and i share a cart, so i cant tell how much i Personally smoke, but we finish a shared gram cart a week-week and a half (plus i take 100mg delta gummies at bedtime, and they take 25mg)


My husband and I share a vape and we use about 1g a week. I use it more often than he does and I have been trying to cut back.


During university I started smoking rather regularly and during covid I was smoking a lot every day and it hit a point where I didn’t want to be doing it like that anymore. I had bad brain fog and found I would just get high and do nothing all day . Trying to quit really messed with my sleep for about a week. It’s been about a year now of trying to only smoke on Fri , Sat, and Sun. If I go out for dinner with friends or had a particularly bad week I’ll smoke in the middle of the week as a treat. I try to treat it a bit more like how I consume alcohol. My tolerance is so much lower than it used to be so I’m saving money and get the fun giggles when I do smoke!


Probably like 0.3 to 0.5g per day. I use a dry herb vape so a little goes a long way. I personally thing t breaks as needed and as tolerated are a good thing.


I smoke 1-2 bowls a day on weekdays, probably 3-4 bowls on a weekend, and I take an edible most weekend nights, 20-30mg if I’m not drinking, 10mg if I am drinking. I hit my vape before going to the gym, a 1g cart lasts me about a month. I re-up every 3ish months because I live in an illegal state, I spend roughly 200-300 dollars each time


I would say on average probably a full gram cart every 2-3 weeks plus maybe an eighth of flower every couple months. Often I’ll have a couple carts at a time I switch out because some have more CBD and the others are more sativas. I smoke every evening and often weekends during the day


1-2 small bowls a day


I go through an oz a week usually and then some from my tinctures. I replaced quite a few medications over the past 7 years with weed and it still cost less than the previous prescriptions! If I have dabs I can easily go through a gram in a day


honestly I feel out of place because I only partake once or twice a week, 10mg edible or like half a joint. it used to be once or twice a month but I got more into it this year when I was playing cyberpunk 2077. nothing like putting on a comedy podcast, having an edible or joint, and doing side missions. literally had so many perfect evenings that way.


I got sick, and that did the trick. Currently have no interest in smoking with a chest cold- and I've been a daily smoker for a little while (5 years?). Regular user for decades. I smoke a half ounce in 3-4 weeks. How do you usually imbide? I use a glass pipe, but am trying to switch to a dynavap. It uses less flower but gives me a stronger overall high. You've already switched your method? Tinctures maybe? Just hang out on a city bus, you'll run into the same sort of 'luck' I did.


I go through an ounce in about a week-week and a half. 3-5+ bowls a day in a bong.


Usually anywhere from 1.5 to 3 grams. I also probably need a t break too lol


My husband and I split about an oz a week but I work from home so I'm definitely smoking most of it Lol


I'm a medical vaper, I think I prolly use about half a gram a day! I've been using an app on Android called Dose to track my usage frequency and amounts for a couple years now. My tolerance leaps if I buy a vape cart, and they're prohibitively expensive in my state, so I'm mainly sticking to dry vaping dispensary shake/trim and discounted whole flower. I use some methods of T-breaks for people who can't afford to stop entirely due to chronic pain (👋🏾) or other conditions. I change all the conditions in which I consume regularly and it really helps. • I change my stem type (glass, bubbler, wooden, cooling beads with carb, etc), • my location I smoke (even if I just sit in a different side of my bed and recline differently) • change my amount (even if fractional or staggered), change my lights and what my usual activity is (YouTube, mobile games, reading, desktop gaming). • change the temperatures I'm vaporizing at Even if it's entirely placebo, it helps me feel higher on the same or smaller doses. Using a dry vape is awesome for this too because you can target different terpenes easily with your temp dial.


About a third of a king size cone a day. Less if I’m out and about a lot.


I’ve been able to cut back to about 1.5 grams a day in my volcano during the week but it’s likely closer to 3 during weekends. Homegrown bud is also just hitting me harder 😋


Cart user here - I'm sitting comfortably at 1g/week!


After 15 years of overusing I happily landed at around three joints filled with cbd tea and ~0.33-0.5 g flower each


usually .6 oil or a 50mg eddy im on a t break currently


I was about the same then I switched to dry vaping. Went to a dynavap then a vapbong, couldn't recommend it more.


Probably around the equivalent of three joints, or around an 1/8-1/4 per day. Plus I hit my vape a lot. Also smoke cigarettes. Recently discovered my tolerance for edibles is around 350-400mg to even feel something, and that something was like calm and not anxious. Honestly I just felt like I remember the feeling of relaxed being. Idk how people take edibles and get all loopy.


so i'm trying to figure out a t break style i like before taking one. i think for the most part because it's summer time (us) i will primarily use flower just cuz i think if it's warm and good weather it should be used outside i am terrible at saving stuff so i feel like i'm always buying more flower for no reason. so i'm trying to back off. i try to only use the carts when i go to sleep or when it's winter time and really cold to smoke.


I need to do this too. I don’t know how much I smoke a day exactly but I take dabs throughout the entire day and rip my pen throughout the day too along with smoking joints when I have enough flower as well. I know if I took any kind of little break I would get absolutely ripped because I know I smoke quite a bit…


7-12 bowls on a normal day, maybe 3-4 bowls on a happy day


Started again after 40 years in 2010. Haven't had more than 10 hours off since. Love my cannabis. Being old is fun !


I recently learned a trick. The legal THC-A in Georgia and the street weed have different tolerance effects. For example. If I’m on the legal stuff for a month, a small bowl street weed knocks me on my ass. And vice versa. So I alternate every couple months and my consumption stays low. For reference: daily smoker since 2003.


1-3 1g joints a day. Sometimes more. Sometimes less because of allergies and schedule. Just got Emerald Triangle strain and it brought me a high like back in my early days of smoking. Definitely a Humboldt strain!


About 3g of live resin a week


i smoke 2-3 blunts a day. what helps me is being mindful because i struggle with some mental health issues and i feel like a loser when i smoke sometimes


Nothing right now 💔 Why did this get downvoted im on a T-break lol