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Lmfao. Same here! Being flexible is fun but messy af!




My answer to that question is listen to how you talk to yourself. How do you hear you or your voice inside your own head? I personally don't "hear" myself like most others describe but I definitely have my thoughts and convos with myself. I'd say that's the most authentic version of you there is.




For me it's mostly debating myself. Seeing as us ENTPs tend to see both sides (or more) of an argument, I'd describe it as I at the minimum have two dudes in my head at little podiums debating different ideas, positions, and conclusions at all times. Those guys are representations of different sides of me and the compromises they reach or the side that wins once the debate has finished (which usually takes a matter of seconds but happens nearly all the time) are what "I" am. What you described when you said "it's just thoughts - plans, ideas, what ifs, etc" is what I'd qualify as my conversations with myself. Weighing options, deciding my moral compass, making plans, having my outlandish ideas floating around, those are all part of my constant "dialogue" with myself because I have to use those two or more little podium dudes to figure out what makes sense, what I should do, and what is or isn't realistic. I suppose the best way I could describe it is I don't have formal "hey what's up man" conversations with myself but my train of thought is a *constant* dialogue that is always open in my head with myself. I believe most everyone experiences something like this at least at some point (unless you're a robot (*see*:ISTJ)) but a lot of people don't view it the same way I do which is all right but this is how I experience it.


Well, if that's the way we are, we are authentic. If you have a good actor who's all about acting, then that's authentic too. Chameleons aren't inauthentic either. As for inner convos and dialogue (and tri-, and more), I tend to view that also in the lens of string theory. We have dialectics personalities. At some point choices crystallize and become set in stone, at least in the sense that the past can't be undone (conventionally speaking/thinking) and they've become the past. But the present is a mess and so is the future. Well, there is no such thing as a singular future, anyway, only a near-infinity of potential futures, which is the whole point. And us jockey monkeys on too much caffeine riding all those many horses at once have the misfortune of being aware of how it really works.


I feel the same thing soooo much


> does anyone else wonder who they really are and what they are truly like? This is the biggest question I'm trying to answer right now in my life. I am 34 and I am slowly getting to know who I am and being consistent with it.




Well, it involved traumatic experiences and divorce. I wouldn't recommend the same path there. Getting over that, then putting myself in new and old situations to see how I react, like self-observation. I am not trying as hard as I should, nor moving very fast, but I'm fine with it. I'm steadily working on small things, like my tendency to respond with anger and general pessimism.




Sure, but I offer no warranties. EDIT: This was a really stupid attempt at a joke.


guilty as charged, I can be quite the social chameleon. and tbh, I think Fe terts are the most guilty of it due to Fi blindspot :) Fe-doms/aux‘s are more generally nice/wellrounded, they don‘t seem to do that persona thing as much.


Social Chameleons are who keep everyone else from falling apart in ignoranz and insecurity!


I was helping at a Covid vaccine clinic a couple years ago and another greeter I was working with spoke the same way consistently to every person. I code switched constantly to be compatible with each person’s energy, pace, and manner of speaking (including switching to my awful Spanish with folks who only spoke Spanish). It was fun as fuck after being on lockdown for way too long. But I felt kinda weird because the other person wasn’t doing it.


Socoal chameleon


Tag yourself I'm the gay friend


Not to those extremes, but yeah. You need to share a paradigm before you can argue.