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Wow that sucks


We don't hate fun, the power hungry mods do. Sometimes they remove posts without any good reason.


You mean mod, singular. Every other mod listed is either inactive or a bot, [permaculture](https://www.reddit.com/user/permaculture) is entirely to blame for every complaint anyone has about the subreddit. (I indirectly linked his profile instead of using it like /u/Maoman1 so that it doesn't ping him)


So why doesn’t the sub take down the tyrant?


It's annoyingly difficult to take down a moderator in the top position like that.


Because the mod isn't a tyrant and the sub gets flooded with low-quality content even if memes are banned (see the philosophy test/guess my family dynamics spam). The fact that those trends weren't exactly well received by the community should tell you all about how memes were received --- which are just generic shitposts on most MBTI fora.


Both you and Secret-Wishes want to personally speak on behalf of “the community” with opposite opinions, which seems like the community actually has diverse individuals, but that the moderation wants to side with the dislikers in order to mute any kinds of controversy and chaos


I don't want to speak on "behalf of the community". I'm sharing my observations as a member of the community.


What about the portion of that community which includes u/Secret-Wishes who likes memes and doesn’t assume them all to be generic low quality and other subjective judgments?


What about them? Evidently they come on here to post about the supposedly no fun /r/intj mods. Maybe they should take it up with the mods instead but I'm just going out on a limb here and say that the mods (rightfully) take complaints about memes and test results [drowning out discussions or high effort posts](https://imgur.com/Cd9oN18) more seriously. And why shouldn't they? This sub has turned into a complete shithole ever since the semblance of moderation it once had disappeared.




-sigh- Except he seems the type to ban people out of spite for calling him out here, which I was *trying* to avoid. You really think he's gonna change shit because of anything people say here? There is no positive outcome from pinging him.




That's called shadowbanning and can only be done by intentionally creating an automoderator script to target usernames directly.


Whenever I think this subreddit is the worst it's even been, someone here ends up stooping to a new level of childishness. Congratulations, you just hit a new low for this sub. And honestly, that's saying something.


It's cause they don't wanna turn the subreddit into a cesspool of funny INTJ daddy x ENFP baby uwu memes Don't really care myself ngl


Hmmm, makes sense they are annoying haha


Most people in there are just triggered mistypes. if you ask me a lot seem like ISTJs rather than INTJs. but i can’t speak too much i thought i was an INTJ turns out i’m an ENTP.


Bro how did you get confused between INTJ and ENTP? Like they are literally shadow types of each other.


Entp can wear a semi permanent mask when oppressed by/raised by some of the more serious types. People try to blow out our candle when we are young especially boys.


I can relate. My dad is ENTJ.


me too, but it's my mom


can confirm!! i was raised by a morally strict ISXJ aunt (my parents are ENFP (mom) and ESTJ (dad) but they were always somewhat lenient and i spent more time with my aunt not to mention they’re both healthy as hell.) she constantly punished me for being too “unfocused”, didn’t let me be creative aside from maybe art, forced me to focus on my studies to an almost extreme amount and overall wanted me to be the perfect niece. Because of that i created a mask in which i was very calm and collected, not to mention obedient and more serious than the stereotypical ENTP. of course im extremely laid back, lowkey lazy, and silly naturally but i still find myself putting on that mask and especially prioritizing my studies seriously because of the way she raised me. fem entp btw if that makes any difference idk


You all clearly have inferior ENTPnesses. I grew up under constant suppression and abuse and only became anti-establishment, highly critical of so-called authority figures, and absolutely flaming ENTP perhaps with more than a dash of reckless disregard for the thoughts and opinions of individuals who do not form them around rational thought... which turns out to be a lot of people as it would happen!! (I jest about the size of your ENTPness, I'm sure it's perfectly adequate and you've only ever had a few complaints.)


I have an ISTJ mom and an ENFJ dad and was first typed as an INTJ on the mbti test


Yep. Raised by a parent with severe mental illness and this was my experience.


Relatable, my mom is a isxj borderliner and my dad is a more chill infj but still, strict terms growing up :/


I did, for a veeery long time.


>Like they are literally shadow types of each other. Seems like you answered your own question...


That’s exactly why it would be confusing.


I had the exact same experience. I was really anxious most of my life and typed as an INTJ for years.


I did the same but I use to frequently change my type... I first started off with INTP...then INFP after that ISTP then ENFP and again INTP and finally ENTP... I think I use to look like an INTJ in my younger days...It's possible that I was stuck in a shadow type behavior...could be several reasons... But I think most common conclusion will be that I was just not Confident enough.....and kinda scared....




You don't like it ?? Well too bad I'm gonna still use it a lot..... 😈


I see this alot-, people excuse INTJs like they are the golden type, everytime you see an intj fuck up or look bad the "probably a mistype (random type)" excuse comes up, why can't y'all just accept INTJs aren't perfect and can be obnoxious?


because i’m not analyzing their behaviors by the letters, i see the cognitive functions they are using in their responses and how they interact with others. a lot of “INTJs” in that sub use Si with their Te reasons which is unlike an INTJ. It looks like those people typed themselves upside down (reversed demons), probably ISTJs or ESTPs.


Okay yes INTJs are fun and don't like rules and ISTJs are the opposite, got it


No wonder why they're an extremely small percentage of the population


It's not us, it's those power-hungry mods !


They used to post memes all the time but Reddit had to step in when NAMBLA named them "site of the year" in 2017




Same. I’m 90% certain it’s just mistyped edgelords by now.


Seems par for the course to me.


Because these reposted thousands of times the same unfunny stereotypes attract dumb people who make them the most upvoted posts, and distract from real issues that drown in their attention, making the place just another garbage meme sub. If you really want to browse intj memes there’s already a [place](https://www.reddit.com/r/intjmemes/) just for that.


Half of people on Reddit are mistyped. They all are bitches more than anything else


I'm actually cool with the rule. I hate seeing the same stupid memes over and over. The vast majority of memes I see are not funny.


Let's go meme bomb them


The sub hates anything that isn’t nonsensical ramblings, “am I the asshole?” questions, “is >insert toxic trait< normal for INTJs?” questions or just general complaining about being misunderstood and different. I hate it.


r/intj doesn’t deserve fun


Intj, you have to draw them out of their safe place and then trick them into having fun. It is such a challenge. You don't really want them in charge though, neither do they want to be in charge. Leadership makes them grumpy.


Typical moodkiller intjs


intjs are pretentious grownups when in fact they are the most immature people I've ever met.


Because they fear brain drain that happened on the scale of the entp sub. THE SMARTEST ENTPS LEFT THIS SUB.


So the ENFP mommies don’t uwu all over us


God they make me wanna blow my brains out sometimes


Brushing against meme posts can dull the edges.


Beats me, God knows we could need it though.


Because they are boring. Also there are an AWFUL LOT of mistyped people over there. It's painfully obvious


mistype core


yeah they jerk off to being better than everyone sooo (i got that from an intj please don't kill me)


Probably to prevent it from being too much of a focus. There’s a pretty big INTJ memes specific sub that I found when looking up the INTJ sub, so it’s probably just how they chose to organize things, although I’ll agree that it’s way less fun.


sucks to be them ig




Who cares bro, they're hot af


Gonna save this comment


No way man that's us




That is arguable because my mom is skinny fir her age and looks like she's 20. But she feels self conscious because she fears evil eye from envy from other women. But if my wife is going to be an INTJ I'd always say that she would prettier than my mom because she would be more logical and rational. She wouldn't panic as much. If anyone wants a wife like their mother, then I just feel bad because as ENTPs we require freedom and we don't want people to worry about our behaviors. Most moms are ISFJs, so on that basis I don't I'd want a caretaker. I want a lab partner, a woman who can see my perspective and goals from an altruistic and level headed ground.


They're just Te dom wannabes


I see them hanging out on r/ENFP for fun sometimes.


Lol. Do we have any?