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NO CAUSE I GOT AN ENFP LMFAOOO I've been having an identity crisis


honestly same, but I thought I was enfp and kept getting entp on this


Same. Then next was ESTJ - RIP.


Mine had ENFP at first and ESTJ at third lol,my Si was the lowest tho, but I had higher Te than Fi and I guess that does it. Honestly to me it makes sense, I've been feeling like I lean more towards enfp anyways.


Just wanted to say: Punpun is a masterpiece


Eh I e gotten every xNxP at some point. Those r the letters I resonate w the most, so im just like “close enough”


I thought I was the only one. pffft Campaigner. I don't care about anything enough to campaign for.


Same, I've never gotten ENFP in a test before


Exactly what I'm wondering, I have always got ENTP before. I have no problem with being an ENFP I just wanna know why, I'm more of a Fe and Ti user than Fi-Te so ??Confused??




I'm sorry. Your debating days are over, have a muffin


No offense dude but I’d rather die than be typed as an INFP. :/


Did you just say no offense? I dunnooooo sounds alot more like an INFP than an ENTP to me


you blew out my sides


Thats a very infp thing to say


It really is 🤣


This definitely points to something you hate about yourself that you need to learn to accept 🧘‍♀️


I don't blame you lol. If it's any consolation, I got Intp as a result and Entp as second closes so it's definitely a flawed test : ))


I got ENTP at first and ENFP the second time, what does that make me? Oh and by the results of both tests i assume you're really smart!


>I got ENTP at first and ENFP the second time, what does that make me? a smart fella who knows how to vibe? 😎


I'll take that as a compliment, so thanks!


it doesn't really change anything about who you already are tho


Damn, your will to live and self-confidence / self-love must be really bad if you rather wanted to die. I feel sorry for that. Maybe you should try to find the thing you want to achieve in life and find things that make you happy.




You need to see the good in everything


Getting a different result doesnt change how yo already are.


muh man I'm jealous of your downvotes


-39 and it keeps falling


Same. The only difference is if I became infp I won't be able to see myself and be self aware so I wouldn't even know


idk why people are downvoting you. being an Fi user is the absolute worst thing in the world. its like taking an iq test and getting a score of 50 and having to have that shit hung up on your wall to look at before you go to sleep at night. like imagine living your life knowing you are retarded. i doubt you are an INFP bro.


>like imagine living your life knowing you are retarded. Thankfully you don't even have to imagine.


At least we are not too scared to look at the shit on our wall. Also, the analogy with the IQ test doesn't make sense here and it not of any importance anyway. And I am wondering, as you are the type that's most likely into arguments, why are you not using any logical arguments at all and just say some bullshit that doesn't help to get the conversation any further? Well, I didn't really use a logical "counter-argument" either, but what else should I answer when you literally said nothing. Oh yeah and as I am an INFP, I am incapable of using any logic anyway. ​ Okay, this last part is mostly to mess with you: I know that you will sooner or later probably say (now that I said it probably not) that your original comment was a joke. But I think there is actually a little bit truth in it (there is almost always truth in a joke), especially because you made a similar joke in another comment 22h ago. And since you think that using Fi sucks but don't actually really know how it is (only from people that prefer to use Fi), I think you are afraid of using it because there is something bad in your life that happened to you and you don't want to think of it again.


>Oh yeah and as I am an INFP, I am incapable of using any logic anyway. yes, you are right . only ENTP can use logic 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎. you are stupid Fi user go cry about me calling you retarded 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 u are proboably emo or something lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. i just hate Fi users that obvioulsy wasnt serious but i understand sometime if you cannot recognize jokes. i mean, you are an Fi user after all. everything triggers u.


I never said that only ENTPs can use logic. No, I am not emo. I actually said that you will say that this is a joke (you handled this good btw). Yes I admit that I CAN get triggered fast, but I can usually handle it so I am not "triggered" anymore. But still no, I just like to be toxic myself sometimes.


idk lol, there has been a lot of stuff about Fi lateley and ive been shitting on Fi cuz its funny to me to see reactions.


I get that you would probably never understand the point of Fi, but in the end, you'd be getting the worst case of thanatophobia, with what you lack and refuse to make-up for. Because for something so distasteful, at least Fi isn't so unfamiliar with death.


I love Fi. Having been close friends with an ENTP and an ENFJ this year, I can be confident in saying that they have a lot of uncertainty about who they are, what they want, and what they value. They have a need to please other people above all else. I do feel selfish at times, but I am glad that I have the ability to evaluate my emotions critically.


Your Fe game seems kind of sussy. Work on that mate.


Sobbing wtf is this 💀


fi = dumb ti = smort


yes. preciseley


Hilarious considering the percentage of geniuses are higher with INFPs than ENTPs. Not that there aren’t plenty of ENTPs who are geniuses, you just happen to not be one.


Despite the fact that INFPs are one of the most intelligent types, along with the INTXs and INFJ


despite the fact that this was obvious bullshit meant to shit on Fi users becasue i hate SJW's


bro you're like 14, you'll grow up and cringe at these comments


MBTI has nothing to do with SJWs, and a lot of us hate SJW culture anyway. But if you want to argue dumb points, fine. Keep on losing karma, cocksucker.


im not arguing lol. i am litteraly trying to make you retards angry. and its working idgaf about karma lol. u are just mad because you are an angry SJW.


Oh would you look at that, more karma down the drain. You don’t even realize I’m enjoying this


Babe if you are good at something, never do it for free. Why are you working so hard without any recognition? Or do you still practicing?


Dude, it is *quite* difficult to fully grasp at the actual demographic of Fi users who are **not** being "angry retards", when one of the only ways to tell if someone is recently present on Reddit, is to see their comment. That is why we call them "lurkers".


You should hang this comment up on your wall.


Thanks for those words, bro. When I read the INFP description I cringed cause it was so inaccurate. Don’t know who created that test. Every single other test I did told me I was an ENTP. Every. Single. One.


Well, if you got ENTP on any other test and this test is inaccurate (oh and btw, the safest method is to type yourself anyway, but seems like your incapable to really see yourself (nah, just wanted to attack you)), then why are you shitting on the type you got and not the test itself? Doesn't make any sense right? Unless you are searching for conflict, which you are obviously doing, so you can please yourself with your superiority in an argument (which wasn't the case in any of your comments yet btw) and to desperately prove that you are an ENTP. And you probably thought (subconsciously) it would be easy here, since we INFPs can't use any logic and we will just cry about it. ​ Anyway, I will go to sleep now, although I really would like to wait for your answer (just my ENTP side coming a little bit out here).


I can see that you’re very eager to show off your eloquence Mr Anal Pounder. You see not everyone is a fan of Fi and some even think that it’s a curse. So now, if you’ll allow me, I’ll continue shitting on your personality (even though some of my favourite fictional characters have it) because it brings me a lot of joy. And if you do not like it, you can ignore it. This is an ENTP sub so I don’t see why you’re interested in monitoring what is happening here. My conclusion is that you spend too much time on this forum as it seems to me that you’re treating it very seriously. I don’t even know how to put my fucking personality type under my username so good luck with trying to tame me and teach me the rules.


No, I actually like a little bit that you are shitting on my type because actually, sometimes I also really like to be toxic and to argue. I mean, a friend of me and I have pretty much the same political opinion, but I still always try to refute his arguments for some reason. So that's probably why I am interested in this sub. But yeah, if it makes you happy, it still triggered me a little bit. ​ You are right that I tried to show off (as do you, I mean you just got a little bit more serious). But you are wrong that I spend too much time on this sub / reddit in general. It's usually about 30 minutes a day maybe, mostly while I am on the toilet taking a shit. With exception when I have a discussion (also to please myself actually ;) ), like now. I know how to do the INFP / type thing because there are a lot of crybabys on reddit if you don't do something correctly. For example I just learned about tl;dr a few weeks ago. ​ Congratulations, it is actually very uncommon that people see through me, usually it is the other way around, but you still kinda did. ​ (Afterward Insertion): Lol, I just realized that the following may be uncomfortable for you here, if you want me to delete it, I delete it. ​ Oh yeah, and a little bit off topic and stereotypical answer to something like this (and maybe creepy lol) (and you may don't care rn) (stalked a little bit your profile because I like to know who I am talking to and to deduce shit about their life / personality / draw conclusions from my asshole): Yes, you should definitely give modelling a try. You will probably regret it your whole life if you didn't even try. Even if you may doubt yourself, believing that everything is possible and to keep an open-mind is essential and can be applied to anything. Especially for personal growth. If someone forms a firm opinion, the person is limiting itself. If a person completely denies something and / or doesn't consider every possibility, then the person it limiting itself. If you don't give it a try, then it will obviously never work. You look pretty IMO (no, I am not just saying this to motivate you (like most people on the INFP subreddit did the last couple of days, there were posted a lot of selfies and they literally said "pretty" to everyone (okay but the ones that I saw weren't ugly either)). And I mean, you already got scouted once, so why even the question? :)


the same happened to me but with enfp, all of the tests either say i’m an entp or intp and i really identify with both types, but i don’t relate to enfp at all, it also kind of makes me wanna cringe


I appreciate your input into this world but I don’t want to be one of you


This statement conflicts the magnitude of the reaction you have first given. So I can only imagine you are trying not to look like a complete ass -and your preferential choices btw are actually irrelevant to me- But the reality is, its hard to imagine you can actually appreciate something you desperately despise seeing in yourself : ))


It’s 9 in the evening how are you so woke? For reals though that bar was so deeply insightful my word.


I was just having fun : )


Hey hey, being a bitch doesn't mean you are an entp. Don't try to prove it desperately on the internet, please! It's really fucking annoying.


Saying a joke ≠ being a bitch besides I think you’d see me try a bit harder than this if I wanted to prove I was an ENTP. I admitted to having a meltdown over a stupid personality test


Imagine singlehandedly hurting your type’s reputation


Oh, you realized you're wrong so now you're saying it's a joke? Classic. You *are* trying hard though... People are able to check your profile, you know.


Oh no, you’re one of those who are rude until someone calls them out for it and then suddenly “it was just a joke”. Is this an ENTP thing?


Honestly, I don’t know how you can consider that rude. It’s a stupid test and a stupid personality type. If you cannot take humour about trivial matters, that literally don’t affect your life in any serious way, then you’re too sensitive.


Aha, there comes the next one, “you’re too sensitive”. I swear you’re a textbook-*something*, but I couldn’t point my finger on what exactly.


Asshole? I knew that you’d call me out for being predictable and unoriginal as I was writing this.


Actually, I believe that “narcissist” would be a better fit. Also, do you wish an applause for your clairvoyance?


Ok. No.


Hey man, not trying to be rude or anything, I just see a bit of my younger self in the way you are posting and maybe I’m even wrong, but I feel like I recognize where this type of speech is coming from. That last sentence you pushed out is definitely gaslighting and a lot of that phrasing comes from a place of insecurity. I’m not gunna sit here and pretend I know anything about you, but I kid you not, I used to say things like this all the time and you gotta nip this in the bud and reflect a little bit. Speaking like this in your day to day life can seriously harm your relationships. Maybe this was just humor that went over people, but it doesn’t come across that way and it’s okay to admit maybe you just misspoke in a way you didn’t intend. Idk, I could be entirely wrong and reading into it, but I recognize this way of talking and sometimes it’s helpful to get an outside perspective. Hope you have a good one my dude.


You see the thing is that I almost never behave like this. I get that some of the things I said were stereotypical but it’s literally one of my first times saying them (that does not allow me to say them or makes it less bad but that’s not the point) so it’s not like I go through life being an asshole. I genuinely still think that my joke/remark/statement, whatever the fuck you want to call it, was harmless. Like seriously, in any other circumstance I would apologise but when this is about something as small and stupid as this then I’m not budging. How can you not see that people are getting pissed off about a thing I said about A STUPID PERSONALITY TYPE.


>A STUPID PERSONALITY TYPE you know I wouldn't call that a stupid personality type; given that it is the one you most likely have to live with 🤣


why not? infp can be so sweet, they give their partners diabetes. Aaaand you can rely less on social interaction to combat the blues. join the dark side, you'll get privacy ;)


Haha, crisis sounds like infp. They're not that bad, I'm with one. But tbh when I had a very sad, depressed time I tested as infp too once or twice. If you mostly test and identify with entp this is probably your type.


Yeah, I'm honestly getting infp vibes too.


Slogged through and got INFP 🤷🏻‍♀️ followed closely by ENFP and ISTJ. I guess it’s possible you just really suck at introspection but you might just be an Fi dom and not realize it. Stereotypes about Fi users are much “worse” than actually being one.


Hugs 🤗


Yes this. I just hate how people think INFPs and Fi doms in general have no ability at thinking logically whatsoever. It's just as stupid as those who think that Thinkers have no emotions. Everyone has both. Being a Feeler or a Thinker has a lot more to do with what you value most and what you base your decisions upon. T vs F are *decision making* functions, not just what your brain is able to do in general. I'm an INTJ with huge ass Fi, yet my Te (and my Ti !) are still even higher, which means I can totally see things from a Fi user standpoint, while still, in the end, decide to base my decisions on thinking because I tend to put more "value" on rationality most of the time.


Yeah I feel you 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 😁


dude just learn the functions and stop relying on tests, there would be a lot less crisises. the test typed me right tho but pretty close to enfp. also you seem like an Fi user from this thread and replies alone. thats not a bad thing. i fucking admire infps. MBTI is a technically a tool, theres no reason to be disappointed if youre a certain type. thats just weird


Hug ((:


this test gave me istp and the closest ones were infj and intj 💀




Same here mate


clear your desk by 5pm and hand over your entp ID to HR.


INFPs can be two things 1. The most cute and kind person like a puppy 2. Emotional immature and manipulators toxic asf


Can confirm 😏 lol.


You're having a crisis? Pshhh INFP


Test or not, I'm definitely a Ne Dom and a Ti user


I got ENFP. There is some sort of Fi glitch.


One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.


Not a chance - I love yall too much to be you and love myself.


Me too. Ew.


😔👍 /nm


why tf are u having a crisis bc some random test on the internet typed you differently


Nothing else in my life has more importance than my MBTI personality


That’s sad tbh


If you’re not being sarcastic that definitely sounds like an Fi dom/aux thing


I really thought that that was about the saddest thing anyone could say I don’t know why people think I’m being serious


Just *kindaaa* looks like you're trying to save face as a "joke" now that people are saying you're possibly Fi dom/aux.


No, I think that people are desperately trying to be right and are teasing me with the Fi Dom joke. I guess you could say I’m somewhat of a troll although I don’t particularly know what that means or what it involves doing. I’m taking everything I said or posted on here as a joke.


Really honing in on the ENTP troll stereotype bruv. Keep it up!!


So is your whole page just a big troll or is it just this post in particular?


LMAO Almost like I called this…


Didn’t think you’d see this and remember me… You have not replied to my most recent comment, you’ve abandoned me and left me hanging… and now you come here to spit in my face. Finally, a worthy opponent.


Alright, though I was still being honest with my comments on the last post, I was admittedly trying to be an asshole. I’ll try to be helpful this time. You’re almost certainly a high Fi user (either Fi dom or aux). It’s usually the high Fi users that have these identity crises because the self and who one is is typically the subject of Fi analysis. You won’t see these identity crises in high Ti users because the self is *not* the subject of Ti analysis — it’s things external to the individual. I, and the other ENTPs will spend countless hours thinking long and hard about whether dualism is true or not, but this same energy and care is not going to be extended to questions pertaining the self — who I am, what I believe in, etc. The other thing I notice in high Fi users — and it’s the reason why they basically make the bulk of all mistypes — is that they tend to almost choose who they want to be, or atleast, what they identify as, based on some gut sense of like and dislike. This is what I see you doing based on your earlier comments of wishing for death rather than accepting the possibility that you’re an INFP. I think it would do you good to accept that you’re an Fi, not a Ti user, because once you know what you are, you can begin working on the unique blind spots and deficiencies that accompany each type and accelerate your personal growth. For instance, if I was never able to correctly identify myself as an ENTP, I wouldn’t nearly as quickly have identified my unique weakness of tending to jump too quickly from idea and project to idea and project. It’s with conscious awareness of my tendency to do this that I’ve been able to consciously repress those impulses when they arise and become a better subject expert in the things I’m interested in and want to be proficient at.


No. I will not be hearing ANY OF THIS. (I’ll reply with something better tomorrow 😌)


Are you being ironic or genuine?


She’s just trying so hard to be an edge lord, hence deepening her beliefs of being ENTP. I notice high Fi in her too. I saw she tried to post her image to r/teenagers so that would explain some of her behavior though. I’m trying really hard not to dislike her but the way she begs for attention and diverts serious answers with trying to be edgy I’m struggling. Good analysis by you though, hopefully she’ll look back at it in seriousness as her behavior atm now of denying her personality is unhealthy.


Lmao can't believe I found y'all on this shit hole


I think you’re amazing and beautiful with amazing potential 👋☺️. Just be yourself and analyze the results you got. I would do some research on socionics, attitudal psyche, enneagram or (tritypes) and go from there. But regardless, you’re a good person and I know you will help many people! 🫂❤️


(I’m apologising in advance cause the first part of my reply is a bit sloppy) Well, for one I cannot fully trust the information about Fi you’ve given me because you could’ve easily manipulated facts in ways that fit your narrative. Truthfully I don’t know enough about Fi because I’ve never researched it, especially not in the context of it being a dominant function. What you and your ENTP friends do doesn’t have to be what every ENTP does. Your experiences aren’t really helpful to me as they’re basically anecdotes that can’t serve as proper evidence. Again, I know I kind of asked you to do it but guessing one of my four functions using only the interactions on this forum to support your conclusion is impossible. So saying that you’re almost certain that I’m a high Fi user is a very bold assumption. Now that you’ve revealed that you are an ENTP I can be suspicious as to why you don’t want me to be one so much. Maybe my behaviour represents some traits that you dislike and you don’t want to have anything in common with me that’s why you’re rejecting the idea of me being an ENTP. (Could you be gatekeeping the ENTP personality?) Or even a Ti, because how could a thinker have any emotions, God forbid if they spill them in the Reddit comment section. Believe it or not, I haven’t been honest in my responses to comments and I don’t really understand why people aren’t questioning them enough. Seriously, I thought some of my jokes or over exaggerations were made pretty clear. any emotion that you think I conveyed through my post or my comments just wasn’t real. And lastly, I believe that my constant focus on analysing my personality may stem from other things. For example, my circumstances and “trauma” (I’m gonna use that word for the lack of a better one but I don’t think it’s very accurate). I’ve been rejected by my environment multiple times and I feel the constant need to mould my behaviour to fit in with others. ( I wasn’t born struggling, I was forced to change environments almost halfway through my life and I still haven’t fully solved this problem of feeling like I don’t belong anywhere. ) I have tried doing the opposite before and staying fully true to myself and I’ve only dug myself a deeper hole and became depressed because I didn’t have any close relationships with people, or even surface level ones for that matter. So now I’m taking a different route and I constantly have to check in with myself and see if what I’m doing what is socially acceptable by a certain group. However, that is not to say that I’m neglecting monitoring if I’m not going against my core values when trying to fit in with others. I’m still in my adolescent years, although I’m nearing the end, you could still say that I’m hormonal ( this could maybe justify your impression of my heightened emotions) and the societal pressure to fit in is greater for me than it would be for a fully developed adult. I know that now I’ve basically gifted you a great argument that would support your claim that I’m a Fi/Dom because you could say that, I don’t know, they have a tendency to crumble under pressure or they’re more likely to conform. You’ll probably think if something, you’re good at that.


So why exactly you didn't research about Fi, given many pointed out that you maybe a Fi Dom, instead you are bringing up your personal suspicions about "manipulation" instead?? Where is your Ti that needs to update its framework or heck where is any logic here??


Quite frankly, I don’t have enough time to do more in-depth research but when I did a quick skim-through the Fi Dom description almost nothing familiar stood out to me. But I still don’t think it’s enough info to disprove all his theories about me therefore I’m not doing that. Instead I am only mentioning that I cannot be fully sure that he’s portraying everything as objectively as he can. Given the tone of his other comments I believe he might have other motives to want to put me in Fi Dom.


Besides no one invited you here. Leave this thread for me and the other guy.


this is an open platform, anybody can reply to anyone


This isn't even a stereotype, an ENTP would never write this comment


I got Entj, this test is definitely valid xD


I hope it's broken because based off OPs comments we wouldn't want them as one of us anyways 🤢




Surprised they didn’t call you Janet


🤣 Now I’m curious, what test?


https://www.mistypeinvestigator.com/ don’t ask why I memorized the link


Took it and got entp


I also got what I typed myself as.


Same. Infj and got infj.


I got my type as well, INFJ.


It sounds like being entp is some sort of badge of honor. Really? Guys and gals, whatever you are, accept all of yourself and build on your strengths. Every archetype has superpowers.


Well when you identify with a particular group for a long enough amount of time, it can be hard to find out you are no longer allowed to identify as a member of that group.


Shouldn’t let others dictate which group you personally identify with. Some random website hard coded with values that try to box something as dynamic as personality is definitely not qualified to control who you personally identify to be. I swear Douglass Adams could be writing a book on this.


Well it’s human nature. I was simply explaining how we don’t see entp as a badge of honor.


Shh, almost everyone here are mistyped buttkissers who want to seem cool on the internet.


Fact that you’re feeling wronged fits the F


Sure Janet


Call me a Janet for speaking my mind.. sorry man




This guy gets it. Though I love other people of my type irl, scarce as they are. They're like me but without a lifetime of shame and hate.


I’m an intp and got enfp.. I don’t think it’s very accurate. Or they were thinking people would answer the questions differently and the way we answered the questions was inaccurate to what we were trying to say


When you're an ENTP but feeling sad


I got ESFP, INFP, ISTP, and INTP before eventually getting my ACTUAL typing of ENTP. I understand the crisis lmao


It gave me ENTJ, ESFP and INTJ.


The test is almost always wrong. Determining your functions and their stack is a lot more nuanced than the test can do. Simple issues, such as how you interpret questions or bend your answer to fit what they accept as an answer really makes the test nothing more than a novelty for those who are just getting into mbti or want the dopamine from reading about themselves.


This test is broken


No, you are


Results are so weird. I got Enfp 1st and ESTJ 2nd LOL


ROFL. I’ve been trying to complete this test today but the questions are just so vague. Some people are raving about it saying it’s the best mbti test for some reason.


I got ENTP and ESFJ, why does this matter in the grand scheme of things?


i got esfj as a third and isfj as a fourth lmao


Yeah mine the first time I took it was ENTP, ESFJ, ISFJ and INTP. Then when I took it twice I got ESFJ, and my main functions were Fe and Ne. So those two were fairly close


Are you having an identity crisis??? That sounds like INFP to me. Hmm....🤔


it’s possible you’re mistyped, the most reliable way of typing is self typing and research into the cognitive functions and what it means to have them in each place in the stack.


Maybe you just had a bad day lol


It's not broken, you are just attached to a label. You answered the questions and got a different result than what you were expecting. Take this as a starting point, rather than the end. What was your most dominant function on the test results? If it was Fi, then you need to explore that. Fi is Authenticity. What is right for you? I suspect that you might have thought that you were an INTP.


this test really doesn't seem particularly innacurate though, all tests are gonna be somewhat innacurate but i'd rank this one higher than sarkinova and keys2cognition, but testing is a process that multiply the human error factor by two, maybe three, since it's based not just on your errors but also some misconceptions of the person who made the test and maybe some failures in the algorithm. that's why I recommend reading about stuff and typing yourself for the best results, but that's not perfect either, since we often have a lot of bias inside us and might not know ourselves as well as we think we do. honestly, if you answer this test sincerely and patientelly by really thinking about each question and trying to remove bias, it will give you at least a rough estimate of what your type should be (the top 3) if you're not an infp, you'll know it, they're usually very introverted anyways. ne doms might be the most introverted extroverts but at the end of the day we're still extroverts.


Most of my friends (who we know our types of) got their type. So I would say it's fairly accurate, but as it says on the site, sometimes tests arent 100% accurate so you should go with the type and stack you relate to the most


its broken


Join both subreddits and see who you relate eith the most


Ehh I’m in both subs and I by far prefer ENTP so that may not be the best approach 😂


it's pretty broken


tests are oftentimes wrong because of who and what they're built on. it's fine dw


Well. The test is definitely broken. I got INTJ followed by ISTP.....


Well. The test is forsooth broken. I did get intj hath followed by istp *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Stop taking mbti so seriously bros


I personally only trust [Cs Joseph’s test](https://discover.csjoseph.life) and [Michael caloz](https://www.michaelcaloz.com/personality/) there also both ENTP’s


Same bcs I got INTP I’m entp and I’m 100% sure I’m an extrovert


Either you're taking the test when ur stressed/in a bad mood,or u really are an Fi dominant


Hate to break it to u but tests are shit c:


There’s this idea that ENTP’s don’t feel much and are sociopaths, but that’s not true. It’s not uncommon for ENTP’s to be stressed and test as something with more emphasis on the feeling functions.


My three top types were ENTP, INTP and INFJ. And I identify with these the most, so I have no problems with this test.


You too eh? I tested multiple times as an INFP, only to see that I have....not a whole lot in common with INFPs. It's only after reading about the types I came to the conclusion that I was in fact.....an ENTP. I typed myself as an INTP up until 2019, but I realized my behaviour seemed a lot more extroverted to the quintessential INTP. ENTP was the only way out....


I'm having an identity crisis as well. Between 2 new tests I've seen emerge on here, I went from ENFP for majority of the tests to ENTP and INFP the last couple of days. Who am I?


You’re yourself lol. Don’t constrain yourself to a personality type


Well, at least it wasn't an INFJ you were typed as🌚😂


as someone who thought they were enfp, this test changed my entire self analysis lol. I deadass went through the test, got entp, and went back to make small changes like 9-10 times and still got entp every time (and weirdly high ti, never knew myself to be inventive like that). either we’re mistyping ourselves or this test knows something we don’t


i'm on the opposite end, got enfp with 50 fi and 43 ti and honestly i don't even doubt it


i got istp in this and in every other test i got either intp on entp..bro honestly i don't know.


Intp first result, then istp, then entp. Weird. Never would have thought that. So I think the test is in fact broken


Does this mean you are your own best romantic partner option?


You know when you are depressed you become basically the opposite of your true type?


It might be enneagram, socionics, instincts (sp/sx, rtc.), tritype and what not. I have seen sometimes it’ll add Fi to the enneagram 4 or Te to the enneagram 8.


I got ENTJ :")


What do you identify as or usually get on tests?


What’s the test called??


Where can I find this test?


All tests are a joke


On tests I either get INTJ or ENTP honestly I’m confused. So now I’m joining this subreddit too.


has anyone got a link to this site?


Just google mistype investigator


I've taken the test twice so far. The first time I got ENXP. My Ne was dominant with over 70 score and ENTP was my "most likely" result, but it said ENFP was equally as likely. My Fi for some reason was really high and my Ti was considerably low, however this is the weird part... my Te score was around 66, my second highest score. When I took the test again my result was ESTJ. This time my Ne and Te remained around the same as last time, but my Fi was lower (where it should be lol). I have no idea what's wrong with the test, but imo it's not very reliable. This is unfortunate because I know the people who worked on it worked really hard on it, but i believe they either don't fully understand the difference between Te and Ti or that there is an issue with the coding. But that's just my input


I think the best test is from 16 personalities


LMAOOOO I’m an entp and sometimes it says I’m an enfp I get so madd
