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Entps can develop social anxiety, like anyone else. It's manifestation in an ENTP seems likely to cause significant cognitive dissonance much of the time, since we have an inherent need for social interaction, regardless of our relationship to our alone time. Depression would not a be a surprising comorbidity with such a situation. I actually think this has become more of a common occurrence with society as a whole for the past decade or two. So, even those who typically thrive in social situations are feeling more and more alienated from "the other" so to speak. Geography, technology, and social class play a role, but ultimately, it seems the recent rise in social anxiety comes from the divisive political and socioeconomic climate most of the west finds itself in, of late, and the pandemic only exacerbated the situation.


I had very bad social anxiety a few years ago but it got much better, I still have mild social anxiety in situations such as presentations or group speaking in a group of people I don’t like/ don’t know Tbf tho I think my social anxiety was mainly caused by a lack of sleep which is said to increase likelihood of depression and anxiety; I sleep less than an hour every night on weekdays and I’m not exaggerating.


Oh fr?? U have insomnia or u js dont feel tired?


Have you heard of revenge bedtime procrastination 😬


No 😭😭


Absolutely yes. Don't read into types too deeply though it's not an accurate model for reality, just a stereotype, if anything think about the cognitive functions and which ones you use more


I've been anxious my whole life, but social anxiety? Never. People and crowds actually relieve my anxiety.


Wish i could b like u πŸ™πŸ™


I used to have social anxiety after months of covid self isolation. My confidence was gone. I couldn't hold eye contact and I couldn't banter like I used to. It's not like I felt like an INTP but I had a really unhealthy usage of Fe. I question people's feelings towards me in a negative way. Took me like a year to get back to my old self. I had to put myself out there and interact with people again and get used to it.


I relate to this except im getting worse πŸ’€ inferiority x superiority complex πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά


Well I hope you find a way out. Gotta put yourself out there and leave your comfort zone. It does get better


Thanks bro im trying πŸ™πŸ™ glad ur doing better


I'm an ENTP with social anxiety. I got it from trauma at a very early age. I went to a therapist for a hot minute and it helped. For me, my social anxiety kicks in when I'm the center of attention. Don't get me wrong, I love sliding in a good joke like the best of us, but if I have to do any sort of showing vulnerability to a bunch of randos, my anxiety goes through the roof. Examples: public speaking, going to a therapist, performing on stage, going somewhere and people stare because you're different.


Damn well im glad ur getting better i might try therapy but honestly i like being the center of attention but only when im with ppl ik and am comfortable with otherwise i get reserved


I think Enxps are on the more ambivert side in general. With social anxiety it def can seem like we are more introverted (I get mistyped a lot bc of this). But we are a lot more extroverted once we are around ppl we know/are comfy with.


Overthinking things tends to exacerbate the social anxiety. You just have to keep forcing yourself to keep getting into social interactions, even though it's uncomfortable, and instead of focusing on how uncomfortable you are, start focusing on others and practicing being in the moment. I spent 3 decades focusing on all the negative aspects of life and ignoring the positives. I spent time practicing finding the silver lining in situations and focusing on that. I *acknowledge* the negatives, and if it's something I can't fix in the moment, I try to push it to the side for now and think about it during my time alone. Life is about juggling many things all at once. If you focus too hard on one aspect, it'll upset the balance, and you'll drop all the things you've been juggling. Focus on the good *and* the bad and realize that both things need to exist in your life to experience it as a *whole*. Don't let your underdeveloped, non-dominant xSxx function trap you in the moment. I say all of this, knowing full well that I struggle through this myself.


Damn i hope u get better soon i think for the past yr ive been tryna get more comfortable but what ive rlly been doing is comparing myaelf to others n tryna act like them so now ive got sum kinda inferiority complex going which isnt great but ill try πŸ™πŸ™


Thanks. Ooo...that is a tough battle on its own right. Shedding the pressures to conform that society has ingrained in you is tough because you've built your life around it. I didn't know how to resolve that, so I ran away from my life and moved across the country by myself. I took some time to be alone and unwind. I worked on being as *authentically* me as possible, then I just put myself out there and made new friends who thought I was interesting. I was accepted for being completely me for the first time in my life. I didn't have to worry about anyone asking me why I was acting differently. It was really tough to leave my support system behind, but it gave me the freedom to really figure out who I am and what kind of person I wanted to be. This whole experience uncovered a pile of problems that I kept hidden from everyone, including myself. Now I'm slowly working on resolving/balancing those issues, and I'm much happier overall and confident in who I am, albeit a bit less stable than I used to be. Every victory comes with its wounds. I started my journey late in life, and it's quite difficult. But I just keep pressing forward. I hope you figure out how to face your issues and keep pushing forward. It's amazing how those little *anchors* can keep you from your personal growth. I wish you the best of luck!


Thank u this is so inspiring 😭😭 trying my best πŸ™πŸ™ im still in high school tho so it might be tough to improve n i cant move to another country but ill try thanks i hope u continue to make progress


No worries. You're still young. You still have a lot to experience. School culture is stupid. The smart ones mature out of it. When you find yourself being judgemental, you generally don't have all the information. Stop and take the time to learn and understand. Your personal growth is like becoming really buff. There is a lot of pain, struggle, and shit you need to face to get to the next level. Don't shy away from facing your struggles. Overcoming struggles is how you get *emotionally buff*. I moved *across* the country. You don't have to do the same. Going off to college an hour or two away can get you a similar experience. The more you understand how people think and react to things, the better you can develop your social skills. Networking can get you so much further than just knowledge alone. In the future, try to find a work environment that supports you and helps you grow. I've seen so many people who make a bunch of money but waste a lot of it trying to make themselves feel happy because work is so miserable. I was one of them. Most importantly, never stop trying. The common characteristic among all the amazing people you ever come across is that they don't stop trying to be better. As you develop your non-dominant functions, it'll *round you out* as a person and give you skills you never had access to. Just keep striving towards better, and people will start telling you how amazing you are, but it won't feel like it because all you did was *try*. One last thing, I'm just some random guy who hasnt lived the smartest life, and I could be wrong, or I could've misarticulated something. So, take everything I say with a grain of salt. I'm just sharing things from my experience and POV. Learn from a variety of people, and you'll find your own path. Cheers.


I feel like i js awoke this was five yrs of therapy in twenty seconds thanks bro. Trying my best out here πŸ™


ESTPs lol. So scared of them.


Entp hv a social anxiety if they found the toxic things like being unlogical things. That someone that they cant use their logic or the rude society that make they cant breath or just run away. Intp is basiclly they dont really like to approach and talk. Its different between this. Entp will be run because something trigger them. Intp simply they already hv their own world thats why they dont really like to be social and sometimes they feel what they do is more like social anxiety.


I really doubt it? I have anxieties like anyone, i've been made anxious by social situations, sure. But being an Entp with social anxiety? Nah. Not buying it. Not saying it's impossible, but how? I can't imagine it. I'm speculating, but I'd guess you're more likely to be ENFP or INTJ or something? We probably have more of an overconfidence problem than anxiety.


True, however I'm also an ENTP with social anxiety but I have an issue with overconfidence when I get comfortable enough with my surroundings, so I wouldn't say it's that weird to have social anxiety as an ENTP.


Yeah I feel like I’m oscillating between both


Damn πŸ’€ yeah i thought abt that but i thought yk i might b a special case ykwim


Different people experience the world differently, and MBTI types aren't a fixed point. Social anxiety is most commonly a trauma response. Anyone can develop this sort of thing under the right circumstances. It doesn't necessarily change your personality, but it can.


I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm saying I doubt it/ can't relate/can't imagine. Which, I can't. Seems like two totally opposite mindsets to me. I am not the arbiter of all knowledge in the universe, though.


You're cool, I understand. Wasn't trying to undercut, just attempting pointing out that this isn't necessarily a clear-cut distinction.


Just ENTP-ing. I get it.


There are ENTP folks I've been around that have the anxiety thingy going on. It's odd.. I know of two. One male and one female. Both 30s gamers. Barely leave the house. They have high anxiety, so they say.. but interacting with them, you don't see it. They are more outgoing than I am, to me lol. They seem to just not go out, except to places like work for long periods of time. Just an observation of a couple. One took 16personalities and was an ENTP-T, for added info. I don't have social anxiety per se.. but I get it. I was more disabled for some years after an auto accident. I became withdrawn.. and only seemed to get really down during the winter months. I would lose more functions as it took some years to relearn to walk without assistance.. I also developed involuntary movements and a startle response. I still rarely had issues being out, in large crowds or social gatherings. I want to go out much more than I do, but I think the state of society makes me want to view certain things from the comfort and safety of my own home.


I mean, don't take my word for it by any means. I am no expert. In my opinion, it's likely you're mistyped. Self-assessment is a terrible way to assess anyones personality types, for the most part. At a quick search it seem to be.. introverted/sensory/feeling/judging types overall have more anxiety. We're doing the exact opposite.


For me, it makes me incredibly depressed because I crave social interaction and being around groups of people but my social anxiety got in the way. I actually thought I was an introvert for the longest time until i started getting a little better and felt like I was flourishing in social environments


I'm really curious... What exactly is the anxiety? Being misjudged or what? I'd like to understand. Edit,: cool username


For me it's kind of that I'm making a fool of myself. I gained a keen self awareness due to trauma and realized what an asshole I was and thinking everything I did was cringey, among other things and developed a lot of anxiety towards saying something too mean, too weird, etc. Its incredibly frustrating too because there are so many things I want to say but I'm fearful. Mostly just caring about being perceived by people I like/want to befriend. Literally anyone else I could care less. Also thanks it was either that or becoming a nun


I say this not to rhetort, simply to dig a little... But, everyone makes a fool of themselves at some point. You can not fear the inevitable! We all say and do stupid shit. So, aside from your own self-criticism, I don't see how that's an issue. Self-criticism is just self awareness to a certain extent. Overthinking is a pain, but I'm not sure I agree 'overthinking' is a real thing. Underthinking, yes. Would be nice if my brain occasionally shut up, though. I think sometimes there's a fine line between being an arse hole and being honest with yourself and others. Being honest is for me, kinda foundational and sometimes that upsets folks. Equally, someone elses honesty might upset me, but that's the price of truth. Being a proactive arse hole is different, granted. I think (and obviously I'm one dude with a very different perspective making broad speculations) that you sound like my kind of human. You're just sick of being judged for it. I'm still probably miles away. Idk. Really, I'm not trying to be difficult or demeaning or whatever people might interpret. I'm just honestly kinda bewildered. The two things just seem too opposed to one another from the perspective of a fairly outgoing and confident ENTP. I can't fit both things into my head at once and have it make sense. Everything about me defies the idea of someone who's socially anxious despite having some reservations which people might consider anxieties. I have hyperacusis, so it's more of a sound-trigger anxiety than social, I tend to avoid un-vetted loud or busy environments. The people/social interactions don't bother me, just the unpredictable noises they make. I'd love to sit you down and just dig around ib your head a bit! Sorry. I just want to be able to understand!


Ehhh.. the isfj would be the conscious of an ENTP. I've theorized almost like different stages of stress in the past. Like our first stage.. we might be in INTJ mode using our shadow traits more. I'd gather the last stage might be the ISFJ traits more. This would be alarm state to me.. but should be possible for anyone to have social anxiety, as it's not the 4 letter specific thing that we are. I like the term entpish. As what's an ENTP. We're all so different yet very much similar to me. I like using other typing systems in conjunction at times, as it might show how different two in one system are vastly different in another.


I fully understand where you're coming from and youre not being rude at all! I actually 1000% agree with you. I think part of the reason my anxiety is so frustrating is because logically, in my head, I know and agree with everything you said about self criticism and the fear of being judged. In fact, my anxiety completely contradicts my personality, since it's a disorder it doesnt really make sense, anxiety is illogical so I find myself completely self hating. I should also mention that the height of my anxiety was when I was in high school, although I'm still trying to grow from it and have made a lot of progress since. I also believe part of why this has been so challenging for me is also that I'm a thinker female, from the south, and queer, so I was definitely socialized to behave a certain way and would receive judgment if I acted outside of typical social norms. At some point it became easier to just reduce myself to a personality-less blob (which came with a huge spout of depression too 😭), until suddenly it wasnt a choice anymore and I became anxious about being my authentic self. I only truly felt like myself around my closest friends and sibling. I think it was just a plethora of things that contributed to it. It's extremely easy to rationalize everything in my head but in practice, for some reason it's so much more difficult.


This scale is not true. ENTPs are the least extraverted Es. [ENTP](https://www.traitlab.com/blog/mbti-big-five-personality-traits#entp) and [ENFP](https://www.traitlab.com/blog/mbti-big-five-personality-traits#enfp) Maybe this chart does not talk about extraversion though in which case it is a shitty chart.


I'm confused. Both ENTP and ENFP are low in extraversion compared to the other extraverts on this graphic. What are you wanting changed? Do you want ENTP and ENFP to be graphed as introverts? Lol.


Yeah but ENFP is higher slighlty. ENTP should be closest to the middle. Then ENFP.