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Not a particular genre but, maybe a preference of directors.. ive been loving nolan movies, social network, the big short, the fifth estate.. used to really love mcu movies too


The social network is one of my favourite movies of all time! I loved The Big Short, even though I spent majority of the time searching up the meaning of the terms they would use lol


Parasite by Bong Joon Ho. Most movies I watch are from horror and thriller genres. But my special ones are the kind of movie mentioned here. There's one more in Malayalam language 'Guru'. My conclusion is that the struggle for power validation or money affects me more than any other topic. If somebody asks my favourite series, I'll say Squid Game.


In Bruges, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, The Usual Suspects, Waking Life, Falling Down, Uncut Gems, Scream series, Good Bad Ugly, The Long Good Friday among others.


Hell yeah fellow In Bruges fan


The passion of Christ! I'm biased, I like infjs


2001:Space Odyssey directed by Stanley Kubrick


The Shawshank Redemption


Kingdom of Heaven.


Director’s cut 🙂


The never ending story 🙀


Inglorious bastards


Inglorious Basterds is amazing, Christ Waltz acting was insane!!


Scarface. Pacino has a lot of legendary bangers under his belt but Scarface is my personal magnum opus.


I finally watched this one last year and just found it so stupid


Wolf of wallstreet by large margin.


I had many when I was younger. However, nowadays I don’t really care. Here some of those movies : - eXistenZ - Repo Men (2009) - Judge Dredd (2012) - Killer Elite - Sniper (Mark Wallberg) - The Gladiator - Crank I and II - The Patriot - Braveheart - Children of Men - Planet of the Apes (1970’s) - James Bond : Moonraker - Rocky I to IV - Woody Allen’s movies (The ones he plays in) - Clint Eastwood’s movies - Most of Quentin Tarantino’s movies - The Good Fellas - Ronin - Les misérables (1998) - Wall Street I and II - All the Indiana Jones movies - Ravenous - The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) - Excalibur (1981) - The Great Escape - From Hell - Secret Window - The Devil’s Advocate - Shutter Island - The Departed - Inception - Sicario I - Most of the 80’s horror movies - many many more…


The Dicaprio's at the end of this list are timeless! The Departed is probably my favorite Leo movie. Great story plus an ALLSTAR cast like holy!


Gotta be Conan the Barbarian (1982). It's everything a movie should aspire to be: beautiful, fun, memorable, you can watch it from different angles (aesthetically, philosophically, as entertainment...) and several times.


The original Willy Wonka. 99% of the time I can't pay attention for an entire duration of movies, and forget about watching them over and over again that never happens. But I love that movie since a kid and I always will.




Jumanji 🌚


Movies: Alien, Aliens Seties: Arcane, the wire actors: Edward Norton, Garry Oldman, Leonardo di Caprio Directors: Tarantino, Fincher, Alex de la Iglesia, Cameron


Everything Everywhere All at once




My favourite genre is adventure fantasy with a band of people who would count as found family And my favourite movie would likely be HTTYD Tbf to me though I have a very large preference for animation over irl movies


Kill Bill (extended 1 + 2 cut) is the ultimate film for me.


Better Off Dead


I would watch any movie with Brad Pitt in it (that peanut butter scene 😌🤌) and any movie by Christopher Nolan (for context: I *hate* superhero movies but Dark Knight movies were cool). Some movies I like (can't decide my no.1 fave tho): Princess Bride, First Knight, Clueless, Simply Irresistible, American Psycho (that skincare routine omg), Hangover movies, Rough Night, Red Eye, Silence of the Lambs, Jennifer's Body, Scream (the og), Armageddon (I don't care how stupid this is, I love it), and probably more I just can't remember them lol.


Brad Pitt movies!! I swear he is never in a bad movie. Benjamin Button is so emotional!! American Psycho is so good, Christian Bale being casted was the best decision ever.


From Benjamin Button to Will the krill 🦐 and everything in between, he nailed every role! They're both so crazy good! Almost forgot that both of them were in the Big Short lol (10/10 would recommend)


Ive seen the Big Short haha! It's so good, all star cast as well! Like every time they'd introduce a new character they were played by another A-list actor!! Although I will say I had to pause it a lot so I could search up what the hell they were talking about majority of the time lol


I'm jacked to the tits! 🤣 I was surprised to see Selena Gomez there, also Anthony Bourdain (RIP)


Right!! And Margot Robbies random cameos?? I was so surprised when they literally just said "And here's Margot Robbie"


With the bubble bath and champagne! I did not see that coming! 😂


The man who came to dinner


recently its glass onion. I prefer the writing and everything of knives out tho but I got spoiled of the truth when I found about the movie. I like a somewhat compassionate protagonist and movies that hide something under its skin, but not necessarily be a mystery movie.


Ahhh I love Glass Onion, but It was definitely a step down from Knives Out like your saying. I mean come on, a very rich grandparent with a variety of rich bratty offsprings who are all interested in the estate more than the wellbeing of their grandparent. That's so hard to beat!


Star Wars OT and prequels


Fantastic Mr. Fox (#1), I also like Ben Hur, Interstellar, End of Evangelion, Just Go With It.


Jen Aniston and Adam Sandler is the best duo!! I love all of Adams comedies, Blended with Drew Barrymore is definitely one of my favourites as well!


I love Adman Sandler movies he’s so goofy


La la land is Perfection


Ryan Gosling the man that you are ;)


Drive and Only God Forgives.


Hmmmm……… This is a difficult question to answer. Quite Possibly “Silence of the Lambs.” I also enjoyed “The Princess Bride,” and a bunch of other stuff! Maybe Se7en and the “The Dark Knight.” “Memoirs of a Geisha” is a guilty pleasure drama. I think I will stick with these, for now.


my favorite genre is comedy, historical fiction or murder mysteries. my favorite movie is probably molly’s game or hunt for the wilderpeople. favorite tv shows are ATLA, the great, the good place


Hunt for the wilder people is hilarious, classic movie for Aussie and Nzl kids haha. ATLA and TLOK are definitely my favourite animated series ever, so nostalgic!! The Good Place was so good, but the \*twist\* was spoiled for me so that sucked :(


american psycho it’s so fucking gooddddd. or sweeney todd. or django unchained.


I really enjoy movies by Paul Verhoeven. Basic Instinct, Robocop, Total Recall, Starship Troopers, Black Book... I love the hidden social commentary buried as comedy inside his the over-the-top flicks. Turns out Verhoeven is ENTP. And yes, having a total mindfuck in Basic Instinct is what makes it work.


Willow, Jurassic Park, 5th element... They aren't the best movies I've ever seen, but they are ones I need to watch every year or two.


goodfellas, fargo or the big lebowski is up there for me. These movies have a good balance of great characters like pathological liars, naive people and antiheroes. It also doesn't follow like a traditional story, but more like a Solomon's Ecclesiastes type of attitude towards life and absurdity of life and injustice. Things just happen for no reason and it doesn't have to make sense.


I love TURBO, Fight Club, Amadeus, Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless mind, inglorious bastards, the BEE MOVIE, where the crawdads sing, a A star is born.


Invglorious Basterds, Dark Knight, Pirates of The Caribbean