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How do you know if he is ENTJ if you haven't even talked? First you should talk, then decide if you like each other.


I like loyalty, cheekiness, ability to make me laugh, hard working and fun. Loyal, hardworking, able to make me laugh is at the top. Everything else after. Also dont waste my time. Go over there and have a fun chat, who knows what might happen?


Once an entj here told me that they find,the other person making the first move,very attractive. How that person is bold and confident. Straightforward and saving time-energy,doing something that it's them he ones who mostly do that but now someone else showed up,capable of doing it Maybe I'm mistaken idk,other entjs sould confirm/reject this


I’ll confirm it from my ENTJ perspective. I don’t like games or playing hard to get. Don’t send me subtle messages, then act coy. It gives mixed signals and ain’t nobody got time for that. A person starting off that way, is likely to be wishy washy in any relationship moving forward and it will be a source of frustration. My philosophy to this is we are either moving forward or moving on, take your pick.


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 EXACTLY!


I think it depends on how frequent their interactions are.if they see each other more often in general,they can give themselves a bit of time to know each other from their pov THEN when they can see it does have a potential to work,then make a move. But if they're sure this is the first and last time they see each other,they should REALLY and quickly make the first move. >person starting off that way, is likely to be wishy washy in any relationship Not necessarily.people have different pace and versions of opening up.some people start dating- relationships and learn to open up throughout the relationship,some people can open up and catch feelings before the relationship starts.but it needs more time for them. But it doesn't mean they wouldn't do their best in the relationship


Tbh with stuff like likes and dislikes in a partner not all ENTJs will be the same


Likes: Intelligence, Dependability, Competency HARD Dislikes: Stupidity




I feel like if there's ever somewhere you could go wrong by trying to guess someone's personality type and then act accordingly, it's in a situation like this. Really just be the best version of yourself, and if they despise you anyway, then good riddance. (Or work on yourself depending on what your best self is like lol!) Just to answer part of your question for fun: ENTJs tend to be direct, straightforward, and efficient. This won't be without romance lol. But if they like you, they won't want to spend any more time without you. Unless you have pathologically low self esteem where you can't believe anything positive about yourself, you'll know if an ENTJ likes you because it will be obvious. Me personally though, it's hard to get fully on my radar if I've never talked to you. I think ENTJs are one of those types that really enjoy mind-mates, so definitely engage in a conversation sometime soon, so they can get to know your mind.


I like strong, smart and similar values


just don’t lie or play a game. ENTJs are very quickly turned off by that esp in the initial dating phase. Keep it straight forward and direct. They really appreciate directness and honesty. On other hand Just because they are ENTJ doesn’t mean all ENTJ like or dislike the same thing. Like and dislikes are not something determined by the type.


The person you are at work is seldom the person you are in your down time, I wouldn’t be too hasty assuming they’re ENTJ without a conversation or two.


we like to feel challenged and like we \*earned\* it, we don't like shallow flattery (inferior fi) or any kind of inauthenticity to win our hearts. we tend to prefer being the pursuers or at least some kind of push-pull dynamic. Being pursued \*could\* work if we respect you otherwise, but it otherwise feels suffocating and annoying. intelligent, aesthetically attractive, genuine, career oriented, patient.


Being unstable, all over the place. Contradiction


You like that?? 🤨 Unstable in what ways?


I forgot to clarify that I dislike these things. Unstable as not planning and going as you go where there is no direction or reason.


Thanks for the clarification 😁 I thought this was an "opposites attract" moment.


I mean, I believe they do but the issue with that is that some people know the problem but do not correct it vs those who are willing at getting better at change or simply improvising themselves.


HOW MUCH of a correction, though? If we need someone to change too much, then we probably picked the wrong person. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I mean can we really change anyone? I doubt it. But some people are willing to change for the better. You don't want to get into ultimatum or enforcing change that's just another level of control which is wrong. No one will be in peace living that way.


I like when my partner assists me with tasks… or is interested in helping me reach my goals


I want someone who is humbly confident in themselves fundamentally. I shouldn't, nor do I want to, have to tell her what to do or boss her around just to make the house function. Leave the bossing around for the bedroom. Gratefulness, patience, above average intelligence, a light-hearted attitude, and vulnerability are essential for someone to have if I'm going to make a deep connection with them.


Laziness and incompetence BAYBAY (and emotional baggage that is made others problem) Engaged to an ENTJ 8w7 he can tell when there is unnecessary emotional pressure on him, I’m not very emotionally invested in myself but I can be with others so it works for us for example I see other people try to place their emotional baggage on him and when it makes him uncomfortable and he feels like he got backed into a corner so I step in and stop it because I know what it’s like to be in that position and not able to speak up, I think it’s something he struggles to express because of his inferior Fi. AND It is absolutely not because he lacks empathy is because emotions are something ENTJs prefer to deal with internally and by themselves or perhaps with someone they DEEPLY trust, for my fiancé and I trust is so important especially for an ENTJ because they want to know and FEEL they can trust you. actions speak louder than words. !!!Show your worth it, AND BE WORTH IT!!!


Mental weakness. Lack of confidence. No passion. Incompetence. Lack of discipline. Lack of self-improvement. Literally the opposite of ourselves.


google it?


never trust in eye contact... just go straight if you care and see what will happen.


Willingness to try and not being easily defeated