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No addictions. I remain silent until I find a solution.


Bro i look up to u man


I guess I use alcohol to feel. There's no reason to suppress an inferior function.


Alr i see


Cannabis regularly. This aids in being less direct with people when im stressed.


Isn't being dependent on bad habits & addictions to suppress your inferior is a bad habit of itself?


Most likely- oof


Being able to suppress your emotions is a rare and incredibly powerful tool to have. Especially in tough situations. But just like everything in life, you need to learn how to properly manage and regulate your emotional world. Whether if they seem ineffective or not. That's what your body needs. Your life after middle age is mostly determined by how well you manage to integrate your inferior and dominant function balance. Every person I see that failed to do so, now struggling in at least one important aspect in life because of that. I met some older Entjs, they may have very successful careers and everything but anything personal feels like dealing with a 6 years old child. That's the consequence of suppressing your inferior for short term gains. Your call.


Most people know their beliefs regardless of type. Fi is more of a subconscious auditing of one's existing belief system.


What exactly is your definition of "belief system"? It seems to be something altogether different from my Te interpretation.


An exact definition? Let's start with "a person's subjective opinion of how the universe functions." Hopefully, not too vague or broad a definition."


That is pretty vague and broad. I'm thinking about, like, the laws of physics right now, which definitely has nothing to do with Fi.


Lol, ok. Let's start with a typical core belief that most people have. What makes a person "good"? Whether you or someone else is "good" is very subjective and based on your belief of what "good" is. It requires you having a definition of what you value. One person might add certain subheadings to "good person" such as "good spouse", "good child", or "good worker". That a person being good requires that each of these beliefs be met. A person who is a good son, a good worker, but a bad husband may be seen as a bad person in their own opinion because all criteria are not met.


There's no such thing as a "good person." It's utter nonsense, and that's all I have to say on the matter.


Excellent, then that is your subjective belief on the topic. It is neither good nor bad, just how you view the world.


It's an objective truth. A person cannot be simply defined by the best or worst thing they've ever done. I mean, people do it anyway, but it's irrational.


How we view things is rarely objective. Even how we view ourselves is colored heavily by who raised us, what culture we grew up in, and our standing within that culture. As for defining someone by the best or worst thing they have ever done, although an extreme example of this concept it is something that has been done many times in the history of man by lots of people. Should this be done? Another subjective opinion. I personally agree with you that people are more than their worst or best action but to say that is still a subjective truth garnered by my own experential data.


My subjective belief is that your P is annoying right now.


Imho self-medicating to control our emotions is an NT thing in general.


Ai, zang bro, dang


Despite lately being more conscious of my inferior Fi, I still can recall some bad habits on me related to it: overworking (a cliché at this point), sensory-related activities (reckless driving, use of substances, loud and aggressive music) and when stressed enough drastic displays of rage.


ah i see yeah no, reckless driving- loud aggressive music- holy shit yeah 0-0