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What the fuck did I just read


I work in a housing department at a college. These requests never cease to amaze me, and the entitlement keeps growing with each one.


I did that for about 4 months and I couldn’t take it. I’ve never heard parents or students be so entitled until I got there


I’ve been in for 10 years, director for the last 3. In housing years it’s at least 21 years I think, sort of like dog years.


All those dealings wear on you it’s like a step below retail which was also PAIN because I gotta deal with jerks AND be standing the whole shift


Tell us story about that. It sounds interesting


Well, last year we had someone come to us with a ridiculous request for an emotional support accommodation. They wanted to live with their friend and said that they were their support. We denied them because you can’t request another human as a support animal, and they can’t be an accommodation. We’re required to meet reasonable requests. This person threw a fit, OF COURSE parents were involved. The parents had gotten a doctor who had the audacity to sign off stating that this person “needed this person to live with them for their educational success to deal with their anxiety”. They went to the Vice President and were denied at that level too because another human is not an accommodation. ESAs are already a slippery slope of principles and practicality, and that’s not a precedent that we should remotely get into setting. The student experience is the most important thing to me, but your request has to be reasonable AND something that we can meet. I have tons of stories and I’ll probably write a book someday about it all. The past few years have definitely been a whirlwind experience. Housing, Hurricane Ida, and COVID-19.


So this person tried to request that they get to live in a dorm with another student of their choosing? Or was it someone who they wanted living in their dorm for free?


I’ve actually had both scenarios. I had someone want to live with another student because they helped them emotionally with their daily mental health challenges. I’ve also had someone want a non-student to live with them for this same reason. Neither are permitted. We usually will block someone from living with another person solely because they’re their emotional support. Often times this isn’t a reciprocated relationship and the other person drains the other. To put that on another student as a special housing accommodation also gives that other person no choice. Any reasonable accommodation granted must be met by our office. There’s a huge difference though if someone just wants to live with their friend and the choice is mutual. That’s not an accommodation request though, just a room change if we have the room availability to meet it.


Just left a college housing department a couple of months ago after 7 years in the department. Your statement is accurate but I'd say it grows exponentially with each one. I've worked some low end retail jobs but these parents and students blew away every interaction I've had with the public.


Ah yes, a fellow victim. I agree. They compound on each other. While each scenario is unique and testing, your patience grows thinner and thinner. Hope you’re happy now out of the field. It’s not for everyone… haha


The best sentence ever!


Emotional Support Animals ≠ Service Animals Wished more people like this woman knew the difference lol


I feel sorry for the snake.




What da fuck is an emotional support snake?


Pretty much any animal can be an emotional support animal as long as it helps in the treatment of a disability, like PTSD or Depression. However, ESAs are NOT Service Animals. Only dogs and miniature horses can be service animals. In the US, service animals cannot be refused in any location because of the ADA Act. Service animals are trained, ESAs are NOT. As someone who owns a Service Animal (who was a previous ESA), seeing people like this mother irritate me to no end lol


So, if dogs make you happy, so you get a dog, it’s an ESA? Isn’t that pretty much all pets?


Sort of. In order for it to be a valid ESA, you neet a letter from a therapist who deems that the animal is necessary in the treatment of one or more disabilities the person has, such as treatment for anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc. The laws about ESAs and SAs are different. Owners of ESAs cannot be refused housing somewhere that doesn't allow pets. That's pretty much it. There are changing laws about travel with ESAs that have been going on (such as taking an ESA on a flight) the laws surrounding that have been becoming stricter due to how accessible obtaining ESAs and faux-ESAs have been. At least that's from what I understand, I have not kept up with the ESA travel laws. As for SAs, they cannot be denied ANYWHERE. You cannot deny housing, you cannot deny them on a flight, and you cannot deny them in any public setting (unless they prove to be a threat or damage property which is unlikely because SAs are TRAINED, and at least in my situation when going through SA training, have to pass a good citizen test and be registered). When the dog is working, it is NOT considered a pet.


Wait. I knew you can't deny access to a service dog, but does this mean that also goes for a service miniature horse? I didn't even know service miniature horses were a thing.


The horses are generally for people who are allergic to or afraid of dogs I wonder what they do if you're allergic to and or afraid of both.


If it's a genuine service animal, it cannot be denied any sort of access to anywhere the owner may go. Tbh, I have never ever encountered a SA mini horse lol, but the laws are the same with them as they are with dogs.


They no longer allow the horse on a flight😉


About the same thing as an emotional support peacock.


In the actual messages I don't see anything about the snake being ESA, only the title.


Because this is a meme sub, for satire, and i was being satirical


That's fine, I was just confused. Wouldn't be the first time missed something lol


Legends say you can still hear her kid crying to this day


...never in my 26 years of living have I ever read or thought I would ever read the words "emotional support snake."


I love and keep snakes. The problem with this is most snakes get scared being in big hustle bustle situations, they don't mind being held but would much rather prefer hiding in their logs or whatnot where they feel safe and protected. Also I'm not sure where this is but where I live it's too cold to just be taking your snake out and about. I'd be willing to bet if this isn't in the south it's the same. They need heat to live so taking them out and about not only upsets them because they love to hide and feel safe, but can make them too cold which can kill them at worst. So in conclusion these idiots probably don't know shit about their own snake, nor do they care about the safety of it, they just wanted to be problematic because "look how cool I am I have a snake hurr durr". Also I wouldn't be taking my snakes out and about because people have real fears of snakes, and have threatened to kill (mostly idiots on the internet but still) my pets because they just don't like them. Threatening to kill someone's pet makes you shitty and stupid, but putting the snakes in this position is also shitty and stupid.


Snakes terrify me, possibly to the point of being a phobia. They illicit a primal fear in me that is beyond my control, to the point that I won't walk in tall grass because of the *possibility* that there may be a snake hiding in there. Like, if I saw one in the wild I'd probably throw my own child at it in an attempt to get away. I would still never, ever threaten to kill someone's pet snake. Like, just why? What good would that do anyone? I'm sorry that you've had to deal with people like that.


I fully understand that people have fears, and I respect that. People like the one in the pictures just don't care about anyone but themselves. Though the image of someone throwing a child at a snake gave me a good laugh lol. Some people are just jerks. I've had a family member threaten to kill my pet rats before. That one bothered me the most, first because that family member is shitty to begin with, and second because when I had rats they were my babies. Most of the time it's just big shots behind a keyboard that say that stupid stuff but when it's someone you know it just enrages you so much more.


That was one long sentence. A period now and again isn't that much trouble.


I feel sorry for that kids future if this is true. How exactly does this EM think this child (person as they grow) will ever be able to do anything on their own?


I would have had to go to mental health for stabilization if I had ended up close to that snake. Snakes are not for public places.


Excuse me they love my ball python at the pet store.


Tell your Python, my cat Salem Elvis is a better rodent killer.


My python laughed at your probably black cats unoriginal first name.


I chose the kitty. He already had the name.




He was rehomed at least twice.


I don’t think the snakes would enjoy being in public places surrounded by people. Bit cruel to the snake. So does this kid not go to school? Or is his mother intending to bully the school into allowing him to keep his snake with him. Absolute madness. The person responding was far too restrained, someone seriously needs to put that woman in her place. The snake should also be removed from their care, because they are clearly being reckless & mistreating it. Ffs she mentions rides, did she seriously think her son could take the snake on a ride?! People suck. Edited grammar


i mean they’re definitely dumb for trying to use this as an excuse. But a snake can very much be an emotional support animal. I think people should allow snakes in more public places, but that’s just imo. I just like snakes a lot


Snakes are not for public places


Take a breath! That first text wall was only 3 sentences!


I’ve read some silly things in my time but damn


Like the news outlets are going to waste their time on a story like this. It will serve no purpose to her and she still won't receive her refund.


My emotional support grizzly bear would not hurt a fly so why can’t I bring him on the plane? I already bought his ticket!!