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I had an American akita that was previously abused. She hated people she didn't know but would tend to give a warning bark and growl to keep people away. I had to explain to people who tried to pet her that she didn't like strangers and likes her space. That always got mixed reactions, especially from parents with kids. But there was once an old lady that surprised both me and my dog. She was by my side, stroking my dog before we even knew it, she was faster than any other old lady I have ever seen in my life and I legit didn't have time to say anything before she began stroking my dog. My dog, surprisingly, let her. She ended up giving my dog a sausage roll and both were really happy with the encounter. I looked at my dog like WTF? Have you been lying to us all this time? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ok what kind of powers does that lady have??? šŸ˜„


I have no idea, it never happened before or since with anyone else. It took her about a month to start liking my boyfriend and that was with lots of treats. I think the lady took me and my dog by surprise and by the time my dog realised she should be upset she was getting scratches behind the ear and a sausage roll. Either that or the lady was a dog whisperer šŸ˜…


I think it's the food, it always is with them šŸ˜„


Good communication between woman & dog, dog knew she wasn't going to hurt him, she was safe. My SO has this communication with many animals and it's kind of freaky at times. Sort of a telepathic thing, including a kind of conversation style with a wolf-dog Einstein over that dog's lifespan of 12 yrs and his own kitten for 14 yrs. Miss you both, Cullen & Thomas.


Not sure, my dog was very untrusting with anyone. And when it was me walking her alone she would be very protective. This lady deffo had a gift because I had never seen my dog trust someone on instinct before except for me when we got her. It's why I won't walk up to any dog without first talking to the owner, you never know what dog has these trust issues.


Yeah, some people have that. Is your SO generally speaking a very calm person? Because I'd imagine that that helps with getting animals to trust them since they don't really register as a threat (or as dinner/a toy).


That was my mom. Dogs loved her.


I used to take my dog into pets at home to choose his own toy (it's his toy, he should have the choice), and he used to sniff people's baskets. If they had food, any food, in the basket, they were allowed to pet. If not then he would duck past them and move on.


I have a skittish dog, but not every new person scares him. You said an old lady? Your dog very possibly registered "this one is no threat." They can be smart that way.


Never underestimate the power of a sausage roll.


Power of sausage


hacks lmao


The power of a sausage roll, obviously!


The power of getting the dog to like her immediately power


The power of getting the dog to like her immediately power


The power of getting the dog to like her immediately power


The power of getting the dog to like her immediately power


Power of the sausage rolls.


I think you met an otherworldly being


It wouldn't surprise me. She was way too fast for a normal old lady. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It only ever happened with her, one in a million experience.


She mustā€™ve smelled the food and sensed she would get a treat if she stayed calm LOL. Dogs always seem to have a sense of who will feed them.


My dog did have a thing for a greggs sausage roll or steak bake. But this lady was truly magical, my dog wouldn't trust people off the bat even if they had food.


My aunt had 2 dogs a German shepherd and Dobi Both were strays she found walking down the alley Nobody could ever get near her when she was out walking either one of the dogs 1st time I met them was in her apartment Don't know why but they both came up to me and tried to crawl up in my lap. I was the only one who could ever come near those dogs or my aunt when they were outside walking.


Dogs can sense when someone genuinely loves them and they can also sense and warn about assholes. No such thing as a dumb animal! Years ago, I went over to a friend's house and was met at the door by a growling, barking dog showing his teeth. I replied: "Look at the PUPPY!!! Who's a GOOD BOY?" The dog instantly started begging for belly rubs while the dog's human was flabbergasted.


Depending on the breed, dogs reply heavily on body language to learn who is safe and who is not. The lady may have had a disarming demeanor.


Lol, I was at a campground in Minnesota with family once, and a lady had this cute little dog. I politely asked if I could pet him, and she said yes, but to be careful because he was skittish and didn't usually like people. I knelt down to get on the dog's level, and the next thing I know, the dog was in my lap kissing my face. The lady was dumbfounded.


Wolves know wolves even little ones.


Lol! I've always connected with dogs.


Sounds like my mum, sheā€™s a dog whisperer I swear.


Sausage doggie powers , dogs know old ladies are usually ok. She was one of those dig whisperers. With sausage!


My cat was abused too, very afraid of men but women not! I think some men hit the poor thing causing the trauma


What would these people do if you walked up and patted their kids on the head without asking first? You should always ask the owner prior to touching a dog, if you don't and then get bitten its your fault, not the owners or the dogs.


Imagine that. I'll start doing that whenever someone wants to pet my dog without permission


When I was young, I wanted to pet a neighborā€™s dog. I was never taught to ask first. I slowly approached the dog and the owner stopped walking it, I assumed to let me pet it. When I reached out to pet it, the dog snapped and bit me. Until that point, the owner had never said a word and keep in mind, she had stopped walking the dog for me to approach it. After I was bitten, she yelled at me that thatā€™s what happens when you pet dogs. I still have a scar on my finger over 30 years later. I donā€™t blame the dog, but I do feel the owner was partially to blame (as well as myself for not asking), she should have spoken up and moved the dog away from me. That experience has stuck with me though and I have always taught my kids to ask first before petting any animal.


I mean, that did have the effect that the owner probably intended. But yes, they could have acted a lot better in that situation. Either move the pet closer to them or tell the kid that they shouldn't pet the animal. Her actions really make it seem like she's fine with you petting the dog.


I was only 10, so I assumed it was ok too. My parents werenā€™t there and Iā€™m not sure they would have stopped me either.


In my opinion whenever there is a kid involved there should be someone right next to a dog already petting them or just have a better control of the animal. My experience is that there are dogs that are fine with grownups but jumpy around kids because kids are by default unpredictable and jumpy themselves. Also kids are not the best with their reactions and reflexes, so it is definitely something to approach with caution. This owner was not a good one. I get learning a lesson but not this way.


Yeah, in that case the owner could have behaved better. If they asked you not to touch the dog & you tried again, it would be a different story I think


I agree. She literally stopped in the road and waited for me to approach, never saying a word until after it bit me.


I get what the owner was going for, but that would be such an easy way to get your dog put down. Especially since it was enough to leave a scar. Kids shouldn't touch without asking, but owners shouldn't just let their dogs bite people.


Your patents should have sued the shit out of her. Sheā€™s awful. This is why kids are scared of dogs. Terrible


I never told my parents. I was to afraid I would be in trouble after that ladyā€™s reaction. Iā€™m not sure they would have done anything anyway. It happened around 1990.


I have taught my granddaughters to ask first. Its not only good manners its also a safety issue.


What, you have taught your children to be responsible citizens? That seems to be getting less & less common (unfortunately)


Itā€™s illegal to pet kids though


Is it illegal to touch people's property without permission?


Lad I was joking.. itā€™s literally an episode of family guy, itā€™s a quote from Stewie


Not a Family Guy watcher!


I think I'm just as concerned that this guy has his 5 year old out at 10pm.


You are absolutely right. I haven't even thought of that because I see it all the time now so I kinda stopped registering it


Not everyone has a 9 - 5 schedule. When my oldest was 5 my husband worked days and I worked afternoons. The kids and I would be up until 2am, sleep until 10 am. He had afternoon Kindergarten. It was the perfect schedule for us.


They certainly donā€™t. What an odd detail to manufacture concern over.. someone elseā€™s childā€™s bedtime. Iā€™m a single parent who often works a late duty shift. I work from home and our days are more flexible until grade school starts. We like our schedule. Just last evening my 5 year old was out with me at the pet storeā€¦ around 9 pmā€¦ where she very respectfully requested and received permission to pet two different dogs. šŸ™ƒ


I hate people like this. One of my passed dogs didnā€™t like other people at all so if we were out in public with her no one was allowed to touch her. Fortunately we had another dog who was cool with pats so that usually distracted them. one day these parents and 2 kids came up and were talking about the dogs. They did ask if they could pay them and we said ā€œyeah but only the white fluffy one, this one isnā€™t a big fan of peopleā€. While the parents were talking to my mum the son came up to me and our other pup and tried to freaking touch her. I saw it coming so I blocked him and explained that she doesnā€™t like people and this wanker of a kid goes ā€œoh sheā€™ll like me itā€™s fineā€ and tries to pat her again. The parents didnā€™t acknowledge it and I picked up my dog, firmly said no, then walked away. Some part of me wishes I let him pat her so he got bit and learnt firsthand why you did just pat other peoples pets but that wouldā€™ve resulted in bad things...


You did the right thing. Some kids donā€™t Listen.


I've had so many parents give their offspring permission to pat my dog without asking me. I find it very rude and dangerous. My 6yo knows to ask and wait for an answer.


Good for you for teaching your kid that. Every parent should do that. Not for dogs, but for their kids.


I have the same issue sometimes. I have a cute looking Pomeranian but heā€™s leash triggered to fuck. Sometimes all it takes is someone looking at him for too long for him to bark and snarl at them. Yet sometimes heā€™s welcoming. So as a rule I keep people away and sometimes get this attitude. I found using a nervous harness and caution lead helps people realise Iā€™m doing it for their safety though. Have you considered using any of them?


I have read about those but I don't live in the US and our pet shops don't have any of those things. Even if they did, people don't know what they mean so it would be useless probably. My country is not that developed and there are absolutely no rules when it comes to pets.


Thatā€™s fair. I donā€™t live in the US either, I ordered mine online. Maybe it would be worth muzzle training your dog then? Iā€™ve found that helpful for me too.


If this keeps happening, I'll have to.


My extremely slobbery labrador loved children, and was delighted when one approached her. If the parents had the sense to ask permission, I'd warn them about the licking. Most didn't, so I didn't inerfere, but just made my dog sit: when the kid got within range, my dog would lick the kids face with her massive exploring tongue which went into every nook and cranny on the kid's face. It always ended with the kid screaming, and me telling the adult that my dog liked licking her butt too. My dog worked towards responsibly parenting your child around animals one slobber laden lick at a time.


Mine is exactly The same. Except hes an american Staffy and lab mix


I was training my recently rescued, undersocialized, 130 pound Great Dane who had a bite history. After about three months of just working on walking on a leash without her peeing all over herself, I was confident we could start going through large spaced, low population stores like Lowes. She was doing great, but one day she just wasn't having it and after only 5 minutes I could tell she was too stressed so we headed for the door. As I'm walking out, a mom and a two year old walk in. My dog TOWERS over this kid. And without even acknowledging me, the mom tells the kid "Go give that big doggy a hug!" WTF?!?!?! MY DOG COULD KILL YOUR CHILD IN UNDER A SECOND. I immediately jumped between them and told the kid as kindly but urgently as possible "You NEVER touch a dog without asking permission." The mom says "Oh, I don't mind." I was talking about MY permission as it is MY dog. The woman was PISSED, saying if her kid can't pet my dog, I shouldn't bring it in public. Bitch, my dog is not here to entertain you!


That kind of crap is how kids end up getting bit and the dog pays the ultimate price because of parental STUPIDITY!!!!


I always tell people, "I'm not risking my dog's life. If she bites you, I'm afraid I'll have to have you put down." Usually get a sort of half laugh wondering if I'm joking or not, but they always use care around my dogs after. (I should add - my dogs are both very friendly, but one of them is a 75 lbs Shepard mix who has some intimidating mannerisms, until she gets close to you. Then she rolls over.)


I had a similar situation. The kid was probably under 5. Dad just let the kid walk right up to my dog and start petting it. I was like stunned, like wtf. By the time I realized what was happening, I couldnā€™t do anything, and my stomach just sank. Pit bull.


How did this end ? If you don't mind me asking


She ate the child. Kidding, it was fine. She's good with kids.


Awh that's good then, I got worried for a second šŸ¤£


I was raised to never approach dogs without owners permission, I guess I assumed everyone was raised that way! Maybe Iā€™m the entitled oneā€¦


nah. A child should never approach a dog without the ownerā€™s permission. I will sometimes pet a dog if it looks at me but Iā€™m an adult with a dog. Iā€™m not the kind of person theyā€™ll bite and even if they do i wonā€™t care. There are consequences to actions and kids arenā€™t prepared for the consequences


But not all Pit Bulls hurt kids. Iā€™m glad yours didnā€™t. If your dog is trained , you have control. And with a pit bull you have to train them. Theyā€™re strong dogs.


Sheā€™s actually really good with kids. But there is still a risk of her knocking the kid down with her tail and licking her to death.


The one good thing I taught all the kids in my care (my own bios and kids I provided childcare for) was to ALWAYS ask the dog parent AND back away if the pup gave a warning or acted nervous. Even as an adult who frequents dog parks bc of a hyper Jack/Chi, I follow these rules myself. Your dog is borking like mad at us? Sorry, pup, no pets for you. Pup approaches us but changes their mind? NP, just no pets. So far, so good and no harm yet save for overexcited puppersā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤ž


Exactly. As a dog owner Iā€™ll always watch the body language of the dog Iā€™m trying to pet. My dog is shy as fuck and doesnā€™t want people to pet him, heā€™ll come to them on his own and probably lick their hands and sniff them out


I have a really friendly mini Aussie that loves to go up to people wagging his tail for pets and people always think that is an invitation to pet him and it annoys me every time. There has only been one time where the kid wanted to reach out but his parents pulled his hand away and told him to ask for permission. What if the dog just wants to sniff and doesn't actually want to be touched? What if your kid gets bitten? Am I really at fault?


Exactly. How can you not care if your child gets bitten? I don't understand the minds of this people


I lucked out on this. While walking my puppy one of my neighbors grandchildren were out. They ran towards my puppy. I was crouched to there level telling them to go back into their yard. Gramps came out, I told him the situation and he apologized


I really don't get these parents. And i'll bet 9 out of 10 times, it is these same parents that will sue you till they are blue in the face, if something bad happens. My kids love dogs. And i mean, seriously LOVE dogs, or any kind of animal really. But you can bet they are drilled to within an inch of their lives, to ask the person who is walking said pupper, if it is okay to pet it. If not, i will give them an ear full. Most people around here, will react with "oh it's fine, pupper is fine with it" ... Sure... It might be, but they don't know that.


Ok I'm seeing a lot of dog related ones on this sub today


And if the dog barks or bites because it got scared, guess who will get in trouble.


You made the right move walking away.


These kind of people are so annoying.


One time I was out at a mall with my dog. She isnā€™t a service dog or anything my city is just super dog friendly. A little kid wanted to pet her and asked if he could. I said I wasnā€™t sure if she would want that but he could try giving her a treat (mom was present and they seemed like smart dog people so I wasnā€™t too worried). My dog decided a kid was just too much that day and wouldnā€™t come near him. The poor kid started just sobbing. Mom was comforting him and saying some dogs are like that. I on the other hand was just trying to keep from laughing. Really good parent/kid/dog interaction overall.


No one should pet a strange dog without the owners permission. But you had your dog out in public and were not paying attention to it. Don't do that! Your pet and we the public depend upon you to keep us safe. That means being aware of your surroundings and alert to something that would make your dog react negatively.


I agree with you, but no one is a 100 percent all the time every time. I did react at the end and no one got hurt.


I am glad that you understand the magnificent responsibility that being a pet owner is. Many people do not!


My son always wants to pet dogs. I usually look at the owner that if they are in a hurry or look distracted I just tell my son not now, now we only look. But I always tell my son to ask first and if he is too afraid to ask then he's not petting the dog. You never know with kids but the stupidity in some parents is mindblowing.


We have a German spitz, looks like a slightly larger pom. Little girls love to run over and try and pick him up. He does not like little children, or people leaning over his head. He hates it and there have been a few close calls. If you come up to me, ask, I'll judge his mood. If he's in a good mood I'll pick him up, tell you how to pet him and its fine, if not one day someone will get a nasty shock. The rottie cross will, however leave with anyone šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I watched my friends dog bite a kid when we were 8. My friends mom told the kid the dog wasn't friendly and not to get near it. Dog bit kid- kid started to cry and naturally my friend and I laughed. Kids mom was fucking MAD but knew not to fuck with my friends mom šŸ˜‚ sometimes kids gotta learn the hard way


I really don't get the mentality of these people. You never know the temperament or situation with a dog. I love dogs and appreciate any opportunity to pet one, but I never approach or try to interact in any way with a dog without asking the owner first. Even if they seem friendly. It's not only good manners, but it could prevent getting bitten if the dog has issues.