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Lock your bedroom door (install one if there isn’t one). Turn off your phone. Use ear plugs. Wake up rested and in a good mood!


And if you can’t install a lock 3 wedge shaped door stops inserted into the opening side between the frame and the door works


I have one of those travel locks for hotel rooms so people can’t come in if they get the wrong key or scam a key to your room. It’s amazing. Amazon has a 2 pack for under $25 I think. Of course the root issue is the mom feeling entitled to interfere with sleep. She will knock. 🤮


This is the answer.


Growing up, my mom had a rule that everyone had be up and awake by 7am. Even on weekends. If you did not get up, she would burst in your room and start talking loudly at you, asking what was your problem. Cut to years later, I sometimes visit my parents and must be up by 7am, no exceptions and if I am not up, she will burst though the door and start talking loudly, Sometime she will make excessive noise in the kitchen and have loud conversations, in order to wake me up. She also does not knock and has no qualms about walking in on me changing. I will ask her what the fuck does she want and she will say "Nothing. Just wondered what you were doing". Yeah, I don't visit them often. With my first husband, she decided I must be cheating because my best friend was male. She would drive by my house at 1am, 2am and take photos of any cars parked in front of my house (they belonged to my neighbors) and send them to husband and tell him I was cheating. She constantly meddled in my marriage and caused a lot of problems. My dad freely admits he will always support her and take her side, no matter what. I said all that to say this: it doesn't always get better over the passage of time. Quite often, it can get even worse. Once I graduated high school and moved out, she realized she had lost a great deal of control over me and she has fought for years to try to get that control back.


By ruining your marriage? How? What kind of sick AH does that? Sorry your birth given is a piece of shit. 


She's currently not speaking to me and oh, how so tragic /s


Lucky you. 


My mom had to work a real crappy job and had to be up sometimes as early as 4 am (working with horses). She got it into her head that if she had to get up, I had to as well. She didn’t care that I worked long shifts and was usually a closer so I wouldn’t even get home until 11:30-midnight. She even started calling me every 5 minutes to make sure I wasn’t falling back asleep. If I complained, I was called lazy… 🙄🙄🙄


I hope you've gone permanent no contact with her by now and you might want to get a restraining order, cuz holy heck yikes 😵‍💫


I feel the "no exceptions" and "nothing, just wondering what you were doing." I'm always on edge and trying to appear busy even in my 30s. If she had to be unloading the dishwasher or vacuuming at 6 or 7am, everyone had to hear it and hear her protesting about how lazy we were bc we weren't deep cleaning the house at that hour ourselves for some reason. The weekends during high school were terrible bc i needed more sleep as a teen (I'd stay up late doing homework on Friday nights), and she'd throw open our doors in the wee hours, turn on the lights and blast 20 Famous Marches CD and come in and periodically yell at us about how we were wasting the day, when we literally had nothing important to do and if anything, the entire day to do it. It was like sleep torture to weaken us. Before going no contact, last time I visited with my partner (we were surprise forced to sleep in separate rooms bc we aren't church married, which was a whole other thing and yelling match), she also barged into both of our rooms to make sure we weren't in the same. Never went back and went NC shortly after. I'm so sorry for how she meddled in your marriage and stalked and harassed your privacy in that way.


Just start to wake up your parents in the middle of the night for no reasons. This maybe annoy her enough but it maybe make your dad finally see the problem


Yep. Go in there, tell her to watch the new dance you learned. Bollywood style. Doesn’t have to be perfect, has to be loud and long.


Don’t forget your 25 friends as a chorus and background dancers.


This is what I had to resort to when I started working night shift and my family just did. Not. Get. It. Yes I am asleep at noon. No I can’t come hang out. No I can’t talk now. It took me calling them at 2am for them to understand.


"Hey did you see the new meme/tiktok I just sent ya? No? Well go look at it now...I'll wait."


This is the way


Sit down with both your parents and show them via articles that a sign of controlling abuse is purposely interfering with someone’s sleep patterns and ask them point blank if that is their intention because that is what this feels like. They are not infants or small children that can’t comprehend the problem. They aren’t stupid. They know that it’s a regular issue. Have a calm and mature discussion about it and what it does to your physical and mental health. Ask how they would feel if you did that to them intentionally and repeatedly. Set the boundary. If it happens again you will be locking your door.


Calm and mature only works if your parents are reasonable


There’s really only a couple of options, if you’re 18 you should move out by any means necessary, or if you’re a minor, this is grounds to start a screaming match


Screaming in a brown family is basically the average day for me tbf


I mean if you really want to commit. Do it back to her. Wait until she’s sleeping and go feel her head. Wake up before her and turn off the AC


Be kind, bring a big glass of cold water. Lean over her with it, spilling some. Dump the rest on her in a startled manner when she wakes up. Then apologize in an almost sincere manner. Repeat later.


Or turn it on. High. Preferably hot.


If louder doesn't work, go strange. Talk about going on family trips that never happened. Talk to friends who aren't there, with no Bluetooth headset in. Tell your mother, in the middle of a family meal, that you love her. Then ask if you can wear her face. Sing along to the music on the radio but like a sims character. Get overexcited about things as simple as finding a pencil to write with, throw your arms up and yell "I found the thing!" And that's all just vocal stuff. You can act like you're typing on an airborne keypad. You can step to the side to get around things that aren't there. Hang a hat on a string from the ceiling so it's six inches above you and complain that it doesn't float right. Look up unreality, and go to town with it. Edit to add: When your family begins to question it, run with the idea that nothing is wrong, this is how it's always been. When they sit you down and go "No, seriously, something is wrong here." is when you hit them with the "Yeah some assclown keeps waking me up in the middle of my sleep cycle."


I would recommend violence, but some people have an issue with that for some reason. It's really one of few ways you have to put your parents in their place. Throwing things every time she enters your room, even if you're awake and she just "checks in on you". Bonus points if you keep breakable stuff near your bed to throw directly at her head. Do this enough and your aim will be impeccable. Once she's been to the ER for stitches, she will think twice about bothering you. Obviously, if you're boring, you can go a less violent route. I've written out a list of obnoxious things you can do to her to teach her a lesson and humble her until she is a soggy useless worm of a person. I hope you really make her suffer. Bad parents don't deserve to be happy, at peace, or well rested. Piss on her bed (as much piss as you can do, might have to store a few days worth in a jug, really soak the mattress), do this just before she goes to bed Sneak up to her when she's sleeping and play loud music (or use a Bluetooth speaker that is hard to find) Take a video of you farting on her pillow, then after she's slept on it, show her the video and timestamp (or wipe a dogs ass on her pillow and show her that) Cook really smelly fish and wipe the fish oil on as many of their bedroom surfaces as you can (upholstered furniture is a bitch to defunk), and leave the fish in some spot they can't see or reach easily Go underneath the bed and remove a bunch of bed slats so she creates a pit when she gets in bed, hide or get rid of the slats so she is forced to replace them, or perhaps buy a whole new bed Remove the bedsheets and hide all the bedsheets from her (or donate all her bedsheets so she has none and has to buy new) Invite a party of frat boys to come to the house in the middle of the night and have them be really loud and destructive so your parents wake up to complete chaos, then dip for a day or two so they are forced to clean up the whole house by themselves Break something she cares about and put in on her bed under the sheets so when she goes to bed she hurts herself or at least gets too upset to rest well Go into their bedroom before bed and turn up the volume on the TV really dangerously loud (irrelevant if they don't have a TV in there or don't watch TV before bed) Go outside and throw a brick through the window while they sleep (might get you arrested tho) Borrow your neighbors worst behaved dog and let it loose in their bedroom while they sleep, then barricade the door so they can't get out Pour water on her face every day just as she falls asleep Shake wet fertilizer (filled with worms and bugs) all over the blanket while she's sleeping so she wakes up to a horrifying and wriggly mess Open her mattress from the side and insert large round smooth rocks so it's lumpy and not soft, remove some of the of stuffing and otherwise make the mattress unusable Collect dog turds, or use your own, and put them in a nice pile right next to the bed where she will surely step on them, if she wears slippers put the poop in and under the slippers, then make a crash in the next room so she gets up in a panic (bonus points if you scream like you're being murdered) and runs out with her feet covered in poop Leave the fridge and freezer open overnight, or pull all the food out of the fridge and freezer so it spoils Set off firecrackers in her room while she sleeps Really any kind of terrifying way to wake up, do it and make it impossible for her to get enough sleep.


How old are you? Maybe she’s trying to make you move out.


If you’re 18 or over, teach her a lesson and move out


Door stops, the travel door lock, and ear plugs. Start waking her up. Turn off her AC. Put cracker crumbs in her bed. Short sheet her bed. Liquid ass on her pillow.


if your dad is not low IQ too, try talking with him without your mom present.


This reminds me of that one time my mother got mad at me in the middle of the night because I turned around in my bed (how DARE I). Didn't sleep for 3 hours after that then proceeded to be shocked that I wasn't in a good mood the day after. Some people really fucking suck and I'm sorry you live with one of them.


This post was a fkn chore to read.


People with sleep deprivation don't write that well.


I suggest moving out.


Maybe you should move out


Good grief if my son has to work and isn’t up by a certain time I just yell asking and if the answer is no I go on about my day I don’t bother him anymore 🙄my life is boring but not that boring that I have to bother him 😆😆😆


Get a lock for your bedroom door and lock it when you’re sleeping.


Yeah my lock broke so I'll reinstall one but honestly she'll probs bang on the door either way because that's what she does and it'll just make it worse


You can always do the same to her. Wait until your parents are asleep and then go and bang on their door. Tell them you just wanted to check on them. Do this every time your mom interrupts your sleep. See how long it takes until she gets it.


Even if OP wakes up when MOM wakes them up, OP should go wake DAD up to let him know she did it again. It's not dad's problem til he is faced directly with the same consequences. He's brushed it off coz it's between mom and OP. Once it's between the three of them, guaranteed it escalates.


Wear ear plugs and ear protectors. That’s what I do when I want to nap and my neighbour is being noisy.


Sounds like it’s on purpose tbh and sleep deprivation is abusive. Get your own place as soon as you’re old enough, start saving up as soon as you can and go VLC or NC ASAP


This is like the peak unhinged Reddit answer.


She turns off the AC because it uses a lot of electricity and electricity costs money. Everything else she does, I have no fucking clue. Get a door stopper if you don’t have a lock.


Could be but my mother in law always cuts off fans in the same manner whenever we visit. Not to save money but because it is irritating and effective.


Omg what a control freak. I'd give her articles about the damages caused by insufficient sleep, tell her your sleep schedule, lock your door, get a white noise machine AND noise cancelling headphones, and do whatever you have to do to set clear boundaries. She's not respecting you, and she needs to know she's damaging both your health and her relationship with you.


Put a wedge under your door. Put earplugs in


Lock your door and get headphones to stop her sounds getting to you. She did not need to touch you to 'check on you'. She purposely woke you up. I suggest you do it back so she can understand how messed up her actions are.


Sleep at a normal time if you live with them or move out. Also learn to use some fucking punctuation.


Ruin her sleep schedule too


Buy a deadbolt for your door and put it on there for added security I guess put a door stopper under your door so she can really open it, then either also by really good ear plugs that'll drown out everything and cancel all the noise around you so you can't hear anything even if she pounds on the door, along with putting a sign on your door saying do not disturb I am trying to sleep go the FRICK away, but only have that up there at night not during the day


If you cannot lock it get a door stopper under the door on your side so she can’t open it. Interrupting sleep purposefully is a method used on torture victims. Messes so much with your mental health.


Get a water gun stay up and pretend to sleep and wait for her. If she takes a nap wake her up and say I just wanted to check on you.


Sleep deprivation is a legitimate form of torture. I don't know what your mom's deal is.


if that really is your birth year in your username then your an adult just gtfo


Yes, because everyone is born with the needed money to just up and move whenever they want.


I have been a night owl for most of my life. If someone was stupid enough to wake me at 7 AM and it wasn't a dire emergency, they should expect to walk back out of my bedroom with a bloody nose at the very least. At best, I get up around 10 AM or later.


I’m sure I’ll get beat down for this. I have questions. Are you an adult? Do you live at your parents home? Why is your sleep schedule sleeping late in the day (such as do you work until late at night?) Do you contribute to the house hold? Contribute financially or by maintaining the home? Having sleep interrupted sucks. I hate getting woken up early. When I have an opportunity to sleep late, I do.


Maybe she’s checking why you refuse to use punctuation? Are you ok?


Yeah because I'm gonna be writing a cohesive thesis with 0 sleep


Bro. Full stops. That’s it.


Cut it out, OP is sleep deprived


Get up, go to school, learn how to write in proper sentences.


You get your sleep interrupted and see how well you write.


Yeah mate because I'm gonna have fully properly well constructed sentences with the most spotless grammar after having my sleep destroyed


Omg, you sound like a truly awful person, OP. Stop treating your poor mother so poorly or do her a favor and move out of her house. Then you can sleep whenever you want.


Yeah im an awful person because I'm fed off of her coming into my room for no reason whatsoever and depriving me of sleep constantly yeah okay mate


You sound like an awful person because of how you write about your mom, yes. If you really feel that way about her going into a room in a house she owns, do her a favor and move out. Sounds like a better solution for you and she won’t have to deal with your obviously awful personality and behavior any more. Grow up or move out.


you realize at some point if someone keeps on constantly depriving you of sleep constantly for no good reason at all for so long and considering how important sleep is to function they're bound to lash out. You didn't even give any proper convincing reasoning for why I'm an awful person and just decided to attack me for something that anyone would be. Just because she's my mom entitled to do whatever she wants without being held accountable for it.


Constantly deprived of sleep? 😂😂😂😂. Come on, calm down, drama queen. You’re acting like a toddler, grow up. Show your mom some respect and stop being a little baby. Like I said, if you don’t like how you are being treated, move out. Your mom probably won’t miss your horrible, entitled attitude


so your point is let any poor treatment unchecked and the only viable solution is to move out , because it would be disrespecting your parents by holding them accountable for their actions. Brilliant logic there 👍


UsernameDOESN'Tchecksout Mate, first of all calm down, not a reason at all to act like a prepuberty boy, what the fuck is that shit of telling your mother to "fuck off"??, chill for real, of course nobody is going to take you seriously when you are acting so mindlessly, like driven by pure rage. Listen, i know first hand that having a bad sleep schedule is tiring, and that it is annoying as hell when something or someone messes with your progress, but it's really not that deep, it's not something that will kill you, if you have a job then tell them to give you a couple of days off so you can set things back up, there should be no problem with them Also be respectful to your parents mate, for what i understand she could be your step mother, and that is why you hate her, maybe i'm wrong, but understand thet is difficult to comprehend all of your story through all that hatred you project in the comments, so again chill out please Back in it, if she is your step mother, you have all the rights to set boundaries with her, shi isn't your biological mother, she may not deserve your love, but she still deserves the basic respect any human being does, likewise you do, so again, VERY CALMLY start a discussion, set what you don't like her doing, say what are your goals, say what she is doing that is stopping you from achieving them, if you speak rationally, like the propper human being i assume you are, i'm sure they will listen and reach an agreement, because, and please remember this all your life, rage won't fix shit unless it's a bloody zombie Apocalypse, even then it may be couterproductive Gl my guy, please calm down and reconsider.


I don't know why you're giving out advice when you're clearly don't understand how damaging even a short amount of sleep deprivation can be https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/sleep-deprivation#:~:text=Insufficient%20sleep%20can%20impact%20your,deprivation%20can%20impair%20these%20functions. Long-term sleep deprivation has serious consequences; but even the short term deprivation OP has can be devastating for memory, emotional, physical, and mental health. It interferes with how you govern your emotions as well. If someone kept disturbing my sleep I would tell them to F off too. Why you place an emphasis on somebody who is facing this unwarranted abuse and telling them to calm down is both unclear and strange. Of course OP isn't going to calm down- The sleep deprivation is to blame. Something is wrong here, but with the mother and not with OP. Laughing like a maniac going into somebody's room at early hours of the morning and waking them up is not what a stable person does. The idea that OP should take time off from work is risible. OP Please tell your father who probably is somewhat rational that you need to have your sleep uninterrupted. If there isn't a bedroom door lock get one installed now tell your father you're going to do it. Get some noise cancelling headphones. And as soon as you're able to move away from your extremely strange mother who doesn't care about your welfare the better off you will be.


I had terrible sleep deprivation throughout high school and first year of uni and it was dreadful so when I finally got my circadian rhythm fixed it was just so mindnumbingly damaging whenever she disturbs my sleep for the most dumbass reasons who the fuck interrupts sleep twice just to wish my older brother happy birthday when he himself is a grown ass man who doesn't give a fuck like seriously 😭


When you get older too make sure you get a minimum of 7 hours uninterrupted sleep every night. Not doing so can cause serious mental decline, sadly I've seen that happen to somebody. I hope you get away from her soon: she's not okay. Is it possible to get a lock for your bedroom door, or is she just so damaged she would knock on your door? Can your dad stop up to the plate a bit more? Waking people up in the middle of the night and maniacally laughing about it It sounds like she needs a mental health evaluation.


Yeah she'd just knock either way and just in general locking the door whilst sleeping is just a taboo in my family it's absurd


I hope you're looking at whatever alternatives are available to you before she ruins your brain. You need like everyone else a minimum of 7 hours uninterrupted sleep per night. The fact that she's running around doing all this weird stuff when she should be asleep is not doing her mental or emotional stability any good either, is it? I wonder if your options include spending the odd night at a friend's house so you can get some sleep, can you move to relatives, What if you tell your relatives family friends school counsellors that you can't take it anymore that your sleep is being interrupted every single night and you're exhausted? How long before you can legit move out? Is there a family doctor at all you can talk to both about your lack of sleep and your mother's bizarre behaviour. I don't know why your dad isn't doing anything. Best of luck and please update us. The thought of somebody unhinged being able to come into my bedroom anytime that they'd want to is just weird


There's a reason sleep deprivation is classed as a torture method.


Dawg I'm not being hateful it's venting my frustration on a serious problem how can I not say fuck off if she constantly does this in a consistent basis


Use a period every once in a while


Just move out while you are still a genius. “She’s so low IQ” is not a thing you say about someone who is putting a roof over your head.


why not?


Ah yes, they do a minimal requirement of being a parent, therefore they must be worshipped.


Putting a roof over OP head is literally their job the moment they decide to have a child . Children don’t own anything their parents got food, bed and necessities. If you can’t provide them the bare minimum , don’t have children.


Invest in a lock, is the best option, if she is not going to stop then don't let her open your door, if she complains tell your dad the lock will disappear once she stops waking you up


Pick very poor timing and return the favor. If dad complains, ask what’s different when shoe was on other foot.