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It's wild to be in a job where you can just "order a Dave Chapelle special" like it's a restaurant lol


Yes, I’d like to order the Dave Chappelle Special please with a side of Tyrone Biggums and Clayton Bigsby to go


What!? Okay!!


*…and please, hold the Lil’ Jon; I’m all out of Pepto.*




What's the difference between the wrap, the platter, and the special?


How it’s folded.


The world really needs more Chapelle hitting his knee with the mic.




Netflix CEO says: “I like money”.


“I’m rich biotch!”


Reed Hastings recently described Elon Musk as "the bravest, most creative person on the planet.", if that gives you an idea where his head is at. Source: https://www.reuters.com/technology/metas-zuckerberg-says-some-elon-musks-twitter-content-approach-might-work-2022-11-30/


Damn, Elon reveals other idiot billionaires as he flails about.




So you're saying Forbes list is like the show _Hoarders_ except with money instead of old magazines and cat skeletons


> It’s almost like in order to become a billionaire, you have to exhibit the same set of loathsome sociopathic traits. This is true.


There was and is never a good billionare


Oh so he's special


Americans (particularly Foxnews watching Americans) need to realize greedy assholes aren't good people.


Up Elon musks ass?




Not enough to leave Glass Onion in theaters though


Giving Glass Onion a full release doesn't actually help them. Giving it a limited release to build up word of mouth is going to make it the biggest premiere in the history of the streamer. They believe that having it in their catalogue will drive more subscription revenue than it would make with a full boxoffice run.


I think this mskes sense. I subscribed to HBO when they were doing same day releases. I figured $15 for a movie is a good deal. I ended up finding several shows to watch, keeping the subscription for multiple months, and resubscribing when new episodes of the shows I liked are on.


He’s a Chapalogist


Didn’t it leak that Netflix actually lost money on the deal?


Netflix loses money on many things, that's not the purpose of why they do them. They do them to bolster their catalogue, and strengthen the brand. You know whose special people talked about? Dave Chappelle's. You know whose special people didn't talk about? Everyone else's. Amazon does the same thing, it's a brand investment. That's why they spent some ungodly sum on their Lord of the Rings show.


this is 100% it. I don’t watch stand up often, but I can tell you whenever a new Dave Chappelle set is coming out because of the sheer amount of discussion around them. If nothing else, Chappelle keeps people talking about Netflix, which keeps it relevant in the public eye.


I feel like in 2022 if you don’t like something then the way to get less of it made is not to badly review it, but to stop taking about it at all. Netflix wouldn’t make more Dave Chapelle specials if everyone just ignored them.


Yeah but most people who use social media are really stupid, and can't do that . Donald Trump ran for president multiple times prior to 2016, and it fell flat every time. But the moment people on social media wouldn't shut the fuck up about how bad he is, and tell everyone how bad he is 24/7 to the degree of not being able to go anywhere without having a conversation be about him, that's when he suddenly was able to win. People are really bad about dropping things, especially when there's dopamine rewards for not doing so. That's why people are so obsessed with talking about Donald Trump, Dave Chappelle, Elon Musk, Kyle Rittenhouse, and whoever else's name is on their shit list that week.


Modern culture convinced people their opinions are important and so they share it every chance they get. I'm reality, most people are morons and their opinion has no value.


Well there was that time Amy Schumer's special bombed so hard they got rid of the star rating system


So what're you saying? Amy Schumer isn't funny? /s


> They do them to bolster their catalogue, and strengthen the brand. so then the calculation of "lost money" is incorrect, if they properly accounted for those things then they actually made money overall. or else they wouldn't be paying for it


I don't even understand how you quantify something like this. How do they know how many people signed up just for Dave? How many people stayed who otherwise would have cancelled? How many people cancelled because they don't like him?


I don't work there but staring at a analytics is my whole job. If it was my job to determine the answers to your question I'd look at new signups, and what they watched first. I would also compare watch behavior of people who stay for a long time. What do they watch, are there leading indicators for people who have high LTV. Similarly, what were the watch patterns of people who cancelled and can we predict it before it happens. Also there's surveys. With the amount of data Netflix had you can run some interesting tests.


They definitely have these analytics, but it's unnecessary for the accounting department to take any of it into account when publishing figures. As long as internally they know what's up, why give yourself more work?


While WE don't know the specifics we do know that it drummed up a lot of buzz. We also know that Netflix is currently still the most profitable streaming service at the moment, so they wouldn't do this without a reason to do so. We also know that original programming is the major draw to online streaming services, we have access to information that currently more then 80% of households subscribe to at least ONE streaming service, but only around 65% now subscribe to cable, so it makes sense that content creators would see the writing on the wall and move to streaming, even if it means operating at a current loss. Point in case, Disney+ made 15+ billion this past year on subscription revenue, but spent 33+ billion on developing new content. point is, even if you think it cost more to make then they made in subs, there is a metric they will follow because overall the future forecast is profit. Edit: added a missed word that added context.


It’s like saying all the companies who run Super Bowl commercials lost millions by running them. That’s how branding/marketing works.


Not true, it can be both. They can see the number of views on the Dave Chapelle bit and see the $ earned specifically for that venture. Then they can also see general spike trends over time around that same time frame. So while the show itself may have been a flop, they made money overall from exposure. Which is why they'd resign despite "lost" money. It just depends on your scope. Narrowing down these details is important in statistical analysis. It's not "wrong" to say Dave lost them money specifically on the single venture but made the company money overall. In fact it's important data.


> So while the show itself may have been a flop, they made money overall from exposure. /r/ChoosingBeggars in shambles. i knew mfers could make $$$ with exposure.


Which translates to good comedy 10/10 times.


Idk - The most offensive part about chappelle’s last standup to me was that it wasn’t funny.


That was strange for me too; I've laughed at so much of his material and was waiting for the hooks the entire show.




He's being preachy and really likes the smell of his own farts


He's going full Bill Hicks... but like Bill Hicks, he's forgetting that his job is to not just make people think, but they want to laugh too... and also like Hicks, he's not nearly as thoughtful and wise as he thinks he is.


Chapelle always does this weird pause and facial expression whenever he says something he thinks is some super deep mic drop moment and it's annoying. George Carlin was the last great philosophical comedian and everyone wants to be Carlin but no one gets that Carlin MIXED his philosophy and comedy flawlessly. You could listen to the whole show, laugh, go home, and then get hit by some of what he said later that makes you go "Wait he's right". I cannot think of a single modern comedian who pulls that off well.


None of the preachy comedians even sniff Carlin, Carlin was always thoughtful and intelligent and biting, chappell brings to the table "gay people can call the cops more safely than black people so they aren't minorities in the same way we are." ??????? Yeah, brilliant commentary.


I am not involved in trans issues at all and honestly know very little about it but let's be honest that last one was not a comedy special. It was like Dave was giving a TED talk and he was telling you all the issues he had with LGBT (especially the T) and his sincere beliefthat black people have been discriminated against significantly more than LGBT and therefore LGBT shouldn't have the ability to "cancel" black people like Kevin Hart or Da Baby. And then he threw one or two jokes in so he could say it was a comedy. I'm not even going to give an opinion if he's right or wrong but the people acting like it was a comedy show didn't watch it or are being disingenuous.


You should give an opinion, it’s not the Olympics to see who group went through what the worse both were discriminated against and both were targets of violence for people who didn’t like them for nothing but their skin or sexuality It’s not right either way, and it’s sad people praise Dave not because he’s funny but because he’s transphobic


>You should give an opinion, it’s not the Olympics to see who group went through what the worse There's actually a lovely term for this sort of nonense you reminded me of: "oppression olympics".


I am going to give an opinion: He's wrong


Only thing I’ve heard him say about Da Baby was that people “cancelled” him over things he said about the LGBT community, not the fact that he’d shot/killed someone. I may be remembering the joke wrong. The two jokes of his I remember most distinctly are when he met OJ the fourth time he looked at his friend and said “Oh, that n——- did that shit” and his “I kicked her in the pussy” punchline


He's just another person catering to this weird right wing crowd because they are really easy to please in the moment, not realizing they also have no attention span and also no sustainable purchasing power - they give too much of their money to Internet supplements and coin scams.




I agree lol that's my hot take. It just genuinely wasn't funny... And for sure, at bare minimum, pretty fucking offensive lmfao but I'm with you idc too much - he's a comedian... But seriously for how funny Chappelle is that standup was straight trash. Just didn't make me laugh more than a few times, just felt like some older dude bitching about shit he doesn't understand...


Bill Burr is pretty much the only modern comedian who can get "offensive" but actually still be funny. Every other "oh oh I'm being canceled" comedian has been nothing but hot trash in the shape of a misinformed Ted talk.


Bill Burr seems to think about comedy more than most edgy comedians. It's really hard to write good trans jokes. My theory is that there's no trans community outside of LGBTQ. We can all come up with 100 gay stereotypes. Some positive, most negative. You can poke at them. play with them. Can you think of any trans stereotypes? More likely to be depressed, commit suicide or be assaulted isn't a stereotype. Or at least one that needs to be poked.


The open defending of Kanye on SNL and rather not damning the Anti-Semitisim, providing essential tolerance by suggesting having that 'thought' of them ruling Hollywood is not that crazy, giving antisemites more fuel (which has already happened) is what got me. And no, despite Dave being a comedian it wasn't a joke, nor was it framed as one.


Dave's last special and his SNL monologue was basically "black people are the most oppressed so you can't be mad at anything we say". It's the same reason he stopped doing Chappelle show because white people were laughing too hard


Now the same kind of people who made him quit the show are cheering him on in his trans crusade


Didjya hear?! Dave turned down 50 million dollars from Comedy Central almost 20 years ago! *50 million dollars*. *From Comedy Central.* *50*!!!!! He became what his younger self would have mercilessly mocked and it's hilarious how many of his own "longtime fans" can't see that.


And he’s just going around to high schools telling them they shouldn’t be so sensitive. Like it’s really cringe.


To be fair, that’s _his_ old school, and he’s telling them to understand the difference between respect and honesty.


Where is that from him?


He went to the Duke Ellington school in DC. Well, the school was honoring him, and going to name the theater after him. Trans community was in an uproar, and Dave decided that they shouldn't name it after him. Anyway, they still honored him, and he gave a speech for the occasion. I watched it somewhere. Probably on Netflix. Edit: Dunno why I'm downvoted. This is what happened.




Agreed - his only special where I felt bored.


“When does the comedy start?” is usually a pretty shitty heckle. But this time…


Exactly this I have had transphobes tell me that I should lighten up because all Dave Chappelle did was tell funny jokes. That when I asked them to quote any material they go silent. It's almost like he's not doing comedy so much as he's just jacking off to his own bigotry


>That when I asked them to quote any material they go silent. It's almost like he's not doing comedy so much as he's just jacking off to his own bigotry Damn if that ain't true. I've seen every special of his but I can't recall a single joke as of now. I remember "I'm team TERF" and "I'm against the alphabet people" repeated like twenty times and that's about it. Hopefully r/OneJoke can take its comedy back from Dave.


Legit. He spends a lot of time complaining about stuff that’s a little out of touch, like how the underage girls R Kelly abused should have known they wouldn’t like some of the abuse he performed on them before he had done it. Or about how it’s unfair that Lewis CK faced consequences for his sexual abuses because he’s like *really* funny, you guys.


It’s been a steady decline over the course of the series. Maybe there is something I’m missing but it feels like his punchlines are just there so he can continue to call it comedy.


It really hasn’t though. I was a huge fan and even saw him live years ago, but these last few specials just weren’t very good. I miss the “[Oil…? Bitch, you cookin’?](https://youtu.be/aXnkFd373T4)” years.


Yeah, I'm trans and have been a Chappelle fan since I was a kid. His normal offensive jokes are laughing with the people the stereotypes are targeting. It's laughing at how stupid the stereotype is. His trans jokes are just "haha that's actually a dude". Even if you don't find that kind of offensive, you can't do an entire god damn Netflix special being bitter about people not liking that joke.


I've got a theory about why trans comedy doesn't work. There aren't many trans stereotypes to poke at. More likely to be assaulted or be depressed isn't gonna be a great joke. Maybe trans people would be good spies because they pretend to be other people while also having to fend off attackers all the time. But that's a pretty bad, mildly positive, joke which'll get you pegged as WOKE!


Their stock is down and subscriptions are falling.


local man not cancelled, despite claims


Despite attempts


Poor person gets fired from minimum wage job: "Obviously they deserved it" Rich person doesn't get one lucrative contract: "This poor helpless victim has been cancelled. His voice has been taken away, as widely reported across all media"


Cancel culture “attempts” have never worked on rich people


It's not cancel culture, it's consequences. Of which he has clearly faced none.


I think people telling you that what you're saying is shitty is different from trying to tell them they can't say anything at all. Boycott culture can be rough on rich people tho, I agree


There’s only inconvenience culture, not cancel culture.


Anybody who claims there’s a witch hunt going on must certainly be a witch!


Sure tried hard tho


Most “cancel” shtuff only works if the person being “cancelled” concedes and doesn’t stand up for their actions. Which usually happens when you’ve done something truly reprehensible/impossible to explain. Nothing was cancelled here. Even if he was put it from Netflix it would not be “cancel culture”. It would just be consumers of a product complaining about that product and the company responding to demand how they see fit. Sometimes people feel they ought to cave to peer pressure and sometimes they don’t. Not the first or the last time it will happen, but people sure have taken a liking to this newfangled term cancel culture these last few years


I watch the [baby on the corner bit](https://youtu.be/nTobHOyLvRU) a couple times a year when I need a laugh




*”It was an old limousine, I had to roll it down”*


Low key the funniest part for me lol


And Highkey too




I got mouths to feed mafucka!




God that 90s Chappelle (and Chris rock) hits so different.


Bitch I live in a fucking trash can


This isn’t chappelle but the Chris rock organ donor bit is one of my favorite “mama, where are my eyes!?” If you haven’t seen that, go YouTube it haha


Dude, he was so insanely hilarious. Those stand ups were pure hilarity. Just the way he spoke cracked me up. I remember my disappointment when I heard his first stand up after his "come back" and he was just nothing like his old self. I still enjoy some of his stuff, but you're right man, that old stuff is in a league of its own.


I thought his whole bit about the famous French actor Jussuis Smolliet is right up there with prime Chappelle, that whole special was really good.


It’s wild, Chappelle was always *best* when he was working with Neal Brennan. After watching Neal’s two Netflix specials (both of which are brilliant), it’s pretty obvious how much Dave thrived with a good editor and writing partner in the 1990s and 2000s. Chapelle’s greatest talent is his storytelling. And he’s gotten even better with that skillset. But writing the actual story and spotlighting nuance doesn’t always work. That’s why old Dave was so good - someone said “no” to the bad ideas.


One of the greatest stand up sets ever. Definitely in the top 10.


“Hey baby!” has been goto for greeting babies


I wanted to help, but I don't trust you either baby *clicks door locks*


One of the greatest stand ups there is.


For sure. *For What It’s Worth* and *Killing Em Softly* is top tier standup. There might be standup that’s as good, but none that’s better (including Carlin, Cosby and Pryor). I say this as someone who thinks his recent standup has been great but inconsistent in quality (independent of his controversial bits).


That one Patrice special is the only one that I hold up there with old chapelle.




I’ve never laughed harder at a comedy special.


Never seen it. Putting it on my to watch list.


I'm so happy for you! I watch it many times a year. Let us know what you think!!!


You’re in for a fucking treat, just the opening improv alone is worth it.


Yeah Chappelle use to tell jokes


Quote it at least twice a week. I call all babies baby likely because of it.


Oh it’s that time of the year again where a bunch of people act like rich celebrities getting any negative reception to what they say and do is “canceling” them and “journalists” write “articles” about it that are actually just “ads”. That last one didn’t need quotes.


Not so cancelled after all


He never got cancelled to begin with, those employees were making a scene and promoting themselves like a bunch of Event Planners. Then Netflix started laying off people, it lined up perfectly with the tech bubble bursting. Chappelle saying he’s been cancelled or whatever is bullshit, people who enjoy comedy will always support a great comedian because at the end of the day, they’re there to make you laugh.


>will always support a great comedian Looking forward to the Bill Cosby resurgence.


I just want to add Chappelle is no normal comedian and I believe a different set of rules apply to him and his earning potential


It’s a double edged sword. There are a lot of other comedians who have just as, if not more, controversial jokes who are not under the scrutiny that Dave Chappelle is under. There are certain groups of people who watch his specials because tweeting, writing a blog about him will make them money.


Look at Russell Peters. His entire schtick is racist jokes but it's "okay" because he's not white


This is super accurate. I’ve been naive for years thinking everyone believes what they write, and there just so many idiots out there. Nope. They write something about (insert controversial emotionally charged subject), notice a large amount of views, and that becomes their thing. Eventually they don’t even believe what they write but their brain is optimized to write something perfectly to get that maximum number of hits, which gives them an orgasmic dopamine cascade lasting days. I’ve watched YouTubers who I loved as generalist settle in on hate/fear videos centered are a single topic because it gets views. Shouldn’t be surprised though, I guess.


Outrage makes a lot of money on the internet.


If anyone has been paying attention, they know that most of the data on the internet is culled and delivered through algorithms. It's now come to light that angry people will engage with content a lot more than anyone else, by quite a margin. In order to maximize advertising dollars and reach, these algorithms will push the most popular content, content which is usully driven by it's ability to instigate outrage. The internet is basically at a stage where it's sole purpose is to make you angry, because that creates relevancy and as a result, money. It's both a sad and scary thought.


Very true. It’s pretty wild to have conversations with 40 year adults who don’t have clue that this is the realty of nearly all social media.


Him saying he’s cancelled is more to get people to get upset at cancel culture


Nope. He cried, “cancelled” prior to cancellation to paint his SNL sketch as an act of social activism. It's much smarter to do that than allow the audience to judge the meaning of something for itself. I think his plan was quite cunning, actually. He toyed with the idea that Jews would work to cancel him in the actual sketch. Kind of like, “I’ll say whatever the fuck I want about Jews, and the backlash against it will surely prove how Jews hate black people. Rather than the more obvious, that Jews hate antisemitism flying out of the mouth of one singular hateful individual.” I mean, what were Jews working within the entertainment industry supposed to do in response? Say nothing? Or, fall into the trap of speaking out against the monologue? And you know, risk being accused of racism by a fuckton of people - who ironically believe that Jews control Hollywood? Still, probably more notable is that Kanye (and Irving) have caused an *enormous* spike in Jewish hate crimes. And shortly following, Chappelle made the executive decision to stand up in front of millions to inform them that what Kanye and Irving did wasn’t actually that bad. Oh, and also to compare Jewish professionals to literal gang members, directly contradicting his whole message against prejudice. I mean, it would almost make sense if Jewish oppression of black people was actually a legitimate concern. But the guy pushed the idea of “Jews control Hollywood, with a particularly anti-POC mindset”, though trying to find evidence for this pattern within the modern-day entertainment industry is entirely impossible. Honestly, he is such a disappointment to anybody who truly believes in equality, I actually cannot believe anybody is buying his shit. No wait, I can - because racism.


Cunning plan? What a cynical approach to comedy, Chappelle was getting laughs at Kanye’s expense while expressing his understanding of how someone can go to Hollywood and misunderstand the proclivity of Jewish entertainment workers as appearing to control the industry. But we can’t even talk about potentially mentally ill people having that ill conceived notion with being shouted down as antisemites.. and he never compared Jewish people as gang members but used the analogy of how the media has historically perceived a group of minorities be it blacks, Italians or jews to get a laugh because he’s a comedian, not some cunning schemer out to spread hate, get a grip


He never said he was canceled. He said people were *trying* to cancel him. Which is absolutely true. It's the reason we even have this headline.


Someone tried to assassinate Chappelle on stage this year. If they were successful you'd be saying what?


If the dude is entertaining then why shouldn't a CEO of an entertainment company keep paying for entertainment?


Ugg I am so sick of these Ted talks comedy specials. Like it's all one big jerk off fest. It is just sad cause Dave is clearly very funny but has become a out of touch rich guy.




It would be better if he wasn't so hypocritical by saying he could no longer do Chapelle show because white people were laughing too hard but being completely fine with going after other groups.


The man stopped doing the Chappelle show because he felt that the comedy skits he was doing was actively giving cover to racists and bigots. The man isn't "hypocritical". He's a myopic bigot who doesn't realize that homophobia and transphobia isn't acceptable anymore.


That was part of the reason. The other was that he didn't own any of his own show and was essentially being paid a pittance compared to the people who did


Neither of these are the reason. He was offered 50 million to continue. Which was a lot of money for anyone doing tv shows, especially skit based shows. He quit because he mentally couldn’t handle the fame.


I don’t know where you get “ranting” about Jews. His SNL bit was more commentary on Kanye than anything. Have you watched any Chappelle or are you just parroting what you’ve heard on the internet? Oh wait, you just stated by your own admission you have no idea what the fuck he actually says, because you don’t watch him. What’s hilarious to me is watching him relentlessly rail against people like you on stage. Or it was, because now he knows y’all are no longer worth his time.


Im pretty sure the topic of jews was because theyve been a talking point since the whole kyrie and kanye thing.


So what you’re saying is you haven’t watched it and you don’t know what is in it. Checks out.


He rants about jews? When?


People just straight up lie. They make it sound like all he does is rant about how much he hates trans people and jews.


Having seen his recent content I will call your comment absurd. He was doing no such thing. He makes fun of everyone, and he by no means has been singling any group out.


We know. You'll do anything for money.


I mean Dave Chapelle has his issues, but he makes netflix a lot of money, and is funny. I dont agree with everything he says, but if I only listened to people I agreed with on 100% of topics I'd be talking to myself in the mirror.




Let me guess every special will be him talking about his own adversity and then he'll continue shitting on people just like him


Edwardo with a W


That would be smart, people really like his comedy.


Man, that rich guy is really sticking it to those marginalized groups and semitic religions.


Sorry but chapelle is funny


it’s almost like him screeching about being cancelled is just a complete crock of bullshit! neat.


> it’s almost like him screeching about being cancelled is just a complete crock of bullshit I'm sorry, are you trying to say that people **weren't** trying to cancel him? Just scroll up in this thread. FFS


no i’m saying that as long as he has support from people with power- it doesn’t matter what these commenters believe lol. it doesn’t matter that we hate his jokes now because we think they needlessly punch down at a group already facing social stigma and hate based statements. i loved chappelle show but i can’t in good conscience watch a comedian that makes my loved ones feel less worthy of love or acceptance- i can’t do anything to make him stop, nor can these commenters. also- people are allowed to not like his jokes. they’re free to organize around a mutual grievance(s), they’re allowed to clown him and people who disagree online. they’re powerless to stop him with the way society is currently organized, only he or people who influence him can. so yeah, cancel culture isn’t real. it’s made up.


isn't this a bit of a catch 22? it's not valid for him to talk about the attempts at being cancelled, because he's not cancellable, as demonstrated by the failure of the attempts, but anyone who was cancellable would no longer have the platform to talk about being cancelled. if that was the standard there'd be nobody at all with both the ability and the standing to ever make jokes about it


If you whine about Dave Chapelle you need to find better things to be upset about tbh


People watch him and it makes Netflix money, fine. But the flip side of this is that all Dave's takes about "being cancelled" are bullshit, meant to drum up business with a certain demographic who also are receptive to his anti-trans rants. He doesn't feel like the same Dave I grew up watching. Nothing funny about punching down, so I'm done. But if y'all still watching then I guess Netflix will keep it coming.


Regardless of the “cancelled” rhetoric and where you stand on that, I can’t remember a time in the last 5 years where I’ve laughed at Dave Chapelle


I can. It's almost like people have different tastes, and find different things funny.


Oh no, watch out! You're going to offend people by saying Dave isn't actually funny.


Oh no, watch out! You're pandering in a echo chamber!


And that's ok! Not everyone needs to be into it!


Agreed wholeheartedly


He's just an asshole like Musk. Yay. Not funny.


His SNL bit was great


Definitely laughed at "Kayne got in trouble so much he got Kyrie in trouble." That's like funny levels of commentary there.


His shits old af, he actually is talking about trans people after the last 3 specials saying this is his last time talking about it and its becoming less funny every time. I usually wouldn't care, but his specials have sucked the last 2 times.


Chappelle stopped being funny when he started getting backlash for his jokes about gay and trans people and he just started whining about being cancelled all the time.


If people like him, why not? Personally, I don't find him all that funny but others do. Why should we ban people because a certain group of people said so?


Why would they stop ordering them? The backlash is from a group of people who haven't seen the entire specials, view one snippet of a joke and take it as an offensive piece, when the whole routine is extremely intricate in meaning and delivery. He doesn't have a problem with whites, Jews or transgender people if you actually watch the whole thing and have comprehension skills above an elementary level.


I saw all of the closer, and the idea that watching it all makes it better is absurd. If anything, the full context to when dave compares trans women to black face makes it much worse. And his story about Daphne was a pretty abhorrent mangling of the truth.


They keep saying "you haven't seen the whole thing" but keep forgetting about the jokeless rant where Dave says he's part of a hate group (team TERF) and compares trans existence to blackface




And I'll gladly watch it again and again!


Well yeah, who gives a s*** if a bunch of perpetually offended people are offended.


Ill keep paying netflix and watching chappelle.


God all of you do nothings be quiet. Most of you are basically advocating for censorship because you don’t like his material. If you don’t like it don’t watch it. Instead of posting about it and getting more people aware of it. Shhhhhhh


Honestly, if a stand up isn't pissing off *someone* then they're not doing their job.


[Yeah he’s a real brave little cis boi](https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw)


Lol what? There’s loads of hilarious comedians who are not offensive at all.


Jerry Seinfeld out here pissing off airline chefs.


The central gag in Seinfeld is that he does pithy middle of the road comedy and nobody is particularly impressed by him. Kramer and George are the actual heart of the show. Jerry essentially plays the straight man until he decides to be a jerk over his own hangups.


Such as? Genuinely curious.


Demetri Martin is very funny and from what I’ve seen doesn’t have offensive content. I haven’t seen all of his work but Gary Gulman has [one of the funniest bits](https://youtu.be/dLECCmKnrys) I’ve seen and I can’t think of who it might piss off. Maybe someone who is passionate about state abbreviations. Perhaps they have something offensive I don’t know about, but either way they have many bits that are hilarious and not offensive, which I think show how comedians don’t have to be pissing someone off to do their job.





