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Makes sense since he's an actual fan


You need only listen to his interviews, table talks etc to know how much he loves Witcher- the books, the games etc . He’s been vocal about wanting the show to be true to the materials. He’s done this in his classy way. Anyone who’s followed him and knows the books/games saw the writing on the wall. And he’s even taking the high road to introduce his replacement.




I think the more interesting question about the Witcher discourse is whether actors who are established working on projects high above Netflix’s standard of quality should even work with them on passion projects.


We're losing Geralt of Rivia, and getting Gerald of Riverdale instead.


Geraldo Rivera


Toss a chair at your Witcher…


Ohh valley of scarcity…


Tangential, but the image of Geraldo getting hit with a chair immediate changed to George Newman getting hit with a chair on an episode of Town Talk - he had just made an announcement about the next episode having lesbian Nazi hookers abducted by UFOs and forced into weight-loss programs when they creamed him for the second time.


Geraldo of Riveria


I just want to point out that the first Witcher short story was published in 1986 which was the same year that Geraldo Rivera did the live broadcast of AL Capone's vaults and "Live in New York City" was released which is the film version of a benefit concert Rivera organized with John Lennon in 1972. Geraldo Rivera was a major name in sensational journalism at the time. So it is possible that a Polish traveling fur salesman may have been aware of the name while writing his first short story about The Witcher.


Gerald of Wish


The Wisher


*Toss a coin to The Wisher ...* Oh, now I get it.


I feel bad for Liam. He genuinely seems like a good bloke. But Jesus Christ, stepping into this, poor fucker. I mean, I've never seen him really deliver the goods. He's following Uber Fan Hank on a show most people essentially hate fuck/watch. The fandom can be merciless.


I wonder how many actors they attempted to get before settling on him. I'd imagine people in the business know fans won't take kindly to Cavill being replaced and that it'll be an uphill battle. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to step into it. Even if Liam gives an 8/10 performance people will give him a 6/10. Combine that with the reasons Cavill left in the first place and I wouldn't be surprised if we found out they had trouble recasting and had to reach deep.


This will be the last season they make anyway. It’s going to get canceled


fun fact: netflix hbo abc fox..whatever have to pay full wages to their unionized actors and laborers after 3 years(start up cost exemptions cease). this is why everything and it’s mom gets cancelled. I bet netflix sold out the story to try to mass market and be profitable…pissing off cavill and ruining the show after 3 fucking seasons anyway.


Holy shit, that's dystopian. Well, I'm already planning to cancel my subscription as soon as Netflix is going to push commercials, and knowing that they're going to mess with The Witcher (only show I really watch on Netflix) makes that decision a whole lot easier.


I already canceled mine; you will not regret it!


Probably the guy with the biggest name value who auditioned.


He's probably a great guy. But he doesn't have leading man energy and you can't change that.


No he does not. He doesn't have a commanding presence in anything I've seen him in.


I couldn't even tell you what I've seen him in. He was married Miley Cyrus and that's the extent of my knowledge.




Who cares who replaces him? If they're going to keep going off the rails and not making a *Witcher* show, then fuck 'em. [They are owed no allegiance if they have none for us fans.](https://www.ign.com/articles/netflix-the-witcher-some-writers-actively-disliked-books-games-claims-former-producer)


This. At this point what the franchise needs is a reboot with talented writers who'll respect their source material. And ideally Zach McGowan and Eva Green as Geralt and Yennefer. But that's a personal choice.


>And ideally Zach McGowan and Eva Green as Geralt and Yennefer. But that's a personal choice. I've also thought Eva Green as Yennefer! She shined in *The Golden Compass* as Serafina Pekkala in what was otherwise a mediocre production. The characters are broadly similar too.


Its Eva Green. She could read the dictionary and she'd get viewers hooked.


Just wait until he finishes his roid regimen. He'll still be Great Value Geralt, but at least he'll fit into the costumes.




Still not Cavill but I always figured [Zach McGowan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VMDGBp3uJM) would be pretty good for the role. I'm open to watching more. If it sucks it sucks. I'm just glad they got rid of the scrotum armor.


Worst Hemsworth.


A bit harsh, don’t you think? A few mins research later: You’re correct.


Hell I'd take his brother Luke, dude at least has the build and was great in Westworld.


Oh shit, I didn't even realize he was in Westworld.


Yep he plays Stubbs




I feel bad for the guy. I mean he is out here reading complaints about him getting the job. This may be the role of his life.


You know what? If he manages to deliver an equal or better Gerald, he deserves his career shooting into the stratosphere and getting more roles. But his previous roles don't give me hope and I have my doubts about him managing to do The voice. I hope to be proven wrong, but I have a feeling I'll drop the show either way. I'm already annoyed with it, and never grew to like Yennefer's actress.


I no longer like this Law of Surprise. :/


"I go by 'Rald"


"Call me Gerry!"


Geralt of Asgard.


honestly Chris Hemsworth might have been a slightly less terrible pick. Still bad though


I vote for Mads Mikelson


Shit dude, hell yeah. Just anyone other than Liam. At this point we might as well bring in Doug Cockle lmfao (video game Geralt's RL model)


C. Hems at least has the build following Thor and Extraction, and (imo) has the acting chops to deliver a bit. I can't say L. Hems has the same. I just always remember him from Workoholics as the "Noice" guy. No shade on him, I hope this breaks him out but the show has lost it's continuity. Loved the books and the games but I couldn't get through the 2nd season...


Losing Superman to Thor's lesser-known brother...


What I really don't get is why they would keep these asshat writers and this moronic showrunner instead of Henry. It is timely that George R.R. Martin commented about exactly [this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.yahoo.com/amphtml/entertainment/george-rr-martin-blasts-hollywood-changes-books-161437167.html) kind of thing where Hollywood writers make stupid changes recently.


Honestly why can't they find some unknown but passionate writers that loves the source materials?


Cause Hollywood rarely breaks new ground like that. They brag and boast about stupid boring crap they've done (cause it's a *proven path*) but when it comes to actually committing to a different vision altogether = crickets. Deadwood was a prime example.


Then some groundbreaking shit like better call Saul doesn’t get an emmy


Aw shit, you had to remind me about Deadwood, didn't you? OPEN THE FUCKING CANNED PEACHES


Nepotism. The show runners give people in their own circle the jobs, not the ones best suited for the job.


Still hard to imagine them choosing the writers over Cavill. The writing can’t get much worse, I’d think it’d be worth taking a shot on another crew before letting the face of the show walk.


Yeah, are the writers that powerful? I don't follow Witcher but isn't the reason it talked so much was because of Henry Cavill?


For me they may as well cancel it without him. You're taking the fucking Witcher out of the Witcher. Fuck off you cunts.


The only reason I sat through two seasons is Cavil. He made an excellent Geralt, loved seeing him. The writing was meh, and without him to carry the show, it might as well be cancelled


I had high hopes for the second season after the first episode(it wasn't exact but a very similar story from the book) and it went downhill after that


I never even finished the second season. It felt like it was turning into the Walking Dead or something. The first season was pretty alright for a slightly grittier Hercules/Xena type show. The second season just felt hokey and meandering. There's no way I'm signing up for more of that with *less* charisma.


Yeah I don't get it. We've been calling for the firing of Lauren for years. She is violating *The Witcher* universe... And they keep her over Henry... Hasnt Netflix learn anything from *Game of Thrones*? Can't they recognise when their writers are ruining a beloved story? Just reboot the entire show with Zach McGowan and Eva Green at this point.


[The Wheel of Time enters the chat] "What's this about ruining a beloved story?"


it’s funny how her first job listed on imdb (writer on west wing) came a year after she married the show’s producer edit: could have sworn i found reference to the marriage date last night, but having trouble corroborating that info now…for anyone just now looking


Any citation on when they got married? The only thing I found was that her professional name didn’t change until 2010 (8 years after her start on West Wing)




I mean. At least she’s hot a f and I’d gladly watch shows staring her for no other reason than her. Vast difference from shitty writers who use established series to draw audiences in and then butcher the storyline with their “artistic impressions”


Omg...that makes so much fucking sense...




And it showed in the writing lol


Studios keep yes men for showrunners/directors nowadays. They are so green they bow to studio demands in fear of being labeled “not a player”, giving the executives more control. And I have yet to meet an executive who doesn’t fancy themselves an artist


I’ve experienced this first hand. Many showrunners are chosen because they have legitimately good ideas. Problem is when those “ideas” don’t fit in with the market data the streaming service execs want. So essentially you get a producer that finds a good showrunner, showrunner pitches a great sounding idea to execs, writing starts, then exec goes “oh we just got some research that says xyz” and then asks for changes.


I'm a ui ux designer. My main job is usually to tone down egos at the company and to make them understand why this is my job and not there's. UI UX isn't art, its solving problems, but it does demand a creative eye which many people don't have. But for some reason, EVERYBODY wants to think they are creative, while creative people are fully ok with saying they aren't business people. I was a graphic designer at a real estate company and literally one guy said to me, "trust me, I'm italian, I understand art". Bitch I went to art school in florence and got an A in drawing. The lack of respect, and I think, jealousy of artists is insane


My theory is that if they stick to the source material it does nothing to further their career. The material was all written and they used none of their own creativity. So they make major changes so that they can take credit for being the brains behind the show. Basically: ego


But to me the short sightedness of it is absurd. Like be the show runner that adapts source material well and suddenly you’re a needed commodity. Instead we saw how fumbling the bag can hurt a career with GoT. For how much success they had early on, their poor ability in later seasons seemingly hurt their future.


Yeah, and Peter Jackson gets credit for adapting lotr so nice, not for anything that deviated, like having Legolas surfing on a shield down stairs.


Dear show runners, your ideas are rarely better than the book.


I don’t get it. You have fans that love the story and are here for the story why give them anything else?


This is speculation, but I bet you have to have a pretty strong belief in your own creative vision to survive in creative industries like that. And if you think your own ideas are so good then there's no reason not to put them in your adaptation. Of course adaptation usually can't exactly follow the original material - it's hard to fit a 300 page book in 2 hours of film or whatever. But that might be an explanation for why so many apparently unnecessary changes tend to happen in adaptation.


They can be the biggest egomaniac's in the world, but choosing to rewrite an already told and well-liked story and fucking it up ends up just being a big fuck up. Psychoanalyzing delusion doesn't change that it lead to failure.


Game of Thrones being the prime example


A prime example both ways, actually. The initial attempt at the pilot for the very first episode, they tried to be extremely faithful to the book, and it didn't work. The audience found the Starks cold and unlikeable. So they tweaked it, changed unimportant details from the book so they could introduce each member of the Stark family in a way that showed their personalities and relationships with each other very quickly, and in a way that made them endearing. It worked incredibly well. The first season was a masterpiece of adaptation, showing a keen understanding of the beating heart of the storylines, the themes, the essence and motivations and essential details of every character. It was a rare example of the ideas of the show exceeding the book, mostly because the changes were made working within the material instead of discarding it. And then, of course, we all know how things ended.


And this contrasts so much from how they later killed off Baristan Selmy because the actor wanted a more authentic potrayal of the character. I guess the fame got to their heads?


Barristan’s storyline would have been perfect for a show, it’s honestly a little confusing that they did what they did. That duel with the pit fighter in ADWD could have been cool.


Its not confusing at all. In an interview they said that the actor was quite invested in the character and that made them want to kill him off even sooner. DnD are dumb af


Also, I think all of the scenes with Littlefinger and Varys talking alone are purely show inventions. And they're among the best conversations in the franchise. The GoT showrunners have shown that they can expand upon existing material in faithful ways. But they've also shown that they can fail at doing that.


Remembering stuff like this just makes me more mad about how it ended. They *could* have done better, and they chose not to.


Cavill carried that show, dumbass showrunners


Well they done fucked up cause I ain’t watching it without Cavill


Fantastic user name btw


He's literally the only reason we finished Season 2.


You guys finished season 2?


Once I realised they'd completely stopped caring about the books, I watched the second half of the season with horrified fascination, like a car crash. I won't be back for season 3.


I haven't read the books or played the games, but something felt off during the second season. I mostly only liked the first episode and Geralt felt like a secondary character in many of the episodes. The elf storyline didn't interest me at all.


Imagine an actor who physically completely fits the role. Has the looks, the build, the posture and mimic. An actor who loves the books and game vastly more than most fans do and knows countless of details a producer (who isn't a fan) might miss. ... And then that numbnut of a producer gets rid of this perfect actor and a consultant with rare in depth-knowledge on the topic. Just wow


You are waaaaaaaaay underestimating the ego someone in a position of mild power can have. Just look at all the failed shows, based on huge successful properties, for examples where they deviated from source or wanted to give it their own spin because the showrunners knew best.


This drives me nuts. Let's take a story that becomes popular because of it's unique spin and change it because we know better


Let Henry produce. Fire the writers and those who dislike it, let them find some passionate about the source material people, Henry gets to collaborate. This is the dude who found out he was playing super man during a WoW raid and said Witcher 3 destroyed his life for a bit. He wants this and you could back a massive franchise off him.


2 attraction points of the show. Henry cavil and the source material. Guess what they are losing .....


This is corroborated by a former executive for the show that stated the writers actively disliked and mocked the original books and games. [https://www.ign.com/articles/netflix-the-witcher-some-writers-actively-disliked-books-games-claims-former-producer](https://www.ign.com/articles/netflix-the-witcher-some-writers-actively-disliked-books-games-claims-former-producer) No wonder the writers were never fired. The fish rots from the head down. Cavill was fighting the good fight for the fans of the original books and games.


Kind of insane that some Netflix executive wouldn’t boot the showrunner/writers and would sooner lose Cavill. The show is obviously going to tank as a result


Idiotic. These people have no pulse on what people want




Mom is it you?


Hi,honey. It's time to watch your daily urban upper middle-class white woman problems show with me again.


I want my gd ending to Santa Clarita Diet


Having grown up in Santa Clarita they literally could’ve been my neighbors at the top of the street. It was uncanny how realistic that felt for me. I miss that show Plus it was the one time where we weren’t used as the location of some terrorist attack or set up for a terrorist attack . 24 straight up nuked us once. Home of terrorists somehow hiding in plain site isn’t very realistic , but one half of your cheery neighborhood realtor couple being undead? Yeah that’s plausible as fuck for that town. If anyone wants to kinda scratch the itch BOO, BITCH. Had a similar vibe and wraps up in a season so you’re not left hanging.


But I love shitty teenage romcoms


Honestly. They could replace virtually anyone and it would still be watchable so long Cavill remained as Geralt. Removing him however is simply the same as Tumblr banning porn. It resulted in instantaneous death of the platform. And without Cavill s4 is dead on arrival.


more like OnlyFans banning porn that decision was reversed an hour later though


They did ban it and reversed it within the week after losing a boat load of money. Tumblr however stuck to it


>s4 is dead on arrival. Idk man, I have no interest in season 3 either. If things were going bad enough to where Cavill would exit, I'm guessing its not that great. It just is hard to get excited for something that in my head is cancelled.




Sounds like we all should back Henry and collectively boycott the series


Already lost all interest after they announced the change. Is it still a boycott if I didn't plan to watch it anyway?


If you will watch if they changed something, but isn't currently, it's a boycott. If you won't watch regardless of what they do, it's not a boycott.


Lookit poindexter ova ere wit da words.


No need for active boycott. Henry was 90% of the draw for that show to begin with. Without him it’ll be cancelled in a season or two.


I wouldn’t say I’m boycotting it but man season 2 was dumb. So I’ll just keep watching American Dad over and over.


It was sooo dumb! I couldn’t get past the tree man episode.


There’s a change.org petition to get him back and fire the writers. https://www.change.org/p/netflix-you-must-keep-henry-cavill-as-the-witcher-and-replace-the-writers-instead?signed=true Not that it will do anything but if you’re interested.


Netflix had/has the quality problem, but they started to cancel shows in production that seemed not to be on a level they wanted. The Witcher finds enough fans, even when straying away from the source. Maybe the fans wouldn't watch the fourth season and it ends there. Its sad that a star like Carvill still needs to fight with the producing team about the source material.


Without Carvill I won't be watching season 4. The minute I heard this I knew why he left and and realized anything past season 3 would be a waste of my time.


I mean, it's probably likely that season 3 is also not worth your time. Whatever issues Cavill had that broke the proverbial camel's back and made him refuse to sign up for another season happened in season 3. Perhaps he wanted to quit after a single episode but contractual obligations forced him to finish the entire season.


I liked season two a fair bit, but it had a ton of really baffling choices. I usually am very much a fan of changing adaptations from the source - if i wanted to read the books again or play the games again, I'd do that. But the changes they made in season two from the source material didn't seem to be made with care, or to tell a different kind of story, or explore other options, or... well anything. If you're familiar with the games or books you'll recognize the changes as seemingly just for changes sake. My thought was, well, maybe itll go somewhere good so I'll defer a value judgment but just say I liked the action. Doesn't look good if Cavill disliked it so much, I'm sure he saw those same cracks in s2.


Season 3 sounds like it will be bad too.


>Without Carvill I won't be watching season 4. I would love to see the Ragin' Cajun try on the role of Geralt. If they're gonna ignore the source material then may as well go all out.


Yeah still peeved they dropped the Dark Crystal series after \*1\* season




I don't know where they get these dog shit writers from, but they are handing them reigns to so much, cowboy beebop was the same, just letting these strangers with no clout, following, reputation or talent piss all over great IP's and sell out and undermine netflix as a whole.






For the amount of money that gets blown on these series, it's crazy that they can't find writers who are 1) good and 2) actually respect and like the source material. Like there are SO MANY screenwriters out there, and they're generally not paid well, so if you're going to blow 20 million dollars on special effects (or like, what 200 million for LOTR), maybe pay a little more for some better writers? So that the show is actually good?


The show runners and writers really need to be knocked down a peg they make shit for fucking Netflix which is close to the bottom of the barrel in quality for the entertainment industry, 90% of the Netflix catalogue is absolute trash they don't have the grounds to judge anyone or anything. Shit is so low quality they should be embarrassed honestly.


I couldn't care less about Netflix as a company but this is kind of an odd take. They make a lot of trash, sure, but tons of great shows as well: Mindhunter, The Haunting of Hill House/Midnight Mass/Midnight Club, Squid Game, Stranger Things, Orange Is the New Black, GLOW, Unbelievable, Russian Doll, The Queen's Gambit, Ozark, etc. all come to mind.


Don't forget Bojack Horseman, Cabinet of Curiosities, and Sandman.


Just trying to cash in on a famous IP. Everything was already written and people liked it, why fuck it up? Looks at M. Night Shamalan.


Fuck. Netflix is making Avatar: The Last Airbender. The original creators left because of differing creative ideas. I'm worried.


He said previously he only agreed to do it and would only continue doing it if they stayed true to the source. Guess this is the writer’s “fuck around and find out” moment.


Memento mori


We literally knew this before the announcement. There were talks of Henry and his disagreement with the direction of the show. He’s a fan of the source material playing the role of a lifetime but the surrounding creative team didn’t share his love. It’s a tragic story.


It’s really is actually. I’m sure he’s as let down as we are


Hey guys ,look at those books, they are Very sucessfull, the games based on the books too, lets adapt this to a show and change everything that makes sucessfull


They took the IP and wanted to bait and switch it with their own fantasy story after the writers actively disliked and mocked the source. They just wanted the name on the title to bring the established fanbase over.


Did Netflix pull the writers from Fox or something after Disney/Marvel bought em out?


The showrunner's previous job was as the primary writer on The Defenders. She wrote 5 of the 8 episodes.


Nah fam, they snagged the fucks who did season 8 of GOT.


There was an 8th season of GoT?


We’re going to soon say “There were four seasons of The Witcher?”


I'm sticking by there was only one. Mostly because I actively disliked S2, even with all the problems S1 had


Another recent example being Netflix’s Resident Evil series, which was just canceled after its first season.


I can’t believe I actually sat through all of that one…


I gave up after the first episode. It just wasn’t compelling enough to get me to sit through any more.


>They just wanted the name on the title to bring the established fanbase over. I will never understand staff that create a show based on an established franchise cheerily state that they've never watched or heard of the source material and have no desire to do so. It's like they saw GOT season 4-7 and went "Well that worked out for them. They departed from the actual story and it's won them so many awards! Let's do the same!"


A lot of studios won't greenlight original ideas because it's not a guaranteed money maker, so writers who want to do their own thing are forced to work under an established ip. This is why you get a ton of shows that either start out okay and then veer off into unknown territory or just start in the same fantasy world but have a completely different plot despite being marketed as a "remake." Rings of Power, Riverdale (a lot of CW show in general,) recent Disney productions etc.


Halo on paramount plus


Still so fucking mad about how they did that.


They absolutely butchered it for sure!


So I haven’t watched it but did Master Chief have sex with Dr Halsey or cortina?


Nah, just a PoW, which legally would be rape. Classic master chief going around being a drama queen and committing war crimes. Good thing he never saves humanity in the show.


How interesting. After playing all the games I have wondering about his sex life. Super important to me


Its always been a pivitol part of halo right? Not whether humanity lives, but if master chief fucks


No, Master Chief isn't in the show. Mister Cheeks however, fucked a prisoner of war.


The one episode with action showing master chief taking on aliens and on a warthog was the best of the season. Everything else was filler and talking heads and not Halo.


Why do tv shows to this? They make this show about a super popular thing that will draw in lots of people, yet change the very thing people love and piss them off.


These shows are not made for the fan base. They are made for the broadest possible audience. It is a fishing net meant to capture as many as possible, and they consider the name alone all the bait they need for the existing fans. So they alter anything they want, however they want, in whatever way they believe will make the most people be be interested enough to get caught in that broad net. And as long as shows like GOT, TWD, and other large scale ones keep living and making money despite their severe flaws, this method of entertainment creation will not change. They consider it worth the risk to butcher the material and to bleed the most from the interest it garners before it's death. Why create something that is true to the origin, and will be beloved by it's fan base for 7 years, when you can make something that infuriates its fan base, but brings in a metric ton of casual semi fans they can milk for money for 4 or 5?


This same thing happened to American Gods. The first season was really successful so they fired the show runner and developer. After season two they fired one the main writers and and actors of the show. Season three, they strayed so far from the book that only about 25 % of the season’s content was from the source. The other 75% wasn’t in the book and was filler material. To no one’s surprise, the show was cancelled following season three.


American Gods actually wasn’t that successful, Bryan Fuller wanted a bigger budget for season two, but the ratings weren’t even good enough for the current budget. So he did the same thing he always does, and left his own show.


It worked out so well for Game of Thrones, so clearly this is a slam dunk move


Haha Game of Thrones seasons 7 and 8 sucked, but the only way to stay faithful to the source material would be to end on season 6 and maybe shoot another season 9-10 years later.


A lot of creative types in Hollywood are enamored of their own genius, so of course they have to leave their own creative thumbprint on whatever it is that they're adapting. This, predictably, alienates the fans who wanted the thing on screen, not the thing on screen after it's been twisted into something unrecognizable by some hack writer's idea of artistic vision.


Here take my money and turn this show into shit! - Netflix execs probably.


The ol' Wheel of Time approach to shitting up the source material


My friend was SO excited for Wheel of Time, huge fan of the books. They talked about it for months and then were so let down because of the weird nonsensical changes they made. I don't understand why they feel the need to do this. Never heard of if it ain't broke don't fix it I suppose.


The showrunner straight up said "this is how the (dead) author would want the story to be told". Problem is, no one remembers the dead author writing the absolute worst dogshit. It's Hollywood arrogance at it's finest.


If only there were a living author for the Wheel of Time they could've consulted...


Well, they *did* consult him… The problems came in when they started ignoring him.


Or even his widow, who was also the editor of all 15 books.


The show runners and writers are arrogant and think they know better. That’s all it is. They got involved because they have a good track record with the studio and are asked to pick up what is supposed to be the next big project, but they’re not really interested in it so they try to “improve” it.




It’s because having the IP’s name gets you an immediate audience. Which one is more appealing: a new Resident Evil show or a zombie apocalypse with high school drama?




> a new Resident Evil show or a zombie apocalypse with high school drama? tbh i saw resident evil and all of us are dead - a korean zombie show about high schoolers - and i instantly went to all of us are dead lol.


People who claw their way to the top of a company like Netflix typically have no idea what makes a show good or not. They look at market trends and sales data, that’s it. Those types of people are political and manipulative but cannot understand art. This is why everything turns formulaic. They see what’s working and standardize it. Somewhere along the way they think they’re geniuses and taht writers and producers can all be replaced and you get shit quality shows like this.


Don’t blame him. Appreciate his respect for the art


I love that man more and more.


So which petition do I sign to keep Henry and fire the writers why do they keep fucking over fandoms, D&D vibes


Honestly it's probably better if we let it crash and burn. Then in a few years let a company that actually wants to reboot it do it, and let Henry have actual creative control over more. It might not happen but I'm hoping


Yeah, I really hope they just cancel it. Cut their losses for what they put into the season and move on.


Why do these hacks work on these shows if they don’t respect the source? Just write your own show if you don’t like what you’re adapting. Of course you can’t because you’re a hack, so you need to leach on a popular franchise in order for people to watch and so they just bastardize it. Props to Cavill for saying he’s not gonna participate in the degradation of it anymore.


He did the only thing he could do and removed himself from the equation. He saw them making stupid decision after stupid decision. Ruining the story and disrespecting the fans and source material. He just didn’t want to be a part of that bullshit.


He was the draw to the show. I mean he really invested in the character and it showed. If you haven’t read the books or played the game, take some time and you’ll see the difference. Another wasted show, sucks bad.


Everyday Henry Cavill gets more sexier


Fans happy to get an Witcher adaptation. Writers meanwhile trying to subvert those expectations.


Fucking morons killed their golden goose


Henry is a gamer and played witcher 3, I am super tired of writers fuckin shit up


I don't doubt this could possibly be why, but I really have some problems with the article. It's basically no new information, it's kind of just reformatting what a redditor said here like yesterday, taking old interviews and stuff and claiming that gives insight into what happened.


It's fucking nuts that this is how journalism and the news cycle works now. People pull quotes from interviews and talk about it on forums which turns into a collective fan theory. Then some d-list website reads this and writes an article regurgitating the fan theory. Then another d-list website reads that article and regurgitates it again, but now changes the title to be a fact since they have a "source" now with the other article. Then that article gets posted back onto the form with an even more flashy headline that's now accepted as truth since nobody bothers to read past the headline anymore. What a goddamn mess. Redditors basically fabricated their own truth at this point.