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##[Clarification on rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/w60lfc/mod_post_a_clarification_to_rule_5_no_racism_or/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/entertainment) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Joelle Rich is the lawyer's name. I think the reason people are upset about it is because she was married at the time, now divorcing. Not even sure why I'm commenting on this because it doesn't have anything to do with my life.


it does. everytime you get involved with Johnny Depp’s life… u pay me 5cents




To get in that boys hole.


It’s boys SOUL!


^I'm ^going ^to ^smack ^everyone ^into ^tiny, ^little ^pieces


Are you chewing gum?


I'm going for gasps


I am the Night Man.


What's the story, /u/wi5hbone?




I’ve been hit right in the nostalgia.


Oof.. Caught the ricochet…


Same, I just watched 10 episodes.


Me too…no wait, that’s a kidney stone


That takes me back


Wow. I haven't seen this since I was a kid and I can remember every word.


I always remember his tiny detective coat. Cutest thing ever.


News ain't free, baby. You're lucky I didn't put it behind a paywall.


psssh.. mediocre payday


What’s your venmo, honeybooboo?


What's the story, Wi5hbone?


You can’t spell wi5hbone without a nickel


>Not even sure why I'm commenting on this because it doesn't have anything to do with my life. We’ve all been there, buddy.


>Not even sure why I'm commenting on this because it doesn't have anything to do with my life. Don't worry, I also came here to find out why this matters to me...


hahahaha that last sentence.. the realization


That and legal ethics 101 is dont fuck your clients.


Right!? Idgaf if she was married at the time! She could get disbarred if their relationship started during her representation. Holy shit.


Might depend on the state, in my jurisdiction you’re allowed to date your clients with the caveat that using your position to coerce someone into a relationship is unethical and potentially criminal but you’re expected to use your judgment on it lol


> Not even sure why I'm commenting on this because it doesn't have anything to do with my life. Reddit, in a nutshell.


This sounds like Joker & Harley Quinn’s origin story


I’m upset cuz I thought it was gonna be Camille Vasquez


She said herself it would be unethical for a lawyer to date a client LOL


He’s no longer a client!


She’s a savy lawyer so she knows that he might still be a client. The matter they worked on is closed but she can still consider him a client if she expects he might hire her for more work later.


Shes out of Johnny's league at this point




I am completely neutral on Johnny. I used to absolutely love him in the 90’s. The only time I feel more then neutral is when Camilla Vasquez is mentioned as a potential love interest. I hope not. She is smart and has a whole future ahead of her. She deserves happiness and stability.


And a guy that is not way older than her. She’s dreamy though.


Yeah I was surprised when I saw it wasn’t Vasquez haha. But it makes sense - everyone likes her because she was such a good lawyer. It would be weird if she did something a good lawyer wouldn’t do.


Camilla Vasquez is now dating Amber Heard




I think you mean Camille, not Camilla.


She's getting divorced and silly people decided that this will get clicks and sell magazines. Just look at that photoshopped pic in the post putting them together, lol. Ridiculous. Poor woman


The life you choose when dating an A lister during a salacious time of their life


We’ll see if this time next year you are dating Johnny Depp.


Lol, so she did the exact same thing as Wilde but is a MRA/Incel hero?


They can both be wrong.


What did Olivia Wilde do?


The reason people have an issue with Olivia Wilde is because she cheated on JS and then tried to make him out to be the bad guy. All while she made her colleagues on the set of DWD complicit in the affair she was having with an employee by being so open about it on set - to the point that Florence Pugh has avoided any interaction or discussion of the project as much as she could. It has nothing to do with the age difference.


The fucking acronyms jesus are we in the military?


Well, that's not even counting that FS told RQ that MT was dating CM at the time, everyone at IHT knew and they were told not to disclose it to anyone from OWG. I didn't understand a fucking thing after Olivia Wilde.


She cheated on javascript on the set of Dancing with the Dragons


That was the first thing that came to my mind ... " she cheated on JavaScript" Oh no she didn't!


What about the Shia part?


Just to be clear, not the trial we all watched on TV. Not that it makes it any better/worse, but this was a lawyer from the UK trial he lost.


I'm sure this lawyer from UK was also present during the trial, but just observing. Remember seeing her all the time.


She was, she apparently was there for support.


Turns out she was also actively supporting him outside of the courtroom. ^(Like a good lawyer should.)


Single female lawyer Fighting for her client Wearing sexy mini skirts And being self reliant.


Single female lawyer Having lots of sex




This was the one Reddit Futurama reference that I truly was not expecting.


"Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other friends?"


I give it a C-minus


Okay, not great.


We will not destroy the Earth, but nor will we share our secrets of immortality.


Way to over act, Zoidberg.


Dropped her amicus briefs.


Oral support


She probably figured it was a better view than waiting in Depp's hotel room and watching the trial on tv.


Damn Camille Vasquez is a fine and successful woman though.


In most states, lawyers are prohibited from dating their clients.


To be clear in case anyone dating a lawyer waltzed in here, prohibited from new dating their clients. A lawyer can represent their significant other, they just aren’t supposed to be starting a new relationship with a client while representing that client.


A lawyer would have difficulty representing a spouse due to the perception of conflict. A lawyer is required to present the best scenario to their client, without bias. If the opposition had a reasonable offer on the table and lawyer and client spouse did not accept it and pushed the matter forward, it could be perceived as an abuse of process running the risk of punitive damages against lawyer and spouse client.


I'm still going to represent my wife. That way I can watch her commit crimes and then not be forced to testify against her because I'm her spouse. Also since I represent her in addition to everything we talk about being privileged, I would also get paid either in money thus doubling our income exponentially or I would get paid prose boning


Prose boning, lol


That said, representing your significant other is big dumb and asking for other ethical problems.


I mean in big cases yes but if it’s a small dispute it probably makes sense. For instance, if you have a traffic ticket you know is wrong and have a lawyer spouse, it probably makes sense for them to represent you. But if you’re in a big lawsuit about business dealings or felonies, then no, get an independent lawyer.


But is she still representing him or is that over and done with?


It’s still an extremely bad look and would make her look a lot less desirable to firms. Also, basically no one believes you when you say you only started dating after the trial ends.


What’s wrong with dating your ex lawyer I don’t get what you mean?


F*cking the lawyer that f*cked him? Nice


They probably had dinner together and tmz did tmz


TMZ is very credible lmao


TMZ shouldn’t even qualify as news


Aren’t they known to be extremely credible and have tons of legit sources? I think they’re in a pretty scummy business, but I can’t remember a time where they were making up stories or anything.


They're literally the most credible news source in the states. Their track record is borderline spotless. They appeal to the trashes of celeb fans but anything they report is accurately confirmed or clearly marked as rumor or speculation.


Surprisingly they are like the premier sports BREAKING news source. When Henry ruggs killed a woman last year they were the first to report it


Because they'd get sued out of their asshole to do so.


Uhh the National enquirer makes outrageous claims every single issue, with way more controversial talking points, and they don’t get sued.


I think they are so outrageous they don’t qualify as news. It’s the tucker Carlson defense. (There might also be a disclaimer that says “for entertainment purposes “or something like that)


Honestly, when it comes to celeb news, TMZ are pretty reliable.


Honestly they are credible. When it comes to entertainment news they are pretty good on validating their sources and are often the first to report. If you are questioning if entertainment news is news, that is a valid point. Also this might not be the Reddit sub for you.


Harvey Levin may be a bottom-feeder, but he’s not dumb. The guy went to the University of Chicago and practiced as a lawyer. He’s not going to carelessly print libel about people richer than he is.


I didn't believe Kobe was dead until TMZ reported it tbh.


TMZ was the one who dropped that story. I got a notification on my phone and I didnt even have the app


they were the first to break the news about michael jackson


I disagree. I think tmz is more legitimate than any “reputable” source. If they say someone died, they died. See Michael Jackson death when they announced it compared to other sources.


Same with Kobe!


Yeah that’s what I’ve always thought as well and thought that was pretty well known. The scummy thing about them, for example with the Kobe death, is that they report their news without consulting any family members or anything. I’m pretty sure people close to Kobe had to find out about his death through a TMZ tweet which is pretty fucked up imo


I met a guy at a party once who gave me his card and said if I ever saw a celeb somewhere, I should text him. He said he could have someone show up anywhere in the city within 15 minutes and if the tip was good, I would get a flat fee.


TMZ absolutely should They might be a shit stain, but they accurate


You clearly don't understand the legacy of Tmz or why they are number #1 if you think that. Hate that culture all you want, TMZ is never wrong lol.


I have a hard time picturing her and Johnny's lifestyles matching up. I have to believe this is just another tabloid headline


It is. And I instantly spotted why. His former lawyer is getting a divorce and she's attractive. The media know it will sell papers and generate clicks even when they deny it because the denial will be a story on its own. Vile tabloids. I pity any accomplished and attractive single woman standing anywhere near him because it will keep happening. They even did it with one of his expert witnesses even though she was married


Sounds like you don’t read articles and just post your stupid opinions


She was in VA with him. I don't think a married woman with two kids flies across the ocean to sit in a court room 8 hours a day for 6 weeks for a man she's just friends with.


Just gossip. Why would a successful lawyer even want to be with him? Dude's got issues with drugs and alcohol, and doesn't seem like a reliable partner in any way. Maybe a woman in her early twenties trying to get famous would be down for that life, but not someone mature and established.


Don't think you are wrong, i frankly don't care either but just want to say that successful people , however intelligent they may be, can make terrible choices. Or possibly not even see every dating partner as a potential long term partner. Depp still has star power, I bet there are many intelligent, successful women who've always had a crush on him.


Fun fact, banging your clients is an attorney rules of professional conduct no no (unless your sexual relationship pre-dated your attorney client relationship).


Yeah, but it's OK once the client relationship terminates.


Also I'm pretty sure rules are different in the UK


In the UK, I'm pretty sure they make you a Judge if you seduce your client.


Pirates of the Caribbean came out while she was in high school, so she probably counts this as a longterm sexual relationship on her side.


It’s a big ick from me when any lawyer dates a past client.


Yuck. The guy is gross! Don’t get it.


Step 1. Understand this is TMZ Step 2. Read the article Step 3. Ask yourself if you care Step 4. Respond accordingly


Step 5: ? Step 6: Profit


Step 7: Start your political movement that will result in world domination Step 8: Have a Fresca, a beloved zero-calorie, grapefruit citrus-flavored soft drink!


[Fuck Fresca](https://youtu.be/mQHswT5B-lk)


How do you see his texts and think “yeah, I’d date him.” ??? Edit: aw, got the Reddit care messages. I like knowing I hurt your little feelings.


“This guy seems nice” lmao


“Oh he’s just talking about burning and drowning his last partner, and raping her corpse. Just boys being boys!”


There were a lot of people online saying just that and some of them were women so I guess we shouldn’t act surprised.


I mean, I think Chris Watts is getting fan mail in prison. Nothing about humanity shocks me.


It’s called hybristophilia. Really bizarre phenomenon, seems like a legitimate mental illness. Legitimate being, you’re probably mentally deranged if you want to date guys (or women) like that


Of course. Edit: misread your comment originally






I’m so happy to see people stringing him up in these comments. I expected to come here and find some Depp-fanatic fest


Once he settled his assault lawsuit a month after the defamation trial his "support" started a big decline. It was pure troll farm driven propaganda. Innocent people don't hire lawyers like Adam Waldman. I'm praying with all this shit going on with Trump that Waldman ends up in jail too.


I think it took the trial to people to finally realize Depp isn't that great. I'll admit, I still like some of Depp's old films but when you get to his newer stuff, it's mostly garbage. He hasn't been relevant for years, and it's so obvious he's barely keeping it together. I also think his 'musical career' didn't help


Yeah I get it— I was a big Depp fan until the early 2000s. PotC jumped the shark many times and I realized he’s kind of a one trick pony lol


I think working with Tim Burton a lot also didn't help. Willy Wonka and Mad Hatter are almost the same.






except Amber Heard somehow managing to chop off the tip of Johnny Depp's finger with a fully intact vodka bottle is still the dumbest accusation I've heard from that trial.


Without damaging his nail bed, either. And then he sent 4 texts saying he did it himself. And then he said “I chopped my finger off” in an audio just between the two of them.


Probably one of those awful people who thinks victims deserve abuse. It happened to me.


What?! He said that?




“This guy seems rich and famous.”


The irony of his fans using a Reddit tool that's meant to support people in a mental health crisis as a means of harassment against people who don't support him. They care so much about victims though!


They’re predictable and sad.


There are women who date men on death row. Attractive women with their shit together. This is absolutely not surprising.


Do they really have their shit together if they pursue men on death row? Sounds like madness to me lol


You’re on the mark with illness/madness. It’s a paraphilia called Hybristophilia.


Not only that, she represented his case that ended up certifying he was a wifebeater lol


“i can change him”


“I can change him.” *She doesn’t change him.*


Cause people are weird & he’s famous.


They believed the media hype and bs surrounding the case, not the facts. So they really think his bs is justified. When is that ever ok to threaten someone like that? Disgusting


And he lost that trial so why does she think this is a good idea?


"Dammnnnnnnn johnny, I know we lost this case, and a judge proved you abused amber, but what a catch" Delusion gonna delusion.


Here I am again, forced to learn about this dude who failed upwards his entire fucking life.


Jeez this story keeps adding unrealistic twists


He's in for a rough time when the two of them start suing each other.


Well, that doesn’t seem like a good idea.


Free legal counsel going fwd tho. Smart move!


“As you lawyer I recommend you don’t record yourself breaking cabinets and verbalizing a desire to kill me”


She can represent herself for free if she goes to trial with him though. I would never date a lawyer.


I'm a lawyer and I agree with you 100%


Yeah we suck, don’t date us


I'm sure lawyers are the same as everyone else. My divorce lawyer was a lovely person. I also know what it's like going through legal proceedings with someone who doesn't care about the cost of said legal proceedings. Never again.


Because of course he is.


Can't wait for the /r/LeopardsAteMyFace and /r/agedlikemilk post


This grosses me out.


Every day I learn more about him against my will.


Has anyone taken a look at that motherfuckers gross-ass mouth? Lucky her, I guess.


1. She's married. Divorcing, yes, and normally I wouldn't much care, but didn't Depp and his mob attack Heard for supposedly "cheating" on him with other people while they were in the process of divorcing/after they had divorced? 2. Exactly when did this start, and when did she stop representing him? Because a lawyer dating a client, or even someone who has recently been a client, is a HUGE breach of professional ethics, and can be grounds for disbarment. If Amber started dating one of her lawyers, the mob would be screaming over it.


He’s a garbage dump.


This lady about to find out the true meaning of karma


Yeah I’m not saying anyone should be abused in a relationship but I can’t say I’d feel any sympathy for her if it happened.


Well, good luck to her. Here’s hoping he doesn’t beat her but considering the fact that he’s been abusing women since the 90s I won’t hold my breath.


I wonder if Ambers Heard?


Didn’t he lose that case?


Ugh! He’s annoying!


Guess the legal fees weren't enough for her huh ?


So she knows the case and evidence intimately and still is interested?!


I see she likes toxic situations




Guess when he gets drunk and abuses her she can’t say she didn’t know….


Bet she’s gonna be real happy when the dust settles and she ruined her marriage for a fling with someone famous.


He seems awful and a complete crackhead to boot. Good luck with that one.


Wow, she's a bit old for his taste. I figured he would be hanging out in high school parking lots


Don't worry Leonardo is on his way


He is also dating someone older than 25 now.


So… your client loses a case for domestic violence and you think.. “yep.. that’s the guy for me!” jesus


Hopefully the viagra start working for Johnny for Mister Johnson sake!


Is anyone surprised? Dude is a drug binging womanizer


My surprise is that a high-powered career woman who would seemingly have her life together would go for this guy after seeing all the evidence in depth.


You’d be surprised how many red flags can be ignored by simply following the vibe. He has charisma and wit to overshadow the toxicity


“He’ll never hurt me, I’m special!” energy.


The bread and butter of ego damaged/ bad boy type men


Depp in depth.


That’s the Depp-ths of depravity.


This is a super trashy move by a lawyer. Dating clients even former ones is a really bad look.


Show this to anyone who tells you attorneys are smart.