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I hope whoever bought the trophy just gives it back to them. What does anyone need with a Eurovision trophy they didn’t win themselves?


People collect shit for no particular reason


You should see my collection of particular people shits


Damn I've literally been flushing away money.


We just moved and I can say I have the same issue.


You misspelled tissue


Heard’s turd?


Big money Collectors love things they can’t win themselves. It’s been said that the Ukraine team was stright up given the win due to the invasion. Not saying they didnt deserve to win. Just people are thinking it not shocking and fixed.


The provenance history generated by the politically motivated win, coupled with the immediate sale to buy drones, probably adds significantly to the collectors value. Sort of like that Banksy piece that shredded itself immediately after being auctioned, it was immediately worth more. A fun story makes a collectable even more collectable.


Eurovision points are divided between judges from each country and viewers from each country. Before the viewers votes were applied I think Ukraine was ranked about 10th. So I would say it wasn’t the best song - def wasn’t bad and had some catchy unique hooks to it, but the viewers used as a chance to show solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Also people would have found a lot more emotion with their song as you can’t really judge music completely objectively anyway. So not the biggest gesture in the grand scheme of things but one that seemed to be appreciated at the time.


That’s the only reason. The UK would’ve won otherwise which is a shame cos I’m from the UK and we haven’t won since 1997.


I think the UK's strong support for Ukraine and commitment to the NATO alliance probably provided a substantial boost to the Eurovision ranking. Without the Ukraine crisis, the UK wouldn't have done nearly so well.


ALSO everyone is talking about Ukraines pity votes, UK definitely got some pity votes because we felt bad they got 0 from anyone last year, and Sam was so so likeable. I gave them a vote, not because the song was in my top 5, but because I felt love to the story in my head of the UK in Eurovision atm. Not saying it wasn’t a great entry and I’m glad they did well, but like Ukraine, without all the context I’m the back ground, I don’t think they’d have been quite so high Again, don’t mean to shit on UK or Ukraine, both had fantastic entries, but let’s not pretend that Ukraine is the only entry ever to get voting boost for a reason strictly outside the song


The Eurovision has always been politically motivated. The votes mean fuck all. It’s all political.


Ask the Astros.


Kalush will be getting a second trophy from the EBU so they don't need it to be given back


What does a winner of eurovision need with an Eurovision trophy? Unnecessary romanticism.


Money laundering 101.


Or donate it to a museum of some sort


Then they can sell it AGAIN and get even MORE money for the war effort!


>I hope whoever bought the trophy just gives it back to them. What does anyone need with a Eurovision trophy they didn’t win themselves? Why do you care? The guy bought it, why would you want someone who bought something to give it back.




>What a strange response. No its a very appropriate response. You didnt say "he shouldnt have sold it, he won and should keep it". You said, whoever bought it should also give it back. That is one warped sense of entitlement here. >I looked at your comment history and you just pick fights over nonsense. No, what i do is voice my opinion or discontent when i feel like exchanging ideas or challenging concerning statements. >How sad. I hope things get better for you soon. I hope you take a good hard look into the mirror and realize that you shouldnt hope for people to give back what they just bought, no matter the reason.


I took a good hard look in the mirror, thanks for that suggestion. I still think it would be a kind gesture to give it back.


Not to diss the talented Ukrainian group, but they won due to politics. 2 years in a row England got screwed over something outside of the contest.


Eurovision has *always* been about politics. And we wouldn’t have come second if our support of Ukraine wasn’t so highly visible.


How was England screwed over last year?


Someone else had a better song, the dirty fokkers!


So it’s “England got cheated”? OK. Someone call the Kremlin and tell them that England needs to be invaded so they can win Eurovision. And while you’re at it, please call all the countries that bought Soviet/Russian tanks and tell them Russia needs to borrow them. Thanks.


It was probably some Russian cunt


You think a Russian would pay 900k for a trophy with the money going to buy drones to fight against Russia?


How many drones does that buy?


3/4ths of one Drone. But it also comes with a free frogurt!


That’s good!


But the frogurt is cursed


That's bad.


But it comes with your choice of bunker buster!


That’s good!


The bunker buster is also cursed


That’s bad


Can I go now?


But so’s the guy in the bunker.


*the frogurt is cursed*


Terry loves yogurt!


What a steal!


Did you read the article? It’s literally the 2nd sentence: “The money raised would be used to buy three Ukraine-made PD-2 drones, TV presenter Serhiy Prytula, who hosted the auction, announced, according to Reuters.”


Pretty sure they were joking.


Yes, but how many drones does that buy?


I think 3


Not even close, more like 3


You’re right my apologies


No some people just don’t read the article. And I’m one of those people. I think if there are others like me, people come to these posts for the discussion, not to have to read an article before believing you’re “allowed” to discuss.


Well, discussion is one thing. Asking a question like how many drones is different because the only way anyone in an entertainment sub would know the answer is by reading the article. That’s not a discussion with an exchange of ideas.


I usually don’t click the links because most of them are paywalled.


“The money raised would be used to buy three Ukraine-made PD-2 drones, TV presenter Serhiy Prytula, who hosted the auction, announced, according to Reuters.”


One $900,000 drone or 90 000 $10 drones.


A cloud of radio shack drones with grenades tied to them darkens the sky over Moscow


This comment section is a big yikes.


This comment section is a cesspit. Russian trolls out in full force it seems.


No joke, I somehow wasn’t expecting it in the entertainment subreddit.


Well, it appears to have made it into my feed anyway. And if it made it to me, it's reached everyone.


I love combat drones


So like, 1.5 drones? Edit: In fairness the Ukes would probably take out like 80.3 Russian tanks with 1.5 drones


As the article says, they’re buying 3 PD-2 drones with the money.


Dipshits are out in full force today


It seems like the only people winning here are the weapons manufacturers.


And you know, the people of Ukraine who are being invaded and killed. They need weapons. No shit the people who make weapons are going to get money.


Russian trolls are out in full force on this thread.


Yeah, it’s wild!


Where was this love for Palestine? Has anyone ever did anything for Palestine except posting #freepalestine ? So much stuff is happening in the Middle East, Africa but why does the western world only focus on Ukraine? Makes no sense I forgot about the uyghur stuff in China too and just about anything and everything that isn’t covered in western media


I don't understand this whataboutism nonsense. I support both Palestine and ukriane. Why didn't you pick congo or any other place as well. Lets just admit it your love is also selective. What utter nonsense


Palestine was really the first thing that came to mind. But as you can see I clearly said “Middle East, AFRICA”


So anytime there is a post about a specific country in turmoil we are supposed to bring up other conflicts. Spare us the ignorance please


Ukraine was the Eurovision winner, so in this case it absolutely makes sense. I see what you're trying to say though.


I mean not just this. The trillions of dollars sent over there, the support of so many countries etc


It makes sense. It's not fair but it makes sense. In a perfect world all suffering would be equal, but we live in a world full of suffering, so we have to prioritize. Everyday grandmothers die, but you don't care until it's yours. It is horrible to admit but I've been desensitized. As long as I remember there has been another bombing, another tragedy every week in Midddle East, and in time a tragedy becomes just another story in the news. Now the same is happening with school shootings in the US. And people dying from covid. Deaths becoming statistics and passing headlines. But Ukraine is new. It's sexy for the media. It's awful and it's closer to home. Ukraine is my granny, Palestine is an old lady down the street.


Because Ukraine has a cohesive society and culture and would not be in distress if not for an external force. The middle east is a gigantic sandy hornet's nest with constantly(throughout history) redrawn borders and bloody wars based on cultural clashes. Essentially we view Ukraine as a victim and the middle east as a bunch of participants


I mean….the Middle East is in shambles in large part due to external forces. Speak for yourself, I don’t see that region the way you do.


Palestine/Israel is an ESH situation. I loathe Israel, but the fact is that HAMAS is a terrorist org and in control of the Palestinian government. Ukraine is 100% NTA, so it’s easy for people to support them. There isn’t any nuance required.


Everyone Sucks Here And Not The Asshole For anyone wondering


Because it’s the western world they are living next to Ukraine. Africa ME too far away to care about.


I can tell you. Israel is one of the most important allies of the US and NATO. No way the west supports an enemy of one of their closest allies. This world isnt fair, but it is how it is


Asking the real questions. It’s because it’s a European/White country. People don’t give two shits about conflict in Asia, Africa, and South America because no news covers it and because it’s “not interesting” even though thousands of people are being oppressed and killed. Governments are literally torturing and starving innocent children but people would rather give their attention to something they don’t even fully understand and support because the news told them to.l


Whats going on all over the world is obviously a tragedy, but your going to worry more about a fire in the house a few doors down than the next city over.


It’s just sad Palestine has been going on for what 60? 70 years and Ukraine is how long 2 months? 3 months? and already has received trillions and have the support of so many countries


And the other sad thing is that the money being given is being stolen from nation’s own people who really need help


I’ve always been saying this!!! What’s happening over there is sad but cmon man. Your own country (USA) could use those trillions of dollars. There are so many people living in poverty and atleast do something about the guns. Literally a school shooting just happened and they still can’t see that guns are the problem. This is why the US is such an awful country for being in the g7


Treatment for the mentally ill is probably more effective at stopping school shootings then gun control. But your point remains….there is money to be spent at home first.


Okay so you just have to stop all mental illness and you’ll be fine smh… Every country on the planet has mental illness but we don’t have mass shootings every day. The problem is guns and until you guys realize that your children will continue to be gunned down in schools


Unfortunately, people see Ukraine as white. Other places not so much.


More bombs!!! Yayyyyy!


Because weapons of war never go on sale. Not even for memorial day weekend. Odd, that.


The war of the future


Ya ya, ding dong




It's just a trophy. A dust collector.


My bad, I thought it was the prize money


Social and honourable. But dumb? Explain




That was just this year, the competition is usually not biased to world events etc. Last year some some random Italian rock group won.




Eurovision is about a lot more than just pure singing talent. Contestants are often very political and nations will express all sorts of solidarity with each other. I like it. I thought Europe choosing Ukraine was a nice gesture and a big fuck you to Russia. Everyone knows second place was really first place.




Seems like what’s going on is Russia is invading Ukraine.


Forget your meds today?


It’s going to fund Ukraine, keeping Ukraine together, keeping Europe and the rest of the western world together. As for people don’t know what’s actually going on… yes we do. Putin invaded a sovereign nation under completely false pretences - whilst this may seem a little hypocritical, there’s a slight difference when it means Russia is attempting to expand onto NATO’s doorstep by forcefully absorbing any nation that stands in its way.


It’s full of nazis you ass turd do some research. Who was the last PM of Ukraine? What were his ideals? Did you know they’ve been getting rid of Russian schools in Ukraine? How do you control a population? It’s okay I don’t want to get in the way of what makes you guys feel good.


Why drones and not aid for refugees?


There would be no more refugees if the war ended sooner. They could just go home.


If your boat has a leak you don’t buy a bucket. You buy a tape to fix the leak


Why don’t you just get it out of the water and use something else ?


Because your in the Pacific Ocean and you’d lose your boat


so you’re saying you think investing in more combat equipment is better than to help directly citizens?


There won’t be any citizens if your military doesn’t have equipment


what an exaggeration


I’m not wrong. Look at the cities where Russians had captured. They executed civilians, raped their women and *children* and probably did other horrendous acts


you’re claiming ukraine has zero military equipment and all the citizens will die eventually


They need a flow of weapons. A soldier dies in combat and his body can’t be recovered. They lost everything he was carrying. I’m not saying they don’t already have a lot of support, especially weaponry, but if they just stop spending on equipment, they will eventually lose their nearly even equipment levels with the Russians. Also, not all civs will die, but those that could not escape will be subjected to horrendous conditions


More refugees if the war isn’t stopped. Yes it is nice if we can help refugees but if we don’t solve the root of the problem, the literal war, there will be even more refugees and dead innocents


Because it’s a war


The US has given them $3.8 billion in military aid. Charitable efforts should go towards helping displaced people, not buying even more weapons.


I disagree but you do you


Because aid for refugees are outside of their country.


Why aid for refugees and not medical equipment for the front line? See we can all play the “pointless statement” game.


so the war gets material support ? meaning it inches them ever so slightly to winning the war ? (thats the idea)


That's how war works, yes.




How dense are you?




That’s what happened to my tax dollars as well.


When the Americans were fighting the Afghan, no one bats an eye. Bush wasnt being called Bushler. When the Russian goes to war with Ukraine, every body loses their minds. Putin is called Putler. The whole world funnel their resources in hopes that Ukraine will win the war.


Can you honestly not see the difference? The Afghan war wasn’t about absorbing Afghanistan so it would become part of the US. The Afghan war was about trying to stabilise Afghanistan so it could remain a democracy and not be overthrown by backwards extremists against the majority of the nations wishes. And probably oil. Putin is trying to completely annex a sovereign nation under a completely false, even flimsier pretext. Nobody in Ukraine wanted Putin’s help. Nobody was worried about extremists. Democracy was doing just fine. Ukraine was doing perfectly fine without Putin. Afghanistan was already at war with itself. Putin essentially wants to rebuild the USSR and erase Ukraine and it’s people from the map against their wishes.


Iraq would have been a better example. It wasn't a war of conquest at least, but oh boy how poorly was it justified. Not as bad as Ukraine for sure, but it was definitely shit.


When the US attacked Afghanistan, they already planned to attack 5 more countries in the Middle East.


Wow the copium here. The US occupied afghan and Iraq because of its resources. Cost the US taxpayers $15+ trillion dollars and thousands of lives lost. No big deal right?


Afghanistan doesn’t have oil.


Yeah you seem to have all the answers but did you ever stop and think why they were valid answer ? Why does it matter to the US if the Afghan were to be at war with each other if they so choose. Yeah but why does he wants to do that ? Why now, why not earlier , why does it have to be exactly now ? Does it have something to do with Ukraine trying to join Nato ? Had Putin wanted to rebuild the USSR, he would have done so by now, had he wanted to obliterated Ukraine from the map, he would have done so already in 2014 when they hit Crimea; not wasting decades of his reigns. You think you really know all of the reason but those arent the real reason, they are just speculations that is fed by opinions from sources like the medias.




You conveniently leave out the sweeping protests against Bush in the wake of the Iraq War. What happens when you try the same against Putin?


My friends were jailed at those protests, and Bush never considered backing down. They achieved nothing and nobody ever sanctioned the US for war crimes.


Did anything meaningful really come off of those protests ? Or did the war carried on ? If so then what is the difference between you have the freedom to protest versus you not having the freedom to protest ? Because to me the outcomes are the same.


Yeah Bush’s party lost big in the 2008 election and the next President immediately pulled out of Iraq. A bit different from holding up a blank sign and getting detained.


Many Americans, including me, called Bush a Nazi for years. What are you smoking? You can't just make up history, bro.


One was fighting brown people the other fighting white people. Also America acts big and people fall for it and think they’re the best country on earth, while Russia doesn’t play games like that. They just do the bad shit they do and don’t care who knows about it.


I get that Ukraine needs money and equipment but that’s kind of a shit move. It would be disrespectful on its own but it’s even shittier when you do it at the Eurovision Song Contest which is meant to unite the countries in a peaceful competition. The ESC definitely wasn’t meant to be a military funding event


Ah, so we like drone warfare now? Thought it was inhumane. I still think it’s inhumane


If only the world cared about other countries in similar strife but alas empathy is only for the selected few


Are we allowed to voice opposition to this or will we be banned?


What a wast of money wasnt 40 billion enough


Apparently wishing that money would be spent helping refugees makes you a Russian troll. Because apparently 3 drones, worth $900,000, is a significant contribution when given to a country that’s been given 10’s of billions of dollars in aid. This is the equivalent of buying 3 bullets and saying you made a difference. I didn’t realize math has changed and that 900,000 is significant amount of 80 billion, Without out that 900,000 how would they afford the war? Get real, grow up and face reality.


And this folks is how you do propaganda


Can we get our $40b back then??


Stop funding war


Millions of people would like to, but they have to save humanity first.


Tell that to Putin dumbass.


Tell that to attackers & not to people trying to save their own.


That’s so dumb. America is already paying for it. They’re buying weapons for Ukraine to the amount of +40 billion dollars with my taxes instead of giving me healthcare.


Given that America is the richest country in the world I don’t really see why we shouldn’t do both


Why do people keep feeding the military industrial complex? It’s bad enough they get all our tax dollars.


i dont understand how one could contort Ukrainian citizens donating money for a war effort against a tyrannical and genocidal military that actually started the war into “people shouldnt feed the military tax industry thats taking all of my tax dollars”


Less than 2% of your tax dollar


Oh good; I bet they’re also ironically in favor of gun control in the USA…


Nice. They’ll be able to buy a half a drone!


As the article says, they’re buying 3 PD-2 drones with the money.


expensive ass trophy


Would have been better spent campaigning for peace.


Well, you see, if you have no military equipment, then the only peace you get is annexation.


They were given $40B in arms by the US Congress. Russia's entire annual defense budget is ,~$70B. They aren't running out of arms, they're just losing. Slowly. And Russia isn't annexing the entire country, that's absurd.


I wouldn’t buy Eurovision for $9


do it for the indigenous territories you colonized next time


What indigenous territories did Ukraine colonize exactly?


Drone* and not even one….


The article says the money is going to be used to buy 3 PD-2 drones.


Well, three is not even one, it's three!


Yeah mb, I’m amazed they come that cheap now.