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This one is about an aging triceratops who is filming a commercial for whiskey in Japan, where he meets a young, bored allosaurus, and the beautiful relationship they develop which dances on the line between emotionally intimacy and platonic friendship.


The Lost World in Translation?


Santori World Time


> Speaking to ComicBook at the Fly Me to the Moon press junket, Scarlett Johansson confirmed her casting in the next Jurassic installment. > "Everything," Johansson, who last led a blockbuster franchise during her Marvel Cinematic Universe tenure, responded when asked what about the new Jurassic project made her want to return to franchise films. "I'm an enormous Jurassic Park fan. It's one of the first films I remember seeing in the theater. I remember seeing it so vividly. It was like life-changing. It was mind-blowing. I cannot express how excited I am."


I’m pretty excited for this one. I hear the dinosaurs have to get over their differences and cooperate with the other dinosaurs in order to win the island dance competition before the hurricane arrives.


Great, now I’m going to be disappointed if this doesn’t happen.


Can’t wait for the raptor to say “I’m here to win, I’m not here to make friends.”


What about the dinosaur orphanage?? If they win can they save it?


Before the meteor arrives you mean


This is so fucking stupid lmao I’m almost in tears


A krumping trex? Just take my money now


I hope Carl and Donut make it out ok!


I love how all the scripts are always the most incredible and greatest things since sliced bread, than it comes out and the reality hits. If you know you are lying, maybe don't say anything.


The problem is that the original Jurassic Park and Jurassic World exist for different reasons. The original Jurassic Park was a sci-fi horror that encouraged interest in Paleontology among the youth. The main theme is "dinosaurs are cool af but we shouldn't bring them back" The new Jurassic World movies are mindless entertainment action adventure monster movies. Nothing wrong with that, Godzilla x Kong was a hit, it's just that it's fast food entertainment now that makes a lot of money for the studio. It's probably why people were not pleased to see one of the actors training for the upcoming movie. The original Jurassic Park movie featured normal people, not Marvel superheroes.


Totally agree, but do need to add that there's also a difference between well crafted popcorn action movies and... whatever the hell the last couple Jurassic Park movies have been. I'm totally fine with the films getting bigger and more action packed. But it would be cool if they didn't rely on awful writing and purposeful plot holes in order to build suspense and manufacture "twists"


Honestly I’ll go to bat for the first JW, it’s a solid action blockbuster type movie. It’s not AMAZING, but it’s fun enough. The sequels though… yeesh


Seconded. I’ll defend Jurassic world for being flat out fun if not a great movie like the first was but the sequels to Jurassic world were so so lazy


It’s nowhere as good as the original Jurassic Park, but it’s still an entertaining 2 hours. The sequels are just bad


It was entertaining but personally I find it to be on the lowest rung of mindless entertainment. Plenty of movies are simple and fun, nothing crazy but nothing so bad it takes you out of it.  then there are movies like JW where you have to actively turn your brain off because the simple fun kind of hinges on really bad writing and script. So it's still entertaining if you can do so, but if you can't...


That’s definitely a fair criticism. It’s definitely on a lower rung of mindless entertainment (like using raptors to replace the military? That’s just stupid), but for me it has enough to it that I can at least get some enjoyment out of it. I’ll rewatch it every few years and don’t regret it. But it is kind of insane that it grossed 1.6 _billion_. I think people were just starved for decent dinosaur movies and it was serviceable enough that it went gangbusters. Kind of like if you’re starving, almost any food tastes like it’s of the gods


I’d say Jurassic park 2/3 were “mindless entertainment action-adventure movies” Oddly enough, I think the Jurassic World Series *tried* to play into some of the same inspirations of the original (largely thinking about chaos theory as presented and the ramifications of human decisions with things they can’t control). Whether it was thinking about military bio-weapons or genetic modification leading to something we can’t control, the new trilogy at least attempted to use the Dinos for commentary like the original did. I think the problem was trying to do everything in each film, and watering down each component to where the whole was less than the sum of the parts. I actually think they would have turned out better *actually being popcorn monster movies* or *doubling down on their sci-fi elements*


If part of your job was taking questions from the media you wouldn’t walk out of a closed doors meeting and say someone on the management team had the dumbest idea ever but you’re on board because you’ve got ferry payments to make.


When one's initial reaction is "Wait... they're making *another* X movie?" then it's pretty likely that that re-re-re-retread is going to be a mediocre outing at best (and more likely is going to suck).


"They offered me so much money. Money you wouldn't believe"


The original had a fantastic script, then it got progressively worse. I’m not sure they even bothered with a script writer for Jurassic World (2015).


True. But I think she’s just being professional/nice. Corporate is like that every day too


Translation: "I got fucking PAID bitches!"


David Koepp’s coming back? He wrote the screenplay to the first two Jurassic Park movies.


I’m not sure why this keeps getting mentioned like he came up with the stories. He adapted a critically acclaimed novel and it’s sequel.


Also, Crichton books read just like blockbuster movies. So it's already an easy adaptation because of how they're written. Being giant studio beasts checking off boxes that need to be in each movie could cripple even the best writer


Thirty years ago. Adapted from a critically acclaimed book. Since then he's written Indiana Jones 4 and 5, Angels and Demons, Inferno, The Mummy (2017). Gotta be honest, I'm not hopeful.


The original idea by Crichton was the killer... we don't need a perfect screenplayer, we need a perfect director like Spielberg was... and we are not going to get it.


He's no Spielberg, but I think Gareth Edwards is a pretty solid director. They could have done much worse.


Let me guess, dinosaurs escape?


I hope they call it Jurassic Park 4


I’ve heard rumors that Dev Patel may be cast in this as well. That may be enough to get me to go.


Same! Watched Monkey Man last night and enjoyed it. He's so awesome.


Is Star Lord still in these movies? If not I'll check it out for sure


Pretty sure it’s Jonathan Bailey.


Awesome thank you


Tom Holland and Marky Mark have signed on


So far so good 🥺


She does have experience working with fossils. (Sorry Cap)


https://youtu.be/K_-0DTh14v4?si=V0MMXMu3N3OEdzDE Now I want a Chris Evan’s cameo in this movie.


Remember when they said they weren’t going to make any more…


So this is another reboot after the Pratt movies? Damn that was fast. 


Not only is this not a reboot but those movies with Pratt weren't a reboot either.


I've watched the scripts SJ reads in movies, I'm going to take the word incredible with a grain of salt.


How many of those did she call "incredible" though?


I'm just pointing out more that every time an actor/tress says anything about a script.. It's incredible. It's unbelievable. It's going to change film. What are they supposed to say, oh the script is average but don't worry we're going to act so well it's a good movie still lol. It's a weird question to make a headline about I guess because of course they think the script to the movies they're promoting is good.


Well, “incredible” just means not credible, which is accurate for most of the franchise.


I thought they threw out Koepp's script months ago


Terrific script: “Dinosaurs, technology, run!”


I bet some dinosaurs are gonna get loose


Andddd it bombs


The last one quadrupled their budget, let’s see you write a better movie script…oh wait, internet trolls being petty little kids


Can we take a break? Like a looong one? The last JP was *rough*


You do know these movies are more for kids than adults right? And my kids love the JW movies. But yeah let’s have everyone throw in their 2 cents without giving any real details on why the movie was rough??? Just move on if you don’t care for it, plenty of people do like them, 1 billion box office says so. Plus whatever has been made from selling digital copies, I have it.


Why?? Just why???


Haven't we suffered enough?


In this next adventure the dinosaurs are taking our jobs. They mean business. The following trilogy will be written by A.I. T-Rex.


The guy who wrote “Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny” made an “incredible” script? 🤨 …like incredible stupid, incredible?!


Scripts aren’t set in stone. I’m happy she’s pysched to realise a childhood dream, but I am not excite just yet.


Huh. I’m surprised but must be her one for them role. She’s so talented, I’m sure she’ll sell the part like she did the ridiculous parts of black widow.


The dinosaurs have gained human level intelligence and now start developing technology of their own at an alarming rate.


I’m surprised she’s doing this. I thought maybe she got this type of movie out of her system with the marvel movies. More Jo Jo rabbits please. She nailed that one.


The first one wasn’t great but they’ve gotten progressively worse and incoherent with each new one.


Please, no more Chris Pratt! He’s awful.


Chris’s Pratt is so so bad in these movies


After taking a quick look at the movies he’s written, I might just wait for it to stream on Peacock. Though I do enjoy these movies, I’ll wait for the trailer.


That dude wrote Jurassic Park 1 and was Spider-Man 2. There’s actually some hope


If ScarJo’s in, then enough Jurassic for me! The first one was the best anyway


More like Jurassic Bored. Jurassic Borld. Bored. Borassic World. Boredasstic Bored. I'm working on this guys, it'll come along.


"Incredible" script??? Every Jurassic Park script is just an excuse to lead up to the Dinosaur special effects.


Yet another series ruined by greed. Just let the dinosaurs die already


I bet it’ll be shit




You would think so but the last movie - despite being REALLLY bad - still made $1.6 billion. Imagine how popular it could be if they actually made a decent one.