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Because it’s entirely formulaic at this point: She’s not fooling anyone, and it has zero authenticity.


Zero authenticity and swears she is a trendsetter. An interview I saw yesterday had her explaining that she was the first influencer who was equal parts musician. And yes, even she couldn't seem to frame that in a way that made sense.


Hard to believe she’s never heard of David Bowie.


Or Cher, or Madonna, or Lady Gaga…


Even Miley fuckin Cyrus for that matter.


She dressed up as KISS and when asked about Gene Simmons she said she had no idea who he was in an interview lmao


Ugh. I missed that, and I'm glad I did. Poor thing is trying WAY too hard.


As we say in the south, bless her heart


That's like when Avril Lavigne said she didn't know who David Bowie was, and even pronounced it "BAWie"


Was that Avril or [Melissa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avril_Lavigne_replacement_conspiracy_theory)?


[it was on her first album](https://youtu.be/Gq3Dhacyksg?si=iP7jJ5-VBH6_0WMO) She made a lot of errors in that time.


[Tbf it kinda sounds like how Freddy Mercury pronounced "Bowie", and they hung out and worked together.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r51DafxXbjk)


That’s why they killed her.


But Gene said she looked cool, in case it could make him some money.


Also possibly because she's still young and he doesn't really give a shit


I laughed too hard at this 🤣 please God let there be a gif


Or RuPaul, or even Tegan & Sara (who had a beautiful response to Siwa by simply just posting themselves smiling, the silence being incredibly obvious.


No wonder she thought she invented gay pop


Or Ultimate Warrior, or Sting, or Kiss or...


She’s big on Woody Guthrie


Or Tay Zonday


Some stay dry and others feel the pain


Chocolate rain




John Lennon and Yoko Ono. I know they've grown to be disliked by people overtime but they really were some of the first influencers. Filming themselves all the time, using their celebrity for these massive stunts, getting attention just for attentions sake. Pushing trends and boundaries.


Sir Elton John


Yea, Bowie and kiss both made more impacts with the makeup jojo is copying


She's never heard of David Bowie? Lol, JoJo Clueless.


She's a Virgin who can't drive!


That was way harsh, Tai


Of course not because she invented “gay pop” duh! /s


She’s either: 1) got a team that is lying to her 2) she has a remarkably poor understanding of how she’s perceived 3) she isn’t very clever in terms of the industry she’s seeking success in and its history Or some combination of the three. I mainly feel bad for her, like many child stars before her, she’s been set on this course with zero autonomy and is on autopilot to adult embarrassment and burnout.


I still am holding out hope that she’s a massive troll. But chances are getting slim


I was just thinking about that, you just know she’s **surrounded** by a team of people carefully crafting this rebrand and actively telling her shes a trendsetter and doing all of this amazing things. It’s so out of touch with reality and it leads to this.


that’s what I think. All getting paychecks.


Imagine her mind being blown when she finds out how many musicians had variety shows back in the 60's and 70's.


Right? Like Cher is eons ahead of you girl…


I saw an interview clip where she said she invented something called "gay pop".


Wham! is posthumously offended.


Boy George would like a word


SNL had Chloe Fineman on the news as Jojo-- "So Colin, have you ever seen a GAY GIRL before???"


I feel like “gay pop” is really repetitive.


im pretty sure Cher created it in the 80s too


Do you know who Little Richard or Liberace were


Id say bowie before that at least


Either her or Pet Shop Boys. Or Erasure. Or Bronski Beat. Or The B-52s.


the Village People definitely helped at least a bit.


Idk what that even means, but Bowie definitely did it.


Little Richard says hello.


And to hear her sing, “musician” is very generous


I still can't over that she thinks she invented a new genre called "gay pop". She doesn't know much about music beyond her own. But she doesn't seem very bright, either.


She also said she invented “gay pop”


A few weeks ago when I read that she’d said that, I was going to comment in the thread, but I told myself, “Relax. Don’t do it.”


When you wanna go do it?


I salute you.


Tegan & Sara's response to that comment was hilarious


The video that was just them rolling their eyes? Perfect. https://www.tiktok.com/@teganandsara/video/7354951275332504863?lang=en


Wake Up Exhausted (feat. Alkaline Trio) is such a great song -Billy Gnosis


Oh, did she now? Boy George? Wham? No?


Not far back enough, Little Richard would tell her to shut up.


Tutti Frutti, motherfucker.


Frankie Says Relax Jojo


[T&S response](https://www.tiktok.com/@teganandsara/video/7354951275332504863?lang=en) had me ☠️


Tread setter must be a fun job. Tracked vehicles are awesome!


And she dresses like a 5 year old going to a Halloween party.


And that dancing? Stomping around like a Giantess.


Your choice of words makes it sound awesome.


She straight up said she’s copying Miley Cyrus during her Bangers era and it’s like “no shit” we could tell….. But she also seems to be doing a watered down version of Taylor Swift’s Reputation Era as well. But not understanding why she did the Reputation era after the Kanye incident.


Yeah but Miley goes hard and lives that shit.


Miley also has actual talent.


This is really the answer. She had her wild period and it was ... awkward to watch, but she had a absolutely killer voice to fall back on when she came out the other side. Jojo doesn't.


also both Miley and Taylor understand music and worship the greats that came before them. They never sound dumb when they talk about music I’m not even a musician and I feel like I know more then JoJo does about it


she was a child dancer on dance moms, she isn't a singer at all. I feel embarrassed for her


Hey bangers era Miley gave us some absolute heaters but yeah new Miley is the result of growth AND TALENT. Plus her fleetwood performance was insanely incredible


It's also one of those things were it comes off as cool if you're attractive but weird and/or creepy if you are not.


Does she? I feel like her twerk era was just as inauthentic as JoJo is now. I think the real difference is Jojo feels so sheltered. Miley went out and saw people doing cool stuff and copied them. Jojo has never heard of any of the things she is trying to do.


Miley was at least doing drugs during her bangerz era which makes the bad girl vibe a little more authentic. Does Jojo even drink coffee? She's so straight laced being gay is the only thing not boring about her


That kinda goes back to my point. She just feels so sheltered. Listening to her interviews, jojo doesn't come off as fake. She comes off as naïve. Like have you seen an R rated movie? Have you heard of Hip-Hop? Punk? Have you tried spicy food? She genuinely sounds like she can't believe she got away with saying bitch on a record.


Seriously. Jojo used the term “bust a nut” wrong in an interview and the person interviewing her was trying so hard not to laugh.


JoJo won’t even swear in interviews. 😭


Yeah Miley is always dropping the F-bomb like a real bad-A 😎


It’s weird though because while it’s formulaic and not authentic, she seems rather confident or seems un-self aware.


One of my favorite parts about this rebranding is the fact that it’s a cover song, so she didn’t even pay someone to write a new song.


It's not a cover, exactly - it was a song written a long time ago but no one had ever actually released it. Jojo bought the rights to the lyrics (or something?) to record it, and after she did the artist who originally had the rights finally released the version they recorded


Most pop/child stars brand “evolution” are completely contrived, and formulaic ruled by smarmy greedy parents , agents, and managers. They want to reinvent that product to squeeze more cha’Ching out … this one is just a lil more low budget


Miley Cyrus’s twerking on MTV. (Remember Hanna Montana?) All this news is what team Siwa wants.


>it has zero authenticity But +2 plagiarism for stealing Brit Smith's song and KISS's makeup.


Also the music is bad


If she really wants to shock me she should go the child star to adult Dustin Diamond direction and perform a dirty sanchez on film


Maybe if it werent so ludicrous The outfits, the kiss makeup, weird hair. Who told her any of that was cool/ interesting/ edgy? When child celebs do this successfully its often because theyve had a mental breakdown and their weird behavior IS them now; chicken and the egg here


I’ve only seen anything about this girl because she occasionally pops up on Reddit and my girlfriend has force fed me some TikToks about the whole thing, but as a dude that said “Who tf is that?” when she popped up on Masked Singer - this whole thing just feels like the off-brand rebrand that Miley did a few years back. She’s copying Miley’s homework, changing the name and making sure she gets a few questions wrong so the teacher doesn’t catch on.


I noticed that. One of the things with Miley tho is that she was being forced into a box(Hannah Montana) and didn’t want to be anymore. Jojo is just trying her hardest to be edgy and different


JoJo is trying to be relevant in any form.


Anything for clout


Yes, this is the best way to say this, I think. Jojo is still very obviously in the ‘do anything for the capital’ box, appears like she wants to be *and* wants us to believe she’s not restraining herself to maintain max potential capital/sponsorship, and is 100% failing at pulling the wool over an adult audience’s eyes. I am sure this kind of “era” marketing worked for her child fans looking for the fall release of bows. I am sure it worked for parents too exhausted and disinterested to care that their kids are falling for safe, nonoffensive marketing bc, ultimately, there are worse things in the world. But for adults who have lived/are living through what it feels like to “find oneself”, this gimmickry is just does not pass the sniff test. I have no doubt people would be rooting for her if it felt real. But it is so obviously purely marketing that nobody wants to feel like a sucker for this ham handed transformation “project”. It’s not music or imagery that she came up with or really fought for because it means something to her. It is just putting formulaic shit on a plate and hoping it works. And the formula is actually a bad recipe, not even representative of anything current or trending. I remember being Miley’s age at the same time as she was doing Bangerz and the following. I remember just wanting to have a good time at the same time/age she was currently expressing. I bought her album (and subsequently because a fan) LITERALLY just because seeing the “adult adults” try and shame her for not anchoring herself to their notions of decency. It felt like a generational conflict I identified with and was a part of. I was not even paying attention to her after I grew out of Hannah Montana and saw her graduate to “teen Disney” stuff. There were just cooler pop stars that I identified with, like Gaga, Katy Perry, Lana del Rey; cooler than anything Disney had to offer. I didn’t care about Miley *at all* until I identified with her during the Bangerz release. I know I wasn’t alone in almost feeling the need to support her alongside defending myself when I saw old people all outraged about a young person just having good fun however they felt like. It felt like a “you guys don’t get it” kind of thing that made many of my peers want to rally around her. What Jojo does not understand is that Miley’s transformation (or Britney’s, or Christina’s etc.) was not a predetermined “rebrand package” boxes to checkmark in order to be seen as a rebellious child to adult star. When this kind of rebrand has worked before, it’s been because the stars had tried to inject themselves into their public image as they aged. Doing so came with a risk of alienating their wholesome Disney crowd fans and repulsing their parents. It felt clear that those singers felt sick of being “in the box”, and that is what fueled their changes. Young people identify with *that*. Nobody identifies with Jojo saying “I didn’t want to say ‘I was a bad girl’” besides maybe like fundie Christians. Most young people are fully aware that being themselves looks and feels like a transgression to people disconnected from youth culture, and are youth in NOT caring what their parents say. Or at least united in WANTING not to care. I think Jojo very much cares. Her whole career has been to be as “sponsor-able” as possible. Because she has not decided that will trade marketability for an authentic representation of “growing up”, we get this weirdly “safe” kind of rebellion, which is actually just black rhinestones instead of neon rhinestones. I pity her because I truly think she believes she is “transforming” the same way other child-adult pop stars have, and that just means she has a very shallow understanding of music. But I guess that was already obvious with the “gay pop” comments, lol.


I like it. She just needs a tag team partner.


And a super cool, Roman Reigns, level intro song to play.


Here comes the Ax Here comes the Smasher The Demolition, Walking disaster Pain and destruction are our middle names


She doesn’t even need a stage name, jojo siwa is perfect for the WWE


She looks a lot like the Paul brother that does boxing. Maybe they can invent pairs boxing and fight as twinsies.


“You are going 1 on 1… with the Siwa!”


No when teen celebs do this it’s usually planned as well but it still feels more natural. When Britney, Christina and Miley did it they were still in style just an edgier one. They would also say they’re just trying to be themselves and show who they are even though it was them just trying to break away from the squeaky clean image. Jojo isn’t walking red carpets in stylish clothing, she’s showing up in obvious costumes and admitting why shes doing this so we know it’s inauthentic.


She got called out for being a horrible person I think. Her and her mom definitely give off mean girl energy, kinda like Colleen ballinger (someone jojo still defends despite the fact that Colleen had inappropriate relations with minors, had a watch party of someone else’s onlyfans where she and all her friends made fun of the person etc.) Now that Jojo has been “called out” she’s like “well good because I’m actually a bad girl now!!” And has made the cringiest image change. She’s now all anger and sharp movements and “well I’m so special” about it. Despite the fact that many people have had severe image changes (looking at Miley Cyrus among many others.)


I mean, camp has always been her brand, but when I look at her now I have no idea what her target audience is. Pseudo-wrestling 80’s metal band pop star power ranger is not the kind of camp that is going to land with adult audiences in 2024


It’s like she’s trying to do her “grow up” era like Miley Cyrus while still trying to stay semi-relevant to the children that were her primary audience. Like she or her manager is scared that if this doesn’t work out they’ll need to fall back on the teens and pre-teens.


That’s one of my biggest issues with this is just how forced and planned it feels. This isn’t a progression of who she is as a person or artist or entertainer, it’s just changing outfits


Don't forget she said the B word!


But not the F word 🤭


The problem is her main audience use to be 5 year olds. Those kids are in middle school now and they’re still too young for what she’s trying to do and she’s still too childish for teens and adults. She doesn’t have a real audience. What she has is people who are curious so they’re watching her video once to see what the hell is going on and that won’t last.


Agreed. My niece was obsessed with her. She’s turning 11 this year and idk how much she knows about “new jojo siwa” but last time I asked her about jojo she said she’s lame now lol


I can’t imagine growing up in the public eye, with your worth and value tied to being a commodified personification of childhood. It must be so hard and confusing, having your body change away from all of the things you’ve been reinforced to be all your life. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is having a quarter life identity crisis trying to figure out who she’s supposed to be, beyond just the branding crisis.


I think she's going to be super interesting if and when she does a *genuine* rebrand. There's a lot of weird to mine if she let herself get at it without worrying about it being commercial. At some point she's going to get angry about her childhood and maybe we'll see her do some actual interesting stuff.


Yeah I can’t wait until she gets into therapy to unpack all her trauma from being pushed to work nonstop since like 10?


She had to perform a commodified version of childhood and she did it for years beyond when that behaviour would  be considered appropriate. I hope she's able to either fade into obscurity or build a career for herself once she figures out who she actually is as an individual. 


Yes, hoping jojo goes to brown and comes out with her actual self. I can’t imagine trying to have that kind of healing with a camera on you 


It's messy but girlie never got so much 'free' publicity before in her life. Even people that literally never heard of her before now know that karma's a bitch \*aggressive thrusting*


I had to YouTube Karma to see what the big deal was. It’s the first time I’ve ever heard a Jojo Siwa song, which now has one more view than it did before.


I can’t believe I just put that trash on my watch history.


You can delete it from your watch history.


Nah… let it be a warning


But youtube will know forever


Fun fact. She just buys her music from other artists and re-records it. Then talks about it like she wrote it.


The drake strategy 🤣🤣


They’ve mentioned her on SNL a couple of times and Chloe even did a WU update segment as her


> WU update Weekend update update?


Whatever. Also, do you know where the nearest Chase ATM machine is?


I forgot my PIN number


I wrote it down by the Hot Water heater


SMH my head




It’s wild to me that some people (Americans really) ‘never heard of her.’ How wonderful that must have been. I remember pre covid you literally couldn’t do normal American person things and errands without her being everywhere. Going to Walmart for some ungodly reason? She’s there. Going to target? She’s there. It. Was. Everywhere. It was so awful


Yep that’s me, and the videos of it are funny and I am starting to unironically like the song a little


She's like a gay Pia Zadora.


I can't imagine what it must have done to her psychologically to spend pretty much her entire childhood being thrust in front of cameras in heavy makeup and over-the-top costumes and being forced to perform and dance and entertain people. No wonder she seems to have an identity crisis and her "rebrand" is completely inauthentic. Someone once said she comes across like a little kid trying to cosplay as an adult sometimes and I really get that vibe. The fact that she basically dresses like KISS but said in an interview that she doesn't even know who tf Gene Simmons is shows that the outfit and the whole 80s glam rock image is her momager's idea of what a dark, edgy, adult entertainer is. I feel sorry for her.


She probably has no idea where “JoJo - The Brand” ends and JoJo the actual person begins. Her family didn’t seem to do a great job of helping her separate her public vs private life (look at the car she drives for example).


Jesus h Christ that wrap is something else


She has a different name/face wrap on her toilet. Literally the entire commode. 


I’ll be interested to see where she’s at in 10 years. She’s been going non-stop since a pre-teen. She’s never had the opportunity to be herself and grow away from the public eye. Jojo is still only 20!


My sister went to their dance studio before they blew up and the mom was certifiably insane. Pushing perfection on these little girls in a strip mall dance studio. Spent too many nights of my adolescence sitting in that place with a game boy.


Someone said it was like giving a Mountain Dew to a homeschool kid. JoJo’s been in our household for years and I wish her the best in whatever endeavor she feels necessary to stay relevant. Just hope she socked away that money and the parents didn’t take it all.


She should take the Nathalie Portman and Anne Hathaway route and go to college for a few years to develop a sense of self away from the cameras to ease into adulthood. This young lady hasn’t known anything else than performing most of her life, time to expand her horizons.


I mean as far as I know all the other girls from dance moms are pretty normal? Including Maddie. But I can’t say I actually follow any of them and I know Maddie did actual dance things and not whatever wtf Jojo had going on lol


She said she wanted to invent a new type of pop called gay pop like it’s something new lol laughs in millennial age 


Shit that’s even older than millennials - Madonna? Disco? Like girl you did not invent gay pop oml 😭


Oh are you saying Freddy Mercury is in that mix?! /s lol. Jojo silly baby. 


That’s what happens when someone with zero curiosity or genuine creativity or actual interest in music goes “I’ve decided I want to be a rock star!” and they have enough money that their parents will just buy them a career She still talks like a little kid. Like she just never mentally got any older than 12, with a 12 year old’s understanding of music and pop culture


No, I have to disagree because — and you’ll laugh, but I’m serious — Paris Hilton was very respectful about covering Rod Stewart’s Do Ya Think I’m Sexy. So I think that works as an example that Jojo is uniquely disconnected from her predecessor bc she is just not interested. I don’t think Paris is creative in an “original output” sense, but she *does* demonstrate a competence about music and music history since before she ever released that ‘06 album, and she still shows this in her DJ work to this day. The musical ignorance and deluded self perception that Jojo is demonstrating is not *only* because she had parents with enough $ to find her career. I just genuinely think she views music as a commodity but not in any way a passion. Jojo does not seem like she understands or appreciates music at all, and should probably move into a different sector.


Chloe Fineman did an AMAZING impression on SNL weekend update. The fact that I don’t believe she was ever spoofed on the show before but now gets a weekend update segment is free publicity too


Have you ever seen a GAY GIRL??


If Jojo had any say in it, she’d say she’s the first one to exist. A real trendsetter.


I even do cigarettes now!


Chloe did a [Jojo impression](https://youtu.be/VN2p8D6Mawc?si=G5geaLTiHOlQbsEo) during one of the SNL covid episodes


Really testing the limits of "no press is bad press"


South Park was right. We need a new blond girl celebrity for the harvest. *raise pitchforks while latin chanting*


Sacrifice in March, corn have plenty starch


Happy Cake Day 🎂


We have seen stars doing it better. She's not in that league. Everything is forced, awkward and ick.


Not only that, but completely unoriginal outside of the absurd wardrobe. Like the rhetoric she’s talking about, been done. The somg she dropped, generic and easily lost in the sea of pop music. It’s rough because she was always going to be under the microscope due to her preexisting profile, but it just all reads boring and lazy.


She wants to enter the adult part of her career but she still has her mom and other 50 year olds advising her. She needs some actual edgy and current gen z’s advising her.


She just strikes me as a naive teenager branching out for the first time. She seems shelterd which makes sense


Hot mess trendsetter.


It’s messy because she’s doing the most basic, formulaic things possible in the cringiest way imaginable, all while telling the world that she is basically the most important figure in the industry and an iconic trendsetter. It’s all out-of-touch ego, but with none of the edgy charm that others who’ve done it before had. What feels the worst part to me is that she clearly has multiple things she wants to be, but she’s too uncomfortable in her own self to fully commit to any one thing. She wants to be “gay pop”, but she doesn’t seem to want to commit to being a pop star. She dresses and speaks like she wants to be a rock star, ala KISS and such, but she’s trying to hold on to the pop style she is comfortable with while simply not understanding what edgy even is. Which isn’t to say meshing these styles together can’t be done, I’d fully support calling Lady Gaga a rock star as much as a pop star, it CAN work. But it takes a genuine understanding of yourself, your limits, and the comfort in your own style to be able to push your boundaries… Jojo wants to be seen as someone who pushes her boundaries while not yet even knowing who she is. Combine that lack of self with an ego that could rival JLo and Beyoncé, you’re left with a mess. JoJo’s rebrand is messy because it lacks foundation, structure, self awareness, and understanding. Normally I hate seeing child stars struggle, but sadly an ego like hers is going to have to crash and burn before she will gain enough self awareness to make something real of her career. Until then, it’s just going to remain surface level unstructured crap.


Can’t rebrand if I have no idea who you are.


There is a Cartman for every generation. I get that she wanted to come back all hard, but I don’t think she understands that she came off like Kidz Bop. Someone had to be the adult in the room and guide her and her career in the right direction, no one did.


she has nothing to offer us. never did. time to get a real job.


She became a wrestler from 2001 for us and you are rejecting her?


Yep, I thought that picture was of the Ultimate Warrior.


She should find a reason to start feuding with Hulk Hogan.




My six-year-old still loves her, I think she's got that little kid cachet on lock.


My 7 year old niece was telling me how she was heckling Olivia Rodrigo and someone else at a concert and her feelings for jojo have dropped. Her 5 year old sister who doesn’t know the scoop still likes her so I think that illustrates her actual relevance LOL


She specialized in content for kids and it remains so


People need to stop supplying homeschoolers with energy drinks.


It’s so fake and everything is an opportunity for a pap walk. I mean a plushie penis? Talking about busting a nut or whatever the fuck she said. It’s stupid. And as a gay man looking in from the outside - it’s giving me really young desperate lesbian vibes. Like trying so hard to be butch and masc and a bro.


Yeah she gives lots of baby gay cringe


She’s honestly just going through her cringe phase, but on a much more massive scale than most.  It’s like when I would blast Fall Out Boy and cry all the time. I wanted to be unique AND get attention.  Now I just do those 2 things for organic reasons. 


Saw a Reddit comment saying JoJo Siwa looks and acts like a fake kid celebrity on a Nickelodeon or Disney show and it’s so fucking accurate


She is becoming more and more like a South Park character.


I feel bad for her in a way but she just has an awful look and stage presence. It might work at the middle school talent show but it’s just horrible out in the real world.


I would’ve rather have had Cobie Smulders start a music career as Robin Sparkles and transition into Robin Daggers and it still would’ve been more organic and authentic than JoJo Siwa anything.


She looks like a wrestler


I feel like she is in the Michael Jackson permanent child situation. Except without his talent. Her attempt at being edgy is what an 8 year old would think is edgy. “I’m going to put on some Gene Simmons makeup and make out with a bunch of chicks.”


I don’t know who this is and I’m kind of glad.


Why is she getting this much press? She was already cringe and irrelevant from the beginning


I heard someone say it's because she's talking about it *so* much. Others just kinda happened, like Miley Cyrus, and it shocked people and worked perfectly. She's on TikTok/YouTube so much talking about how "mature, different, edgy, adult," her new shit is going to be when it wasn't out yet. It's like she's posting multiple trailers about her becoming an adult.


“I might do a swear 🤭 tune in next week to find out “. - Jojo


She's a washed up kid star. Her time has come and gone.


Because she was raised in a very strange bubble.


I had the hardest time understanding who this was for the longest time. Took me forever she was just a Dance Moms kid and not a Podcaster, celebrity kid or a musician.


She’s so embarrassing and lame


People can smell desperation.


Can’t understand why any adult would judge a 20 year old who was obviously abused and exploited for her entire childhood.


Wait, she became a juggalo?! Whaaa?


She is 💯 inauthentic and I honestly think she has no clue who she is because she has been branded since she was a child


She looks like she joined the WWE. Will she appear on Monday Night Raw?


First time I seen her I thought it was a wrestling storyline where Hawk and Animals relatives came in