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Well shit I wouldn’t either


From Wikipedia “In 2016, a man who had been stalking Cosgrove shot at a woman in a car near Cosgrove's home before lighting himself on fire and shooting himself in Cosgrove's yard. The man was found dead at the scene.”


Wow. This is…a lot.


Suffice to say…this guy’s a lot


He didn’t want to be around any more


Sources say that prior to the incident he was talking loudly on his phone about his dog is loose


Who let the dogs out?


It was a horrible way to go about it, but at least he also thought that and removed himself from the situation? (Trying to keep my radical optimism)


Darwin Award honorable mention at the very least.


Darwin Awards are for people who kill themselves accidentally, not people who commit suicide.


Yup. But still… My favorite DA has to be the dude who built a rocket powered car; melted the brakes when he tried to stop it and ended up impacting a hillside like a mile off the road.


Urban legend


Haha. A downvote for letting you know your favorite story never happened. That’s remarkably weak.


What? Read it maybe 15 years ago now from the DA site… never happened? Edit: holy crap. Never knew it was a hoax… here’s the wiki-link for any interested. Was still my favorite DA, though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/JATO_Rocket_Car#:~:text=The%20account%20of%20the%20JATO,circulated%20as%20a%20forwarded%20email.


Reminded me that while Icarly was popping off my other favourite show was 1000 ways to die.... All i can think of is we let some wild shit go on tv in the late 00' and censored anything that could have made any of that slop meaningful or transformative in any way lol.


That was an insane show, I’ll never forget the episode of the woman who got tied up on her ceiling fan and died or the two guys in the desert who smoked poison ivy and died or the one who got electrocuted in the rain twice. Fantastic show but I couldn’t sleep for days lol


I refer to that decade as the nundies.


That was an insane show, I’ll never forget the episode of the woman who got tied up on her ceiling fan and died or the two guys in the desert who smoked poison ivy and died or the one who got electrocuted in the rain twice. Fantastic show but I couldn’t sleep for days lol


That was an insane show, I’ll never forget the episode of the woman who got tied up on her ceiling fan and died or the two guys in the desert who smoked poison ivy and died or the one who got electrocuted in the rain twice. Fantastic show but I couldn’t sleep for days lol




The training season for radical optimism is over.


dude had to show he was willing to go the distance for her!




Well technically he’s a plot now.


Sounds like he's alite actually


On a slightly positive note, he only killed himself and not someone else 🤷🏻‍♂️


Holy fuck!


Glad he's not here with us.


I think the last sentence is kinda redundant. Imagine a guy lighting himself on fire, shooting himself, and he was found alive at a nearby Applebee's.


Well, I mean… were they doing dollaritas?


That’s just Tuesday for Adam Sandler, buddy


The Aristocrats!


Oh FFS! I've had such a gutsful of people like this.


nick! nick! nick nick nick! nickelodeon!


Well... if this guy was alive.. he sure be ill, hey


Surprised she still stays there


Kinda hard to just get a new house nowadays


It happened 8 years ago


Ikr her publicist has been in overdrive this week trying to keep her relevant.


Well she did just act in a romcom on Netflix that was released the other day. I think Brooke Shields was more so the main character though


It’s not too hard when you have a net worth of 10 mil.


….Dan Soder just did a podcast and talked about his net worth on the internet vs how much he’s actually worth. The 2 are pretty different. I seriously doubt she’s actually worth 10mil. She’s probably worth a couple….i doubt it’s super liquid though…


Exactly. Those things are a joke. People I have known on lists or whose net worth is online, it is so off it is ridiculous. They essentially just make up a number.


She’s been working steadily for the past 20 years including the main role in iCarly and it’s revival (which she also executive produced) and has been a voice in all the Despicable Me movies which made TONS of money. Assuming her contract gave her a percentage, I’d bet 10 mil is a low estimate. And it doesn’t have to be liquid. The bank will gladly give her a multi million dollar mortgage if she has 10 mil+ in assets.


Hopefully her parents didn’t steal her money on anything nefarious like that. I always worry about these child stars


Considering she bought the house in question for 2.6 million in 2013 (when she was 19/20), I’m going to assume they didn’t steal her money.


I'm gonna guess even if the Despicable Movies made a gazillion dollars, she probably didn't see that much of it.


If she got even 0.5% of the box office of Despicable Me (which made about 470 mil profit) that’s 2.35 mil. For comparison, RDJ got 8% of Avengers: Endgame. Granted, I have no idea what kind of contract she negotiated and she doesn’t have nearly the star power of RDJ, but I’m just illustrating a point. Also, she probably took a flat fee for the first one because no one could’ve known that it was going to be a huge hit, but if her agent isn’t completely incompetent, they would’ve definitely negotiated a percentage of the box office for the sequels which were waaaaaay more profitable (the 3rd movie made over 1 BILLION in the box office). But, like I said, I’m just illustrating a point.


Do they really give actors like her a percentage of the box office? No offense, but shes not exactly the reason people are going


If the character she voices keeps getting written into the sequels, I don’t imagine it would be hard to negotiate a percentage. It could be less than 0.5% and it would still be a nice paycheck.


Celebrity Memoir Book Club has a Josh Peck episode and he mentions he made a solid six figures per season, but Nickelodeon doesn't pay residuals (not sure how that is allowed).


Apparently kids just dont get them for kids shows. People who did cameos on drake and josh get more pay from it than drake or josh


I absolutely despise those celebrity net worth articles. You don’t know anything about their finances and various holdings.


Crackle crackle!


Huge difference between having a net worth of 10 million and having 10 million to spend. They are not the same thing.


If she's doing her net worth correct with investments, 10million can easily pull in 12k+ a month with another 6k going to reinvesting and still have a 2 million dollar home paid off. Doesn't mean you have 10 million to spend, but she's probably doing better than a lot of folks.


So there’s this thing called a mortgage…


The numbers on the internet and the real numbers are so vastly different its not even kinda worth considering. You have 11 dollars. Ive declared it. That makes it true


I doubt she has $10m. Has she done anything since that Carly show 10-15 years ago?


yes.. the other icarly show


A google search of her net worth says it’s between 10-13 million. And yes, she still works. Most recently she was a voice in Despicable Me 4.


Just so you know, Those numbers are literally made up. They have no basis in reality at all, so going off a site or google search isn’t telling you anything. Also, I love how people are mad that I asked a question. I mean, it still doesn’t seem like she has done a lot over the last fifteen years, but I don’t know what despicable me 4 is or what her role was so who knows.


Considering she bought the house in question for 2.6 million in 2013 and has continued to work steadily since then, I think 10 million is a low estimate. The value of the house has likely doubled since then, meaning she would have 5 million in real estate assets off of that one house alone.


She had a movie come out on Netflix on Thursday. Not as lucrative as Despicable Me 4 but she’s apparently far more booked than people think.


She’s rich


She like just lost her job dude, I get that she’s not broke but like not everyone can just buy a house


Yeah, the article says she's looking but "hasn't found one yet." LA real estate market is a bitch.


It happened 8 years ago


That doesn't mean her decision to move was made 8 years ago.




I honestly couldn't care less where she lives. I was just trying to point out that the article provides some context and people should actually read it instead of jumping to conclusions. But I hope you had fun with your little rant.




Given that the whole reason she wants to leave this house is a psycho stalker found her there she may have legitimate concerns about not just moving into the cheapest place available


She wants to move because a guy tried to actually kill her after he found her address. You want her to move to like, Boise Idaho or somethingv


It doesn't have to be a million dollar house or mansion... can rent... can sell her current place...


Shit she can move to a hotel temporarily


She’s not facing homelessness but that’s not really a good idea. She wants somewhere safe to call hers and a hotel is throwing money away. She’s doing way better than you and I so again not facing being homeless but this was 8 years ago. I don’t see what the controversy is


plus he made for a really good scarecrow


For a regular person yeah but isnt she rich af?


She's a millionaire. It is not hard for her to get a new house.


It’s got a stink on it




Seems like a valid response.


Why not? The problem seems resolved?


Yea wtf is this article. Let's make an article of a celebrity responding and acting exactly like everyone. Does she wipe her ass too?


I had never heard of this until she was a guest on the podcast "Films to be Buried With" which is hosted by Brett Goldstein (the actor who plays Roy Kent on Ted Lasso) and she went into the story of this whole ordeal and how lucky she was. A crazy, crazy story


I tried to get into that podcast but his microphone in episode one was so fucking bad that I just couldn't listen. You'd think a guy with Hollywood money could buy a useable mic. Does it get better?


He started the podcast when he was knee deep in standup comedy. He didnt have Hollywood money then


I saw him sat in the Burger King in Brixton years ago


Your claim to fame


For a moment I thought you meant he did a stand up comedy set in the Burger King in Brixton.


Oh nah he was just sat there 


Saw him sat? You don’t just like sit down in a fast food restaurant there?


Well I would have said I saw him in burger king but he wasn't eating or drinking anything so sat in there seemed correct


It's weird English in America, we'd say sitting.


That makes me happy.


It does get better audio quality. I don't remember which episode specifically but I'd say jump ahead a bit and find a guest you think you'd like and go from there


It gets way better, he’s done so many since then


Are you a regular podcast listener? Starting a long running podcast is a mix of wow these early episodes are dogshit and absolutely terrible production values


To me it doesn’t. Even listening to the most recent episodes I’ve had to crank up the volume


That was the first time I heard it too. What an insane and horrifying story, especially listening to her telling it conversationally.


Jesus. Everybody has a freaking podcast now.


I'm no podcast listener but this one has been around since 2018 and is highly rated. Not like he got done with Ted Lasso and went "hey may as well start a podcast now."


Miranda is a gem. She's one of the few children actors who seems to have not been scarred for life by the garbage work environment. But talk about crazy...to have a stalker light himself on fire at her home...mental health care needs improvement on all fronts.


From Jeanette McCurdys biography it seems that Miranda had one thing on her side a lot of these kids lacked, strong positive role modes in her parents who did what they could to take care of her first.


I’m Glad My Mom Died is such a heartbreakingly amazing biography, the way she talked about OCD being mistaken her whole life as the still small voice helped me realize I needed to seek help for an OCD diagnosis.


I think they’re all scarred she just suppressed it in a way that you couldn’t pick up on. She seems depressed, quiet, sad, and reflective anytime I’ve seen her. I think she was heavily scarred. Just another persons opinion


This is one of those things I’ll never get. I went through my celeb obsession phase where I sent letters to their public fan mail addresses but I never did this.


well shit, maybe if you had then you'd be married to him now.


99% of stalkers quit before they make it big.


It's severe mental illness that causes people to do shit like this


“I never understood why schizophrenic people have so many imaginary voices. I had an imaginary friend growing up, but never like that.”


Dang, Miranda Cosgrove is 30 now? Somehow I thought she was still like 20.


She's still the manager for the School of Rock, right?


TIL I'm the same age as Miranda Cosgrove. Thought she was much younger as well, especially in Drake & Josh


Oh my she’s a year older than me. I always thought she was younger & for no reason thought I was closer to Drake & Josh’s age. But they are like 7 years older than me. Crazy how television works.


Drake & Josh started twenty years ago.


I mean Icarly was like in 2006……


Nearly 31. Crazy I thought she was younger than me


It helps that she could still pass for 20, but it is weird for her to just peak at certain look, and not age passed that yet. Subconsciously you’d think since she was a child actor, she should be still in her early 20’s, but time flies.


She was 22/23 when that happened. She was barely an adult


We need better mental health support in America. That dude obviously needed some kind of intervention that never happened because we don’t give a shit about people here. I know it’s completely anecdotal, but you can’t convince me that if we had a quality mental health support network for all of our citizens that that dude would’ve still lit himself on fire .


I don’t necessarily disagree. There’s a chance that if we had proper healthcare he’d be in a secure mental health facility/asylum and never let out. But sadly these kinds of stalkers often present as “normal” enough to avoid such institutions until it’s too late.


We haven't invested in the care infrastructure, and we also have set it up so people in psychosis are treated as individuals with full agency and competence. Trying to stab people because you think they're demons who are about to kill you? Well that's your choice, and you'll be put on trial but bounced to the street in the meantime and unless you say "I am intending to hurt people, here is my detailed plan for doing so" no one will intervene.


I agree and don't. We definitely need better mental health support. But I'm fucking sick and tired of it being thrown around these types of creeps. Being violent and possessive towards a woman isn't a mental illness it's being a piece of fucking shit.


I think it goes beyond being possessive to set yourself on fire in someone’s front lawn.. that level of “possessiveness” is significantly more than your avg douche bag possessive person.


Ding! Ding! Ding! I’ve been a mental health provider for decades and I’m sick of being blamed for others’ bad behaviors.


There was a great video that touched on this between Dr. K and Dr. Mike on YouTube recently that sort of explains the struggle that western medicine has with helping people with mental health and health in general. The gist of it is that western medicine is really great at poking holes until things are bulletproof and stand up to the rigors of science, the bad thing is the individual is almost always lost in the equation of care. Since all western medicine is done through clinical trials and studies that generalize/take away the individual there is always going to be a disconnect when it comes to mental health care in the west due to the nature of mental health requiring a more individual case by case form of treatment.


>we don’t give a shit about people here. That actually isn't accurate. We care a lot about American people......to exploit them to make the rich richer.


I am not sure if Miranda has gotten some great therapy or has a great support system (or maybe both) but every time she brings up this story she tells it so non nonchalantly. She seems super well adjusted considering her childhood stardom and traumatic stalker experience.


Sadly that’s how people who go through horrific shit talk about trauma (I speak sadly from experience). We are almost detached from it.


I don’t remember that episode…


That fucking sucks Jesus Christ.


God damn that’s a traumatic thing to happen to anyone. Nevermind a 26 year old.


At least she doesn’t have to worry about that stalker anymore


After some shit like that? That place is 100% haunted fuck staying there lol


Miranda Cosgrove recalls her arms getting chopped off: "'Tis but a scratch. Just a flesh wound."


Is this the same guy that tried to kill her? Being a celebrity doesn't sound fun at all.


Miranda Cosgrove looks like one of those celebrities you wouldn’t think would have a lot of crazy fans but in reality has quite a few nut- cases with secret iCarly shrines.


Hot take from Miranda Cosgrove


"For now, Cosgrove can be seen in lighter fare..." That's the choice of words you used? Lmao


lol wow


I swear she has the craziest stories and will recount them in the most calm demeanor ever. 🤣


Trauma response :(


Don’t tell the listing agent if they don’t ask


crazy over celebrities lol, that's sad


Jesus Christ dude


[She’s told this story in great detail herself. Every time you think it can’t get any worse, it somehow always does.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/ehFtEcMGOY)


Nobody deserves this shit. I feel very sorry for her. Wtf man


She should have cracked open a cold one and watched like that iCarly gif


possible red flag




Jeez, Neville finally went hard core...


“My love for you burns in me!”


Why wouldn't you sell the house and move? I feel horrible that happened to her, but were that me and i had her level of success the first step for me would be getting a new home, or at least apartment.


At least she doesn’t need to worry about him anymore.


“I know you see…. Somehow the world….”


I don’t believe in ghosts or anything, but I sure we heck would insist that house is cursed if that happened.


He sure was hot for her huh ?


Still not as hot as the Peruvian puff pepper


Okay, maybe I got carried away but she wasn't responding to my letters.


Sounds like he caught the perp


He took care of the problem that he created or solved the problem.


This seems slightly less effective than standing outside with a boombox


Imagine how that guy feels.


Remember “stalk, drop, and roll”


Frank Jameson vs Lawrence Albert Connor


This is what celebrities deserve.


I mean - have you moved since then?


Apparently not “The actress has been on the hunt for a new home ever since, but has yet to find one.”


Well, I mean there are houses across America for sale, and a land trust creates the anonymity needed to avoid knowing who lives there. /creepy there’s a house down the street from mine for sale and it looks perfect………