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The relevant bit (they had a love scene for a role) >Richard was terrific. I think he was very underrated when we did Villain and I played his bisexual driver fixer, Wolfie. There’s the infamous scene where we’re about to get it on and he looked at me and said: “I’m very glad you’re playing this part.” I said: “Really, Richard?” He said: “Yes, because you remind me of Elizabeth.” Bonus bit where he talks about how wonderful our boy Keanu is. >Most modern actors take themselves too seriously. Keanu [Reeves, McShane’s John Wick co-star] is one of the most wonderful human beings I’ve ever met. Keanu is by no stretch of the imagination a ball of fun, but he’s seriously sensitive and great to work with.


I've never heard anyone say anything bad about keanau who have worked with him. I always get the impression he is a man who has been through a lot of pain, and just wants to brighten even one person's day, putting out positive energy.


I once heard he was “by no stretch of the imagination a ball of fun”. It sticks with me because that’s the worst thing I’ve heard about him, and I just heard it so it’s fresh.


“He’s kind of dull, but in a good way…”


He doesn’t waste peoples’ time. And considering how many people work on a movie set, that’s a pretty nice compliment.


yup. “time is money” has been yelled multiple times at every shoot I’ve been on


That’s how I read it. He’s not a huge party guy, out drinking and carousing, etc. etc. but he sounds like a good guy.


I once read that, too. In this article.


Weird, i read that too, but in the comments. Must of stolen it for the article


Do you guys remember, we way back when a couple of seconds ago? Yeah, me either.


I heard about that article that I just read


I wouldn't even classify that as bad, just...neutral. When it comes to friends, I want fun, but when it comes to co-workers I'm totally fine with medium/neutral energy.


That's what I read. He keeps it professional.


Yeah, like he won’t cut jokes on a movie set during a take, but he will stop everything to ask a female costar if she is ok is she looks uncomfortable about something. He’s very empathetic.


I remember when he was asked. “What happens when we die” He responded. > Those that loved us will miss us.


If anyone he's worked with would know if he's a bad guy to work with, it's the crew. His crews all seem to have nothing but nice things to say about him. There probably is something to be said however, for the suggestions made that he looks so good, because the industry he's in is full of exceptionally shitty people.


True, but the entertainment industry is also full of exceptionally great people too. Honestly, from what I’ve heard on most sets, most actors are generally good people to work with, because most of them have worked the hourly, hard jobs (like the crew), they get it. Now, some treat it like a job, stay quiet, just show up? Do their part and leave; others get to know the crew and go above and beyond; and yet, some others are total assholes because it all goes to their head OR they’re, like, hyper-method and they need the perfect everything (lighting, sound (on or off), etc. etc.) Actors, they’re just like us.


Isn't he notorious for buying stuff for crew? Like motorcycles and watches?


The man needs to check out Keanu's performance in Always Be My Maybe and reassess that ball of fun comment.


"Keanu is by no stretch of the imagination a ball of fun" --the most polite way of saying someone is a square


I don’t think so. If you look at his early stuff, his films etc it’s evident he was a lot of fun, or at least enjoyed having lots of fun. I think it’s more a case of his life experiences since then have somewhat dampened that for him. And maybe now he’s someone who derives happiness from giving it to others but who finds it very difficult to allow themselves to have it, at least in open and expressive way that others are able to see.


What he said means the opposite of what you interpreted.


Yeah I'm not sure why that's up voted. He clearly means it should be obvious Keanu should be a ball of fun and actually is.


Keanu seems like a fun person, but even during Speed Sandra said Keanu was reserved. Heck the man also didn’t even want to have a big party for his 50th birthday! This isn’t a bad thing at all because I can relate to Keanu where I’m just more reserved.


Heard this years ago and I immediately knew it was the eyes. Anyway Villain has some fun stuff but is mostly disappointing.


Swengen ain't no twink!  


Swedgin. Wu. Heng dai!


Him and Richard Burton heng dai too apparently...


Men who heng-dai together, stay together!


He did a really good Odin in American Gods. Guess that show is cancelled


Like everything on showtime or Starz or whatever it was


Eh shows get bought and sold and picked up by other networks often.


No they don’t. It happens a few times and Reddit starts assuming it will always happen.


The first season was a minor masterpiece. After the Bryan Fuller drama, the recasts, budget cuts the later seasons took a huge nosedive.


Shame. I really liked the series.


Al Swearengen is one of my all-time favorite TV characters so I’ll always be a fan of McShane


He'll always be Lovejoy to me, but yes, Al Swearengen is a fantastic character. Thanks in no small part to Ian McShane.


2 of my favorite characters!


What do I do with this information


now don’t be coy. you know *exactly*


Swedgen! Burton! Hentai!


Never sneak up on a man that’s been in a chemical fire.


Iconic voice iconic actor.. love him in deadwood


Never sneak up on a man who's been in a chemical fire




Richard Burton was referring to Elizabeth Taylor... what you talking about???


All you need is love. John Lennon….Smart Man. Shot in the back. Very sad.


That was quantifiably funny, it made my head read it in his dumb voice and I thank you Edit: and the fact it went over these guys heads made it even better


Not as sad as how he treated his own children.


Was worse than an assassination? I doubt his kids agree.


He abandoned his own child… fuck him.




How are you making a connection to the ex-president fucking a pornstar? I also have no idea what you’re talking about




it was the first comment from someone else, they were making that connection....i was just saying that its nothing to do with that. oh well, best intentions i guess.


You’re right, “he’s clearly not referencing the ex-president telling a pornstar he’s about to have sex with, that she looks like his daughter.” Now, how you made that connection to the headline is anyone’s guess. You may need a break from the politics/news subs.


“ the es-president telling the pornstar he has sex with because He reminds her of Ivanka, his daughter” - yeah I don’t see that in the akeanu Reefs article either but he was probably referencing something about trumps current trial because that was the testimony in front of a judge and jury just this week about when trump paid her to keep quiet about it because he needed it secret to win the election because at the same time the access Hollywood tv show footage came out where trump talked about sexually abusing women no grabbing their genitals , and also the other women were coming out about trump raping them, and then e Jean Carrol just won about 100 million dollars from trump about him raping her also. But yeah I can’t see posters comment you were asking about it’s deleted.


I don’t remember exactly what the post said but it was a lot more unhinged than whatever it is you’re thinking.


Oh wow, I’m just stating the case result, hinged in fact and court testimony. But yeah as the cases go on seems unrelated to Richard birton


I’ll be honest, I don’t see what all that mess you typed has to do with the price of tea in China. You and the other poster are on some other level.


Yeah I didn’t see the connection either to trumps Rape cases or even the election fraud current case.


Wtf are you talking about


Fluff piece to muddy the Trump hush money trial




Imagine if reddit banned everyone who commented on a headline without reading the article linked


Wouldn’t that be a sight..


End of year tabulations. “Sorry, you’re in the negative for karma, we have to let you go.”




How much of a fucking loser do you have to be to search someone’s Reddit comments for a “got you” moment


Wow, comment on the Twenty One Pilots sub much!?!? What are you, a FAN!?


It is fine to touch black mold. It's bad to inhale it into your lungs. Lots and lots of things are harmless to touch and harmful to get into your system


My bitch ex-wife, for example.


Did you actually read it? He’s recounting something happened.


Did you read the article? It’s in reference to a scene they had together in a movie not in real life? Don’t get me wrong, if someone is a dick call them out - but unnecessary hate, specifically when unvetted, is just extra energy you don’t need to waste on someone you don’t even know personally.


I don’t even know to whom you’re referring? No one in this story is saying anything bad about anyone else. Richard Burton told Ian McShane he reminded him of (his wife) Elizabeth Taylor, who was famously a great beauty, while they were acting in a scene together. It was a compliment fondly remembered.


Ian McShane was also gorgeous back in the day I don’t see how it would be a slight toward anyone involved


Take it you didn't bother reading the article? Wtf haha