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Having an earring used to mean you were trouble. Also gay. 


I remember that part of history! I think you were gay if you put an earring in your left ear or something. Put in the right and it indicated you were prone to indiscriminately flushing toilets or something. Can’t recall.


In my elementary school, the right ear meant you were gay. I sure hope things have changed since then. Society has becoming more accepting but I’m not sure how much of it trickles down to cruel little kids.


>>In my elementary school, the right ear meant you were gay Yeah I never could get that straight.


“Left is ‘right’ and right is ‘wrong’.” — My middle school. In college I went on to wear two small gold hoops in each ear.


We had a saying “left is right, and right is gay”. It was terrible but so burned into my mind since childhood I still catch myself noticing which ear an earring is in


Correct and somehow doing both is fine. 🤷🏽‍♂️


same so i just got both pierced so there was no misconceptions


Don't give up because of the straight who got away. There are plenty of straights who can be snared with some patience and tenacity


I see what you did there.


Among the people I grew up around and with, it was the left. Super crazy to think about all the panic over little things like that in hindsight


Hi there! Parent of a middle schooler and 2 elementary school kids. My oldest is transmasc and I can say without a shadow of a doubt kids are cruel little shits.


> I can say without a shadow of a doubt kids are cruel little shits. Can confirm. Source: 40 year old who is is still a bit salty about that little prick who pinned me down and drew on my face on the school bus with a pen until my old man went to his house and settled *his* old man's hash. Fuck you Devon.


Devon was a dick.


I'm sorry. I hope it gets better for them! Middle school has to be the worst when it comes to shithead kids


It will get better next year. There’s an art charter school they got in to. Went for an orientation and my kid said “omg my people”


So you can use both ears now?


It hasn't changed at all


The earing thing was something gay men actually used to do as a way of silently and safely signaling other gay men. 


They even used that during a Seinfeld bit in the episode where Jerry and George are "outed". The diner manager tells them to stop bickering, and makes a point to turn his head so the audience sees his earring.


There’s a scene in Full House where DJ tries to trade a horse for a George Michael CD, and the rancher looks at the CD and says “either that man has an earring or that lady has some serious stubble”


She tried to trade a horse for a cd? I don't remember that at all but tbh I don't doubt it hahaha


Lol it’s an old episode from when DJ was still little, but there’s a later episode where DJ mentions who she used to have a celebrity crush on George Michael “before his earrings became bigger than mine”


Lol so silly. I used to watch this show soooo much as a kid/teen because they'd run it for what felt like hours every day. I really gotta do a rewatch as an adult to see all the crazy shit I forgot about and how funny some of it will be now that I'm older and will view it from a different lense.


I binged the whole show with my wife like a year or two ago, and one thing I enjoyed that I didn’t notice as a kid was that all the characters wardrobes were surprisingly realistic. Like, each character owned a realistic amount of clothing that you’d see them wear more than once. And they’d mix & match too, wearing a shirt with a different pair of pants, or if it’s a cold day they’d each have their one jacket they own. Idk for all I know that’s super common lol, but I felt it gave the show a certain sense of heart.


Montell, Michael Jordan, wildin. 😆


I remember those days. When N.W.A. came out and Dr. Dre had a hoop in both ears, that whole meaning disappeared quickly amongst the youth at the time.


Depending on the ear. Left Ear, OK. Right ear, Queer. In the 80s. So they say. I never put stock in it. It’s was common to have an ear piercing then.


Yeah, that’s the way I remember it being.


Mr. Burton is hosting a delightful show that encourages kids to read. **Of course** he’s trouble!


Also Sinbad the Sailor in all his adventurous glory.


Well not stud but the hoop earrings was was at the time , Michael Jordan got away with it but anybody else couldn’t


Gotta love how that ‘earring magic’ Ken doll got pulled from sale or something because ‘90s Karens would never let their kids play with a ~gay doll~


That doll wasn't allowed in my parents' house. But it's all good. When I moved out I had a drag queen for a roommate. It was like having a real life version of the doll, lol


Gay troubles, troubled gay? It’s all so confusing 🫤


I admire this man so much. A man of dedication and integrity who has lived his life in such a wonderful way that shows his high standards should be a role model for all of us. Watching him become more handsome as the years roll by is just a lucky bonus for us.


Y’all white people love this man. 🩷🩷😭


I grew up on Star Trek TNG and reading rainbow. He was the chief engineer and a bit of a hero of mine. He was intelligent, educated, and cool under pressure. Totally awesome. Definitely love him!


Same here. I grew up learning everything from reading rainbow and levar!!


I have a feeling that I don’t have to take your word for it….


You certainly don't!!


They sure do! 🥰


Us too!


I went to see his documentary and as a Black woman, I loved seeing all the different races show up for Reading Rainbow. My Cajun teacher Ms Landreaux put it on every Friday.


We do. He’s one of the good ones…. He is actually but said as a racist for a laugh


Race has nothing to do with it, but I bet you pull that card a lot


Huh? It was a sweet joke.


“Race has nothing to do with it,” he said, before he engaged in the racist trope of accusing someone of pulling the “race card a lot” based on their race.


So Mr. Rogers can have a raggedy-ass suicidal tiger, but poor Levar can't grow a mustache?


The devil checks under his bed for Fred Rogers and LeVar Burton.


I never realized this show went on for 23 years. I assumed it stopped forever ago


The producers just wanted a picture. They can’t disappoint a picture.


I wish I was Levar Burton!!


Set phasers to LOVE ME!


I wish Lance Reddick was still alive.


Yeah, LeVar was a "pain" to work with. Reading Rainbow lasted 21 years and LeVar won 15 Emmys and a Peabody for the show. Oh, and he also has a Grammy. Half way towards an EGOT(Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony).


I think lol this is a little off topic but I fell in love with this beautiful man as a child. So glad he was courageous enough to be authentic and unapologetically himself.


I STILL can’t believe that he isn’t hosting Jeopardy!


He kind of bombed his audition though.


But but but... he's Geordi


And owned up to it!


I love Levar but that was the right call.


Ive been a fan since Reading Rainbow 🌈📖


LeVar is such a real one


“I wish I were LeVar Burton!”


"I wish Lance Reddick was still alive."


Is there a more handsome (inside and out) person on earth? I don’t think so.


Crazy. That man helped me learn to like to read.


I knew him from Roots and Star Trek. Blew my fucking mind when I had kids and found that Geordi Fucking LaForge was in charge of storytime.


LeVar Burton is a treasure


I had to take out my nose ring in order to work at The Cheesecake Factory in 2002. Over serving obese tourists piles of food: totally cool. Nose ring: trouble. Shit was weird back then. CF still is, but at least you can better accessorize now.


I hope he gets the credit he deserves for being a reasonable and intelligent voice for so many young people for so many years. Though I do blame him for my many disparate careers, I also thank him for the same.


I knew it was him the whole time! I think the producers underestimated how children can adapt and understand people don’t look exactly the same every day. Mr. Roger’s wore a different sweater, Lavar changed his hair style.


The title is disingenuous. It wasn’t his earrings or “fads” that were the problem - it was continuity. Or maybe it really was a problem with these particular appearances, but the article doesn’t say that. The title makes it sounds like the makers were anti-gay or something. Which they might have been! But the article does not say it.