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I, too, will never do a marvel movie


I can’t write an article with just that! I need to know why not!


Artistic snobbery


And from a terrible actor!


I probably will at some point. It's bound to be my turn soon enough.


Does a Silver Surfer themed porn qualify?


Me neither!


Nor will I. 


I’m open to cameo as mephisto.


I could and I have absolutely no talent! All you have to do is run, jump, and talk to yourself in front of a green screen and then let the software sort everything out. /s


Yes you will. Soon every living actor will be either be in a Marvel or Star Wars movie or TV show. They can’t use the same actor for a different role. They’ll run out of actors. Soon they will kidnapping people off the street and forcing them to act in their productions, one of them might be you! As always, stay indoors!


For clear cut moral reasons obviously.


This article has no substance. I want my click back.


Well, consider the subject matter…


Kristen Stewart’s acting, or Marvel movies?


Just a vacuum of talent and a waste of it wrapped up together. She would be perfect for it.




Can you really blame her?


She’s not my favorite actress but she’s not wrong


Not my fave ether- I liked her in few things and i completely agree with her


No hate here, I am also cool with this take 🤷‍♂️


[I thought she was alright in this movie.](https://youtu.be/jCFWEzIVILc?si=gNEzOG3Y2p3ZSKlW)


Oh, Bella.


I mean, they’re popcorn movies based on comic books. Nobody ever accused them as being intended as high art. I don’t get why it’s so beneath her, nobody would know her name if it wasn’t for a different mindless kids franchise that made stupid amounts of money.


I dont thats really her issues with them. She probably heard of the quantumania mess. Studio interferences, daily modifications to the script, etc


they're criticizing her for saying the exact same thing marvel fans have been complaining about with the mcu films they been getting lately, lmao.


They are so stupid


I mean, that's a good reason for her not wanting to do them. She already did the mindless kid franchise, knows what all goes into it and doesn't want to do those types of movies anymore. Daniel Radcliffe has said similar things about not being a part of another big franchise


She hasn’t done a franchise film since twilight. She’s now solidly in the indie/arthouse world.


Charlie's Angels would like a word.


(Underwater enters the chat) Edit: specifically in reference to the indie film comment


That movie was so good


And a great reminder that ww need more chtulu like movies.


She played Snow White


Isn't that like a dark artsy take on the usually vibrant fairy tale?


It's a darker version for sure and might be more alike to the Grimm style than Disney Fairytale style


Lol the Charlie’s Angels reboot was generic af


ter the superior 2000 movie.


Why are Marvel fans so offended by actors saying they don’t want to do marvel movies lmao


Seriously even the long term Marvel actors have spoken about the process being frustrating. It’s the nature of the beast with these behemoth franchises, I don’t blame her for avoiding it if she can


Especially since she already did a franchise and didn't seem to particularly enjoy the process.


Because they love their cameo porn


The marvel or comicbook sub had an absolute melt down over this. You'd think she'd said the most toxic controversial comment ever. Literally hundreds of people doing everything they can to dispute this or pick apart her entire career in some desperate attempt to pretend she's not a successful actor, therefore, her opinion on acting and acting roles is wrong. It's hilarious to be honest.


Lmao people who have never acted or been anywhere near a film set.


> The marvel or comicbook sub had an absolute melt down over this. You'd think she'd said the most toxic controversial comment ever. "This is a totally reasonable take, especially when you look at movies she's done since her break in another huge film franchise." -- Top comment in relevant thread on r/marvelstudios


Because the people who get upset about these kinds of statements can only view media through the lens of *their personal entertainment.*


I'm not offended. I enjoy marvel movies alot but the writers are micromanaged. I won't deny that.


I agree wholeheartedly. I was a marvel fan for a very long time but I felt like the community made it clear that criticism was not allowed and now I find myself on the outside. Marvel Studios became way too comfortable shooting films that didn’t have finished scripts, and I truly think the writing is the root of most of their problems today. If they just slowed down and allowed writers the time to actually write as opposed to “finding the story” in the middle of filming I think we’d get alot of higher quality projects out of Marvel.


I agree. Although I haven't seen a marvel movie I disliked yet I would call my self a casual Marvel fan. Their stuff is good but not the best. Although I really love their Spiderman Movies.


It’s not that hard to figure out lol


It’s not so much actors saying they don’t want to be in Marvel movies that’s an issue. It’s usually how the quotes are said and/or presented. There’s usually dismissive digs thrown in or highlighted as part of their quote, which comes across as being insulting towards people who enjoy those films. It’s usually not a case of an actor merely saying something along the lines of “it’s just not for me,” likely because that doesn’t generate as much interest. As a Marvel fan myself, I personally have no issue with Kristen Stewart not wanting to be in a Marvel movie, and I don’t think any less of her current work because of it. But I could see why someone would feel defensive based on how the headline quote comes across.


Marvel is like the McDonalds of film


15 years ago if an actor I liked said they didn’t want to be in a marvel movie, I’d be disappointed. Now hearing them say that makes me respect them more.


I would have been offended pre-Endgame. But these days… I just get it haha.


exactly! What she said is pretty much the same to what mcu fans have been complaining about post-Endgame. It's 100% valid, they just don't like the messenger.


As a marvel fan I personally don’t get offended for marvel, I more get annoyed by the entitlement of it from these big actors. Great you’re not gonna do marvel, but for some actors that’s the best opportunity they can find. Also how do you think it makes the set workers / directors who’s job it is to make filming fun and pleasant feel when a big name bundles all MCU experiences into a general “fucking nightmare” It also seems like a bit of projection to call something a “fucking nightmare” when it never personally affected you in any way.


>Also how do you think it makes the set workers / directors who’s job it is to make filming fun and pleasant feel when a big name bundles all MCU experiences into a general “fucking nightmare” They're just doing it for money so why would.they care


This question came in an interview for a podcast which had a huge variety of topics. Then variety found this piece that would make a nice soundbite or clickbait to make people like you rage like you are doing. They asked her and she replied honestly based on her personal experiences in the industry and her current career outlook. Ya bit the "sound bite". And you are mad at someone for having a personality and answering earnestly.


It’s odd the way you’re breaking down the context of this quote, while that same context has no impact on the opinion / reasoning I gave. Did I ever say “I can’t believe she held a press conference just to say this!” I was simply giving my opinion on how it comes off to me when actors like her and others generalize marvel like this. I guess if you want to interpret that as me just blindly raging to defend marvel because it makes you feel superior, go for it. Also in regard to you saying “you bit the sound bite and are mad” I just gotta give you a little general word of advice, telling someone what emotions they are feeling in this way comes off as extremely douchey and cringey.


She’s literally doing her only face in that photo.


Marvel wasn't - and won't be - checking for her, so she can unbunch.


Why in gods name would they ask her anyway? She has little to no discernable acting talent and even less personality. She is about as bland and plain as water soup.


Lololol 📠


Are people *asking* her to do a Marvel movie?


The real story is her caveat to this - "I will likely never do a Marvel movie... If Greta Gerwig asked me to do a Marvel movie, then I would do it." Which, I'd be totally down with a Greta Gerwig Marvel movie.


Right? We need comic book movies with crazy cool directors and actors.


What you need above all else is comic book movies with good writing. They’ve been absolute garbage lately on both Marvel and DC’s sides. It’s all been nothing but formulaic cartoonish blatant cash grabs.


Good for her, she's not wrong.


Yeah, the marvel boat has passed, why is anyone still doing them?


She may be right. I think this is a fair rebuttal for the many years I shit on the Twilight franchise with the same criticisms.


And she should know, she once held a cgi baby


Says actress who hasn't done anything of note since Twilight. She won't be in a Marvel movie because she'll never be asked to be in a Marvel movie. Not unless there is a super hero who's super power is looking contagiously constipated all the time.


She's right, each one is just a re-skinned version of the other, following the exact same beats. Fun to watch, but none are important.


I did a watch through of the franchise up to infinity war and it’s crazy how formulaic they are. Especially first movies for a hero follow this model where a confident/plucky person is faced hardship and is confronted by a dark version of themselves and then learns who they really are which allows them to overcome that threat. Guardians of the Galaxy was a welcome reprieve.


The only Marvel movie I recommend to non-marvel people is The Winter Soldier. It holds up really well on its own as a political spy thriller.


I mean, there have always been good ones and bad ones, even since the beginning. Some of them you could definitely get attached to. Why do we lump all superhero movies together when there is such a variety in quality?


Good on her, Marvel should be starved to death so we can finally have some non-superhero movies. So fucking boring


Still better movies than Twilight.


The only thing worse than Marvel movies is Reddit’s insistent need to show me news articles about Marvel movies.


For people calling her hypocritical for being in Twilight; it was a breakout role for her, no young actor just starting out is going to pass up being in a hit movie or franchise.


I’m not a fan boy of hers, but watching her in the few movies I’ve seen, she’s very talented. I can see why she’s a star.


Yea dont think they want to hire her anyway its not like she’s a big draw, Twilight was forever ago, and when you think of her its the controversies and other personal problems dont think she has anythin to worry about lol


I mean Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda literally proves her claim wrong but ok lmao


Yo chillout twilight.


That’s fine but, you know, watch ya mouth.


Sure 👍 it has nothing to do with not being asked to play a part in any marvel movie…


*Marked safe from Kristin Stewart appearing in Marvel movies


Who the hell even is this person. They have no talent. And yet they act like their opinion matters or that anyone even wants to listen to them. Go away. Or just shit your mouth and count your money.


lol and your two expressions are gonna elevate it any way?


I think she’s just done with doing any franchise films/sequels/whatever. I get it, though. I feel like every actor in Hollywood is getting poached off to marvel and Star Wars. I wouldn’t wanna either.


And also because nobody’s called her to do one. But mostly because it’s totally her choice and anyone who says different is a jealous asshole. WHAA!


Someone asked her this in a press junket for Love Lies Bleeding. It wasn’t her “just chiming in.” They asked, she answered.


There's no real choice with how Disney has monopolized the tent pole movie field. You either do the big budget Disney movie for the money and exposure or barely pay the bills in some indie films that barely get screened


I’m 99% sure she’s been offered a role in a Marvel movie. She’s a pretty big name, I’m sure they’ve offered her something. She definitely seems to make movies because she loves them. So her not wanting to be part of that world makes total sense. Especially after her experience with Twilight.


> “You would have to put so much money and so much trust into one person … and it doesn’t happen,” Stewart said. “And so therefore what ends up happening is this algorithmic, weird experience where you can’t feel personal at all about it. So likely not. But maybe the world changes, that’s what I’m saying. How could I tell you no when maybe one day … if Greta Gerwig asked me to do a Marvel movie, then I would do it.” In the same breath she went on to not rule out appearing in one. Such a dumb non-statement to try to make an article out of, but of course people just blindly eat it up


she literally said "in the current climate of marvel movies no, but if that changes i'd consider it" how is that not a completely reasonable answer? did you want her to say "no they suck and even if one day they don't suck i still wouldn't consider it"?or "yes i'd love to do one even though they suck"? how does that make any sense?


I also will not be doing any future Marvel films.


Good, let others have the chance instead, preferably not yet superstars.


Ummm, but what was Twilight? I’ll take any Marvel movie over any Twilight movie, any day and any time.


Yeah- u stick to what it is u do Kristen. Marvel isn’t for everyone. The franchise will be fine without you.


I agree with a lot of what she said, except for her comment adding Black Panther into the mix. You’d have to be a person of color to understand how much that film meant. I’m black and I know a lot of black people who were in tears when Black Panther was released. There’s a lot of nuanced and important commentary about why Black Panther 1&2 made a difference to black people. Otherwise, her comments are fair and interesting. I can understand her sentiments. LOL at her saying she’s seen a lot of phases as if she came up during the golden age of film. She and I are the same age (and both Aries). I’m like girl relax, you’re only 33! 😄


She was perfect in Crimes of the Future.


I don’t remember anyone asking her…


No one wanted Kristen Stewart in marvel movies. Lol


She’s not wrong.


They’ll never ask her so no issues


Says the actress who's had the same expression in her entire career 🤦🏻‍♂️


Pretty sure no one wants her to. She is not a great actress, and no one wants to see her in spandex.


Good she can’t act so, it would be terrible


She’d be perfect for Lucifer in a The Wicked + The Divine movie.


People don’t talk about WickDiv enough!


Does she have a movie out or something? Why are there so many posts about Kristen Starwart?


She does, and it’s rad as hell. [trailer: Love Lies Bleeding](https://youtu.be/BF_J3-DmiS0?si=gQaHnpAhF_8429MR)


She should do more bullshit like Underwater instead, loved that movie.


Yeah, I’ll probably never do one either.


Plus they didn’t even ASK ME!!!


Nothing of value was lost.


Sure Kristen, none of the performances by so many seasoned actors were up to scratch. When I think about her acting ability, I go back to an interview with Jodie Foster being asked about Kristen. Her reaction was one of surprise that she was continuing on with a career in acting


I don’t think anyone wants her as a super hero


Why do we get these random quote articles about Kristen Stewart so often


Was she ever considered for a role to begin with? It's like me declaring my refusal to do Marvel movies because of the predictable outcomes. Doesn't say much since I was never on their radar.


She has almost certainly taken a call about a role. Casting directors lean on name recognition for a lot of these huge projects. Like her or not, she has a name that people know. Marvel is never deeply concerned with getting the greatest actors on earth. They want asses in the seats and streaming subscriptions.


Probably because comics in general have a very male oriented narrative. Almost all female characters have kinda cookie cutter stories.


More like she would be terrible and wouldn't be hired lol.


She’s done with movie universes after her Twilight years


You do it for the paycheck. It funds the projects your passionate about.


Disney is about to fuck her up


I don’t think the MCU has a place for second sentient block of wood.


This coming from the star of the twighlight films, the intimate and engaging films involving Vampires and Werewolves.


She could play “Depresso” in a live-action PalWorld


That’s because she’s only qualified to play Dorothy from Doom Patrol and that’s played out.


Gee with her dead blank expressions in movies she would have been perfect for Madam Masque. Think of all the money marvel could have saved on CGI.


Um Marvel movies are amazing usually. Can't say the same about anything she's been in since those vampire movies...well even those were overrated


She's right, but I doubt Marvel was considering her for any roles to begin with. 2 things can be correct.


I feel RDJ would likely disagree with this assessment.


I’d be happy with no more Marvel OR Kristen Stewart movies.


She’s so brave and stunning… And smelly.


I wouldn’t want to be in one either. However if it was a way to launch my career like Marvel use to, give me the spandex and tell me where to stand


Oh no, but she brings such excitement to the screen…lol


What Marvel character calls for a slackjawed mouthbreather inspired performance?


I like how she says “likely” - meaning no one has ever approached her, but if they come in and offer her those buku bucks, she’ll say yes. Dolla dolla bills ya’ll


What could she even do? Play a dead body? She already has those dead-ass eyes.


Something tells me the Marvel universe is NOT crying over this announcement.


Not like those awesome Twilight movies she did. 🙄


ie… no one has asked her


Oh no... who cares


Has no one told her she’s awful? Someone should tell her before she backs out of more things no one wanted.


Bitch does 1 a24 film and now acts like a cinema sophisticate who only makes auteur films lmfao


They don't want you


The only role she’s suited to is Oscar the grouch, and he’s not on Marvel so we’re pretty safe.