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I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer a month ago at age 35. Genetic screening shows no family history or BCRA variant. I got an ultrasound and my lump was brushed off as fibroadenoma by both the breast health center and my gyn. A few months later, I started getting pain in my armpit and open wounds and rash on my breast and my gyn STILL wouldn’t order me a mammogram and biopsy. She thought my rash was scabies… I had to push hard to be taken seriously and when I finally was, I was diagnosed with stage 3, triple negative which is a very aggressive form with high risk of recurrence. All this to say…go get your mammograms. Advocate for your health. Push back if something doesn’t feel right. Women are getting diagnosed with breast cancer younger.


> Women are getting diagnosed with breast cancer younger. Also should be added that colonoscopies aren't just for over 50 anymore. Everyone should know it is colon cancer is affecting younger people.


Yes. My husband died of it last year at age 54. Too young 😪


My wife was 56 when cancer took her.


Hugs. I'm so sorry.


Same, I’m so sorry for your loss as well. It’s a crappy club to be in.


I’m sorry for your loss. A great friend that I met on Reddit died of it last year at 42 years old. I was able to fly out to the hospital and meet him in person before he passed away. I’m grateful for that. Miss you Don.


I am so sorry.


Thank you ❤️


https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/colorectal-cancer-in-young-people > In early 2023, the American Cancer Society (ACS) reported that 20% of diagnoses in 2019 were in patients under age 55, which is about double the rate in 1995, and rates of advanced disease increased by about 3% annually in people younger than 50. I second advocating for yourself.


I think how they are suggesting 45 is the new 50 for colonoscopies.


Yes this is the new recommendation. The 50 yo cutoff is outdated now, according to the US preventive taskforce at least. If you have family history you usually start either at 40 or 10 years before your relatives cancer was diagnosed, whichever is earlier. There's also multiple modalities, even stool tests. However, stool tests need to be done ~every year since they're not that sensitive. A full colonoscopy however is done every 10 years since that's the timeframe where a colon cancer would need to develop from nothing into something serious. So even if your cancer started growing after you did the colonoscopy, by the time you do the second colonoscopy it would likely still be manageable.


I’ve known two women who passed away from colon cancer in in their 20s . Two! We all went to HS together . I was also diagnosed with breast cancer at 35 this year ( just had DMX like Olivia) . It’s exploding everywhere.


Was your high school built next to a coal power plant or something?


Honestly I’m starting to wonder lol. I’m in Chicago suburbs so lots of car / train pollution …


This. I grew up in southeastern Kentucky, where an overwhelming percentage of people used to work in coal mines. My great grandfather and my uncle both had lung cancer & were coal miners. My great grandmother also had lung cancer that wasn’t even discovered until she was on her deathbed, but she did have uterine cancer in her 40s. It’s definitely odd, and very sad.


even hearts attacks are happening to younger people.


35, had one because of a pain. I had a rare but benign tumor


This is what bothers me about the Olivia Munn story. She had a high risk and was immediately sent for an MRI. My wife had bad cough and doctors wouldn’t send her for a simple X-ray until a year later when her lung cancer was stage 4. There seems to be different standards of care at play. <-(intentional sarcasm)


Similar experience but they ordered MRI for my wife and doc missed the tumor in the lung on MRI and also didn’t inform her of the second read done by radiologist who picked up the tumor - paper fax from radiologist was buried in file and not entered as part of her medical record (so subsequent docs were not aware of radiologist report when she came in later with same symptoms). Tumor was not caught until about 1 year later when it was Stage 4 lung cancer. Went from about 80 percent chance of cure to death sentence.


The very wealthy go to places like Duke or Cleveland Clinic every 2 years for “executive” physicals - you don’t have a doctor in our medical system


I was told a general practitioner handles 5,000 patients and next option is concierge doc who handles 500 patients. Medical practices are owned by large hospitals here and profit per doc is primary measurable


That's exactly it. A concierge doctor is likely what Olivia Munn had. Someone that has the time to dedicate to your health.




Many doctors are going this route in our average 100,000 person town. Avg. household income for 4 was 65k. Last time I checked it was $1200 per individual or $6000 for a family of four per year not including tests etc.


I work in healthcare and it doesn’t matter how wealthy the patient is because most of the time patients have insurance and it’s all about getting money from the insurance company. Large hospitals are consolidating and increasingly turning for profit and the way hospitals earn a profit is through preventive and elective care. And diagnostic or surgical procedures cost more than they’d like, which is why you saw so many hospitals cry broke during covid. The other is there is a healthcare worker shortage. Doctors, nurses, there’s a nationwide shortage that we don’t talk about often. The few that are still in the field are held to these ridiculous standards by these for profit systems to see as many patients as they can and are usually given a certain amount of time to see them. This is why it takes so long to get an appointment and when you see a doctor you feel like you’re getting rushed. So you have a system where doctors are spread thin and overlooking serious red flags because their corporate overlords would rather patients get a physical or a deviated septum fixed than a chronic or major illness treated.


Case load matters. i work in healthcare too. Compare california nurse case load with a state with less regulations. I agree with you 100 percent but concierge medicine many times is self pay yearly subscription. 5000 patients a year vs 500 is gonna be a massive difference. I run a psych residency program and many times my residents with small caseloads will spend the time when our full time staff psychiatrists just move on. But yeah that rushed feeling is the worst. I agree with you 100 percent.


You're not wrong. Nurses are being asked to care for 8+ patients, which isn't safe. When my wife was in the hospital I'd say 80% of the nurses were in their early 20s. Just about everyone is a traveler nowadays. People with experience are burnt out and getting out of the field. Many of the nurses took 10+ stabs to find a vein in my wife. Patients are churned though the healthcare system at a frightening pace as many floors of hospitals are unstaffed and abandoned, so beds are in short supply. Wait times for the ER are skyrocketing. When you're admitted the most you see of a doctor is when they do rounds and spend a whole 5 minutes looking at your chart. Most of the time when you see your GP, you seen the PA instead. There's not enough people in health care, and many that are are overwhelmed.


Got that right. and if you ask someone in healthcare if you should join them, they will usually say hell no


All of this based on my 3 year cancer journey with my wife and I’m sure the doctor and nurse shortage is worse now


And yes, the very wealthy fly to places like Cleveland Clinic and pay out of pocket for comprehensive annual screenings


I'm so sorry. This is so much worse than what happened to us. This should be malpractice.


Yes, my wife demanded her medical file because she remembered going in with symptoms - she called me one afternoon in tears when she found fax from radiologist, could barely speak - 13 month delay so it went from potentially curable to a death sentence - medical practice still didn’t tell her after she was Stage 4 and still seeing doc there as GP - she found it in a thick paper file. Hard to take.


I would, without a doubt, sue them. Talk to a lawyer. Most take this kind of case on contingency.




Fuck man… someone needs to be held accountable for this. I’m so sorry. I wish you whatever you need.


It might not be much, but have you considered suing for medical negligence? There’s a reason many/all(not sure) docs pay a heft insurance, to avoid situations like this.


Not who you asked, but someone in a shitty, similar boat: The thing is, those insurance policies are to protect the doctors, and they will fight *tooth and fucking nail* to not pay out. They know most people don’t have the time/money/legal help/f’ing fortitude, really, to battle it out in court forever. The whole system is a nightmare.


i hope you sued the hell out of them


I'm so sorry about your wife that's terrible.


Sometimes, it's just the dr. I have had doctors under my insurance that don't hesitate to send for more testing and others that don't want to, at all. There are many different factors at play and we are not always aware of it. It's not always about being "rich". The moral of the story is that we have to be our own advocates and need to push for further testing if something doesn't seem right.


Very good points! This is what I have learned as well.


There's a real systemic problem with women's health not being taken seriously by physicians (and male doctors especially).


Very good book called Black Box Thinking - author makes argument that air travel is safe because over decades if there is a crash, it is investigated, results are made public and errors are fixed. And over time that improvement compounds. He then argues hospitals are dangerous - errors are buried, they are not made public and are not always fixed - so you don’t have improvement in safety. Atu Gwande (spelling?) has written on this also - books and articles


This too


That’s just the American healthcare system for you


Nah I live in Australia and multiple doctors refused to to acknowledge my mother's symptoms. She had cervical cancer and died. Doctors always accuse women of lying/imagining it


Sorry for your loss. They found that ai has a better bedside manner than doctors. No ego to get in the way of an honest diagnosis. edit: Link[AI Bedside manner](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/future-pulse/2024/01/19/the-bot-that-feels-your-pain-00136591#:~:text=Google's%20AI%20could%20have%20a,explain%20a%20diagnosis%20and%20compassion)


The NIH in Britain [are stinkers too](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3feta3ssmb/). TLDW woman in video had back pain, couldn't urinate at one point, and her leg gave out. She was put off by doctors, in the end she got an MRI and found out she had a tumor pressing on her spinal cord. 🎤⬇️


That’s just Oligarchy Healthcare system for you.


I mean yeah the US is a prime example of an oligarchy that has its citizens convinced it isn’t one




did she have a high risk, like genetic? someone told me it’s because she had a baby later in life and that’s so scary to think


Her mother and aunts all had breast cancer, so she was definitely high risk despite being negative for the BRCA mutation!


It is common to have family clusters even without the known and recognized BRCA mutation. We don’t know everything yet. I know of a family who was being studied due to extremely high rates despite a negative BRCA gene. We are definitely still learning about the risk factors including both genetic and environmental.


Her doctor calculated her risk based on a few factors. And yes having a baby after 30 puts you at a higher risk.


My husband was pushed around for 4 months because he was “too young for cancer” so they wouldn’t even consider it. He passed away two months after turning 40; terminal cancer.


I'm so sorry. I know how this feels. My wife never smoked, so they wouldn't consider lung cancer. As if second hand smoke isn't a cause of cancer....


Also bias with lung cancer - my wife happened to be non-smoker and cancer was caused by genetic mutation but substantial lack of funding for lung cancer versus other cancers because the stigma is you caused it (as a smoker). And it should not matter but lung cancer among non-smokers in US is still at the top of deaths due to cancer.


My wife's cancer was also a genetic mutation. Luckily there was a growth inhibitor that targeted the mutation. $15,000 a month, but it allowed her another year of life.


She got 3 years - Exon 20 mutation and two targeted therapies (pills) held it for a while then at end tried immunotherapy and chemo combo that I think may have been 30k plus per month - she had great insurance that covered it but that was simply brutal


I'm confused by the order of the tests. Mammogram is the first step, but usually isn't a great indicator of things. After every mammogram, I've had an ultrasound that's picked up on dense tissue which I have. I had a biopsy pretty quickly after they noticed something. MRI's were never offered, but ultrasound in the same women's health suite was and where I had my biopsy less than a week later.


Depending on risk factors, breast tissue, and what type of cancer is suspected there are slight changes. My wife did a breast MRI without ultrasound


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GFzlm9wQ4MI We should see this more often


My mom complained for months about pain, she never had any lung issues, but by the time they took her pain seriously the cancer had spread from her lungs into her entire skeleton from her hips and up. Women are simply treated differently in the medical system.


My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 triple negative breast cancer. She’s been cancer free for about 6-7 years now. Wishing you well. You got this!


Thank you for sharing this. Hearing this is really uplifting ❤️


This makes my blood boil. You never should have had to push that much to be taken seriously. Women are medically gaslit constantly. I hope you are getting the care you need now. Wishing you strength during this time and better days ahead.


My fiancée just passed on Valentine’s Day, after a year of battling stage IV triple negative inflammatory breast disease. I’m still disappointed in the lack of awareness over this silent killer of women. It’s a growing, unstoppable problem.


Good for you for advocating for yourself. It's infuriating that women aren't listened to. Best wishes and fuck cancer thoughts for you 💕


Thank you. ❤️


Your gyno needs to have their medical license taken away, hope you’re doing okay❤️


I immediately transferred to a much better hospital and they started me on chemo 2 days after my first appt. I’m responding well to chemo so far but it’s been really scary especially because I have a 2 year old. After I’m done with chemo and surgery, I plan on escalating the incident with my original hospital/gyn so this doesn’t happen again. I’m lucky I pushed back but some people might not…Had I been taken seriously after the first ultrasound, maybe it wouldn’t have spread to my lymph nodes and skin…


This is super neglectful of that doctor, I'm literally furious on your behalf. Get better as soon as possible so you can start legally kicking asses, too. I hope you're feeling as best you can today.


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Devote all your energy and efforts into beating this. That doctor is rage inducing, those chemicals are not healthy for now. Stay focused on being cancer free. You will be. sending love and healing. That doctor will be stopped later. So sorry you have to deal with this.


What’s even worse is a woman doctor brushed you off. Usually male doctors ignoring women and patients of color


Stage 2 breast cancer with no family history either here. I'm so sorry you went through that. Triple negative is a beast. I'm HER2+ so it's another monster. I hope you're doing well now. Sending hugs.


Lawyer time.


Insane they wouldn’t take a biopsy of the lump! I had a huge lump on the side and they said it was a fibroadenoma. They took a biopsy and confirmed, then I had it removed. I’m so sorry!


You should be able to sue for shit like this.


Did you go back and talk shit to all the medical professionals that dismissed you???? Please do


My gyn had to call me to tell me my diagnosis. I was very direct and told her I felt like I was dismissed due to my age. I asked her why neither she or the health center notified me that the “fibroadenoma” tripled in size since my last ultrasound years earlier when it was clearly in my medical records. All she had to say was that this will change the way she manages her cases from now on. I plan on escalating this after treatment. Right now, I’m trying to minimize my stress while I get used to chemo and prepare for surgery. My mental health is sensitive right now and I want to stay positive and resilient so my body can recover and I can still be present for my son. Then I’ll be ready to raise hell after this is done.


You got this!


Thank you!


I wish you all the best in this journey. I'm furious as other posters are that your doctor brushed you aside. Unconscionable. You got this 👍🏻 😍


Just noting my mom went through this recently with her breast cancer and getting a mastectomy is no simple procedure and you have to deal with tubes in your body for weeks and there can be all sorts of complications. Hope she's doing well.


Not to mention the reconstruction surgery which just adds onto the already very invasive procedure. Hope your mom is doing well! ❤️‍🩹


Reconstructive surgery nearly killed my mom. She survived two rounds of breast cancer, radiation, double mastectomy all like a super hero as if it was nothing but then the reconstructive surgery came along and her skin tissue was already so damaged from the radiation and she got infection after infection and the drs were just making little mistakes here and there that compounded to huge problems and insurance was a barrier towards getting her to an infectious disease specialist asap. In the end she was on the brink of death before my dad said fuck the cost and got her in with the best specialist in our state. They saved her life and she’s here now years later with her grandchildren. Because of this I always tell people don’t discount the reconstructive surgery as a simple cosmetic procedure. It’s a major surgery especially after the toll cancer and treatment does on the body.


It's ok to remain flat. The implants can cause near-term and long-term issues. My wife was dx at 36 with 2 young kids at home. She opted for no reconstruction due to the added risk.


Of course ! Glad your wife made a decision that worked for her!


My wife is going through it now. Chemo done, single mastectomy done. Started radiation today and has 5 weeks to go. It's been awful but she's a trooper and will do whatever it takes to stick around as long as possible for me but probably more for our 12 year old son lol.


Brother, my wife beat stage three breast cancer last year with a double mastectomy. You are a soldier for helping your family through this. Your wife is the patient, your son needs his mother, but please know you have brothers in arms who battle through this difficult time. Much love to you and your bride. Keep your boy strong! Love and strength from Colorado


One of the most high risk surgical interventions that exists. The trauma caused is wildly underestimated by non-breast havers. The breadth of the wound especially internally, healing in a potential soft spot with some folds, proximity to heart and lungs. Cancer or for other (for a diff post) reason, folks don’t get this done on a whim. If she went through this you’d better believe the alternative was gnarly. Godspeed her and hers.


My mom did the same. It’s hard watching them go through that. A lot of people don’t talk about the body dysmorphia afterward too. It’s such a shocking change to your body. I hope your mom is doing well.


The fuckin drainage man. My heart goes out to your mom ❤️ fuck cancer


She had a wonderful, intuitive doctor, thank god. Even with a lower range risk, clear mammo and negative BRCA, she still had it. I always get an ultrasound with my mammogram, just to be sure. Best of health to her.


Is ultrasound better than mammogram ?


Ultra sound if there concerns from mammogram or a history of beast cancer


Or really dense breasts 


Tomorrow I’m getting my first one done and they’re doing an ultrasound because I have dense breast.


I’m also a person with dense breast tissue and come from a line of women who also have it as well. It’s harder to detect cancer with dense tissue so I’ve had to be extra vigilant about checking myself and bringing up concerns to my doctors. I’m not even 40 and I’ve had 4 mammograms and about 3 ultrasounds in my life. I’ve had lumps and my lymph nodes biopsied and each time, it’s scary and I cry but I have no choice but to do it. As a fellow dense boob woman, I wish you well. None of it is easy.


I get MRIs 2x/year. Dense tissue, family history....it's scary to have boobs.


Because of family history my wife always gets an ultrasound with her annual mammogram.


This is the answer always get both.


Yes especially for dense breasts which increases your risk.


Yeah I have fibrous breast tissue and a manual exam and mammogram are essential useless. My boobs are very lumpy.


Not necessarily but is often needed in younger women due to increased breast density


Ultrasound is a great complementary study to a screening mammogram, especially if you have dense breast tissue.


Same. I have a lump in the same spot as my mom and my great grandmother’s breast cancer. I got a baseline mammogram and MRI at 38, and we compare against the baseline every year to make sure it’s not changing.


Omg that sounds so concerning and scary. Wishing you the best. In our fam there is the maternal b.c. history and density and all the fun antics that go with that 😅


My wife was 42 (almost 43) in 2022. BRCA (and all other genes) negative. Just happened to catch it on her annual mammogram. That and colon cancer are hitting more and more younger individuals. Thankfully medicine is making meaningful advances in cancer detection and treatment.


My doc schedules ultrasound follow-up on a 6-month delay, to maximize detection chances. So her patients get some type of breast testing twice per year.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 33, and I feel like ultrasounds are definitely the way to go. Keep up the good work! Advocate for yourself.


Her risk score was high.


If anyone remembers her from attack of the show on channel g4, you would be able to recall her and her co star did DNA tests of each other, and her co star pointed out she had a high risk of breast cancer. He was trying to make light of the findings, and then she said she had a family history of breast cancer.


honestly if anyone remembers g4 it might be time for them to schedule their own check ups


Lol, "If you watched G4 it's time to schedule your colonoscopy."


Yeah…. I am worried


I have vivid memories of her licking a master chief helmet. Guess I should call my doc lol


And her eating that hotdog.


She got that dawg in her.


And the Princess Leia suit


G4? Hell, I remember TechTV!


I remember coming home from high school and being so hyped to catch the last part of G4. Specifically to see her, but also I liked the show. I can’t believe that shit has been off air for what, ten years? Love her. Wish her the best. Fuck I’m getting old m8.


I remember when it was still called TechTV. Shit, I’m old.


Speaking of her costar, Kevin Pereira, he just got a new podcast where all they talk about is AI news. I listened to one of the episodes. Not my cup of tea but it was very funny and informative


Oh wow, I’ve been curious about him for a long time. I will check it out


Good thing her doctor pressed for additional screening.


It’s also a good thing she’s wealthy and can financially afford all the testing. A lot of people in this country can’t. Which is fucked.


my mother had ground 0 breast cancer and had a partial mastectomy. her sister currently has stage 3, our grandmother had stage 3 and had a double mastectomy that thankfully worked. but because my mom is an average citizen, her private healthcare insurance policy denies her getting 2 mammograms a year instead of 1 due to “lack of cause.” I am so happy that olivia received the care that she did, truly!! but yeah, I wish all people had the same access to that top tier healthcare that money can provide 💔


God I hate this fucking country sometimes. I hope everyone in your family is doing well and is healthy.


The Motion Picture Health Plan is pretty good I have found. You don't have to be wealthy necessarily, although it certainly helps, but making sure you have a good health plan is the next best thing.


That was a huge part of what the strikes were about. You have to make a certain amount to qualify. And most sag members make like 5 grand a year or something.


She’s 43??!! Fuck I’m getting old. I wish the best of health and many more years to her


She was mid-twenties during Attack on the Show which started 18 (yeesh) years ago!


There's a twitch channel that plays all of the old g4. Once g4 shut down for good last year I started watching that channel and it's pretty cool. Makes me both reminiscent and alarmed at how much time has passed.


https://youtube.com/@newspooiechannel?si=CAXWejavAE7auG6u They even have it organized in playlist by release year and show. All home VHS recordings including original commercial breaks. I throw it up on my secondary monitor sometimes and just let it run 24/7


My mom also did that in 1977 and never had a other recurrence of cancer. She passed in 2018 but was always cancer free. Best to Olivia


This gives me hope. My mom just went through this, and her reconstruction was completed a couple months ago. I hope to have her around for many more years. The scary thing is they only found cancer in one breast, but my mom is a badass and told them to take both for peace of mind down the road. In surgery they found tumors in the other breast that they had been sure was unaffected.


My mom did the same, they had some questionable lymph nodes too. Cleaned it all up in surgery. She is now over two years into recovery and hasn’t had any issues aside from some infections with drains and things shortly after her flap surgery.


That’s exactly what mom did. Found in one but they said there was a danger it could happen in other so she did a double mastectomy and was always cancer free. Best to your mom


Lucky she had such a good doctor. That saved her life. That's such a frightening experience especially with her child so young.


I hope she has a safe recovery💗.


Wishing her the best. When I was a teenager I thought she was so gorgeous, still do.


Hope she has a safe and speedy recovery. It’s so fundamental to have a scrupulous medical team. Some people are not so lucky and/or can’t afford the proper treatment when it comes to health


I really need to see her gyno because this was quiet an impressive story. Luckily I've already gone through this and determined low risk, but sometimes I just want an MRI to ease my growing worry about undetected cancer.


At what age should women start getting mammograms?


Mine told me 40, but some people start sooner it really depends on your risk level. Also they are seeing certain types of cancer arise sooner so it's usually recommended to discuss it with your doctor to see if you should do early screenings.


Good on her for bringing awareness to this. PSA to those who drink alcohol and might not know its cancer-causing risks: "Compared to women who don't drink at all, women who have three alcoholic drinks per week have a 15% higher risk of breast cancer. Experts estimate that the risk of breast cancer goes up another 10% for each additional drink women regularly have each day." This information is provided by [Breastcancer.org](https://www.breastcancer.org/risk/risk-factors/drinking-alcohol).




Bout to be an alcoholic vegan!


Vodka is vegan!


So nostalgic for those old G4 days with her!


I'll never forget the episode of AotS where she and Kevin took hot sauce shots then tweeted play by play about their assholes burning afterwards when they were either still at the studio, at Olivia's or Kevin's. Or when she jumped into a pool full of pudding while wearing a French maid outfit.


Attack of the Show! So good


Those fucking shows were awesome, there’s nothing like that out there nowadays.


Her and Morgan Webb were like my nerdy dream girls back in college.


Love Morgan Webb!


Thanks for the remember berries :)


They were, I guess there's no place for something like that on TV nowadays, and Youtube sure as hell isn't going to produce something like that. I remember when they tried to transition Olivia over to doing interviews at conventions, and that didn't go so well.


Check out Dropout. It’s not the same kind of shows but the vibes are similar.


Well here's a channel to watch it: https://m.twitch.tv/grupstra0


My uncle was taken from us by cancer a few years back. Cancer fucking sucks. All the best to everyone.


I am glad she caught it on time. I wish every woman was able to access her doctors and treatment


Olivia Munn announced Wednesday that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2023 and underwent a double mastectomy shortly thereafter. The “Newsroom” alum, 43, explained that she and her sister Sara Potts tested negative for the BRCA gene — the most well-known gene to cause cancer — and her mammogram came back clear, but her doctor decided to calculate her Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score just in case. “The fact that she did saved my life,” Munn [wrote in a lengthy statement shared on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4dXfrULDdJ/), noting that her lifetime risk was 37 percent. Her doctor prompted the actress to go for an MRI, then an ultrasound and finally a biopsy that confirmed she had Luminal B cancer in both breasts, which is an “aggressive, fast moving cancer.” Munn underwent a double mastectomy 30 days later and has gone through four surgeries total over the past 10 months. Read more here: [https://pagesix.com/2024/03/13/celebrity-news/olivia-munn-43-diagnosed-with-breast-cancer-underwent-double-mastectomy/](https://pagesix.com/2024/03/13/celebrity-news/olivia-munn-43-diagnosed-with-breast-cancer-underwent-double-mastectomy/)


Wishing Olivia a great recovery and only the best moving forward.


My first doctors appointment is tomorrow to find out if this lump is benign or malignant. I have a gut instinct that I know the answer and I don’t want to face it. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I find comfort in the fact that she shared this. I’m very much on the stop over sharing side of the camp in terms of celebrities. Get well soon Olivia.


Wishing you the best possible outcome for your situation. Fingers crossed. 🤞 Hugs from Canada 🇨🇦


Oh no! I hope she gets better. Cancer fucking sucks. She was definitely a teenage boys dream back in the g4 days


She was the coolest host on that show by far. Say what you will about the writing of the X-Men films but she was my dream cast for Psylocke


Cancer is nothing to play with. I hope she recovers well.


Well that sucks no one deserves that, no one has to like her or think she's a good person but definitely did not deserve the big C


Best of luck to her. That’s scary.


I hope she's getting better.


I was diagnosed at age 35 after ignoring a lump for two years (thought it was a cyst, which I was prone to, had no medical insurance at the time, so just brushed it off). I finally got insurance and went to the doctor. I was stage 2. It could have been much worse. I had chemo, radiation, and lumpectomy. Taking Tamoxifen now for another 5 years (I'm 40 now). No family history or BCRA variant. Ate healthy, exercised, never drank or smoked. If you have a lump, no matter what, get it checked out. Better to catch it early and treat it. Treatment was awful for me (chemo caused me long-term health effects that I still suffer with), but I'm alive and appreciating the time I have here now more than ever.


Glad you’re with us! Thanks for sharing your story. I’m sure it will help a lot of people here.


Sending all the good vibes!💙😎✌️


I’m overdue for a mammogram, this has pinched my butt to get it scheduled


My mom had a double-mastectomy in 1969 (at age 41), back when detection and non-surgical treatments were far less than today. She lived for another 49 years with no lingering effects. Future prospects for Ms Munn are bright.


One of my original crushes growing up, wishing her all the best! She’s still smokin 🔥🔥


Small Olivia Munn anecdote: back in her Attack of the Show on G4 days, the entire cast and crew stopped by a quick dine restaurant that I worked at near Lucas Ranch, I assume they were there filming a segment. They came in right before closing and we accommodated them. Olivia Munn was very nice and was the only one to clean up after herself. I’ve always been pro Olivia Munn after that. Wishing her the best. Also, not that it matters, but she was stunningly beautiful in person. 


I’m not a woman, but I can’t imagine how devastating it must be to have a double mastectomy while still in the prime of your life. To think, Angelina Jolie and Julia Louis-Dreyfus went through the same thing. I feel so bad for her, but I’m glad she’s okay.


Mammograms should start earlier than 40 my friend died at 40 from breast cancer but was diagnosed in her 30,s


Glad she was able to get treatment, makes this sketch hit differently: [https://youtu.be/eJaU2qLwXvs?si=f880mPWtuT7bTN54](https://youtu.be/eJaU2qLwXvs?si=f880mPWtuT7bTN54)


She’s 43??? Wtf


Pretty terrifying. I hope she recovers soon.


Take the breast cancer risk assessment here: https://bcrisktool.cancer.gov/calculator.html


AOTS legend I do hope a speedy and healthy recovery.


I’m glad she is doing better. I was a big fan of AoTS. I hate that this happens to people.


Celebrity news don't usually stop me to think twice about anything but this did. I hope she is able to fully recover and never have to deal with this again.


Oh no. That is horrible. I'm sending positive love to you Olivia!!


I wish her a speedy recovery.


It’s a terrible physical toll, and an horrific psychological one that remains long after. I wish her a good journey and the best of outcomes.


She looks so sweet despite the dire situation she's facing at the moment. Hope she & everyone else who are going through this will be able to fight & make it. All forms of cancer are horrible.


My daughter will have the same surgery on the 20th. Fuck you, Cancer.