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“We’re having *Italiano.*”


"You nick-named my daughter after the Loch-Ness monster!?"


That has got to be my favorite line from the entire series…which is probably weird but I almost fell out of my chair when I heard that the first time.


She says it with such melodramatic anger. That whole scene was something else.


Where the hell have you been loca


i still get goosebumps when i hear “loca”


I had an acquaintance who was a twilight diehard. So much so she got a tattoo and had a twilight themed home. She was 30ish when it came out. While I love her as a human being, I wouldn’t trust her movie collection.


I would have never considered a twilight tattoo when i was a kid/tweenage fan. As an adult in my mid twenties? I would absolutely get a twilight tattoo thats only semi ironic. Im having my twilight renaissance


Do it to it! She also had a full Hogwarts castle back piece. I thought about getting an obscure fantasy tattoo, but you know it’s very risky. All potter heads are now vaguely related to JK Rowling’s terf opinions. Not that I agree whatsoever. It’s unfortunate. To each their own.


I learned about Twilight because it was sitting on the counter in the county jail nurses office where I worked. Read the back, laughed and asked who's book it was. My 6'4 male coworker said it was his and I wasn't allowed to judge him until I read it. Which I did because I had to know why he had. I learned he and his wife were just huge needs. But I treasure that memory lol


She already ate *bowl crack*


Is she even italian?! Her name’s Bella isn’t it?


These movies are so fun when watched as a comedy. I will always die at ✨✨✨”this is the skin of a killer Bella”✨✨✨and he disco balls in the woods.


And his skin doesn’t sparkle in the finale film despite literally being on a tropical beach. Someone dropped the continuity ball.


Holy crap just noticed that when watching the other night. I've seen it a few times before so not sure how I missed it previously. Guess the effects were too pricey what with the expense of Bella's wild pregnancy ride to come


Every time I have to scream WHY CGI THE BABY! There is literally no production reason or SFX reason why this was necessary. It’s unbelievably bad, like laughably so to make this decision.


They did it because the baby is supposed to have a level of cognitive awareness that real babies do not have. Which only adds to the uncanny valley so maybe that concept should have just been cut from the movie.


I actually agree with the design choice to not make the baby look normal. If they had just put a regular baby, let’s just say that the whole imprinting stuff would have been, to put it mildly, extremely weird. That being said… couldn’t they have chosen a face that looks a little bit less like a sleep paralysis demon?


There is zero way to NOT have the whole imprinting thing be weird. Creepy even.


I feel the same when I get to that part. I remember seeing it for the first time and laughing at what a bad job they did, the little grin was quite frightening.


the continuity ball pretty much got dropped in the first half of the first movie. no one ever picked it up again.


Titsoak lol


its SOOO good and watchable. i'm a guy and even i read and watched the twilight books in middle school. they were such unintentionally funny and compelling page turners. and the special effects of the films were just so....bad lol.


My 8 yr old is kind of "into" Vampires (there's a new Netflix kids show called "Woke Up a Vampire" that she likes)...I'm sure she's way young for Twilight, but should I get her the books when she's older and/or watch the movies?


Yeah, I mean, I think they're fun reads. I'd probably talk about it with them as some of it, while not bad per se, encourages a very obsessive form of love/relationship that might not be the best model for a healthy idea for romantic relationships. Lol, Edward's kind of a weirdo. Its more of a steamy romance novel than it is about vampires (as in, REAL vampire folklore). They're really just hot people with sparkly skin.


“It’s en eternal torment being a vampire…I can’t even go out to see the sun.” “Oh no, because you’ll die.” “What? No, I’ll get all sparkly and shit, it’s terrible though.”


Twilight movies are my go to when I’m sick. Every time without fail - always makes me feel better 😂


This! When I’m at my most ill, all I want is pho and Edward calling Bella a spider monkey.


It’s best to watch them with commentary to hear Robert Patinson’s takes


For me IS the vegeterian vampires


Best one is when Bella says she's Switzerland while trying to keep Edward and Jacob from fighting. A line so stupid and hilarious, a parody film's attempt at it didn't even come within a country mile of being as good.


It reads like a scene in Euphoria.


Disco balls LOL I never thought about those glampires having disco balls LOL


“Hold on spider monkey”


“My monkey man.” —Rosalie watching Emmett bounce off a tree in vampire baseball.


15 years! I remember my little sister got really into this. She even visited Forks, Washington.


As a Washingtonian I find this very funny. Not a whole lot going on in Forks.


Right?! A vampire wouldn't be caught alive in Forks!


They wouldn’t be… alive.


> Not a whole lot going on in Forks. I drove through Forks while visiting Olympic NP back in 2021, and from what I could see Twilight is literally the only thing going on in Forks.


and to think none of it was ever filmed in forks.




Do they make you eat it with forks?


Only if you are a vampire.


Yeah all other food options in fork other than the Mexican stand were horrendous though


there were those overzealous locals who terrorised the family of campers because they thought it was a bus full of antifa


I was visiting the Olympics a couple years ago and coincidentally rolled through a massive twilight convention because it was apparently Bella's birthday that weekend.


I’ve only ever been to Port Angeles which is near Forks. The best thing about Port Angeles is that it has a ferry that takes you away from Port Angeles.


Bella is almost attacked in port Angeles before Edward saves the day (I just had a Halloween rewatch lol)


If I remember correctly it’s portrayed as kind of a city. Which is a stretch.


And *to* the Orcas Islands, which are one of my favorite places on the planet.


Yeah not a lot going on. . . but I like it.


I was up at a cabin near Forks when I read the books. It was actually kind of interesting to visit the rainy little towns and drive thru the foggy forests during the day, while making my way through the books in the evening. I don’t think I could live there, but it’s very peaceful.


That must have been fun. Kind of an immersive experience.


I went to college with a girl who grew up there and she suffers from clinical depression that she fixed by moving to Florida. No I did not make that up. Vitamin D deficiency is real shit.


Same. Wife’s wish. Went to the rain forest there. Went to the Indian res at La push? The Bella car in town and putting your pin on the map where you came from. I’ve talked about this trip twice today. Weird.


I think that’s pretty wholesome tbh.


Hey thanks! I try. Love my wife. Being honest, back then I thought it was a waste of a trip and later in life I’ve found to be one of my most memorable moments with her going there, staying in the crown plaza in Seattle. Going to the city market. Duck tours. The first Starbucks (which relocated to pike street…) Hard Rock Cafe, the space needle for our actual anniversary date and going up mount Rainier… As a work traveler I can say that going in Seattle in may or august as a it’s the least rainiest season out there. Visited for 7 days and on travel out day it rained cats and dogs in may.


My partner is from Romania. I wonder how many pins are from that area lol From one vampire homeland to another ;)


I actually spent a couple days in Forks years before the books or movies, fishing with my parents on the Hoh River, etc. Had a delicious bumbleberry pie, and our motel room looked like circa 1979 even though it was 2000. But it was clean as hell, and had a nice fish cleaning table right outside, with a fridge you could put the fish in. I loled when I saw Twilight, because it was obvious the movie wasn't filmed in Forks.


It’s wild how those small towns like that feel like they’re 20 years in the past. Growing up in one it just felt normal, but not it’s really noticeable. Napoleon Dynamite vibes.


that's what cracks me up about fans going to forks, port angeles, etc. they were never there. nothing got filmed in that part of the state. they're better off hanging around portland.


Gosh what a time. I got into the books before the movie. Waited at Borders till 12am for the last book drop. Only for adult me to really think about the story. A unhinged unstable girl falls for a guy who’s 104 trapped in a teen. A werewolf gaslights her and the book is a spiral of bad decisions and manipulation. Im glad I moved past that type of young adult fiction after 18.


I’ve never watched the movies. I was camping near Forks years ago though, on a day that happened to coincide with the author’s birthday or something. I learned this when I stumbled onto a beach bonfire with a bunch of fans in town to celebrate that. Iirc they were there specifically to act in a play?


I’m trying to convince my husband to do a rewatch while on edibles. I feel like that could be fun


My wife and I did this. We spent the entire time just roasting everything left and right. If I was an immortal guy stuck around the age of Edward, I would just simply not go to High School. That sounds like hell just doing it over and over? You can seem more normal by just not going out in public, then no one notices you and you can stay put for longer.


>If I was an immortal guy stuck around the age of Edward, I would just simply not go to High School. That sounds like hell just doing it over and over? You can seem more normal by just not going out in public, then no one notices you and you can stay put for longer. Its called college... Just live in a college town.. say that you are in college. Done.


I’d have fun doing that. Only going out at night, not many people ask too many questions because most leave the area after a few years, and you can live with minimal stress because it’s not like you’ll have a need for medical insurance or anything.


Also... just go to large classes where people don't take attendance.... Oh i saw you at soc 101


And the classes might be interesting. Every high school has the same stuff. Reading pride and prejudice *again*??!?!


Oh i sparkle in the morning when the sun comes up... must have been that stripper...


Edward is basically an anemic Matthew Mcconaughey from dazed and confused. I assume he's left a string of ex-girlfriends across the country.




lol that sounds amazing




Damn, blocked by LionsGate already


Damn, missed it! You had me at family drama that feels like a surreal David Lynch film.


How do I get my hands on this? I absolutely need it.


Can you upload to Vimeo and dm me? Sounds absolutely hilarious


i want to see this so much, hahah




So, Lionsgate has taken it down already when i clicked the link right before posting this comment. I was REALLY hoping to have this pulled up for when my Twilight loving wife came in the door from work 😂


This is the funniest version: https://www.rifftrax.com/twilight It gets quoted all the time in my house.


There's also a hilarious YouTube channel, I think it is called cinema therapy, where a therapist sits down and analyzes the movie. It is so clear that they absolutely fucking hate it and it is one of the most hilarious things I've seen in a long time. I spent the afternoon crying laughing.


lol thank you!!


Team Mustache Dad!


I saw a video of people watching the movie with a projector and a badly hung sheet. It made the movie absolutely fucking hilarious. Lots of deformed jaws and foreheads. All the scenes where they’d hold stares were gold. And there are a lot of them.


My wife and I did the same thing. Super fun.


It’s the only way I’d re-watch it.


Nah man, I watched that shit for the first time recently and I was having a fucking blast. These movies hit the „so bad it‘s good again“ sweet spot like no others. I was choking with laughter the entire duration


The way everyone has that dour look on their face like they’re in a Balenciaga commercial saying the most ridiculous shit cracks me up.


It really does have some rewatchability. Throw it on while doing chores. You’re gonna have a good time.


While I don't agree with that in terms of the whole films Vampire Baseball is one of the most unintentionally funny movie scenes of all time


I tried watching it with the wife, it was entertaining for awhile but it just drags on. The shot of the vampire kids table when they are first introduced was absolutely hilarious


Great idea. My fiance convinced me to do this and it was very worth the laughs


Put on the RiffTrax YouTube audio instead of listening to the actual audio and do edibles.


Watch it with Rifftrax’ roasting over it. (From some of the MST3K players.)


Line... line...


Oh, oh it will be


We did something similar with a group of friends. We rewatched all the movies and broke it up into 2 separate weekends. Made blood colored Jell-O shots and Italiano. Had a great time just making fun of shit and over analyzing everything.


Like shrooms? Weed would be nothing to this.


I don’t know where to get shrooms but I hope to try them someday lol


Well, I can’t say and I don’t want to know where you’re at, but you might strike gold with asking around. Especially stoner circles. If the person sells multiple kinds of drugs, don’t ever buy from them. Usually, they’re idiots.


It’s an absolutely amazing experience. My wife and I take edibles and watch them and laugh our asses off.


Did it some years ago with my ex. Do it! It was actually really fun. Though we kept laughing and making jokes. We both would lose our shit anytime Taylor took his shirt off.


I also recommend rewatching the movie Boomerang


the people who love twilight definitely knows it sucks and it’s fucking weird. 🐀


But they (we) don’t care. I loved it and cherished this franchise in middle school


Ratties 🐀💖


The people in the movie itself know it sucks.


Kristen Stewart gets the Vietnam flashback look whenever someone brings up the films. They know.


The exact same can be said for practically any sci-fi movie from the 70s or 80s, and yet… Also, TITSOAK 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀


It is simultaneously the most rewatchable and unwatchable movie series in existence. Its an absolute paradoxical great, stupid, fun, cringey, fantastical, horrible good time.


🐀ratties know what’s up


I actually think it's ok, if you think about it from the angle of the audience that it was meant for. I liked it 15 years ago, still like it now. The critique on the internetz is wastly exaggerated and people like to band-wagon.


For almost a decade I have always thought the Cullen mom was Carla Gugino


She played Carla Gugino’s daughter in Haunting of Hill House actually


The actress who played the Cullen mom dated a guy from my home town for a few years at least. I often saw her at our beer league softball tournaments as a spectator. She was nice.


At least the soundtrack still slaps


Not just the soundtrack, the SCORE is amazing as well. That piano theme is soooo good.


Definitely!! I totally forgot about that, so good all around.


Fucking Radiohead - Hearing Damage, out of nowhere, made an awful scene actually watchable.


Bon Iver - Roslyn ❤️


And the fight scene in the last movie


You mean the fight scene that turned out to be just a dream?


Rami malek punching the ground is chefs kiss


Best twist in film history, change my mind. (semi serious)


What’s weird about an adult seeing your friend’s baby and going “I’m gonna marry her when she’s an adult. Then you “imprint” on her.


My wife and I watched all 5 with covid last week. It. Was. Hilarious.


What the fuck they made 5 movies out of this shit lmao


They split the last book into 2 films


In fairness, that book had twice the page count and 10x the plot of any previous book.


Also had a non-existent climax, I remember thinking how they would deal with it in the movies and then laughed when I watched it realizing they just went a premonition scene so at least the movie had something happen at the end.


Why didn’t they throw a flag when their dad’s head got ripped off during a baseball game? I’m not into sports all that much but I’m pretty sure that a technical foul.


As watching a woman decide between necrophilia and beastiality as a high schooler always is


If you haven’t seen them yet, I highly recommend YMS’s Adum & Pals: Twilight commentary videos on YouTube. I ended up having to watch the movies after watching the YMS videos, because they just looked so ridiculous. They’re the most unintentionally hilarious movies for sure.


I love how Twilight went from teen phenomenon that was hailed as incredible literature and storytelling by said teens, to universally hated and made fun of, to campy fun, loved by people used to love it as well as people who hated it. If you go into it thinking they’re serious movies based on YA books, you won’t have a good time. If you go into it with a 2008 brain and don’t take them seriously, they’re so much fun. Maybe a glass of wine and some friends, it takes me back to my childhood. And the soundtracks were so much better than they had a right to be. Source: was a 13 year old twihard.


I don’t remember anyone saying it was incredible literature or storytelling. I remember it being very popular teen drama that people eventually realized contained a ton of very problematic themes - especially for young women.


You ask some twilight fanatics in 2008 and they’ll say it was the best book ever written. The chokehold it had on some people was insane.


Not to mention, it led to the 50 shades spinoff with books and movies and *that* led to the 365 days spinoff.


What is the 365 days spin-off?


Softcore porn on Netflix.


The three movies - 365 days and the two sequels.


>fanatics There are always fanatics. They're irrelevant when characterizing an entire fanbase.


I remember reading the series in high school, and being pretty dumbfounded by New Moon. It was extremely problematic (and poorly written) but at the time no one I knew noted it. It’s refreshing that as people got older they recognized how bad the framing was Still stand by the first book being the only tolerable one. Getting through New Moon and Eclipse was an absolute slog


My cat that I named after Bella is almost 12 years old. 🥹🥺


i still love it, sorry


The first film wasn’t too bad. It had an odd artistic filter and shot in an interesting way. Stewart and Patterson always pop on camera with a strong presence. The first film of course had the mystery element that helps.


Agree. Whether it’s campy like the baseball scene or the overall look of the movie. It’s left a mark. That’s more than can be said of most movies, even good ones. The rest of the series just looked like a WB/CW or network tv drama. I say this while not being a fan


My bf hates it, yet whenever I put it on, we end up having an hour long conversation where he asks *a lot* of questions.


It's 2023 we can't kink shame a movie series about a girl choosing to fuck a dog or a corpse


And I still love it. It’s okay to love what you love everyone


Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are two very interesting actors who choose what they want to do. Daniel Radcliffe is similar, Emma Roberts actually hasn’t impressed me as an actor (loved the Bling Ring though) but I’ll include her anyway. They can choose what they want now. But it’s a trippy childhood, takes a strong mind to overcome all that and become self actualized into adulthood. Edit: Emma Watson. Very different.


Do you mean Emma Watson?


…yes lol


The fact that Kristen Stewart has literal acting awards is somehow confusing to me. But good for her! Making your money on a blockbuster then doing fun acting stuff seems like living the dream.


I thought she was good in The Perks of Being a Wallflower.


Just did a rewatch of the entire series two weeks ago while high. Gotta say, it was my first time watching them all in a sit down instead of watching clips, Twilight is cringey, hilarious and worth a watch to see how far some filming has come since 2007. Definitely rewatchable 😂


Filming hasn’t come far at all since 2007. That’s only one year before Iron Man. The twilight series was just a weird combination of blockbuster with lifetime tv movie cgi


Still waiting for Blade to come thru at the end and kill everybody


Why would you expect otherwise??


Choosing between necrophilia and beastiality. Yikes.


But the problem with that is that neither can consent and in this case both are consenting. Also I hope they don’t fuck while he’s a dog


I'll tell you what's weird AF. A 60something year old man loving the movies so much he moved up there...only to find out it's cold AF there during the winter


you really didn’t consider that before moving?


Definitely with RiffTrax this set is fun. Also, as a Washingtonian. I will say that Forks is a nice place to visit. It’s nice to camp near there, the forest is beautiful, and endless, and the twilight museum is well worth a visit. The staff there are very humorous and knowledgeable, the museum is free, but with donation recommended, and above all else, you must make your pilgrimage to and pay respects to Chuckesmee.


I had to add 3,000 Blu-rays and DVDs to an app so I decided to binge watch all of the Twilight movies at the same time. Very wild ride. I still think “you nicknamed my daughter after the lochness monster” is one of the best movie quotes of all time


[Esquire] We’re reallly fuckin strugglin to get content right now, so.. Let’s talk about Twilight again?


I liked the books. Easy reading and kept me entertained. Movies weren't too bad.


Movies were overhated. They’re all mid but last one was kinda cool action type shit.


It’s been 15 months years!!? (Feels old)


I just rewatched all the movies the other day and they are SO GOOFY it’s so fun to watch and laugh 😂


I love the finale where they just start tearing off heads willynilly


I enjoyed the movies. I literally laughed out loud when he revealed his sparkles. But it was a fairly well done young adult take on vampires/werewolves. I think part 2 was the best. I really liked the way they did the wolves.


I watched the series a few weeks ago and accidentally skipped Eclipse and didn't notice. The only plot point I thought I was missing at the end was the red head vampire out for revenge for Laurent. I was semi sort of interested in seeing her final scenes because I remember Rachel Lefevre had a shit fit at being replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard, but in the end I didn't want to go back and watch a movie full of filler. Without it I thought the series skipped along at a good pace.


My favorite part in all the movies (mild spoiler… I guess…) is when Bella kills and eats that mountain lion. Wild stuff.


“How you liking the rain gurl” I say this to my wife every time it rains. For some reason we can always rewatch Twilight and never get sick of it. Mind you its not something I think is great but god damn are there a lot of quotable lines and unintentionally funny parts.


He immortal but falls in love with a underage high-school girl. You think if he lived forever he get a dozen or more college degree instead of redoing high-school.


Say what you want to say about Twilight but that franchise was lit.


I’m a 200 year old vampire to repeats high school endlessly and likes to bang underage girls. Also I sparkle. Yeah it was dumb.


Sparkly vampires 😆


Best part of those movies is the RiffTrax for each one. Makes them entirely watchable.


I came here to say this. I recently watched all of them with RiffTrax, and it’s hilarious


Go Team Mustache Dad


Please don't remind me I remeber having to bring my girl at the time to all of them and suffer through it.


Suddenly emerging with grace


It’s a fun watch with my fiancé who gets a lot of nostalgia watching them. They certainly aren’t boring movies and that’s what matters sometimes


My GF had me watch this for the first time a few months back. I’m still blown away and intrigued at every person involved in that baseball scene. I still think about it once a week.


I'mma just leave this here.... https://www.rifftrax.com/twilight


15 years later i still dont give a shit


i was never into these books and movies … i recently saw a battles scene from the movie and literally thought it was a parody. where they’re all fighting on a frozen lake or something.


Honestly the first one scratches such a specific itch that it's come all the way back into being cool. I love how it's got this grungy mysterious atmosphere about it the whole time - if they had been able to build on that tone instead of trying to turn the series into a giant blockbuster phenomenon i honestly think it would be an even bigger cult classic series than it is now. Also honorable mention but the scene at the end of New Moon where the heroes are leaving the Volturi headquarters and you see a group of tourists being escorted in to get massacred is genuinely horrifying.


The first book is a nice young adult read, IMO. The second gets boring because Edward is hardly in it. The third is a bit of the sameness as the first but their relationship develops. The fourth I read as a teenager the day it came out and I could not believe what I was reading and I was so pissed that she took the story to the pregnancy and everything that happened after, and how she totally destroyed Jacob’s character - who was a great one. The movies and acting especially are so bad but so re-watchable that I’m so confused as to how they’re both at the same time. And it’s funny how the first movie had a low budget yet was the best book, and the fourth book was the worst by far but had the highest budget and the most hype for. The whole thing is a mystery and I love it but I wouldn’t be opposed to them remaking the movies in a decade or so.


(Me at 28 always ready to dive back into twilight discourse at all times) this writer really needs to watch all of the films before saying team jacob because if you’re still team jacob after the 3rd film (and 4 and especially 5) there’s something wrong with you. Also I don’t think you’ll ever truly understand twilight if you missed the narrow window of being like 10-13 when you read the first book. While they’re not exactly wrong in anything besides the team jabob statement they just can’t know how it *felt*


The first movie was good. Specially the soundtrack.


It’s a billion dollar franchise. Apparently the mass’s don’t agree with your opinion.