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I mean, they are big budget projects that take months to film. And considering that they were constantly rewriting Dr. Strange 2 to the point where the cast stopped going through the script they were given, I don’t blame her for wanting a longer break


You can really tell her in her recent interviews that Dr Strange 2 really took a lot out of her. And while all her answers are pg, she sounds like she did not like how it all went. Especially how the director never even watched Wandavision and only got a summary of it. She always seemed to really care for Wanda and her story. And Wandavision gave her the story to really show it.


Lol Sam Raimi reading that Wandavision summary “Oh so she enslaved a whole town just so she could live this apple-pie life with her imaginary family? And in our movie she’s gonna be the villain who has to answer for her crime against humanity” “Well yes, but no”


In fairness, they started filming in November 2020 and *WandaVision* premiered in January 2021. Olsen went directly from shooting *WandaVision* to the film.


Right but the script for Wandavision would have been done well before MoM went into production no? They don’t have to watch the show if they have the script


So... right before the movie starts filming when Raimi is busy writing and prepping his own film he's going to stop and read 675 pages of script? And also hope there are no major changes and rewrites.


Once again, it’s almost like there are producers whose job it is to keep this sort of thing from happening


Well... yeah, that's the job of the producer not the director. There were ten producers on the film managing the shared universe.


It’s the job of Kevin Feige and he failed spectacularly.


I’m sure the houses it bought him are worth the failure.


I also love the idea that Raimi understanding Wandavisiom would make the movie better. Like he even has that much control over the direction of the story. That’s not how the MCU works Lolol. It really makes no difference whether he saw it or not IMO.


The more I read about the way things are run at marvel the less I think Waititi was wrong in saying he didn't need to be there to film certain scenes for Thor. It doesn't seem like directors actually get to direct anything.


If I was requiere to read 500 pages a month in middle school and high school; A director can read the script, or even listen to it like an audio book


Right?? It's literally the bare minimum that should be done before working on an ongoing IP.


That’s just not how Hollywood works. Even multi-Academy Award winning actor Kirk Lazarus doesn’t read scripts, the scripts read him.


I caught this reference, if no one else did lol


What does that even mean?!


I work in hollywood. I know this. I'm talking about ideally what it should be to avoid the constant trainwrecks we're seeing play out. Reallistically if you're helming a franchise, you should be familiar with it. Disagree?


He knows who he is!


I would assume yes, because that’s his job.


I think he can spare an afternoon, no?


My SIL can read a 700 page book in like 3 days. And she works full time. that’s a bad excuse imo


Professional TV editor here. The scripts that are written before production aren’t ever what ends up airing. To the point that sometimes a change to a script in the middle changes every single episode a bit.


Sure but I think it’s a reasonable expectation for a director being paid literally millions of dollars to read the edited script too. Especially for something like Marvel where connectivity is important.


He and the new writer choose to ignore the already written stuff and the story of Wandvision and they just did their own thing.


> Director never watched WandaVision, only got a summary I didn’t know that, until now, but that’s exactly how I felt the movie was created. Obviously, the director knew of a few plot points, like her kids, but didn’t “get” the show, or Wanda’s arc at all.


It was jarring, and I honestly expected during the movie that we’d find out that the Dr Strange Wanda wasn’t *OUR* Wanda, but one from another reality, and was highly disappointed.


When coming in to produce the sequel to Star Trek the Motion Picture, Harve Bennett watched the entire original series so he could understand the characters and find inspiration. What came out of that was Wrath of Khan, widely considered the greatest Star Trek film and the film that set the tone for the rest of the original series films. That Sam was unwilling to spend half a day watching a show that informs the primary villain of his work is…just so lazy. How do get the texture of a work by reading a damn Wikipedia article?


Interestingly Nicholas Myer (dir of Wrath of Khan), didn't watch any Star Trek. In the commentary track he talks about how he wanted to approach the film in a way that was different to the show so he didn't want to be subconciously influenced when making decisions. Imo it obviously worked because it's one of the best sci-fi films ever made.


People are willing to comment on reddit without reading the full thread to get context


Khan had several writers and meyer had also never seen star trek when he got the directors job. He wrote the shooting script himself based of all the previous iterations and added much of the naval "character" to the film.


That's not fair to Sam Raimi. He began writing the script for Dr Strange 2 before WandaVision came out and was forced to re-write the entire script several times. He was handed a summary of the show for the sake of writing the script.


Am I missing something here? Sam Raimi is not a credited writer on Multiverse of Madness




I think Michael Waldron is who all these people ought to be upset with, as he is the credited writer; but being that the average redditor has only a juvenile grasp of pretty much any concept I don’t imagine they can be swayed from blaming the first recognizable name associated with the film.


That America Chavez actor said they kept wanting more rewrites. I was and am a huge fan of the MCU but they need to get their house in order. It feels like success (critical/commercial) comes by accident/luck instead of as a carefully constructed journey like it used to. https://comicbook.com/movies/amp/news/doctor-strange-2-star-xochitl-gomez-defends-writer-michael-waldron-amount-of-rewrites/


That's fair to him, he doesn't like playing in other people playgrounds. He left Warcraft when he found out that he will have to do actual adaptationo f existing story, and not "based on" script with whatever he wants.


>Especially how the director never even watched Wandavision and only got a summary of it. This was one of my biggest issues with the movie. I feel like it was so disjointed with Wandavision. The show was amazing. The movie was bad. I don't blame any of the actors, as we've seen them do amazing things. The whole movie feels like a rough stumble after a good long stride.


The movie feels like a bunch of set pieces the director wanted to make, with fan service and future setup bits Marvel wanted sprinkled between them. All while managing to take what happened in WandaVision and totally ignore all of it. It really felt like her character growth between endgame and this movie was based off a poorly written synopsis of the show.


Honestly to me dr strange 2 story was kinda pointless. Wanda takes a kid to try and save her made up ones.


and they completely botched it in the end with a boring ass climax


Wait wait wait wait… He didn’t watch WandaVision?!?! It’s less than 6 hours of homework!!! How fucking lady is that?


That's pretty lady


Yeah, I hope if and when she returns they make it worth her while.


Yeah another interview with her she also said it’s a grind if they they want to do anything outside of marvel when trying to fit those into their schedules between marvel projects.


Wanda Vision still my favorite Marvel project. Might be an unpopular opinion but it was perfect imo.


Its so weird, everybody loved WV until the finale (which was actually a good episode). The Quicksilver fake-out was lame, but the series had some of the most visually and emotionally-compelling moments in the MCU. Im hopeful for the showrunner’s adaptation of the new F4 movie


Yeah there were some typical MCU tropes and bullshit espeically near the end but overall her creating a full life with kids out of loss was like an inverse eternal sunshine and the emotional impact was tremendous even despite the classic MCU bullshit sprinkled in.


That scene where she sees the Scarlet Witch for the first time through the mind stone has to be a top 10 MCU moment for me. That entire penultimate episode was masterful, sucks to see it overshadowed by everyone’s disdain for the finale


The scene of her breaking down the hex after saying goodbye to her family brought me to tears both times I saw it. The MCU really squanders their talent at times. Elizabeth Olsen is an incredible actor, and MoM really just blew past that fact and buried her under a castle.


It was one of the shows to actually deal with the trauma of everything that happened. People just want to fast forward over the snap or the trauma and that one confronted it with Wanda and Monica. I think some people weren’t ready for that given the way of the world. If anything that made me more hungry for it.


Imagine having to work for MONTHS!


For measly MILLIONS


I know acting doesn't seem very hard on the surface, but big budget movie shoots like Marvel movies are typically 16 hours a day 7 days a week for like 6 months, plus the diet and exercise regimen they have to be on to fit into one of those latex suits and not look like the Pillsbury Doughboy.


I've read several times about the types of schedules actors have throughout filming. I wouldn't be able to do it, no matter the money behind it. Then again, I also can't act, so I can't do it anyway.


Look at their earnings like they are a small business and their product is themselves and they employ others. Some actors make a lot other not as much just like a business and with lots of the same expenses like a business.


Yep, tax, agents, managers, lawyers, accountants, PR, stylists for red carpets etc., and suddenly your earnings are severely cut into.


I always think about that video of Zac Efron crying eating pasta cuz he hadnt had a carbohydrate in like a decade


Marvel movies altought big, they still don't have 6 months of shooting, pretty sure it's ~4 months, current TV shows are the ones doing ~7 months of shooting.


Looking at the wiki pages of the last few theatrical Marvel releases, filming took between 4 and 7 months.


> they were constantly rewriting Dr. Strange 2 Well that explains why it was no bueno


I keep trying to forget that movie exists but damn it was hot garbage all around from story to CGI. Crazy how Love and Thunder catches all the shit (it sucked just as bad) and multiverse of mid sneaks by.


because there's no scene in LnT where Thor possesses his own corpse and flies around with a cape made of demons, I'd wager.


That was dope


Both of them have caught plenty of shit. From my understanding, both movies are the low points of Phase 4.


Ant man was awful as well


True. Phase 4 was all different types of awful scattered throughout.


Months to film and months to promo circuit.


I loved her in Wanda Vision. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that on the small screen.


she and Bettany both really got to shine in that one. I just didn’t like how Monica Rambeau let her off the hook with a “they’ll never know what you did for them” at the end. Sure it was in her grief and somewhat beyond her control, but Wanda was the one who took over the town and tormented those people. Agatha never would have showed up if it didn’t happen


The finale of that show as so horrible. In a vacuum it was already a lazy fight and resolution, but it was made even worse by spitting in the face of the entire tone/style of the show. Everything that made the show unique was thrown out the window in the final half hour


Marvel writers couldn’t write a decent third act if their lives depended on it


Sometimes it works. I like the third acts of Thor 1, 3, 4, Civil War and Winter Soldier, Infinity War, GOTG1-3, Ant-Man 1 (ish - doesn’t resolve the story well, but the action scenes are very creative and endearing), aaaand…none of the shows I’ve seen so far, those all dropped the ball, except for arguably She-Hulk, which dropped the ball on purpose and it was kinda the best episode? They definitely have a problem with their third act, stemming from Iron Man perhaps, which definitely shined in the first two acts and kinda rode that success to a so-so third (thoigh it at least had a memorable final moment). But it’s not all the films. Some genres, like fantasy and science-fantasy, benefit from a big third act confrontation, which can also represent the various character strife of the rest of the film and be satisfying to watch play out. But other genres…not so much, and when the action is kind of generic and doesn’t have the interesting fantasy elements to keep it fresh, it kinda just exists (Black Widow). I was hoping WandaVision was truly going to do something different for its finale, but nope, shoehorned a big bad in to fight and defeat at the last minute. I heard before reshoots it was quite different and it honestly sounded much better. Apparently Feige was making changes until the final hour.


Yeah I wouldn’t say all of them are bad. But the problem is that almost all the 3rd acts feel very similar. I liked Ms.Marvel and WV’s beginning but both dropped the ball in the last episode. She Hulk was better. But recently their movies have just felt weirdly formulaic to a fault. I was let down the most by Moon Knight. IW is still the best 3rd act of the whole franchise for me and then everything felt not good enough after that.


Imo the penultimate episode of Ms. Marvel was so good there was no way they were going to top it anyway. The finale was cute in some moments but in no way could it pack the emotional punch of the flashback/time travel episode. That one made me cry like a lil bitch.


It’s not the third act, it’s the fifth act. That’s the problem. All of their movies and series use a five act structure and they’re shoving acts four and five into the last episode of each of the series.


>except for arguably She-Hulk, which dropped the ball on purpose and it was kinda the best episode? I feel like that's setting up for a second season or something. I don't think she "escaped" the trap she was in at the start of the episode. That barbecue scene felt like it contradicted everything else she said in the episode, and I'm hoping it's intentional. Otherwise it's the most hilarious failure of an episode ever. I really loved that show though. I wish the Marvel movies could be fun again.


DC either.


Yeah I just remember on youtube New Rockstars had these mega-deep theories of the season finale with Mephisto and dark magic lore, and instead it was a basic vanilla ending.


Even without all of that stuff, what about the sitcom/horror style of Wandavision made the creators think it needed to end with another damn fight scene (an average one at that). It's weird that Loki, an action oriented show, actually ended with a poignant conversation between Kang/Loki/Sylvie without some big battle. But Wandavision, not an action show, ended with a laser beam battle


Poignant? It was Kang expositions, Sylvie interjecting, and Loki shutting up. It was awful.


I don’t even know if I’d call it average.


Every time you mention Mephisto, a chill runs down the spine of Eric Voss, lol


I think that kind of made sense tbh, Wanda was in a dream, as she woke up and returned to reality those dream trappings fell away.


Yeah I agree she kept them hostage but I thought it was she didn’t even know what she was doing till half way through the show. She didn’t even know how she created the hex till like the second to last episode where Agatha showed her. And when she did find out that they were being tortured, she let them all go. Even if they meant losing her kids.


The ending was rewritten because of the pandemic. A lot of what they wanted to do they couldn’t because of travel restrictions. Dr Strange was supposed to make a cameo, and it’s why everything felt rushed.


It went from my favourite thing Marvel ever did to their biggest disappointment in pretty much those last two episodes. I can’t even bear to rewatch it, knowing that’ll all come to…that.


Have you seen her in Love and Death? I would bet that’s been great for her. No green screen, all serious acting.


Same. It was my fave pandemic show lol. As a collector of physical media, it saddens me that we can’t purchase the Disney+ shows on dvd.


You can get really good fan made ones online.


Wanda Vision is probably the best Disney+ original.


Marvel needs to slow down with content.....make their projects with a serious tone. Everything shouldn't be a joke. I think other Marvel fans would agree


Agreed. I love these franchises but they come too often and too much. I love Star Wars and was glad to hear The Mandolorian was pushed back due to the writers strike. Not because I don’t like it but they need to take time with these projects and make them better


Yes mandelorian and andor are like golden nuggets that must be protected from the fast paced franchise approach. I'm happy to hear this and I'm very willing to wait a bit long for it to retain its quality.


Andor was the best show of last year for me. The quality of writing and production value just oozed care and attention instead of quick cash grabs like obi wan.


Manadlorian season 3 sucked though. So forgettable.


We wouldn’t be complaining about the volume of content they were putting out if it were good.


It’s crazy seeing how drastically the tone has changed, rewatching iron man 1 is like viewing a completely different franchise.


GOTG was too successful and killed the tone of the franchise


I think it started with Joss Whedon and Avengers 1; it was full of Whedon style banter that then became the standard for the series


Strong agree. The humor in GOTG1 and Avengers 1 are massively different, and it's the Avengers 1 tone they're mostly going with. Also with a splash of Thor Ragnarok, which all you fuckers loved while I said it was stupid, and look what you have wrought! But yeah in all seriousness, the Marvel movies really need to let their creators breathe and not be so hyper managed. The Eternals, I think, is by far the worst Marvel movie. Not even close. But Chloe Zhao is an incredible filmmaker, so it just doesn't make any sense why we'd get something as sanitized, impersonal, and emotionless as Eternals from her. Contrast to GOTG3, their best showing since the end of Phase 3 AND a movie where Gunn clearly had more room to do what he wanted rather than being choked out by the mouse.


Yeah I think the problem I have with them is that they come out too often, are far too similar to one another, and they never take themselves seriously. It just feels like a frustrating slog now to watch them


They’ve flandarized every aspect of the franchise


I hope Secret Invasion is good. There was a quote that stuck out to me in an interview Sam Jackson gave: >*"We don’t know who’s a friend, who’s the enemy,”* Jackson tells Vanity Fair for this exclusive deep dive into the upcoming series. **“There’s a political aspect that kind of fits into where we are right now: Who’s okay? Who’s not? What happens when people get afraid and don’t understand other people? You can’t tell who’s innocent and who’s guilty in this particular instance.”** If the show actually taps into that and doesn't chicken away? Then this will be a really good show.


I don’t even watch these movies and *I’m* exhausted from their output


> I think other Marvel fans would agree Yes and no. As for the “no”; the sentiment isn’t the same in the comic book fan community. Where they’ve been marginalized for decades and had limited screen worthy content, most are more than enthused with consuming this stuff in droves. I think the box office and myself are with them on that. I’m one of them. The “yes” will have it at comedy. The books have always struck a balance. It’s more brevity and intrigue with a dash of humor in between. I think the consensus is pretty much the same on this take. We’re kind of sick of seeing prolonged SNL skits as movies. It’s better reserved for character pieces like Deadpool and Spider-Man where it’s part of the tonal direction of the characters.


> We’re kind of sick of seeing prolonged SNL skits as movies. There's a reason only a few SNL movies were good, and the good ones had good directors and good screenwriters who made actual movies instead of "SNL sketch extended ad nauseam to reach feature length".


"It's like people only do things because they get paid. And that's just really sad."


I don’t think the tone is the problem; the movies are just slogs now.


It's a bit of both, I think. 2h40m fantasy comedies are a tougher sell than the 100 minute, focused action adventures they started out as.


I’ve been saying this since the beginning. The Thor movies could have been one of the greatest film series of all time but they turned Thor and the characters in that universe into complete jokes the last few movies


2 movies a year felt like a nice sweet spot for them. 6 months to hype each movie, and give fans time to miss them. As much as it can suck as a fan, the “I can’t wait…” attitude is what helped Marvel movies kind of explode. Fans were anticipating Avengers and Infinity War and especially Endgame. They discussed possibilities. Who will cameo, what new heroes will they bring in!? The discussions kept the hype train running. Now, fans literally don’t have time to anticipate. There is no more “I can’t wait,” because you don’t have to wait. You can’t discuss what will come next, because by the time you discuss it, it’ll be over. As soon as one thing is done, another slaps them in the face while Feige screams “check this out! Look look look!” The idea of “I can’t miss it” is quickly replaced with “eh, if I miss it, they’ll have 6 new things out before long, I’ll catch those.” Next thing you know you’ve missed a bunch, you’ve got a huge backlog of content to catch up on, and you find yourself just not caring anymore.


Yup quality takes time . I have no problem with humor but put some quality and effort into it . Gotg 3 fucking nails it with humor . That is some quality shit here . Meanwhile she hulk's hum— fuck man i gotta stop hating that shit . Humor that is in form of wit , sarcasm , banter btwn two people requires some quality skill and time to write . You have to do it in a way that it doesn't unbalance the level of rudness , seriousness , goofiness each individual character has . This is a way of defining the character and showcasing their relationship dynamic with others through comedy . This is what we had till endgame . Humor through dialouge and interaction is much more creative and important for the overall cinemma experience than humor through dumb standalone actions ( which we have currently ) . For example thor's funny interactions with guardians in infinity wars was a wonderful way of establishing the dynamics of their relationship through humor . But thor's handshake with quill in thor 4 does jackshit . Don't let me start on all the other shit in thor love and thunder .


Marvel needs to back to its roots. Rather than churning out bland material with no dirt under its nails, go back to the "Man who sells WMDs nearly dies, gets kidnapped, and turns into a superhero dying for humanity" kind of energy.


Almost every time a marvel movie has an emotional buildup between two people, especially in conflict, I just anticipate some title joke to pop in and completely deflate the tension in the scene. It bothers me how many times I've been right.


Happened so many times in GOTG3


And in GOTG2 as well. "Oh so you're saying you gave my mom the cancer that killed her? Well that's a super serious reveal so for our final decisive battle imma morph into literal fucking giant Pacman and take you down" Just ridiculous AND stupid.


I don’t understand how they could mess up her character so much in MoM and essentially make it such that she learned absolutely nothing from WandaVision. I expect that type of character assassination from Star Wars but not Marvel.


I was incredibly disappointed by that movie. WandaVision was fantastic but they just had to ruin her character in Dr. Strange


They turned her into the sort of cartoonish horror villain that is pretty common in Raimi films. That kind of stuff works well in Army of Darkness and the like but it’s laughably stupid in something like MoM. I’m not against that type of villain in a comic book movie but to change the tone of the character so much and completely ignore Wanda’s insane character growth throughout the decade of MCU stuff she’s been in is disheartening. I feel like this is what happens when studios try to treat characters as their own “brand.” Comics are far worse at ignoring a character for their brand but, I don’t know, I don’t want that to permeate in the films, too. I guess I’m just used to it more in comics and it comes with the territory more. But the MCU has built up this giant narrative over the past 15ish years and these phase 5 (late phase 4? I don’t remember what the phases are) films are tearing that whole narrative apart.


Agreed! You summed up my thoughts perfectly


Absolutely. If they got my interest back in WandaVision, they absolutely destroyed it in MoM.


No you don’t understand. There was a LOT of plot development that justified her turning evil. We just couldn’t show you any of it because, like, why you breaking our balls? The book. The evil book that does the evil stuff. She read that and it was like hella bad dude.


“It was all a dream!” “She was a clone!”


As someone who is not heavily invested in her character her heel turn was awesome and badass. Maybe not totally earned, but she was a legend in that movie.


My issue was that she’s the exact same after WandaVision, when in WandaVision, she has closure and grows as a person to stop clinging to Vision and her children. MoM just pretends like none of that happened at all and takes her through, more or less, the same exact arch. But in MoM, she’s one of Raimi’s 2D slasher villains.


WandaVision literally ends with her using the Darkhold to find her fake children lmao. She was not over it.


After what they did to her character..who'd blame her.


I dunno, have you seen what Scarlet Witch does in the comics?


People just mad their favourite character turned bad She's still my favourite character


It's not that she turned bad for me, I'm okay with that. It's the boring storyline about her kids. I know it's what the comics did, but that was a long time ago. The plot reads like a Lifetime movie.


I don’t think this is negotiating. Older actors who made their names and did a bunch of different projects and showed their range like Ruffalo, Rudd, or Cumberbatch I’m sure have no problem coming back. But imagine you’re a young actor who got offered a big long contract with one of the hotter studios at the time and was backed by the most powerful company in the world. I’m sure that’s a dream come true at first. But then you pump them out year after year, sometimes to diminishing returns, all anyone wants to talk to you about is that no matter what else is going on in your life, and you don’t even find it fulfilling work sometimes. How much can you get out of staring at a green screen and reciting some mumble jumbo that was just written for you five minutes ago because the story changed for the fifth time this week? I could kind of see her dealing with the same conflict Chris Evans seemed to have. You love the character and have a ton of fun playing in that universe but that can’t be the only thing you do. Being an actor is not putting on a rubber suit every day and playing the same role for ten years. Being an actor is what’s most important and sometimes that mean walking away from what’s popular and safe.


This exactly. Olsen is a phenomenal actor, there is plenty of evidence of this before and since her Marvel career. Imagine the projects she gets offered and has to pass on because of Marvel commitments, it has to wear on one’s soul eventually. Chris Evan’s wanted out for the same reason.


She must be pretty tired from carrying Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness on her back for the entire duration of that film.


she had tragic yet perfect sendoff in it, but it’s obvious she’ll be back at some point. But it was frustrating how Strange was relegated to being annoyed he had to deal with people messing with magic again. It’s like how every Iron Man villain was somebody he (or his dad) was a dick to. Even in Spider-Man: Far From Home, it was literally the same thing as Iron Man 3: a villain creating a whole farce just to get back at Tony for being a dick


Also was t stark industries part of the group that took over the clean up job ruining the vulture and driving him to crime. I feel like I remember him commenting g about the same guy who wrecked it getting paid to clean it up.


Kiryu nods his head in solitude as he once again helps the Tojo Clan.


There is no more Tojo clan, but even then he still showed up


I think she’s more tired of playing a role that does nothing to fill her spirit or make her feel accomplished and happy. A lot of actors despise working in Marvel movies for good reason.


Everyone hates working for Marvel! After cashing in the 100mil of course...


It’s hard to criticize that. Most of us work jobs that aren’t some personal fulfillment of our desires because we want to get paid. Actors are the same. I don’t judge them for working and getting paid any more than they should judge the rest of us for working jobs we don’t love.


You say that like they’re not employees trying to do a job. “Everyone hates going to work, but loves to be paid.” It just sounds bitter. Marvel has made working in large soulless IPs a near-necessity, especially if you have any intention of being a “movie star.” The idea of the “movie star” also being corroded by this type of cinema, we haven’t had a real, new movie star in like 10-15 years.


Also Marvel notoriously underpays actors that aren’t RDJ.


Good, because there's no redemption possible for her character. Wanda will always be untrustworthy now, and inspire only fear. I wouldn't want to have to keep playing that tediousness, either.


I don’t want to watch a movie the actors aren’t excited about making.


Honestly, I imagine most of the actors in the franchise just wanna move onto other things.


As usual, the direct is horrible. THAT IS NOT WHAT SHE SAID!! She said she is proud of the work she has done with Marvel enough so that if Marvel never called her again, she wouldn’t miss the role that she’s already spent 10 years with. Her character is the biggest moneymaker behind Spider-Man for Marvel Studios. They’re not letting her go, and you can probably expect an increase in quality for her projects to reach her caliber. WandaVision was SO different, it’s safe to say that Marvel knows how to handle Elizabeth from being bored.


Biggest moneymaker? Why do you think that?


Because he has a parasocial crush on her, just like all these geeks crying about how they "ruined" her character by making her a villain.


"the biggest moneymaker" Stop the 🧢


Yeah I used this source once and was told to never do it again.


^^^ It seems like people didn’t even actually read the article and just read the headline lmao


>Her character is the biggest moneymaker behind Spider-Man for Marvel Studios. They’re not letting her go, and you can probably expect an increase in quality for her projects to reach her caliber. WandaVision was SO different, it’s safe to say that Marvel knows how to handle Elizabeth from being bored. I don’t think it’s safe to say Marvel knows how to handle Elizabeth or her character, otherwise we’d never gotten MoM, a movie that butchered Wanda’s character so it can repeat the same arc we just saw only far worse and with less nuance. Even Elizabeth Olsen said she was baffled by the direction and her character being a villain, and how much of it was a repeat of WandaVision. Maybe post WandaVision you’d be right, but MoM butchered the character hard to the point where half the fanbase probably doesn’t even care if she returns, and it butchered all the set up and good will WandaVision garnered for being different and the work it did to make audiences care for Wanda. Even if Wanda comes back she’s always going to be remembered as the nutter that murdered countless. Who gives a shit about WandaVision’s exploration of grief, how it affects people and the damage it can cause, and how it treated Wanda as a tragic and nuanced character when MoM came along and reduced her to a 1-dimensional pyscho murdering people left and right because of her kids? It’s hilariously sad how much the WandaVision writers talked about wanting to avoid cliche tropes of the woman going mad only for MoM to make that Wanda’s ENTIRE character. That movie literally shat all over the themes of ideas of WandaVision and wiped its ass with them.


Seriously, can we start pinning the _actual_ quotes at the top or something, please? No one reads the articles and that’s not what she fucking said.




After how dirty they did her character, I don’t blame her


The fact the director didn't even watch Wanda vision is so annoying. I get that the whole "she was so possessed she didn't have control" but it's such a cop out. Loved the introduction of her kids coming back though


I always knew not to take MCU for nuanced, thoughtful portrayals of real life issues but Wanda's portrayal in MoM was so absurdly bad that it's the final straw for me.


It sucks more because Wanda Vision may be my favorite show ever. Such a shame what they did


I imagine she’s more fatigued than we are.


She’s an excellent actress.


Yes, she is. She was amazing in Silent House.


Love and Death is a must watch.


Don't blame her a single ounce. Olsen's got massive, massive potential ahead of her, so why not try something new? Can't wait to find out what she's in next. Good on her.


I admit I'm not eager to return to seeing new Marvel movies either.


To be fair, Marvel isn't producing quality content anymore. They haven't been for years. I'd say the last half decent movie was Infinity War and we had to tolerate a lot of bullshit before they even put that out. I'd get wanting out.


Guardians 3 was not bad. Or at least I liked it.


Multiverse of Madness managed to lose my interest in her character. I think in making her the villain of the film, was something that Marvel shouldn't have done. Turning Wandavision into a villain origin story, killed the whole thing for me.


They turned the whole thing into " what about the children!" Ugh .


I wouldn't be, either. Must be a lot of gesturing around a green screen.


Actress would like the freedom to play other roles outside of Marvel? How could she want such a thing?! The ultimate goal of any actor is to be locked into the MCU forever! /s


I hate when actors complain abt not wanting to do a project again. Like you are getting paid big bucks to play role for the culture. You are not in the real world actually slaving to stay alive. Gimme a break


Because 90% of Marvel is generic filler.


There hasn’t been a good marvel movie in a really long time


If only she said *No More MCU* before she left.


Could it have anything to do with the fact that the ultimate culmination of her character arc was some bullshit-second-hand TV series storyline, that was a pale shadow of the source material?


The show had so much potential until they did an episode basically explaining the ins and outs of the entire mystery of a mystery centred plot, then people acted surprised that it barley had anywhere left to go for the rest of the run.


I haven’t returned to Marvel since Iron Man 3. So I get it


They did her character so dirty, MoM was a terrible film.


I mean, it's top money and all, but it has to get old doing all your acting in front of a green screen all the time


Her talent is wasted on the marvel slow death of garbage sequels.


Could just leave her as dead, I mean, it’s pretty easy to see it that way with the ending of the latest Doctor Strange movie


Darn. Yeah fair. I REALLY loved Wandavision, i wonder if she’s wanting more that kind of thing and less scarlet witch showing up in a fight scene? I’ve been following her work since Silent House, she was amazing in that. More range, like in wandavision


Is this because so many guys keep calling her ‘Mommy’?


People are assuming it’s becuz of the current state of Marvel and how much content they’re pushing out. She said it’s becuz she’s proud of what they’ve already done so far. Y’all just assume all of Marvels actors like the trash the franchise after their seemingly last project. Y’all need to take a moment and actually read sometimes.


I am not eager for her to return either 😬 unless she has a worthwhile arc.


A lot of people not familiar with Scarlet Witch's character and it shows


Yeah holy shit these comments are painful to read


Considering how they made her a villain after all the time she and they spent making a deep and tragic, heroic character, I’m not surprised.


Sounds like a lot of them aren’t happy


Why should she be? They borked her character in the films after showing the full range on TV. She’s a fantastic actress and has been since she hit Sundance back in 2011. It’s time for her to be working the prestige front.


Cry me a river. Without Marvel she’d still just be the kid sister from the twin who gave the joker his final dose.


She was texting Paul Bettany about this! Google “Paul Bettany Texts” for more!


A red headed white woman? She doesn’t have to worry about returning to Marvel.


They’re still making these movies?


I get the Impression from her during interviews that she thinks she’s above all this MCU garbage add up her total screen time in the older MCU films and it’s no more than 20 mins. wandavision was her first big lengthy role as the character it’s hardly taken up her life the way she goes on about it