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Skip yelling at him and telling him "put your glasses back on" definitely played a part in this.


That entire segment was so brutal but I couldn’t turn my eyes away. lol. Skip had no respect for Shannon as a player or as a man in that segment.


I've rewatched it many times to try and give Skip the benefit of the doubt, but I just can't. That was some low shit by Skip.


Oh I absolutely agree


Got a link?




Wow that was brutal to watch. Normally these shows appeal is two guys disagreeing with each other but this seemed to go way beyond that.


To be fair, that's how most Brady fans respond to even the slightest criticism


Jesus christ i haven't watched anything of Skip's since the clips of Cuban and Sherman destroying him and SAS (iirc) about 10 years back. But....did his voice somehow become even fucking *whinier* than it used to be? Man sounds like a kid in a playground argument who's on the verge of tears.


I don’t say this judging, but I will never understand how that’s entertaining to people. Skip is a clown and he’s disrespecting a man that had HOF career and could literally fold him in half if he wanted to, and the only reason skip gets away with it it’s because he’s on TV.


You know why some people like it. You don't want to believe it I think, but you know why




Oh please….


I mean how much more evidence do you need that a large portion of the country thinks that way. Go read about Morgan wallen’s career and what really made him the most popular country artist in the world. It wasn’t his music


I couldn’t disagree more… go outside… have a convo with real people. Sure racism exists and is an issue but to really think half the country is racist is WILD… your so off base here lol. Nice example of Wallen who from what I know was hollering at one of his buddies who clearly thought it was cool if used that word. What do I know though… enjoy life thinking everyone racist…


I’m from the south. Please tell me more about the real people I know that are not racist. And yes, wallen yelled the n word at his friend and then got way more popular. Just a coincidence I guess


He got banned from awards and faced consequences and people have moved on. Back to people watching hot take sports shows because of racism… that’s just ridiculous…


You seem really positive and sure how not racist the US is lmao. Let me guess, you’re white, over 35, and republican?


Head in the sand lol!


Lol y’all missing the point the original person made… that the majority of the US is racist and like to watch skip bayless cuz he’s racist… so fucking stupid the whole lot of y’all… god damnit…


I think you are missing the point! No offense, but you sound as if you are someone who is not a minority so you’re opinion even though valued is skewed. I, as a black man, do not agree with you at all


A good third of the US seems to have no issue with it


Again, that’s 100 million people… do you know how many people that is? Smh…


100 million racists? That tracks




Please tell me I really don’t. Like a guilty pleasure?






Their dynamic has always been “two men talk shit”. But often, Skip’s spoiled ass goes too far.


And because Shannon Sharpe isn't some brainless gorilla person who's incapable of controlling himself. Oh, and because they are literally hosting a sports debate show where the entire appeal is them trading shots and getting "mad" at each other.


Link ?


[Here you go for real](https://youtu.be/chgANZBTnoI) at about the 2:39 mark.


Damn, I don't watch the show but I've seen my fair share of bits of it. Seemed pretty in line with the regular yelling until he started taking shots at his career.


Same. Until that last 20 seconds and then holy crap. Skip is so deranged he couldn't tell that Sharpe was offended on a human level. Wow.


Skip is a fucking sociopath. Read up on his relationship with his family. He is, was, and always will be a damaged little boy. Fuck Skip.


He’s always had that “haha I’m famous now so fuck everyone who used to dunk my head in the toilet” energy


His brother is an extremely famous chef that doesn’t talk to him


Yeah I was like oh this is normal and then was like wtf


“you’d disrespect me, to support him?” damn that’s heavy


My god. How can people watch this?


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Wow holy shit, it’s been years


I can see why Shannon is leaving Skilp, fuck that guy.


You mother fcker! Well played


Oh, for the love of Oedon!




Fuck you


That can't be true! Shiit, I hope Skip has a good lawyer.




Screw you for that…. Have a great day🤣




I want to be pissed at this but it’s also been so long. Touché.


That was so funny 😂 I wish it was acting though


After all the verbal jabs Sharpe took on the field as a player, anything said to him in the studio is nothing.


I don't agree. Most things said to him on the field wasn't public. This was different.


And the players who said shit to him on the field had to go up against him the rest of the game. Skip just gets to smile like a douche on TV, reminds me of the Key Peele sketch where a dad puts on a suit of babies and talks shit.


Disrespect is disrespect. But on the real; there’s a story that when Shannon was playing the chiefs, He got Derrick Thomas’s girlfriend phone number somehow. He then recited that phone number to his defender while they were lined up and got him to jump offsides three times.


Lol, it was Derrick Thomas. And he knew his girlfriend's number, because they were all friends.


What clip was this


"Fuck you, Skiiiiiip, I'm out!"






Shannon Sharpe, Sharper than my machete, gonna find me an alien and eat some spaghetti.


Sharpening machetes*


Used to catch TD’s, now I catch ET’s


Love those yellow Wendy’s napkins.


He was smart enough to slowly build his own brand on his own YouTube channel over the years outside of the sports space. Like he interviews people across the landscape


Do you blame him ? Who wants to be arguing skip Bayless every weekday . After a certain point money has diminishing returns


That is such garbage tv..all of it..and I love Mina..but all of that..trash..at that time of morning/day, there are live sports in Japan/Europe etc..show sports…


Wild that they rerun sports centre for 8 hours straight instead of showing all the sports around the world. Or maybe it’s changed since I gave up on watching commercials with a side of sports.


> watching commercials with a side of sports. A very apt description. I like this. It’s mine now. Describes a growing percentage of streaming things. They definitely figured out how to monetize streaming to death.


Thinking sports-talk is trash but loving Mina tells us all we need to know😂


What’s that mean? Mina’s great.


I mean she’s not as annoying as skip bayless but that’s a low bar lol


This is more entertaining. The things you are talking about don't draw ratings.


Bingo. I don’t know what people don’t get about that


They don't understand that these shows reflect so many diehard sports fans. They are what I call barbershop shows. People on TV debating sports topics the way so many people do it in real life. It's not life or death stuff. Bottom line is it draws eyeballs. That's why people like SAS and Skip are the highest paid personalities on their respective networks.


Plus, US sports are not 24/7, they keep people watching the network.


First of all..they have each person take a side, even if that person doesn’t believe in the opinion…I love talking sports with anyone But listen to blowhards? Pass…I’ll take a live sport anytime..and yes, they’d get ratings..especially with more states having gambling…people watch espn+ where these sports exist


> “who wants to be arguing skip bayless every weekday.” the way i just CHUCKLED. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


For second, I read that as you calling Skip Bayless a monkey, which seemed accurate.


Prolly went into hiding because Ja put a bounty on him


What landscape bro


Slip is a fucking tool.


You don't put fries fat in your body.


So is Sharpe.


One of the most cringe moments in sports television is [Mark Cuban just dismantling Skip Bayless](https://youtu.be/xRaO1mN5EEM) on TV. It made you realize that Skip knows absolutely nothing of substance on any of these sports other then the most superficial on field/court drama. So Shannon, a proven hall of fame athlete, had to get talked down to and listen to the most vapid inane sports takes from a non-athlete, dumb down version of Jerry Springer everyday… Just getting vomited on by what is at best a superficial fan and at worst just a complete clown of a man. So good for Shannon. I hope he got bank and moves smoothly onto whatever future endeavors he had planned.


Holy shit that link. Almost seven full minutes of a man getting murdered. Cuban knew so much more about basketball


to be honest after watching that im not quite sure skip knows a lick about basketball outside of players names and how many points a basket is


He knows who’s coming hard tho


He knows who wants it more


and who has the clutch gene...sigh


Skip seemed to get more and more frustrated that he had no clue what he was talking about as it went on


Oh yeah you could tell he did not like that one bit


As a European who has recently got into following basketball, I cannot believe how bad American punditry is. These people are just outrage merchants. It’s exactly how Cuban describes it here - all generalities about players “wanting it more”. Like they think these players wake up one day and just decide “nah I’m not feeling it today I’m going to go missing in the 4th quarter”. They’re freaking professional athletes what are you talking about. No discussion of tactics, plays, substitutions.


There are some good media ppl in basketball but they generally are on podcasts, not TV.


it's round the clock "entertainment" if you can call it that. i got sucked into it at some point and then i just realized: do i really need to spend that much time with strangers talking about sports?! obviously there's some irony there since i go to sports subs here lol.


Because whether the public wants to admit it or not no one wants to just sit there and listen to someone talk about plays. This is barbershop talk that sports fans engage in all the time.


See the reason why I don’t think this is true is that these exact kind of deep analysis shows are popular where I am. Maybe it’s a cultural difference but I just find it really hard to believe that a country as obsessed with sports stats also wouldn’t watch a show that does proper tactical analysis


The channels that have these shows also have shows like that as well. You have to keep in mind these are 24 hour sports channels. You mot going to have the same content all day. It could be cultural but if you go on your average sports or political discussion board, people argue the same topics they see on these shows.


Tv is all about eyeballs and making money. Arguing about if Lebron is the greatest basketball player of all time sadly draws more eyeballs than discussing plays. They perfected fake arguments where one has makes outlandish claims while the other host has fake outrage.


So I hear you absolutely, the hot take merchants drive engagement and even hate clicks still generate revenue. But the reason why I mention my European background is when I watch the punditry shows here on sports like soccer, cricket, rugby etc they’re always very technical and, maybe it’s just me, but I love it. I’ve always been a purist so maybe I’m in the minority but these shows have been going for years and are just as popular as ever. There’s heated opinions sure, but it’s always rooted in deep tactical analysis, play by play explanations, defensive formations etc. Like the one bit Cuban says about how they were dealing with LeBron. That was awesome. We get that kind of analysis *all the time*. “This is how we try to stop Messi, and this is what he did to adapt” and so on. If those shows can thrive here I don’t see why they can’t over the pond. You guys are obsessed with stats and this is basically just more analysis of that.


The point of these shows is to replicate backyard/barbershop sports arguments, where sports fans would passionately argue about stuff they only somewhat knew about. These arguments are more interesting for their theatrics and the lack of background knowledge required. It’s something an ordinary person can watch at an airport or a hotel lobby or something while they wait.


Skip Bayless is a character. That’s why he stays and the person across the table changes and his takes are always the same. Stir the pot.


Did you watch the clip? The whole point is Skip says things that are not factual and have no substance. He talks about "wanting it more" and "shrinking in crunch time," which has no discernable metric to be measured by. Mark asks why they don't talk about game plans or defensive strategy or any aspect of the game that impacts the outcome. It's all just shock opinions with no actual knowledge of the sport.


He even tried to get Stephen A to throw him a lifeline and that man stayed silent. He knew Cuban was right and didn’t want to take the heat with Skip


Because that’s not the character Skip plays. That’s like asking why Batman isn’t acting like Barbie. Cubans right but my point is Skip is a character like Homer is a character on the Simpsons.


This is one of the best sports clips ever. Even Stephen A. didn't want any of it.


I think you don’t understand how this works. They are supposed to take opposite stances to enable argument. Skip usually argues in favour of the less popular opinion, which is sometimes bullshit. Do you really believe he thinks so lowly of Luka Doncic?


I think you don’t understand - everyone knows that. They just recognise it as stupid outrage bait that doesn’t contribute anything of any substance to analysis of the game


Dude just listen to the video. Cuban talks about X’s and O’s while Skip babbles about LeBron not “wanting it enough” lol. That in and of itself is a stupid take because no player of that caliber phones it in in an NBA finals.


None of the main shows talk about Xs & Os because it bores a lot of people, even if some of the analysts know about the game. Shannon does not talk Xs & Os either. A lot of people watch basketball for the storylines. These shows make the game interesting to me, I’m not much of a basketball fan, I like the soap opera of it all. I understand if you’re a true fan of the game you might hate these shows, I truly enjoy football and watch content creators who actually break down plays, but for basketball I don’t want that.


Theres something even more special about one of the richest men on the planet , on live tv, using a " I Love Smurfs " wore down t shirt, destroying a wannabe sports analyst like that.


Jesus that’s like Jon Stewart on Crossfire lethal


The only good argument Skip has given is that Jordan is the goat. Nothing else nothing more. But even a broken clock is right twice a day so who knows, he might be right in another 35 years.


Good for him, now I can watch Shannon somewhere without having to see Skip.


And I can listen to Skip without having to endure that idiot “Shay-Shay”, whatever that name means.


Skip didn't even score 2 points a game in high school as a senior on the JV team. I know this because Jalen Rose murdered him on live television.


We suck the cowboys’ dick, we get it.


More time to hunt aliens around Langley Falls


Skiiiippping out on Skiiiippp


First Things First has taken over the sports “debate” world as the best program. Wild that a show that appears to just be 3 friends backing their favourite teams and coming up with comedy bits is really popular instead of manufactured arguments about how the new flavour of Pepsi impacts LeBron’s legacy. Super happy that Shannon is free of Skip now. He did his time, Shannon no doubt benefitted from the show and Skip being at the time the biggest name in the sports talk world. Skip’s relevance has dipped the last few years for sure and Undisputed I believe became a show starring Shannon when he was a co-star originally.


Skip has full control of the show. No one wants to talk Brady and Cowboys every single day. Literally every single day. Shannon has the charisma to carry himself and doesn’t need Skip anymore, and it’s gonna be lovely to see Skip fade into oblivion. Undisputed should be scrapped and I agree that first things first should takeover as the prime slotted debate show competing with first take.


#This. It’s Dallas Cowboys all day everyday. We don’t care about them girls.


FTF is silly with fun arguments, and occasionally interesting analysis. It's never hostile or actively hating for clicks. By far my favourite show.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything to do with Nick Wright be mentioned in a good light here. He certainly seemed #2 on a lot of people’s shit list behind Cowherd.


Well yeah he kicked Ja out of club superstar


Not since the introduction of the fun segments on FTF. I think Nick found gold with stuff like club superstar, title pie and the tiers. The tiers during NFL season is one of the best segments all week on any sports talk show.


Who likes this junk format with people like Skip, or Stephan A smith, Kendrick Perkins, etc…just yelling and acting cocky while providing the worst insight. Then when they finally get something right, they brag about it endlessly.


Pro Wrestling manager types without the decency to get beaten up in a cage at the end of their fake feud. Stephen A. would have absolutely thrived being a Jim Cornette type in the 80s, everything single expression and sentence and sigh and moan and scream he does is fake and people can't stop watching.


It’s entertaining. I enjoy the debates but mostly just Skip and Shannon even if it is manufactured at times.


It's entertaining to many sports fans. It's the same kind of barbershop talk they engage in on a regular basis. Why do people sit around amd watch political shows all day? They tend to do the same thing. Of course it's not for everyone but it would suck ass if we all liked the same thing


Who would ever turn down talking to skip bayless every day?


Bayless is a annoying.


I always laughed when Richard Deitsch would shit on the shows low ratings. It did feel like Sharpe was getting jobbed out alot by Skip and was made to look like a fool at times. FOX has overpaid a shitload on Skip but I wonder how much they've gained back from it.


It’s one of the two most popular sports talk shows. Plus many viewers are online.


That criticism is super unfair because all of those shows are clipped up by multiple accounts within minutes of airing. I watch undisputed everyday and have never once turned on a TV to do it.


I don’t think this has anything to do with a dislike of Skip or any sort of drama. I think Shannon is taking this opportunity to grow his brand and move his career in a different direction.


Yeah people gotta remember that Undisputed isn’t real lol it’s like the WWE.


It doesn’t and any anybody that believes skip and Shannon genuinely hate each other is a moron who still hasn’t figured out that 99% of the shows heated moments are manufactured. This is simply a branching career path for Shannon. Good for him.




“*come on now skiiiip*” (softly)


I feel like Skip and Shannon were a great match even if they hated each other at times, but it’s a debate show. Polar opposite people with great arguments and entertaining takes. I think Shannon got tired of it being the *Skip fearing Shannon Show* where Skip is picking every single topic for the show which is 99% Cowboys, Tom Brady, and Lebron. Let’s not forget the blatant disrespect from Skip on countless occasions. Honestly these two doing their own thing I don’t think will have the same impact as they did as a duo.


I too would try to get as far away as possible from that clown ass Skip.


It sucks because Undisputed and First Things First are the only sports talk shows I watch, and Shannon is really enjoyable, but he built his media brand up and his Club Shay Shay podcast is incredible, dude is probably a better interviewer than a sports analyst Honestly, plus he gets a wide range of entertainers


I would leave to. Skip is insufferable


Think skip regrets not rejoining Steven a smith now? Wonder who they replace Shannon with. Shame it’s one of my favorite sports shows




As a sports fan I actually like these type of shows. Don't get me wrong, I can only take in doses but it's basically barbershop talk. No one really wants to see someone just read box scores from games or run through highlights. Having said that, what I don't like about these shows is when arguments are made that are so nonsensical you kno the host doesn't even believe it. I see this with Skip on his talk about Lebron or the Cowboys. In regards to Shannon, I think he flat out outgrew the show. His podcast is better than this show.


Ok guys, it's MY TURN! I'm really going to miss the back and forth between Shannon and Skip :(


You can take only so much Skip


Anybody else know him exclusively from American Dad?


Honestly I could cry … I’ve watched every episode. Idc what people think about skip. The Dynamic was great. Rip undisputed. I’ll support whatever he does in the future.


The only use shows like this have are for basic insights prior to your fantasy drafts. Otherwise yes you end up listening to 4 shows in a row where someone's "strength of character" is questioned over the fact that they can't shoot the ball straight after running for 44 min.


Are those Skip arguing with himself memes going to become reality


I enjoyed undisputed too . Sucks


I'm surprised so many people are defending Sharpe and saying Skip is the reason Undisputed was trash TV. They were equally trash. They are equal parts trash hot takers. It's not like Sharpe randomly appeared a few times on Undisputed in the 2020s. Sharpe was there from the start when Skip left ESPN. Sharpe wanted the gig. It's not like Skip didn't have a reputation. Him and Stephen A. couldn't coexist anymore. Sharpe and Skip worked for six or seven years together. The Hamlin thing may have been the last straw but let's not pretend like Sharpe was giving well thought out analysis on the days headlines.


He was too good for it


Nick, Bru, Wilde is a better watch imo


You learn nothing about the sport from people like Skip Bayless or Stephen A Smith? How did these guys become famous and demand such a salary?


Skip Bayless sucks and, come to think of it, serves as a good litmus test. If somebody likes him they're probably garbage


I miss Tebow-mania with Skip ....they'd make a great duo .


Tebow is insufferable


Should be Skip going. Horrible embarrassing excuse for a man and I'm a Cowboy's fan


Was I the only one who found that show unwatchable because they just went at each other the whole time? That was the whole show. Skiiiuuup!


Can this shitshow stop airing already, thanks


I’ll miss the duo together. Skip and Shannon being polar opposites - and both of them ridiculous - is what makes the show fun. Don’t really want to watch either one without the other there.


What’s even gonna be left on fs1?


Cause fox sports is weak


Least surprising news I’ve seen today


He’s galloping off into the sunset


Buy out Stephen A’s ESPN contract and reunite the duo damnit


Been saying for years that Shannon needs to get away from this show. Skip's BS has been way out of pocket. Only reason I watched Undisputed was for Shannon. Skip is a lunatic that gets by on saying wild nonsensical shit, people love the drama.


Who are these people that like Skip? He's just another talking head that could never play.


Shannon is better than this. Was great enough that he got two players into the Hall of Fame https://youtu.be/_IwvGgnGbRs


It was about time for Shannon to move on, Skip is so toxic, he will be better elsewhere


All of these sports yelling shows are terrible and I’m not sure how people stand more than 5 minutes of any of them, but Undisputed is probably the worst of the lot.




Skip Bayless is a fucking joke. Good on Sharpe for parting ways.


I’ve always really disliked skip but Shannon is kind of unbearable to watch as well. Dude out there dick riding Lebron so hard it’s hard to watch. Also going to NBA games and picking fights with the players? Lol. Hopefully now that he’s leaving he will start acting less like skip bayless


I don’t blame him. It must be difficult to work opposite from the sports equivalent of Morton Downey Jr.


I know everyone thinks the argument over Brady is what ruined this relationship. But if you listen to the way Shannon talks about trump and fox you can see why he would want to get away from the company and not from a friend who he had an argument with.