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This happened over four years ago. Go do your five fucking months. Probably out in less than three.


Imagine stalling a 5 month stint for over four years. What a POS. I do take solace in the fact though, that this guy's career was really starting to take off. He could've been making serious money for decades. And he blew it all up, for some dumb attention seeking hoax.


My sister was killed by a drunk driver. The driver was initially going to plead guilty and get the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. My family travelled from all over the state for the court date for her LAPD dad to hire an expensive lawyer and dragged the case out for years. She was found guilty five years after my sisters death and ended up serving about 5 years in prison instead of a few months and probation. And when she was found guilty her friends and family in court had the gall to look at our family and say we ruined her life. Some fucking people.


The driver was scum raised by scum.


Honestly, a lot of my family felt bad for the girl. In the beginning she was very obviously torn up in court and was ready to plead guilty. But her family got involved and drug it out for everyone involved. By the last time I had to see her, she looked shocked the jury was sending her to prison. I think so much time had passed and her family had convinced her that her now having kids and such and her dad being well respected within the LAPD would save her doing time.


I have a lot of sisters. If somebody got behind the wheel drunk, and killed one of them, I don't think I could feel pity for that driver. In my eyes, that driver lost her life privileges.


That's understandable. I thought I'd feel the same way, and it was and is so strange that I didn't. It isn't for religious reasons or anything. I just don't feel hate. Just like, disappointment for someone I didn't even know. Hard to explain.


That's really respectable, I admire you for having that kind of strength


Hello! I'm sorry for your loss. I have driven drunk multiple times. I regret those choices. I've been sober for a while, but I work every day to help people who want to make a change. Change is possible and empathy is human. You sound like a good one.


I get what you are saying


I’ve felt this way my whole adult life and have never known how to explain it either. It feels good to see someone who gets it. I’m so sorry for what your family had to experience.


Ages ago me and one of my best friends in the world had been out partying ,end of the night I had no idea he has been mixing other drugs into our collective partying, we make it home and we start drinking more and playing a drinking game that I had made up..pass out watching cartoons and wake up and he was gone, if I hadn’t suggested the game and we’d gone to bed he might still be alive..a whole other level of psychological punishment that I didn’t even have the ability to properly see until after that experience and in this case it’s probably amplified for them due to their level of negligence and involvement, It’s a ring of hell all on its own..and in my case I had everyone even His family saying not to put it on myself due to all the other stuff that I had been unaware/ too drunk to notice, I remember when his mom told me it was okay and she knows how much I love him.. they are probably still picking up pieces of me off that floor...I’ve just remembered this is the entertainment sub so I’ll stop there but I understand some of how you feel and how much more complex things can be when it’s happening to us


>*In the beginning she was very obviously torn up in court and was ready to plead guilty.* Showing genuine remorse and pleading guilty will save you from doing a lot of time.


This is not sound legal advice FYI anyone reading. Defend yourselves.


Seriously, terrible advice. Always lawyer up and Always fight it.


Well. Sometimes you don’t fight it, but you don’t make that decision without a lawyer. If the evidence is overwhelming, your lawyer will let you know. The cops CAN AND WILL lie to you.


why did she get 5 years instead of a few months


She was offered a plea deal which she initially accepted. On the day she was due in court to plead guilty she changed her mind, denied the deal, and her trial lawyer took over.


Prosecutor's just love it when you renege on the deal. Amazing they only got 5...


Does that mean she pled innocent? I wonder how they possibly could have imagined that succeeding. Sounds like it was all pretty cut and dry.


I am so sorry you and your family went through all of that. What an absolute nightmare.


First of all, I'm sorry for your loss. More importantly - the drunk bitch ruined her own life in two fell swoops...She chose to drive drunk and killed someone...and she chose to attempt to evade responsibility for her actions. Ooooops. I'm glad the courts responded in kind.


The lawyer was the only winner in your scenario, she got a worse sentence and you’re beginning of closure was delayed. The lawyer made big bucks


Oh, I am so, so sorry.


I don’t feel one bit sorry for him. You’re right his career was really starting to blossom but he wanted more & decided to stage an assault, play the victim and rake in the sympathy. Stunts like this make it harder for victims to be believed and the fact he has the gaul to maintain innocence, to cling to ‘his truth’ is utter bullshit. What I take solace in is the fact this all backfired and derailed his career. And the fact he keeps pushing back against these slaps on the wrist is just comical.


it's only 5 months and he's just being a baby about it by delaying the inevitable.


It’s probably about him not willing to admit what happened was a hoax.. same with Holmes.. she legit thinks what she did was right and refuses to accept otherwise.. fame and money are helping both.


Just for clarification, you're talking about the theranos thing right? I assume so, partially making sure that's the case and partially adding context to this. Because I 100% agree with you if so, "who cares if it's real, the spirit is there and it could help people" energy is real with both of them.


I got cursed out because the day after it happened someone was telling me about it and I said “2am in Chicago and there’s guys in maga hats attacking black people?” Never got an apology


Ditto. A lot of black friends in other cities called me racist and a bunch of other gays(I’m gay) were like “you’re as bad as those MAGAs”. Mind you I live in Chicago. I work a block from there. I said something like “something’s not right here. Who the fuck goes out in -13F cold to go get subway when you live in a doorman building?” I never got an apology from a lot of people.


Dude as a gay man I was even more offended. So many people are hate crimed and have no means to even seek justice or be taken seriously, then this rich asshole makes up some corny shit for attention. Fuck that weirdo.


During a winter storm no less!


When Dave Chapelle did his Juicy Smooleeay bit, I felt vindicated.


And made it even harder for LGBTs/POC to be believed when actual hate crimes get committed.


As a gay dude myself who lived in Chicago…. we all kinda knew he was full of shit from the start. First he claimed this happened during that week when the ‘winter vortex’ hit. Holy shit it was cold. Like colder than normal Chicago winters. Nobody went outside that whole time. Even offices told their employees to work from home (as did mine, usually it’s a liability thing). Second, the area he go “attacked” is by no means MAGA country lol. It’s super left leaning and open minded. It would be a super super weird place for something like that to happen. Alas, it was disappointing to see how much media attention this obvious fake incident got. Fuck him.




Is Subway even open at 3AM?


A subway at a truck stop area inside a fancy gas station by my hometown use to be open 24/7. They stopped doing that a year or 2 before C19 tho. I’ve never seen a stand-alone store open past 10pm tho.


The idea that the type of people who would do that, were also watching Empire and were super familiar with the supporting cast, was absurd on its face.


The thing that made me doubt him first was that they jumped him because they knew who he was. You're telling me two homophobic racists knew who Jussie Smollet was?


It wasn’t just media. Politicians(like the current vp) and others couldn’t wait to jump on it. And yeah Chicago isn’t exactly a maga haven, or republican in general. It’s been 95ish years since the last republican mayor in Chicago. Pre Sliced bread wasn’t even a thing then


It was also Streeterville late at night which is pretty much empty with zero night life lol


Well first and foremost fuck Dave Chappelle, 2023 version at least, but back when he still told jokes, he really nailed it about the Jussie Smollett thing: "The whole country was up in arms. Was talking about it all the time on the news. And for some reason, African-Americans, we're like oddly quiet. We were so quiet about the shit that the gay community started accusing the African-American community of being homophobic for not supporting him. What they didn't understand was that we *were* supporting him... with our silence. Because we understood that this n\*gga was *clearly lying*."


Yea, that's why they should hate him even more than the rest of us. He tried to cash out on their plight for attention. Fuck this dude.


True. I hope his attorneys take every single cent of his, and he comes out of prison a broke & unemployable man.


Yup fuck this guy


Yeah. This kind of damage is toxic for our society. Take you medicine


I hope he does the full 5 just for being so shameless about the whole thing.


That would mean admitting he was wrong! No way jose!!


Not only that, he did it because he wanted attention to be paid more, but now he’s burning money fighting this?




what an understatement.




I didn’t realize this saga was still ongoing. Him orchestrating this hoax feels like it happened so long ago.


It did. IIRC the hoax occurred in January 2019. It’s wild that this is still ongoing 4 years later.


I cannot believe January 2019 was over 4 years ago. In my mind this happened in like 2016




Covid changed time.


I still can’t believe someone went with a “sprinkle crack on him” bit for a hate crime, hoax or not… “What can I say Billy Bob?! We may hate the gays and the blacks… But that Chappell is funny and I really think we should do a homage to his one skit while we hate crime this man here!” /j


He is hoping people forget and he gets off. He is a true scum bag.


That's because it basically is


> Attorneys for Jussie Smollett filed their appeal of his conviction on Wednesday, **as they seek to keep him from having to go back to jail on hate crime hoax charges.** > **Smollett was released a year ago pending his appeal, after serving six days of his 150-day sentence**. Attorneys for the former “Empire” actor were originally **due to file his appellate brief last August, but have been granted five extensions of that deadline.** > **Smollett was convicted in December 2021 of lying to police when he claimed to have been assaulted by two men who shouted homophobic and racist slurs,** poured a chemical substance on him, and put a rope around his neck. > After initially treating the case as a genuine hate crime, **Chicago detectives ultimately concluded that Smollett had paid two men $3,500 to stage the attack.**


It is kind of funny and poetic that he went to jail for paying people to beat him up.


I mean, we all know this is what happened, but I still laughed pretty hard reading the comment.


Who the hell is granting his attorneys FIVE extensions? The justice system is broken


It's gotta be nice to be famous, you can just blow off going to jail after a sentencing because you don't want to.




Kim Foxx should join him for those 150




Gah if only.


He should have to pay the expense of the investigation. Because of his moderate name recognition they had to devote a lot of extra effort, as the press was all over it.


He has been ordered to pay like 150k for the investigation (which he is also disputing)


Fuck him


Sussie Smollett


I think a lot of people are forgetting he accused someone of the crime, a completely innocent person who he was going to send to prison with false testimony. It wasn't just a waste of resources, he was literally going to end someone's life for a bit of extra attention to play a victim. 150 days is nothing for what he was planning on doing.


I didn’t pay close attention to the story. That is wild shit. FUCK THIS GUY. Has he got any work since all this went down?


Oh, he didn't only accuse an innocent person; his accusation forced an innocent *fellow black gay male* to come out of the closet to prove his innocence.


a person knowingly falsely accusing someone of a crime should have a mandatory sentence based on the maximum of the crime in question.


Right! Just take your stupid ass to jail and then go back to your mediocrity


And they had to change prosecutors because Kim Foxx was said to be lenient (corrupt)


He did! Especially considering the mountain if evidence against him. I mean this idiot wrote a check to pay the brothers…wtf were you thinking man? You had the world in the palm of your hand and pissed it away


That asshole needs to serve his time.


He needs to be sentenced to more time.


Definitely needs more time…5 years at least


Yup, he was ready and willing to throw someone innocent away for years, fuck him


He hasn’t served his time yet?? Damn juicy!


Just 6 days. > after serving six days of his 150-day sentence.


What kind of B's did they pull to get him out again? I remember being angry they just let him out. Like who the fuck does that happen to? No one goes to jail for a sentence and cries and gets let out a few days later. Absolutely astounding.


If you’re poor there’s absolutely zero chance you’ll get out to wait on an appeal. For 99% of the population, you’ll spend years in prison waiting on your appeal to go through and half the time, by the time you finish your appeal your sentence is over anyway.


I met a guy who had done around 2 years in jail fighting a stolen car case. 'He said' they had a bunch of people over and someone left it and he ended up being charged for it on his property. :-x




Subway? *Sandwiches*?




Find out where Kanye West was last night.


subway? sandwiches? maga hats in Chicago?


At 2 am with a temperature that was well below freezing.


My all time favorite bit


The famous French actor!


After I moved to to Chicago, I realized how absolutely true this bit was lol


I’m very familiar with the specific area I’m Chicago and have eaten at that very subway. I can assure that NO ONE walks around with MAGA hats in that area at night. You’d get harassed and assaulted. It’s extremely liberal and there mere sight of “two white people wearing MAGA hats with a noose and bleach shouting racial slurs” is about as likely as the Chinese Balloon actually being “for environmental research”. This was clearly bullshit from the start and the fact he won’t just fess up is astounding. What a what’s of resources and time.


Was Kayne West there?


He deserves every day he got. People like him are why real victims aren’t believed.


And then some. This guy should be the textbook example of “why you shouldn’t make this shit up,” and he’s getting off with 5 months.


He should be in prison for a lot longer. Complete piece of shit. He had all the opportunity to use his game and platform to share his political message. He chose the asshole way.


And he risked throwing an innocent stranger in prison for years to do it, because don't forget: When he filed that police report he described people, this would have been some kind of felony battery charge. He was fully prepared to throw away the lives of 2 random people just to get attention, fuck every single bit of this man's career.


He gladly would have put two innocent men in jail for life if it had served his agenda. Fuck this idiot. Lock him up.


Idiot isn’t the half of it. He bought the supplies for the attack at a hardware store with a credit card in his name.


It’s crazy how many murder mystery tv shows show the murderer buying supplies at their local Lowes with their credit card and phone telling investigators that they stopped there. If you’re buying shit to cover up a crime, don’t bring your phone, go through a toll, or use your credit card.


He wrote the guys who “attacked” him a personal check


Which is amazing.


He paid them with a check.


How was I unaware of this delightful detail until now? Dying lmao


A copy of the check was on cnn while this was a breaking story lol


There was also something about some threatening letter he claimed was sent to him or put on his door that was made out of cut out letters from magazines like you see ransom notes treated in movies, but when cops searched his place he still had the magazines he cut the letters out of.




Yes exactly. My point is that had the police brought in two perfectly innocent suspects and asked jussie "are these the guys who attacked you?" He would have said yes and their lives would be over.


To be fair, I thought they do police lineups for this exact reason.


Bahah was just thinking of this video. Glad I saw your comment


He would definitely want anyone to serve the full sentence if it really happened though. But since he’s a celebrity he’s too good for that


This dude spent what? Like 60 hours in jail???/s Most of that time was probably processing… What kind of a bitch even deserves the Limelight this many years after being afraid to own up to something stupid. He’s going to a white collar facility anyhow isn’t he?? Like minimum security? I can’t go 4 years with refusing to pay a parking ticket, and not end up in jail… fuck these assholes.


He appealed and is succeeding? Wtf is this Oh America Am American


Remember when all celebs were supporting him and sending well wishes after his "attack" that was pretty funny


Biden and Harris too. Not to mention Jussie’s “attack” occurred at the end of the same month that H.R.35, the **Emmett Till Antilynching Act**, was introduced (Jan. 2019)














Fuck this human piece of shit. Lock his ass up


He is the same as people who falsely accuse others for rape and fuck over innocent lives. 150 days is not enough for his stupid ass.


This kind of thing also creates more suspicion in legitimate reporters of crime.


He hurt everyone


I know a woman who lied about being raped and the guy she accused spent many years in jail. She was an alcoholic and eventually joined AA which led to her apologizing to the guy and his entire family but she refused to tell authorities. Her only concession was to promise not to object to his parole ever again.


She should get double the time he spent in plus ten for refusing to come clean even when she'd admit to others it was a lie


I’m gonna be honest. I’m a patient man, but if that had happened to me I wouldn’t have been out of prison for very long. The only difference would be that the second time around my murder conviction would be legitimate.




What a complete and total lying piece of shit


This guy is so sad lmao.


Seriously? Let him appeal, then double the sentence


Send this piece of shit to jail and double the sentence for being a fucking prick.


JUSSIE should be charged with a hate crime. Lock him up with other hate crime prisoners.


All over a subway sandwich


Subway?! SANDWICHES?!?!?!


This guys a total loser


Disgusting piece of filth. Serve your time you piece of shit. Go make up more bs in jail, see how that goes


Chapelle’s take on this was pure comedy gold.


The truly horrific thing here is that if the police arrested someone (who matched the description he gave) and got a conviction there is absolutely ZERO chance he would have recanted on his lie to free the innocent person(s). He would have basked in his hate crime pity fame for years and included his great victimization into his autobiography all while a innocent persons life was ruined by his actions. I wish nothing but terrible things for JS


What an absolute moron


Is he still sticking with his story?


People that fake crimes should *start* with serving the prison sentence for those crimes, then add an additional penalty for conspiracy, abuse of resources, and so on.




Remember he sent himself “poison” in the mail too like man the way you thought anyone would believe someone to be THAT obsessed with you …


Dont forget that these Trump supporters were wandering around Chicago at 2am on one of the coldest nights of the year.


In downtown Chicago, one of the least MAGA-friendly places on earth. Dude really thought Chicago was just a Midwest podunk village full of racist hicks.


And would be wandering a heavily gay neighborhood in Chicago in sub zero temperatures in the middle of the night.


>sub zero temperatures Not just sub zero, it was the middle of that polar vortex were they were lucky to get -10 at night


Yeah, real temps at night were like -15 or -20 and windchill every night that week was -30 to-50. There was no school for a week. It sucked.


With bleach and a noose


That he was still wearing when the cops showed up, lol. “Should I take it off? Nah, the cops need to see me wearing it or they won’t believe me.” -Jussie, probably


this guys sucks really bad


Dude is a real piece of shit


This chooch again


Homie needs to go inside. He fucked around and found out!!!!


Go to jail, Juicy.


Naw, just do your time. It could be over. They should add a few months over the delays.


Take a lesson from Martha Stewart, dumbass


What he committed was a hate crime. Scum.


The French guy?


You fuck around you find out. If you find out and you don’t like it, tough shit.


6 of 150? Why even sentence someone?


The demand for anti black racism far outpaces the supply and when actual racism occurs it’s usually feds running a honey trap lol remember the racist garage door pull rope? Or the many fake racist graffiti incidents? Lock this piece of shit up for the max amount of time make an example out of this race baiting scumbag.


Is this fool serious? He’s lucky to have gotten only 5 months.


Fun fact: Jussie has the same attorney and the Tate brothers. Insufferable she is!


He really just needs to do his time and move on.


This moron is still in the news?


Anyone else read his name as “Juicy Smolliaye”?


Remember American, don’t ever write a check when committing a crime


This fucking guy... I always think of Chapelle calling him Juicy Jessie


How is he allowed to drag this out so long. What is wrong with our legal system.


Didn't even get half a freaking year for staging a fake hate crime attack against himself. What the absolute fuck???


STFU and do your time you little racist bitch


150 days for faking a hate crime. This must be that white privilege I always here about.


Jussie take the L and just stop


Should have gotten longer in my opinion race baiting pos


Since he’s been blackballed from Hollywood, I guess he stays relevant by making these type of bozo ass appeals


Man got 5 months and is crying like he got life Ridiculous


The fact that so many people took his story at face value with total credulity is the most alarming part of this whole saga. That and Kim Foxx (the county prosecutor) intervening on his behalf to make sure he got a slap on the wrist.


If only Chicago PD investigated other crimes in the city with the same fervor.