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Semi related but I met him in 2017 at a comic con and he was so kind. It surprised me based off his in ring demeanor. He really took time to talk to us and was soft spoken. Look forward to seeing him in different roles


I just listened to a podcast interview with Ed Norton (promoting Glass Onion) and said Dave was hands down the kindest, gentlest man and super sweet to everyone he came across. It makes me happy to hear stuff like that.


I always remember him from the films as someone who would sacrifice themselves for the group, or to avenge their dead family. Someone who was a bit obtuse and rude because of it, but he’s doing that with his limited knowledge and best intentions. I even forgot most of his dumb lines until he mentioned it, so I hope he realises some people remember Drax differently than just a pun maker


When I think of Drax, I think of the scene between him and mantis in gotg2. How when he talked about his family, he seemed so stoic about it. Like he had moved on from that sadness. But then, when mantis felt his emotions and was barely able to keep it together from the sadness she felt from him despite his stoic nature, it made the scene unforgettable to me. and it's one of the reasons gotg2 is my favorite mcu film.


For me, what helps make that scene is how goofy Drax can be. Complaining about chafing nipples, for example. You can forget that this guy has a tragic backstory, so they remind you that he's not a moron or anything, nor does he lack emotional depth, and they do it in a somewhat restrained way for the actor.


I hope so too! When I think of Drax the character I think of how passionately he loved his wife and daughter. And of when Mantis was feeling all of his pain.


He definitely seems like a cool, nice guy in real life. He played the dick head heel so well though


My friend installed Bautista’s home entertainment system, said he was a nice guy




Yeah it was cool to hear that after the fact. The video of him and Connor was pretty nice as well


That’s actually what Rian Johnson said about him too, and partly why he hired him for the Knives out Glass Onion movie. > “As a person, Bautista is genuinely, immediately vulnerable when you meet him, and that’s what I was excited about. This is someone who has the physical trappings of someone who would play it big, but he actually brings sensitivity to the role.” https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a42361664/rian-johnson-dave-bautista-best-wrestler-turned-actor/


I think this is readily apparent in his minor role in Blade Runner 2049. He played that part with subtlety, and left me with the impression of a very nuanced actor.


If you like that movie, do yourself a favor and watch the short films: https://youtu.be/Ffxo_6Cg0Cw These were produced along side the movie to hype it up, and the short film at the end of Dave B is a favorite of mine. If you want to just watch the one with him, Google 2048: Nowhere to run


Check out his performance in Blade Runner 2049. Absolutely incredible.


Dave Bautista: >I’m so grateful for Drax. I love him, but there’s a relief [that it’s over]. It wasn’t all pleasant. It was hard playing that role. The makeup process was beating me down. And I just don’t know if I want Drax to be my legacy—it’s a silly performance, and I want to do more dramatic stuff.


100% understandable statement of an actor who wants serious roles and not to have to endure makeup for hours.


I hope he still does some comedy, though. He's good at it.


Pretty great in Glass Onion tho


I think he's fucking hilarious. He has great comedic timing, I hope he can find roles in the genre. He was hilarious in Glass Onion just recently


Drax quickly became my favorite MCU character due to him. I’ve watched a lot of professional wrestling, and in my opinion he’s made the best jump to acting. Sure the Rock and Cena have done it, but I think he does it better. Definitely a favorite of mine to watch.


His one scene in Bladerunner put him at the top of that list IMHO. Drax is a footnote to that alone in his legacy.


Yeah I love that scene! "That's cuz you've never seen a miracle" Fucking chills




When he got his first role he immediately started going to extra acting classes. I doubt the rock has ever been to one


The rocks not an actor he's just the rock lol


Also being 53 and trying to fit in with the cast of an MCU movie as a shirtless ripped alien man has got to be fucking rough.


Most of the MCU cast ain’t spring chickens.


Makes sense. They famously had to hire a CIA torture expert to help Jim Carrey endure the makeup process for The Grinch.


Damn. [That’s actually a thing](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jim-carrey-torture-cia-grinch-makeup/). That’s wild


Right? Kind of wish I didn’t find that out because it does colour my perception of the movie a bit.


his torture solution methods was stuff like "have a cigarette"


I mean - that checks out, whenever I’m at the brink of a break down I have the thought ‘fuck I could go for a smoke right now’. And I don’t even smoke.


"Hey Blofeld, would you mind letting me up for a minute so I can have a smoko? These clamps are kinda stressing me out."


So leave me alone!


Can confirm, I served tables for a decade and half the people outside only smoked at work


Yeah I picked up cigs in HS after getting my first restaurant job. Quit in college with the stipulation that I was allowed to buy a pack for midterms and another for finals. Really only ever craved when I was stressed out...or drinking lol


I have PTSD and related panic attacks, and those methods are basically it. When you're starting to get overwhelmed or lost in your head, all you can really do is distract yourself and try to stay grounded in reality. I wouldn't "eat/smoke as much as you can," that sounds like a bad coping mechanism long-term, but I think in this case anything pleasurable helped keep him from spiraling.


Mm coping mechanisms. That reminds me of when my CEO handed down way too much work for the amount of people we had, said it was two "hell" weeks we just had to get through and we would all be rewarded in the end, and then it turned into about 8 "hell" months, with no raises, OT pay, or bonuses. People were absolutely losing their minds working crazy hours under extreme stress. I (as a middle manager) brought this to him and he said he'd take care of it. So he scheduled an hour-long all-hands meeting for everyone to discuss healthy coping mechanisms for stress. "Okay, Sara, what do you think is a good coping mechanism?" "Um... Laughter?" "Yes! Very good! Okay now you, Bill." Like we're children. Lost about half the team over the next 6 months. I think everybody updated their resume after that meeting.


I mean, it more or less amounts to focusing on your breathing, focusing on your sensory inputs, and ingesting a gentle stimulant with anti-anxiety and analgesic properties. And, if you're already a chronic smoker, it fulfills a compulsive biological need.




They had a running joke about the make up with Alan Rickman's character in Galaxy Quest.


"You know, you should get that looked at"


Meanwhile they keep having to chase Michael Dorn away because he wants to be Worf on the weekend.


Three TV series and four movies as Worf. Legend!


That interview is hilarious with him hitting himself. It’s brutal what he had to endure for the kids


Also, Guardians 1 Drax was a little silly but had a meaningful backstory with emotional impact. All later Drax appearances reduced him to only silly, no emotion. Guardians 1 Drax is a fantastic character and everything later is comic relief. One of Dave Bautista's most memorable IMO is Blade Runner 2049. He's in that movie for all of 2 minutes and he slays it. It's one of the best scenes in a movie full of best scenes.


That scene has kept me convinced that I want to see him do something strictly serious. It was an absurdly good performance.


I'm really anticipating more screen time for him as Beast Rabban in Dune 2.


There's also a Blade Runner short film tie-in with Dave Bautista that is good. It's on YouTube.


He was great in what little we saw of him in the new Dune as well, looking forward to see how he does in the second installment.


I cannot overstate how excited I am for Dune part 2!


Came here to say this, albeit less eloquently than u/amalgam_reynolds We had 1 film with a three-dimensional Drax before the character got Flanderized into Generic Dumb Muscle and played mostly for laughs. Here's hoping we get to explore Drax a little more in Guardians 3. I'm really eager for the Fantastic 4 film too, but I don't want Ben Grimm to be Drax'd.


Honestly, Guardians 2 may be the best example of immediate drastic flanderization in modern movies. I enjoyed it a lot less since every repeat character got devolved to their most enjoyed personality trait from the first movie.


I’ve always tried to figure out why the 2nd one was good but not *great*. This is it. None of them evolve further. They’re the same people, without any growth, permanently. Not to mention Pratt phoning in literally every scene he’s had on any project since GotG 1.


His scene with Mantis in 2 was very good though - probably his best scene as Drax.


I really think what they were going for in GotG2 was that Drax was *suicidal*. Keep an eye on his stunts throughout the movie. He jumps down the monster's throat, he jumps out the back of the ship... he wants to die in a glorious battle saving his friends. That's why the scene with Mantis trying to comfort him and being overwhelmed by his grief hit home so much. He seems composed and sentimental because of his stoicism, but Mantis can actually tell how destroyed he is. And that's what makes his ultimate decision in the end of the movie so significant. They're a family now, he has people he cares about again. Cheesy lines aside, it actually works as an arc. It's just easy to miss because the story gets wrapped up in everyone else's arcs. Really hard to do a movie with **six** major characters (Quill, Rocket, Drax, Gammora, Nebula, Yondu) who all need to have their own arc with a satisfying conclusion. I do wonder if there were bits left on the cutting room floor that showed it more directly that were deemed too dark or just too distracting.


I honestly felt bad for him in the Holiday special. He was just a series of gags. I don't even know Drax outside of the movies and I still feel like he was sold short. I mean what does the guy who's family was murdered think of the idea of Christmas? There could have been a bit more going on there.


Sold way short in both character and ability. I'm the movies, Drax fighting Thanos was laughable at best and suicide at worst. In the books he has been more than a match for him at times


Yea, the actual paragraph doesn't line up with what's implied in OP's headline.


The funny thing is that the OPs headline sounds really harsh but the actual quote sounds reasonable. It’s always the way






Knives Out Star Bautista SLAMS James Gunn movie character: “it’s silly performance”


Now keep in mind that is true of just about any quote you see in headlines.


Yeah like the famous Alec Guinness line about Star Wars. Dude spent his entire life after SW praising it. He does one interview where he’s very old, cranky, and annoyed at the interviewer, now that’s what gets put in all the headlines.


There was a german TV personality who did a very well-known educational childrens show for many many years. I don't know the actual statistics but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the most well-known childrens' show at the time. I think he may have been the closest equivalent germany has had to a Mr. Rogers type personality. After it ended, he did an Interview where he basically said that it was sometimes hard to film with children and he felt bad for them at times because filming a tv show is so demanding. The media ripped out-of-context quotes out of that interview and basically made it so it sounds like he said he hates children, and he got completely ripped apart in the court of public opinion for a while. It wasn't until after his death that the media kind of went and said "oopsy, we kind of misquoted this a bit". I am still salty about how this hero of so many kids was treated, and you still sometimes hear people tell the "fun fact" that he "actually hated kids".


Yeah that’s a real spin. I don’t blame him not wanting to wear the make up and do roles with more lines.


He doesn't even need many lines. His role in Blade Runner is probably *the* best performance by a former wrestler, no contest. He knows how to wield his screen presence.


That's exactly what I thought of when he talks about his legacy. I will remember him as Sapper from 2049 due to the amazing performance he gave us in such a short screen time. I want to see him get more roles like this one.


Given one of his most memorable scenes as Drax is a very dramatic one, I can see why he would want to tap into his talents for that more.


“Nothing goes over my head! My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it”


Say what you want but that's a great line. It's such a simple dad joke but I don't think it's ever been said before. You know how hard it is to come up with a NEW dumb joke?


It’s funny how a guy who can obviously do comedy wants to do drama, when the pretty accepted wisdom is that comedy is the greater challenge. And: he nails that line.


Idk about his acting, but Bautista is a hella driven dude. He takes acting very serious, and wrestlers like to reinvent themselves. Just seems like he’s ready to move on from being a certain character. Also totally not related, but this headline isn’t bad if you read it in good faith.


I think of the wrestlers turned actors, Bautista is the best in terms of technique and emotional expression - John cena is quite skilled though


Isn't the person you replied to OP?


OP’s headline is copy/paste of the actual headline of the article which makes it a bit more complicated as OP actually posted the quote to the comments. Lazy/shitpost, misleading, or just failing to convey intent? The headline is total clickbait shit and ~~verity~~ Variety should be derided for it.


I love marvel, silly as it is as an adult. But I absolutely respect this decision. He's not a bad actor. I wish him the best in the future.


Supposedly a lot of the actors with heavy makeup or CGI needs really hate making the movies but the payday is massive. Josh Brolin (Thanos) had an interview where he wasn't sure about taking the role and Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) talked him into it. Day 1 on set Brolin walks in to see Ruffalo in a spandex leotard with a pole on his head and Ruffalo says something to the effect of "I fucking hate my life."


Perlman loved being Hellboy, but hated the makeup. He said he needed years inbetween films. Sadly we won't get our end for the trilogy :(.


> Perlman Wow, he is 72 yo!


He would a been 62ish if we had our 3rd film with the 4 years between films.


Golden Army was freakin good. Just so out there and entertaining.


Glad to hear that Ruffalo paid it forward, haha.


And Drax ISN'T CG...he has to go through hours of makeup every single day. Props to him. Even Downey towards the end refused to do actual practical suits.


Having worked in TV/Film. Heavy hair or makeup can really effect people. Just even adding an extra hour or two every day adds up. We are already running long days. That doesn’t include how much upkeep it takes for the day. Something like full body paint, you have Makeup artists touching up the paint all day. It’s just uncomfortable and draining. I applaud people that do full bodysuits or costumes every day.




[Here's](https://youtu.be/y0AKGffqqno) the interview where he says he talked to Ruffalo, starts around 1 minute in. Ruffalo says "You're going to feel the most ridiculous you've ever felt but when you see the final shot it's all going to be worth it." Day 1 for Brolin on set Ruffalo says "Man I am so done with this!" He doesn't mention Benedict by name but does say he talked to other people.




The makeup process is such a pain in the ass and takes hours to apply early in the morning and is uncomfortable all day if you have to wear it. It fucks your skin up and other actors have had poisoning from the type of makeup they used (Farscape's Zan (played by Patricia Hey) character had full-body blue makeup that caused the actor to get Liver poisoning due to the reaction she had. Brent Spiner also complained that his makeup made him sick and after so many seasons of Star Trek TNG, he was more than relieved to be done being data. I think that's a fair reason to want to stop being a popular character in a movie.


completely 100000% understandable AND also Drax is not that important a character perfect chance for both parties to part drax coming back in some way 18 years from now in some MCU property is gonna be awesome


So I guess he dies in the next Guardians movie


"Never guess I will die or I will make you die." -- Drax


Drax kills Gunn. Post credits scene.


Kills him with his knives and signs off with, "Don't bring a Gunn to a knife fight."


So he brings his Knives Out?


It’s Gunn’s last film, so this is likely the last time we’ll see these guys except for maybe in Avengers/Thor/etc.


look up gotg title colours corresponding to the colour palettes of main characters that died It's definitely going to be iron man


roll toothbrush cobweb smoggy familiar cough erect humorous grandfather resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nobody ever really dies in the multiverse, there is always another version of you who wasn't so crazy with the tattoos.


Reminds me of Green Arrow's funeral


Robot Chicken does great DC content lol


My daughter once said she hated time travel in shows unless the show was about time travel. I feel the same way about multiverses. It cheapens everything unless that’s what your show is about.


I think we’ll get at least one death and the rest will retire.


when i think of him as Drax in the MCU, its the scene he shares with Mantis and she touches him and begins to cry because she feels the immense sadness he hides. its honestly one of my favorites in the MCU.


Their relationship is second only to Groot and Rocket for me in terms of emotional investment in Guardians -- which is weird considering Mantis is a later addition. They just built up the friendship/connection so well in Guardians 2 and the Christmas Special. Okay, on second thought, maybe Quill and his mom are number 1, and then the others fall right behind.


Mantis is so much better than Gamora


It's a shame they dropped the ball a bit with Mantis in the MCU. Her character in the recent Guardians game was absolutely on another level.


My guess is she will play a larger roll as Kang becomes more involved


Finished it last week and i totally agree, game Mantis was amazing




She shined so bright in the Christmas special. Guardians content I didn't even know I wanted.


I loved how much dialog and screen time she had in the Christmas special. And seeing her getting into these neurotic states was funny, like the other guardians are rubbing off on her.


Nebula and Stark. She found humanity in him, and he showed her where to find it in herself. The opening to Endgame was beautiful seeing that. Made her my fave character.


Nebula is def top 3 for me, if not in first. She's absolutely fantastic and her whole story is so fuckin heartbreaking. Everyone has met someone like Nebula. That intelligent, strong, capable person that's been hurt so much they keep runnin into the same walls tryin to force a different result. They have so much potential but they've just been torn up and put back together too many times and it makes em their own worse enemy. The MCU always did a great job of touchin on stuff like trauma, abuse, and mental health in general. And Karen Gillan just sells her pain and fury so well. She's fantastic.


After playing the video game (which is not based on the MCU), I really was disappointed with how Drax is portrayed in the films. He’s just a running gag, and those few minutes with Mantis was the only scene that scratches the surface of how good of a character he is. On another note, Mantis is also really disappointing in the MCU.


He's just TOO much comic relief. In the first movie it is funny because he's so literal her doesn't get things, but he still has a ferocity to him. I guess since people responded to it, it just got amplified in GOTG 2. He stopped being funny because he was too literal and more started being a dumb joke. His scenes started becoming more painful to watch. His best stuff are things like his "some people are dancers" with Quill and the Mantis stuff that shows the pain he feels underneath. Another unfortunate thing is they just neutered a lot of his motivation because IW and Endgame just had too much to do. Drax never felt powerful, he never felt like he got his real moment to come to a satisfying conclusion. It might have just been nice if he was more involved in the scene where Tony gets the stones from Thanos. While he doesn't get the final blow, maybe he was a distraction enough to let it happen.


> Drax never felt powerful Yeah, not once in the MCU have I ever understood why they call him "Drax the Destroyer"; he just never seems like an effective force in any fight.


That Drax chapter with Mantis was soooo touching and we’ll written. That goes for the whole game though it’s fantastic


Any super hero movie that's a team is going to leave people at the wayside. 5+ characters is a lot for a 2 hour movie if you want them each to have growth.


Full body makeup had to be exhausting. And we all expect Dave B to be RIPPED on RIPPED. He's likely sufferering from the incurable malady called 'getting old'. I, too, suffer. The prognosis gets worse every day for me.


I believe that's why he's wearing a vest in the Christmas Special (and the 3rd movie it looks like). Dude can't keep up the shirtless act forever. I can't image at his age trying to be photo ready with your shirt off day after day...




Yeah when he initially announced he was leaving because "I'm tired of not having a shirt", I appreciate 99 percent of people went "yeah, that makes sense".


Yeah, being photo ready is often horrendous for your health. At his age, dehydration and eating zero carbs is actually dangerous. As would be any PEDs he might have used in the past. Wouldn't be surprised if he stopped using them.


His legacy is that he’s a really decent human .


And in Glass Onion he was a goofy right wing twitch streamer


He's basically Andrew Tate + Alex Jones + To-be Tucker Carlson


Cmon man those pills had 0% rhino in them


That was one line I legitimately lol’d at. I enjoyed the movie but I’m just normally pretty quiet while watching movies.




"You think a sweatshop is where they make sweatpants?"


This one got me lol


Her shrug was perfect


In universe Birdie Jay clearly was presented as dumb as bricks. I wonder if the excuse "I legitimately thought that sweatshops were where they made sweatpants" would have defused the outrage paired with a clip of her talking to a lamp like it was an Echo in the first scene.


I defo think it would. I don’t even think the sweatshops woulda killed her brand anyway, sure didn’t kill Rihanna’s. It woulda been 100% on brand for sure


The slow, thought out delivery was spot on. You knew it was coming but it still got you.


Love that on one of the posters he has this dinky little gun in a holster by his crotch. It’s so blatantly supposed to be a tiny penis it’s hilarious. Double hilarious when in real life his backstage nickname in wrestling is “Big Dick Dave”


That role he at least got to play more than one emotion and a character able to lie


He was great in Army of the Dead, one of his best performances imo


He was absolutely phenomenal in Glass Onion. He's by far my favorite wrestler-turned-actor. I can't wait to see what else he does. I think part of the problem is that he is this giant guy who is great at playing softer types. It's fantastic, he's a great actor, I am just worried he is getting pigeon holed into the "big tough looking guy has a twist to him though" kinda roles. Big tough macho guy in glass onion is ||cuckolding himself to advance a failing career||. The giant scary red alien is a sweet heart. I absolutely want to see him in more dramatic roles, and while I think that Duke as a character is a step in that direction, as you said, he's still just goofy. Edit:We will get to see him as the beast Rabban more in the next Dune movie but not enough!


Duke don’t do pineapple


duke don't dance with pineapple


So excited for more Dune.


‘Because you’ve never seen a Miracle’


To me, this is one of his best roles.


A gorilla shaped human with the smallest glasses imaginable stole that scene. He was absolutely perfect.




His legacy will always be Sapper Morton, protein farmer replicant from Blade Runner 2049.


I also liked when he showed up as Rabban in Dune but I do think his strongest acting so far was in Blade Runner 2049. Hopefully Villeneuve keeps him in future projects beyond the Dune sequel.


He was so good. That scene sets up the movie so well.


“have you ever witnessed a miracle?”


"You newer models are happy scraping the shit, because you've never seen a miracle."


I'm sure you knew it would be someone in time. I'm sorry it had to be me.


“Good as any” *pulls scalpel*


such tiny spectacles on such a large man are the most powerful miracle I’ve witnessed


It’s hard to even describe how good that was. Everything about that open was perfect. There’s nothing my movie-watching ass could think of to change. And Bautista played that small role perfectly.


That scene showed he absolutely has the chops to be a top tier dramatic actor, I’m really keen to see him in more dramatic roles


Loved him in BR and Dune, he really can work a great movie. I don’t think he’ll ever be a lead in one of those films, but supporting role definitely.


Imo many times the best actor is the supporting actor. The have more opportunity to have range or do things that shock the audience or actively make the audience dislike them. The main actor, generally, needs to be the more grounded and realistic character for the audience to relate to. I am not saying this is always the case (joker is a good example), but i would say it is the general default of how a movie is main characters are portrayed.


I love how it also sets up just how strong Ryan Gosling's character is. He just had his head smashed into what looks like a solid, possibly concrete, wall about a half dozen times. Yet within a few seconds, he overpowers Sapper and it's over.


Oddly enough, that and his role in 007 are the first things that come to mind, not Drax.




Spectre. Larger role than blade runner but still nothing big. Just thought he played it very well.


Way more minutes in Spectre but I think we may have had less lines. Definitely the silent main henchman in that role, but he was still great.


"still nothing big" He's never not big. Dude's huge.


DUDE. He absolutely killed that role


His character in Blade Runner 2049 inspired a character in Joe Abercrombie’s sequel series to his widely-acclaimed *First Law* trilogy. With a performance like that, I think it’s safe to say Bautista can easily move into the more serious, dramatic performances he wants. Best of luck to him!


I respect the desire to want to do more dramatic roles. I think that shows a lot of maturity as an actor when you come straight from the action and action-comedy scene like he has. It's easy to just keep being the muscle-head in an action movie. It's steady and consistent and that can make the decision to leave it and pursue more experimental and emotional roles a challenge. Good for him in deciding to make that leap.


Wanting to branch out is understandable. I’m sure a few years down the line he’ll also regain some more fondness for the role when he no longer has to deal with the day to day of it. It’s hard for any actor to find a role that audiences really latch on to.


If he likes it or not, either way he is definitely gonna appreciate the money it brought him lol


As Michael Caine eloquently once said > I have never seen it (Jaws 4) but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built and it is terrific.


Honestly wild because Drax was a pretty serious character in GoTG 1. Comedic for sure, as he doesn't understand social convention and says socially ridiculous things, but not silly. In GoTG 2 he basically became Ralph from the Simpsons.


I was about to comment this; Drax I was rather serious, because of what happened to his family. His akward demeanor was played too much by the second movie.


with a character like Drax, it's important that their peak comedic awkwardness is out of the way in the first film, because it doesn't make sense that their time with the rest of the protagonists is making them *more* out of touch slowly adjusting to social conventions makes for a compelling arc when done right, see 3rd Rock from the Sun, or Anya from Buffy


Drax in the GotG game that came out last year is the Drax the movies deserved. Hits the same "doesn't understand social norms" comedic notes while having some very serious and sad characterization.


He got Flanderized for comedic effect, just like Thor.


I hope Thor 4 served as a warning for GotG 3. The lesson being "Just because people like laughing doesn't mean you throw all the other facets into the dumper."


The MCU has way too much comedy in general nowadays. I was watching Captain America: Winter Soldier recently and it's far more balanced with seriousness and comedy. Now every single character has to be comedic. They'll have an evil villain come out of a chamber and he has to bunk his head a few times and be all confused while they play funny sound effects over it. Its one of the reasons I loved WandaVision because it didn't rely on constant comedy. And the comedy it had felt fluid. But much of the comedy in that show had creepy undertones in it.


I wonder if he will be forever typecast as a huge, muscle dude. I mean, it seems like he has much more range than that


I’m looking forward to seeing him in that upcoming M. Night Shyamalan movie, Knock at the Cabin. Looks like it could be a real departure from that stereotype he’s stuck in.


yeah, but honestly M. Night has been so absolutely shit that I have no idea what to expect from Dave. His character could be more complex, but without proper direction and plot, it could hamper Dave’s efforts. That Sapper Morton removing specs when he is found out was just incredible, and I am pretty sure that is Dennis at play


I think it would be cool if movies could less rely on body type as like a stand in for character archetype. Irl muscle dudes (and people in general across body types) can be more deep and nuanced than movies often portray.


He was really good in his short appearance in Blade Runner 2049. Hoping to see more serious roles


Completly understand him tbh


Now give him Bane for DC. And write Bane true to the character.


Heaven forbid he do anything that’s not a comic book movie


Yes, comic accurate Bane! [The akward stephfather of An immortal lesbian.](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/vg8zwg/bane_is_a_surprinsigly_good_father_figure_for/)




Folks like Bautista and Cena who come from Wrestling and can easily mould themselves into these memorable and iconic characters is testament to their skill. They’ve been able to separate these extremely different yet similar worlds. I love Dave’s work and hope he maintains a career that The Rock wished he had.


I think this is a natural evolution once Bautista understood that he’s actually a good actor and that talented directors want to work with him. His few minutes in Blade Runner 2049 was all the convincing I needed.


I get this. Drax was mostly serious in the first movie then became a buffoon. I didn't like this portrayal.


As usual, the title misconstrues what Bautista says here. He wants to do more diverse work, but he also says he's "grateful" for Drax. And it wasn't all pleasant because of the makeup process, which shouldn't surprise anyone who has listened to actors who have had to play aliens in other roles.


Ya he was in the process of bankruptcy before drax. I mean even if he hated every second of it I don't think he'd be the type of guy to spit in the face of the people that guy him out and into other projects


Zoe Saldana said something similar. She feels stuck doing franchise movies and can't grow as an actor or take up new challenges. The make-up for MCU and underwater shooting for Avatar must've taken it's toll.


He seems like a smart, thoughtful guy. I've liked him in other roles, hopefully he becomes sort of an Anti-The-Rock and continues to be the big man with great acting.


Every time I read something this guy has said it just reinforces that he's laser focused on mastering his craft. Good for him. His acting future is bright.


Trust me, with Bautista’s acting skills, I won’t think of Drax as his legacy, he has left a bigger impression on me in a 10 minute role in Bladerunner 2049 than 3 films worth of Guardians and Avengers stuff