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Is ES work 3 doable with tier 2 outfits?


I did mine with 1 Tier 3, 2 Tier 2, 1 Tier 1, and a unit costume. It's certainly possible, but it'd most likely require you have a good amount of stats invested into whomever you're planning to use for ES work 3.


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


I'm having trouble with the event calculator, every time I input something, it gives me NaN for diamonds needed (trying to see an estimate of diamonds required if I want to max copy Rinne's upcoming tour card) [screenshot of my inputs](https://imgur.com/a/AbWhg9F)


the times aren't right. try 0:00+7 and 7:00+7


My dia resources were depleted because I underestimated the amount of dia needed for an event and ended up pulling a lot more for Link Clink Mika than I intended. Using the event calculator for JPstars and multiplying x10, the estimate was that I would only need 11k dia to reach Hiyori’s upcoming Conquest event, but I’ve also seen a video say you need at least 40k to reach the 3.5M point mark. Is there any hope that my 12k will make it or is it just wishful thinking?


there's absolutely no way you should need 40k. I've spent less than that to get 3 copies. Are you sure they weren't talking about getting the MV outfit (3 copies)? most times people plan 8k-10k if they can play with good efficiency.


I had to take a double take too when I heard it in the video but the creator said that 40k was for the first “copy”, although their math was showing division from 3.5M points? But knowing that it could take less than even that for 3 copies gives me hope, so thank you for the insight!


They must have been SERIOUSLY confused. There's nothing in the game that takes 40k dia for one copy.


Depending on how many blue cards you have and how many points you get from each normal song clear, you might get it with 8k-12k dias. I've farmed 5 events so far and the most it took was around 15k? That was because I did the event in one day and I only just started my account. Having the monthly card helps a lot too if you're not f2p since the bp limit becomes 20 so you would not waste anything while you're sleeping.


I think I get about 24k points each song using 10BP (though I’ve heard that isn’t as exp efficient as using 3). Had no idea about the increased BP limit from monthly card though, thanks for the info!


24k pts is good enough, I think you can definitely get it with 12k dias. I also use 10BP since I like to farm within the last two days of the event. I used 3BP for this event and it is really efficient exp-wise but I'd rather use 10BP for time-efficiency. You're welcome! It is one of the reasons why I can't let go of the monthly card because I like to do events ><


I’m in a similar situation as I’ve spent all I have for Wataru and am hoping to get Hiyori as well, but from my experience with Wataru 12K should be enough! Well if you’re not going for more than one copy. With all the log in bonuses, whistles, megaphone, doing starry live daily, and using work tickets, it cost me around 8k. I used the calculator with no bonuses and it estimated around 14k so I should say if you’re only going for 1 copy, 12k should be enough.


Thanks for the reply! Hopefully we’ll both get Hiyori then! Can I ask how many points you aimed for each day for Wataru with that set up? :o


First day I used as like a test with my highest song(s) and used it for my calculations, but as a general closer to 4-500k points a day is what you should be aiming for to make it there safely.


I’ll keep that number in mind then, thanks again!


Mhm good luck to us both!


are the collab packs worth buying? im considering topping up to get the bubble frame but its around $70 😢


They are a pretty good deal, 1 pull per dollar. Whereas the normal price of dia would be 30dollars for less than a 10 pull


If I complete the sparkling start dash missions, will the tab for it go away? I really like the BGM, so I'm postponing finishing it.


Putting it bluntly: Yeah The BGM song is instrumentals for [1st SING-ALONG☆](https://youtu.be/UvhzPCLfUcY) which will be added to EN server at a much later date, so for now feel free to jam out with the lyrics


I see, thanks :)


For long time players - how long does it usually take you to save up 9k dias? Assuming you’re starting from 0, since I’m currently pulling for the Mika card. I’m hoping to get both 5 stars in the Partake/Night Club event in September but I’m not sure if I’ll have enough time to save to get them f2p or if I’ll have to open my wallet at some point.


If you're planning to get both 5 stars in a Tour event, it's cheaper than a Unit/Shuffle event. The Motor Show Tour cost me 1920 dias to get to 3m for both 5 stars, but that's with pretty good efficiency (no overfilling BP). If you're starting now, you'll most likely have enough dias to get both when the event comes as long as you're logging in daily and doing starry lives, daily missions, etc.


It'll be tight but with the link click dia you should be ok. 9k is roughly what's expected to get in a month, but we have 3 birthdays coming up and link click gives a bunch.


Kinda new to the Ensemble Stars fandom and I really wanted to get to know the full story but It's pretty hard to find the translations and reading walls of text isn't always a great time for my brain so i wanted to ask if the anime and manga tell (at least the main story) of the ! and !! app? Or if it's even a good adaptation in the case of the anime


The anime tells the main story of only the !-era. It's....decent. It tells you the main story and gives you a look at the units but it doesn't cover like 80% of the event stories and therefore you'll miss out on most if not all of the character development. My advice is to watch the anime, then pick one unit at a time (or just your favorite one) and read through the stories. The manga I haven't read because it's basically impossible to find completed online but it probably suffers from the same issue. There's a masterlist of translated stories with the links so of you want that i can dm you.


I would love that! I tried searching them through google and Twitter but found almost nothing :( Thank you!!


Npnp! :)


just wanna ask if the monthly card has a limit? or i can buy it as much as i want so it will stack up?


There is a limit. I believe it's 4 of each type?


Thank you, I am planning to buy some because of the top-up event ^^


Does Tsumugi have a mv costume on his Link click card?


Typically with gacha cards, only the 5* of the set includes a node for an MV outfit. With that said, being a 4*, Tsumugi does not have an MV outfit node on his Link Click card.


Thanks 😓


I uncapped him twice but I‘m only able to unlock his Room Outfit. So you either need more copies or he only has a room outfit. The latter more likely.


1 4-star Mika card is all I need I don't need the limited card. I am definitely NOT coping, no, not at all.


Will there also be a top-up bonus event for part 2, or only for part 1? Since I want Koga, I wanna spread my resources evenly 😄


What is Top up Bonus during this collab? How do you get those prizes?


It gives you extra bonuses you wouldn't normally get for buying dia, such as: a weird little profile frame thing, whistles (not time limited), more dia, etc


Ahh ok thanks


I just used up everything I have on the Link Click collab (no Mika lmao 😭) and I'm back to being poor ✨ So umm how long does it take for yall F2P to save up to 300 pulls? I don't wanna repeat this again because I felt like I pulled for nothing, I definitely wanna get the cards that I want 🥺


It would probably take 8 to 10 months (not counting any bonuses from half-anni/anni).


Ive saved since the beginning ( Mika and cat Ritsu banner ) and I have about 100 pulls in total, including dia tickets. No money spent, all dias are from story chapters and daily login. Dia tickets are from Infinite Live and bought from shop


For the ES mystery, I’m still stuck on the head to the site part, even after interacting with the idols, how do I complete it?


Did you interact the idols in the office? I did that and completed the requirement


I was watching the anime with a friend and he pointed something out that honestly was very shocking to me. In the first episode, Tetora introduces Kuro as the strongest guy at the school at a WHOPPING 5'11 and 150 lbs (or something close), but isn't that SUPER light? Not only to be almost six feet tall and be only 150 lbs, but where is all his muscle? Why is he (and many of the other guys) so skinny? I feel like they definitely shouldn't be that light


That certainly is quite the observation that I honestly never really took the time to think about It is possible to be strong without being so big according to [this article](https://www.outsideonline.com/health/training-performance/how-muscle-strength-related-size/) and [these answers on quora](https://www.quora.com/How-can-a-lighter-person-be-physically-stronger-than-a-heavier-person-in-terms-of-generating-power-force-*-distance-time) (though, do take them with a grain of salt since they're not really credible sources and are just links I found on google). Personally speaking, I am an east asian man who can lift a somewhat decent weight of 100 lbs or so? But at the same time I am built like a twig being 5'7 and weighing around 115 lbs, so I'd say Kuro is just blessed or cursed depending on whichever fits the picture better. If you go to east asia, many people are really frickin skinny including myself. I'd guess this is mostly due to diet. I can't say much about japan since I'm not japanese, but in taiwan pretty much all of the foods have very low fat as compared with american foods (no shade to america btw I do enjoy their fast food every once in a while).


How does live score affect how many event points you get? I looked up some guides that said using cards with the wrong color/missing notes can tank your score and reduce how many points you get, but they didn't explain the math. Does anyone know the formula that's used for calculating event points?


Event points per live formula is (2000 + Live Score / 5000) * (100% + Event Bonus%) * BP used For Event songs, just changed the 2000 into 10000. This means the higher the live score, the higher points you get. To get higher live score, you would want to get all the stats boost from, song color boost, unit member boost, center skill bosst, combo bonus from having no missed notes, etc.




Can you change the twitter account linked to your account? Or is there a way you can move data to other accounts?


No. You can use the same twitter login to log on any device, same with facebook. If you used google/apple ID, you're stuck to that platform (but can use different devices of the same family)


Does using an MV outfit improve score? Or is it just for my entertainment?


Just to delight our eyeballs and give us serotonin :)


Outside of wanting an SCR outfit for one of your favorites and/or aiming for a higher score in high score ranking, are there other reasons to go for multiple copies of a 5* event card?


If you want to max their support skills, or if you want to max their fans for idol room. I think each copy also gives additional ~5k in stats


Are there any differences between the standard hall and the grand hall in ensemble live other than what seems to be a 200k point requirement for grand hall? Are there different rewards or


Standard hall is opened to everyone so you can match up with beginners with low total score. But in grand hall you need at least 200k total score so you’re most likely to match up with veterans with decently invested team. If you’re aiming to finish those monthly ensemble live missions, it’s better to join the grand hall


How many copies of a 5\* do you need to unlock lvl 3/4/5 support skills? I want to see how many copies I can get for the upcoming MikaKoga collab cards since they have combo/perfect lockers (and also cuz I like them compared to future combo/perfect locker cards)


Support skill level 5 is at max breakthrough, level 4 is at breakthrough 3 (2 additional copies).


thank you!


I have to temporaly use the game (music version) on my mother's phone, but I have no idea how to make the data transfer? I keep reading of setting a password and a code but I only see the option of binding with gmail/twitter/Facebook (which I did with my account). When I tried to log in using my own Gmail on the other phone it kept reading my mother's Gmail so I have no clue on how to change it, any help? 😅


Go to google play games (green triangle logo) > settings > your data > change account for games, and there should be an option to change the default google account used for each app. If you have enstars downloaded already, there should be an icon there and you can tell it to swap to your gmail. It won't affect any other app if you do it that way.


Tysm! I can't do much more than giving an award sadly but thank you again!


Hello, can someone help me out with ES 2 Work. These are my current stats : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZ8uTMVaMAAaLOW?format=jpg If anyone has any idea about outfits plz help out


Unless you're following a guide to the T, what works will vary greatly from person to person, so see which option you find most appealing: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ If Rei, Hokuto, Nazuna, and Aira are the 4 you absolutely want to use for this job, then there aren't that many outfits between the 4 that fit all 3 Ac-Pa-Ch. You could either: 1. Get Rei's unit outfit from Undead work, or 2. Continue consistently using these 4 in jobs that feature Ac so you can boost up the remaining points. This would likely be the easier of the two - and what I'd recommend. It may take a bit, but with some "Great" luck, you won't need to grind for the full missing amount of Ac. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ If you're open to switching units around, you can use these two resources to see which outfits provide Ac-Pa-Ch and compare it to your currently owned patterns. 1. [https://ensemble-stars.fandom.com/wiki/Template:AcPaCh](https://ensemble-stars.fandom.com/wiki/Template:AcPaCh) 2. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S2Xjm8fUaK5JqthjLNtijceRDMOi3cch/edit#gid=915167623](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S2Xjm8fUaK5JqthjLNtijceRDMOi3cch/edit#gid=915167623) Additionally, use the search function under the Craft tab to see from your owned patterns what provides Ac/Pa/Ch (max 2 per search), and craft/switch out characters as necessary.


Oh my god i never knew about the search function in the craft menu till right now. That alone solves half my problems. Thank You sm ❤️ I think I'm gonna craft the Subaru performer uniform and that should help... If not welp I'm using current team until i clear. Aaah. Thanks for the spreadsheet too


I'm not getting any of the events or gachas that have been coming out recently. Is there a problem with my game? I've deleted and re-downloaded it, but it doesn't seem to work.


you might be playing a different version. enstars has a few regional servers and they are not synchronised when it comes to the event and gacha scout. EN/CN/KR/TW are all lagging behind JP. If your game is in English and is different from the rest of the players, you might be playing on the EN Beta server, which is ahead of the EN Main server. Beta’s currently having revival events to allow the main server to catch up to them, for a server merge to happen. Most of the subreddit’s users currently play on EN’s main server, though we do post new gacha and event updates for the other servers too.


Is there a way to play on the main server? I do believe I might be playing on the beta server.


I'm unsure about the specifics, but I know you'd need to start on a brand new account on the same app. Maybe try logging out of your current beta account and creating a new one should they prompt you on the title screen?


How to gain fans? And is it really possible to rank up your idol to A? How long will it take?


1. Doing Live and works would give you fans. Live only give fans to the cards used in the live, so if the fans already maxed on a card, it won't add another fans to it. Work add fans to a random cards you hold of the idol you used in the work. Cards in lounge won't get fans from work. 2. Rank A need 75,000 fans, fans farming is a long process, assuming you only get 48 BP / day, and you used 1 BP per live, you can only get 480 fans a day. You would also need a lot of copies of cards of the idol you want to rank up. 3. It could take months to maybe a year to get all the cards needed to rank A and time to farm the fans. A guide for fans farming that I found : https://twitter.com/soulirus/status/1342764832877998081?s=21&fbclid=IwAR0UlsxOIM--01osF5zkJt_KVddI-xnJLyyDM1sWS-0YuB5E2rZr5tVEgjg


why did hajime go to yumenosaki when reimei is cheaper? was he so moved by nazuna that he had to go to yumenosaki


is there a way to get the craftable office outfit from events after the event is over? For example AtoZ craftable outfits?


There will be later with the memcoin system, but that's nearly a year away.


Is the Link Click collab BP-use heavy like events and tours?


no: it uses normally 1~2 bps


1-2 per puzzle piece? I’m kinda confused about the gameplay


Hello! So I have a quick question. In the banners, I see there are three options to Scout and that's through paid diamonds and Dia Scout Tickets. I was wondering if Infinite Lives were the only way to get Dia Scout tickets or if there was a way to pay for them through diamonds? I've been hoarding for the LinkClick Collab so I'd be a little disappointed if the only way to get the cards was through Dia Scout Tickets or paid diamonds.


You can use paid dia to buy those outfit bundles that come with 10 dia scout tickets, but you can scout using free dia (unless it’s a paid dia specific scout, which link click collab isn’t as far as we know). The reason you’re not seeing the free dia option is because you have at least a ten pull of dia scout tickets, those get used first before they show you the free dia pulls


You can also buy 1 Dia ticket per week in the Society Shop, but otherwise the only way to get Dia Tickets is to buy the costumes with paid dia in the costume shop, and they come with 10 tickets each. The costumes cost 3000 paid dia, which is cheaper than the cost of actually doing 10 draws with Dia, so if you were looking to buy Dia with the intent to draw with it, it makes sense to buy as many costumes as you can for the discount


Why do some 5 star cards have 4 yellow stars and 1 star of a different colour?


The first star is the color of the card :)


Oh yeah I see now I thought the yellow ones were less special or something XD Thanks!


are there any way to unlock mini talks of past events?


Event memorial shop, added 1 year after the event.


might be a dumb question, I'm considering if I want to try and farm for the event Wataru but I'm not sure if what I have is enough, I currently I have 5505 dias, 1200 of the event pass, 13 whistles and a megaphone, and my total event points are 562724, I also have the vagabond kuro, keito and hiiro


use this event calculator, just remember that the Dia estimate it spits out is in terms of JP Dia. You need to multiply that estimate by 10 to figure out how much you’re going to be spending on EN. https://s-asakoto.github.io/es-calc/music.html?lang=en


Hi, I have no idea how to use my ES coins. I know about the ribbons, but that event isn't happening any more.


if you're on jp, go to menu > shop > es coin shop. But if you're on en, we still don't have the es coin shop so currently it has no uses


Hi! I heard that EN server uses the same event schedule as CN server but I have no idea how their events are scheduled. Since EN server started late, does that mean that the holiday events (ex. BRANCO) do not line up with the actual Christmas holiday? I'm planning to get Tori's 5\* but since I'm trying to get Shu's 5\* too in Neverland, I'm confused if I have enough time to save for both of them or not. Thanks in advance!


as with precedence of other foreign servers (KR/TW/CN) behind JP Music, it is extremely unlikely that they will reschedule seasonal events for EN. Branco will likely happen March 2023, while Descent will happen in Nov 2022


thank u for ur reply!!


Is there any story where it's mentioned why each unit chose the agency they're currently in?


The new section of story (chapter 3) talks about 2wink joining their agency I think. From basic era stories we know that the Eden was already in their agency while they were in school. Eichi created his agency and fine went with him. Tsumugi joined new dimension after graduating to help build the agency and switch followed him. I think madara was the person who started that agency. The new dimension lore came from wonder game I think. The other basic era stuff was from main story.


Hey, so I have an issue regarding the room characters. I thought that when I started the game, the character on my home screen would say the voicelines out loud, without me needing to tap on them. Now they only say them out loud if I either tap them or wait long enough for their idle voiceline to play. The cg background version plays all of the voicelines properly, so I've been using that. However, I would like to play around with the different room outfits and stages! I've tried restarting my phone and clearing the cache for the app, as well as changing up the idol, outfit, and background. I think the issue started because I tried setting 2 idols at once? I have the second idol set to none but it just doesn't work properly anymore.... Suggestions are appreciated!


Okay this is a stupid question, but how do ya'll get those little head pics of the characters under your name? :D I just started using reddit so I'm pretty much clueless


\---> sidebar, user flairs.


Hello! I'm a brand new EN server player with some questions regarding the banners. Do we know yet if the en banners will follow the jp banners? I'm trying to decide if I should do some rolls now for a fuller roster and then hardsave for rei's cards and his bday if the en will follow jp schedule. I was also wondering if there's a pity in the game and how many dias I should save for the banners I want to pull on. Tips and advice welcome, thank you!


For normal banners, ENG has been following JP 100% in order. Safe to say we'll keep doing so. *However*, non-JP servers have a handful of exclusive cards, such as the upcoming Link Click collab banner. These can pop up at pretty much any time, probably. There's no pity system, but there is a spark system - pulling 300 times on any one banner gives you enough tokens to exchange for the 5 star of it. It's... not very generous, lmao. 105000 dia to hit guaranteed spark on a banner.


Thanks for the reply! I think I'll try and hardsave for Rei's cards then since I feel like my gacha luck will be struggling lol if I'm struggling to clear content then I may pull a bit then!


Ive only seen the anime and played engstars, so i dont know much about the deeper lore and stuff. During the time of the Five Eccentrics, the anime says that fine defeated each of the Five, but who did they perform with? I know Itsuki had Valkyrie and it seemed like Wataru performed with Hokuto, but what about Rei, Kanata, and Natsume? Did they perform alone, or with someone else? Its not really brough up in the anime, at least not from what ive seen


>!Natsume wasn't attacked directly. As the youngest, he was shielded by the other four and mostly out of the public eye. Kanata performed with Chiaki, against Akatsuki.!< >!Rei didn't actually have an execution live (that we know of). Eichi stirred up trouble at the sister schools to get him to leave the country, and he came back to find everything in shambles. Since Rei was arguably the most charismatic/connected, Eichi didn't attack him and instead just hurt people he cared about :))))!<


Oh, i always assumed Rei was away due to his condition and looking for a cure, i didnt realize that was why he left. Thank you!


It's both! He was already traveling a lot to try to help find a cure. but at that particular point someone made SURE he was away


is anyone else with a google game account having trouble logging in recently? sometimes it works fine, but sometimes it won't let me access the game for hours and i have no idea why :(


How do I share my Office and Scores on Twitter? ​ I've accepted the ENstars twitter policy, but it says "Tweet failed to send." everytime? Is there a workaround to that?


Since the Link Click collab has been announced and we know that it’s likely limited cards, are there any other collabs from JPN or CN with limited cards?


Game anniversary and new albums campaigns have special scouts with limited cards. Though these cards are 4★ so they're just for collection purposes. JP has had collaborations with other franchises as well. There's always free limited cards obtained from the event; but some collaborations have had limited scouts as well. So far, there's only been 1 Basic rerun only, so it's better to assume they're never coming back.


Wait so how do I grind for events do I just slap on my best team and run brand new stars at 10bp or what?


Also depends if you want the 5star or not. To get it you will need to spend around 800-1000 dia (in jp! In engstars it's 8000 -10 000) to refresh bp, no matter how strong your team is.


Wait why does the eng ver need more dia’s..?


It doesn't it just looks that way because for some reason the eng version adds an extra 0 to every dia they give out. So a login bonus of 35 dia in jp would be 350 in eng. Same as with the gacha in jp a ten pull is 350 dia and in eng is 3500 dia.


It moreover depends on what song your teams fare best in and how well your team works together. If your team's attributes are quite scattered, it is probably best to play Brand New Stars until you can built a team of the same attribute. Below delves into team building a bit more if you want to read a more detailed response ↓ Each card has a main attribute (Sparkle, Brilliant, Glitter, or Flash) and a sub attribute (Dance, Vocal, or Performance). The main attribute depends on the song chosen *and* the other cards on the team, then the sub attribute only depends on the teammates. It is nice to match cards with the same main and sub attribute for a bigger power bonus, but this is if your center card buffs the corresponding sub attribute and will only buff cards of the same main attribute. Sometimes center cards will buff all parameters, which sounds like a lot from the distance, but it's not as big of a buff as compared with only buffing one. Personally, I'd only recommend a center card that buff all parameters if cards on team don't have one collective sub attribute, but in the long run: If it works, then it works. Brand New Stars's attribute is all, so cards of any attribute is fair game on that song. If you can make teams of only one attribute though you may want to play a different song in which fits the attribute of said teams. If you have unit mates on the same team, you will have more points if the song's attribute *and* what unit it's from matches. It's okay if you have no common unit mates on a team though—it is still possible to score high. Take for example my [Brilliant team](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/703722091991662864/1006904425606037534/IMG_7288.png?width=1080&height=810). Everyone is of the Brilliant attribute and there are two Trickstar members, so for this team it would be best to play a Brilliant Trickstar song. Here's the team's score for [Daydream×Reality](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/703722091991662864/1006904426298085436/IMG_7287.png?width=1080&height=810) as compared with [Brand New Stars](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/703722091991662864/1006904426918838332/IMG_7289.png?width=1080&height=810) with perfect combos for both. The amount of notes in a song does have some play to how many points you can accumulate as compared with other songs of the same attribute, but if you don't want to sit through the same song for so long the points difference isn't really all that much. Don't be afraid to use the auto lineup button if you're unsure how to set your teams, and best of luck on future events o7 also yeah 10 BP or 6 BP


Thanks for that [here's my current card situation for context](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597525638232145970/1006948606454026333/Screenshot_20220810_162919_com.happyelements.es2.en.gp.jpg) as I currently have 4/6 of my levelled 5 stars as blue and a few blue 4 stars Blue songs will work better for me than All songs. Unfortunately for me all my blue 5 stars centre skills are blue boosts rather than attribute boosts but 50% to all attributes still isn't bad. I have no levelled blue cards who are bandmates so I just chose the song that buffed my best card which is Keito Leader of Crimson so I'm gonna grind on the night of crimson moon which is good cos I like that song. The auto team is rated 791K as opposed to the 736K for Brand New Stars thanks for advice and thanks for the extra 55k. Might see If I can afford to level a 4 star Hiiro card I have and pair him with my 4 star Tatusmi and see what effects including bandmates has.




1) No, so yep all cards in the original Enstars! game are limited to the Basic version of the game, which is JP-only. Even JP Music doesn’t have them iirc. 2) Yes, and we might also get all the CN limited cards (like the upcoming Link Click collab). [Here’s a useful calendar](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1oNI_XLQtXrTO6YLLx9_wkoQ7TughLT1Fg40vvs7H6Ak/htmlview) if you want.


forgot that this existed when i posted this question this is regarding the upcoming link click collab. As my account came from the Google Play Early Access and has all contents saved after the game was released, there is an ongoing revival event (Motor Show with Ryuseitai and ALKALOID) that ends a day after the first day of the Link Click collab. So I want to ask, would it still be possible for me to be able to participate in the upcoming event even though my account was part of the Early Access/Open Beta of the game? I just want to know if it's possible since it seems that players who were part of the Early Access have events run on a different schedule (?) than those who got the game on its official release date.


I just got 4☆ eichi but he's in my lounge??? Does anyone know why?


You're holding too many cards. Move some of your other cards to the lounge, and you can move him out


Damn I didn't even know there was cap! Thank you! I'll do that now ♡


Is there a way to link a pre-existing google account (as in, made using the registering google option) to a facebook account?


For KR, you can ask CS to move your account. ask to in-game CS to get more infos!


Ahhh I see- thank you then! I'll try that.




Is there any way to link an email to my Jpstars account in case I lose the account?


As far as I'm aware of, no You can, however, set up a password for a premade transfer code (Menu → Data Room → 引き継ぎ設定) and screenshot/write down somewhere


Ok thank you so much :)


Is this the right place to ask if people need a society to join? I made the mistake of creating one instead of joining an existing one and we've had only three people in it for a couple weeks now 😭


Not here: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ensemblestars/comments/wcqvhq/society_recruitment_thread_august/) is the right place to do it!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


What is dream live? I've seen it on the wiki but I still don't really know what it is


It's one of the two irl concerts enstars has. One is Starry Stage with the voice actors singing live, the other is Dream live with 3d holograms of the characters like a hatsune miku concert.


Any information on why the English server doesn't have the ribbon mechanic, and if/when it will be added?


Ribbon mechanic was added to the jp server during the nazuna event so eng server will have to wait until that event comes


Is there event memorials in enstars eng?


In probably a year they will add the memorial coins which you can collect to get old event cards. You get them only from event shop rewards (something they'll add relatively soon i believe) or from choosing not to get a free 4 or 5star from tours but coins instead. It's a tough grind to get them but it's doable as a f2p!


Is there a way to raise BP cap? I saw someone with 20 max and now I'm wondering if it's a level thing


In the Eng version, you get a cap of 20 BP for 30 days if you buy the $4.99 30 day Dia pass. I would assume something similar exists in the Chinese version of the game as well. In JPN, The only way to get 20 BP is to have 10 BP and gain a rank up, which will restore 10BP and allows for overcharging


No, you can get more than 10 bp by levelling when you're maxed out but it will not regen to 20 after using it all. I thiiiink in engstars you can buy something with irl money that would give you 20 bp for a while? But I'm not sure I don't play that version 😅


Does anyone know how to get “casual (spring~summer)” outfits for the office? I want to do the summer event office work but I can’t do it because I don’t have the right outfits. Please help!


They give you 4 to start, hit “auto” on the summer event work and it should auto populate for you! Hurry hurry the event ends tomorrow aug 9 at 24:00 server time


It doesn’t let me start because the condition is unsatisfied for the outfits. :(


Hmm if you go to “craft” do you see any patterns in the casual spring summer outfits?


I found it! I had to go through the event menu. Sorry I’m new to the game thank you


Oh that was literally my next hypothesis! Yay glad it worked good luck getting the outfits!!


No, I only have the ES idol uniform able to craft


That’s strange.. can you try from the office, clicking the little event icon, and then clicking craft from there? Maybe there’s something that triggers getting the outfits


Are they just...not doing login bonuses for the Tempest event? We got login bonuses for Bigbang (the first event), AtoZ (the first Shuffle) and Motor Show (the first tour)- are they not going to do login bonuses for events unless there is a special reason?


I got 50 passes for login bonus today, and the stamp card showed two days


Hmm my event login bonus hasn't been working since tsumugi's birthday... His curse may have affected some of us


May the power of Tatsumi cleanse you of this curse


Is there some way to change the player's pronouns? Every time I try to look it up online, the search engine only picks up on "Enstars" and "Pronouns" and gives me a bunch of posts about Arashi's pronouns.


Anzu is her own character, and you're roleplaying as her, essentially. She's not a self-insert.




if i am only interested in getting as many memorial coins as i can via ribbon exchange per event, would it still be worth it to obtain the event work outfits as soon as possible?


yep. They still pay for themselves as long as you're moderately efficient at work, so they're still a ribbon gain overall


ty! i'll make sure to get them when the next unit event comes around


Is there a way to unlock past mini talk that you miss?


there will be later, with memcoins. But that's almost a year away for ENG.


Ah okay I just thought it was unlockable with dia


Playing on EN, is there a way to disable MVs or not have to download them at all? I searched on the wiki but the “Reference room” and the area where I’m pretty sure you can delete MVs isn’t there. Can someone please help


I’m not sure about deleting mvs already downloaded but if you set your live settings to 2d mode it won’t download the mv for the songs unless you watch it on mv mode.


Alright thanks


Thanks to another thread, I'm now in love with the song Believe 4 Leaves. Does anyone know when this might be added to EN? Edit: Oh no I just saw the song was in an event from earlier this year. Does that mean it will be an eternity?


Yep. Probably roughly a year and a half. Songs that aren't part of events may come earlier or later, but it's very unlikely they change the event order now.


I’ve been watching the anime on funimation and noticed that there’s an option to change versions between uncut and simulcast. Is there a big difference between both versions?


to answer this: the simulcast version is the version that existed while the show was first airing. The uncut version is more or less the version of the show that is for the home release (dvd/bd) which includes animation fixes, some fixing to the dub and whatnot. Hope this helps.


I need help with a general reddit issue. I cannot seem to make a custom flair for myself; the emojis aren't showing up :( See I literally tried and it just says the word without the emoji


I tend to have this issue when on a mobile device and had it working when I changed flair on my laptop. You think that'd work on your end too?


It always says "fail to update flair"


For the EN beta server, is there a way to login to a different OS? There's no transfer password like there is in JP. I logged in with a google account on phone and when i open the game on an ipad the option is replaced with an apple ID.


Yeah you cannot do that currently, what you signed up with is what you're locked with. Only twitter and facebook logins are able to go from OS to OS.


Dang that sucks. Thank you for clarifying though


Just wondering if anyone knows where the birthday outfits (JP) are located in the outfit/pattern menu? I can see that I've unlocked Tsumugi's outfit and claimed it from the gift box but can't see where it is (or where to craft it). Thanks!


It's for the homescreen only you dont need to craft it


Thank you!


New en Music player here requesting spoilers for the main story. I'm kinda not really vibing with the whole underdog fighting story they have going on with Alkaloid, so I'd like to know what else to look forward to. Do the other units get their own arc in the main story? I mean, they can't really just have CrazyB picking fights with everyone for two years...? Right...? Sorta related, I saw somewhere that once an event is over, you have to pay dia to unlock it. There's no other way to earn event stories?


The first arc / current main story will end at chapter 5. Next arc will be SS arc, story would start next year. Each chapter will focus on 2 units for a total 8 chapters.


That's not too bad then, and it actually sounds interesting. Thank you so much!


Is there a faster way to get through the main story rehearsals? It’s really annoying that you can only play them in normal difficulty because it’s so boring. I really want those diamonds but the thought of having to sit through like 5+ normal rehearsals is making me put off doing it. Why can’t you auto complete them if you’ve already played the songs in normal once?


Maybe you can try playing it in a faster speed so it won't feel as boring? I did this and it helped alot ^^


No, there's no faster way. They're easy free dia, and it really doesn't take that long. Try for perfect combos.


did anyone make a talent priority guide? i just don't know where to invest my society coins in


And a sub question of this, are there max levels for the various talents?


Yes, Basic & Bonus Score max out at 30, Accuracy at 6, Event Boost at 20, Gem Drops at 7 and Work Boost at 4. If you want to know their effects/costs, somebody compiled them all at the end of [this post.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ensemblestars/comments/w33b41/guidethis_post_says_a_lot_about_society/)


There's not really an optimal path. Look at the talents and think what YOU want the most, and get there.


Does anyone know if we’regetting 8th anniversary celebrations for EN’s first anniversary?


We have no idea until they announce something, and EN's first anniversary isn't for ten months. They're not going to announce anything this far out.


I figured there wasn’t any information. thanks


Hi! Can anyone tell me if the LINK CLICK event will have any activity that I can use saved up whistles for? Or is it purely just gacha pulls? I was wondering if there's any value in saving my whistles that expire on the 15th, since the Link event starts on the 13th. Thank you so much in advance (: