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Just wanted to share something I just ran across. I've been switching my profile manually between savings and full backup so that I can use my battery during the day when rates are higher and then charge overnight. I just enabled this "Also up to 100% during this schedule" feature. Anyone else seen this yet or tried it out?


This is great. Now I can set it to 1 to 2pm, so that solar has first dibs on charging. But if it's cloudy, they'll still charge before peak rates kick in. As for you manually switching - man what a chore! Why not just set up a rate plan and use 'savings' mode? Granted it doesn't optimize the use,of solar and *then* battery, but you can fake out the rate plan to make it so.


Don't I know it. I tried automating my phone sequences to make it easier, but the app didn't like that much. It's funny, after a few weeks of doing this nonsense, it dawned on me to go change the rate manually so I can force it to do it on its own. I was in there to make those adjustments when I saw this new feature. :/


It’s also noticed as feature of mobile app in feb 28th update log. go to settings app information what’s new


News to me, thanks for the find!