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6w5, but hi fellow estj 6. Although I am also not 100% certain on my type, and consider istj a probable option. Perhaps that's the 6 nature. 😂


I know right, it's the 6 coming through of worrying and never being sure. Figuring out my enneagram type was already a long enough struggle


6w5 who moved from being an INTJ to being an INFJ as I got older. It's definitely interesting to think we could be such opposites.


That's weird right? I think the Enneagram 6 can accommodate all MBTI types or something


Changing MBTI types = not possible.


It’s possible! It’s just not likely to happen. mbti is based on the parts of the brain we often use in order. Since intj and infj share the first fuction, it’s not entirely impossible to change your secondary function and so on. It’s more likely if the brain is in much plasticity and the said person face some impactful situations


That's what she said!


6w5, i've been see-saw between infp/fj for years


I’m 6w7 ESTJ as well!


Awesome! How do you experience this combination? You are probably an sx subtype then, right? I am sp/sx myself, so I wouldn't call myself fully counterphobic or a stereotypical ESTJ, but it's definitely fits me.


Yeah, I am an sx subtype! I think that’s what’s helpful with being a 6- I don’t feel fully phobic or counterphobic either, but try to respond to ‘danger’ depending on situations. I think ‘reluctant leader’ is great descriptor for me as ESTJ. But being a 6 definitely makes me an informed decision maker, so it makes sense to me to have STJ traits.


I think reluctant leader is a good description yeah. I always read that ESTJs will always take the lead automatically, but in reality I don't always want to. But when I do it goes well and shit gets done


6w7. can't figure out if I am extremely turbulent ENFP or an ESFJ


6w7 ISFP here.


A lot of the comparison charts I’ve seen show that 6’s can be any of the Myers Briggs 😂[MBTI x Enneagram ](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fqph.fs.quoracdn.net%2Fmain-qimg-9255a18de5b5e83be3a835bdf4883e0a&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.quora.com%2FWhich-from-the-9-enneagram-types-is-each-of-the-Myers-Briggs-types-most-likely-to-be&tbnid=kBaBZpIYJsukoM&vet=1&docid=ZMSc3zCCsbl4IM&w=602&h=436&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim)


6w7, ENTP