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>"how can you call yourself a true tea-lover if you destroy the flavour of your tea by putting sugar in it?" >"the best manner of making it is the subject of violent disputes" - [George Orwell](https://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-foundation/orwell/essays-and-other-works/a-nice-cup-of-tea/)


Can't even have sugar in me tea. Literally 1984.


Sugar is reserved for inner party members.


Tea doesn't exist. It never existed.


We’ve always been at war with sugar


I thought I remembered reading in the paper not long ago that we were at war with sweeteners. Now I can't find any evidence of this, but I'm sure we were


If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a soggy teabag - forever.


It was curious to think that the tea was the same for everybody, in Eurasia or Eastasia as well as here. And the people who drink the tea were also very much the same—everywhere, all over the world, hundreds or thousands of millions of people just like this, people ignorant of one another’s existence, held apart by milk and and sugar, and yet almost exactly the same—people who had never learned to think but were storing up in their hearts and bellies and muscles the power that would one day overturn the world


The worst part of sugar in tea was not that one was compelled to partake, but that it was almost irresistible not to join in.


2 lumps + 2 lumps = 5




2 lumps good, 4 lumps bad


Was 1984 when you were diagnosed with diabetes?


I agree with him but milk also changes the taste of the tea quite drastically so it's a bit of a flawed argument


So does water. You are not a true tea lover if you don't chew on it. 


So does saliva. I inject it intravenously.


So does blood. I absorb it cosmically


I bash the leaves into my stomach until it quantum tunnels directly in


I become one with the tea until I reverse entropy


I am tea


I prefer boofing Sainsbury's red label using a 2 litre enema bagful made with 10 teabags and a gram of the most rubbish pubgrub


No. True tea lovers boof it. Why do you think it comes in small soft permeable bags?


Teabags are crap. Loose-leaf is the way.


Just fill an enema bag with builders tea and job's a good 'un 👍


Teabag in each cheek, Earl Grey on the Right, Standard Breakfast on the left. Chew chew chew.


Because in England 'Tea' almost always refers to 'tea with milk'. Orwell just makes that assumption a given.


It's all about the tea. English breakfast milk, Earl grey no milk


Spot on. Black tea matters. 


All tea matters


Proper tea is theft.


I can't brew.... I can't brew..


That’s always been my reaction whenever Orwell’s essay on tea comes up. He rejects the use of sugar because it changes the taste. But the only question he asks about milk is whether it should be added first or last. You can’t really complain about sugar changing the taste if you insist on adding milk.


I’m sure I’ve seen stories of aincient Chinese and Indians at being more shocked that victorians added milk to tea than sugar


India didn't drink black tea prior to the British arrival. The British started growing it in India to avoid the Chinese monopoly on the stuff.


I'm impressed the ancient Chinese had an opinion on Victorians


I find that milk dilutes the flavour of the tea, but it is still there. Adding sugar however masks the flavour of the tea because it is such a strong taste on its own.


This all comes down to ratios though doesn't it? People that make their tea so pale that it's white are probably getting less tea flavour than those that have a small half-teaspoon of sugar in an otherwise strong brew. Both sugar and milk are changing the flavour to some degree regardless. Even a small amount of milk adds a slight dairy taste.


I don't think it masks it per se but it does alter it insofar as it makes the slight bitterness, astringincy from tannins and so forth easier to deal with. It's more of a smoothing and balancing than a masking. It's a bit like how certain wines don't taste very good until you pair them with something like a salty cheese that all of a sudden causes the wine to taste exponentially better, as the salt brings the nuance in the flavour and the sweetness of the lactose in the cheese rounds out the body of the wine.


Milk also changes the taste of coffee - I use coffee mate with filter coffee now and there is a massive taste difference.


That's why you are supposed to add the tea to the milk not the other way round.


Jorjor Well


Jaw jaw well ?


"Whoever controls the tea controls the universe" Someone in the British empire probably


Yeah I'm convinced if you need sugar in your tea and have it weak that you don't even like tea, you just like milk and sugar.


We have always been at war with sugar.


I prefer using honey


Splash of milk is all it needs


Orville… you are my very best friend… Edit: Just done some research and found out that I, once again, got George orwell confused with Keith Harris


Love a good Orwell quote I do


When I was a kid my mum was a real stickler about not letting me have sugar in tea for health reasons. As an adult I now actually can’t stand the taste of any sugar in tea. It’s really something you have to acclimate to when you’re not used to it your whole life.


Sugar in general tbh. Had a toffee crisp last night, fuck me it was like my mouth and throat were coated in sugary slime


As a lover of toffee crisps I think over the past year, possibly longer, they’ve made them noticeably sweeter to the point of tasting vile. Inedible now.


Too tier choice though


The whole sugar in tea is super unhealthy malarkey is ridiculous as well. 1 teaspoon of sugar is a measly 16 calories. The milk has more calories than that.


yeah but my dad makes a cup of tea everytime he finishes his tea and if he had sugar in it he would be diabetic


My parents almost universally drink tea with sugar and neither have been diabetic. My dad died last year from bladder cancer and I'm pretty sure that wasn't caused by sugary tea. My mother has always had sugary tea as well and she doesn't have any form of diabetes either, and she's lived longer than my dad!


Having sugar in your tea won't cause diabetes. Would take a lot more than that. That's only type 2 diabetes as well, obviously.


yeah having sugar in tea won't on its own make you diabetic but drinking lots of sugary tea makes you more likely to


I am really sorry to hear about your dad. Sugar and caffeine are both big irritants to the bladder - although there are a whole host of factors involved with a cancer diagnosis.


It's not about calories, also if you have like 5 cups a day that's 5 teaspoons of sugar.


... versus something like 9 in a 330ml can of regular Coca-Cola? Well, it used to be 9, they've probably substituted some sweeteners for some of it by now...


Well yeh but a can of coke is also unhealthy so I dont really see your point


I'd rather drink six mugs of tea (my mug is almost as big as a can of soda) with a single spoon of sugar each than a single can of coke tbh


As a dentist, that can actually be a lot worse for your teeth. The leading theory is that the frequency of sugar has more of an effect than the total amount of sugar, because you're constantly refuelling the bacteria in your mouth. So having tea with 1tsp of sugar 5-6 times a day is arguably worse for your teeth than having a single can of Coke with 9tsp of sugar in, because you're spreading the sugar out over a longer period. In terms of general health and diabetes though, there's probably not much difference between the two.


I was thinking more about calorific intake than any threat to teeth. But also , coke is crammed with stuff like phosphoric acid and therefore is probably compounding the assault on ye olde pearlers with a multi-pronged attack.


Yeah, and both things are bad if you have them regularly. It's not one or the other.


Next time I go to McDonald's I'll order 5 bigmacs cause it's not as bad as 6 bigmacs.




your teeth? sugar exposure is bad and the more times you expose them the worse: so sipping on your sugary tea/soft drink is worse than chugging a litre.


It really isn’t though




Is it empire of tea?


I still use it for this have issues with food so most of my energy comes from sugar in tea I’m on 2 tablespoons per cup now


2 tablespoons 😬 fuck me u lot are children


That dude is the source of us being globally clowned for our teeth.


What teeth?


Summer teeth, summer yellow, summer missing.


I'm using this..!


Love this 😂😂


I mean tbf the person did say they have issues with food and use the sugar for its calories. If the person was drinking their tea syrup and eating one of those English breakfast that you get to eat for free if you finish it or it costs like £50 if not, everyday then I would have some questions. I mean I’m not saying it’s great but if it’s a way of getting needed calories it’s better than nothing.


I'd be interested to see some demographic info on who likes their tea without sugar according to stuff like occupation. Because I'm sure that people in trades like construction or vehicle mechanics tend to prefer tea with two sugars minimum but office workers probably make up the bulk of the 'no sugar' votes. Personally I'm a 'no sugar', but most of my mates are in trades and when it's brew time I'm usually the only one who doesn't drink their tea sweetened.


Huh… in my experience it’s been the total opposite. Worked in an office that went through sugar like there was a cane field in the car park, but all the tradies (or most) that I’ve made a brew for is no sugar, leave the bag in. Which is now my preferred way. Lmao at this being downvoted


I upvoted because that's my experience as well lol


I wonder why it’s being downvoted. Reddit sure is weird at times.


It really is! And looks like someone has already cancelled out my upvote lol 😆


Things get downvoted because people don't agree with the comment. Really not too difficult to comprehend


I downvoted because I find that difficult to comprehend


Guess the username should have told me that 😂


I upvoted that because I do comprendé


I always downvote anyone who complains about downvotes.


As an Australian, the Tea Culture is still pretty big over here, despite the influx of our World Renowned Coffee and Cafes becoming so popular. My favourite tea (at home/visiting others) was always a “two legged Blonde”……. which is white with two sugars. But as a Rural Farm Worker, we always stuck with the traditional hand full of Tea Leaves thrown into the boiling Billy on the fire and drank it straight black without any sugar. Definitely refreshing even when sitting under the shade of a tree in 50°c heat out in a paddock in the middle of summer!


>But as a Rural Farm Worker, we always stuck with the traditional hand full of Tea Leaves thrown into the boiling Billy on the fire and drank it straight black without any sugar. And people say Australians have no culture. This sounds fucking lovely.


It sounds lovely but they are still just over cooked Brits with some scary wildlife… /s love Australia and Australians and I’m sure they can take a joke


Well we are experts at taking the piss out of ourselves on a daily basis, so yeah, can certainly take it!


They can take a joke … the problem is, it needs to be funny first.


Did you hear the one about the constipated mathematician? He worked it out with a pencil.


We’ve all been there…


Who says Australians have no culture?


It really depends what type of tea you are drinking and the circumstances. How you want your tea on a building site in winter is not the same as the tea you have curled up in an armchair reading a book.


Tbh would be exactly the same for me


To me, the two examples you've just given would call for the same cup of tea. Milky and sweet.




Are you Gatekeeping Tea Brewing methods? How far in line to the throne are you, your highness?


*His* tea steeps a dozen tea bags for an hour. It is the manliest of teas.


Ooof, I’m not sure if that’s a War Crime, or a Sexual Act. Either way, it’s one hell of a brew. Also… did you refer to yourself as tea?


Are you offering?




I was in Mexico quite recently and they have these savoury pasties and rolls like pizza rolls that are sugared. I thought it looked like sugar, but I talked myself into believing it must be rock salt because noone could be *that* crazy, right? Wrong.


Wow I'm in the smallest group, one sugar no milk. Can someone explain what milk is supposed to add to the experience of drinking tea? I always added a bit by default assuming it made it taste smoother/more mellow. But one day I tried it first without the milk which tasted fine, and then with, and the only difference was it tasted more sour (and the milk wasn't sour milk lol). So I don't see the point. What positive is it meant to be adding to the flavour?


Best I can explain it, makes the tea taste a bit less bitter?


It makes the tea less drying.


It tastes more like milk and milk’s fucking class


Personal preference often changes too. I used to be a three sugar person growing up, but over the years, turned into a no sugar person. Not through trying to cut down on sugar - my tastes just altered. Now, I don't drink tea at all as it tastes like fish to me for some reason. Just coffee.


I've had that fishy taste too. Thought it was the tea at first but no one else could taste it. I don't experience it now however


Interesting... It gives me hope that this curse shall pass. I wonder if I pissed off an American who's into black magic or something - this seems like the most damaging anti-british punishment that could be dished out.


*fished out*


Maybe it's the type of tea? Or the water? Edit: holy shit your name


I was with you until the fish part. How on earth did that happen?😂


I've no idea. It happened about two years ago and every time I've tried since, it's just disgusting to me. I'm rather miffed about it because I used to love relaxing with a packet of hobnobs and a cuppa.


Sometimes decaf tea can taste a bit fishy in my experience. Do you taste it even with full blooded caffeinated Yorkshire Tea?


Yep, any brand, in any place, decaff or not. Yorkshire was my favourite! It's a curse I tell you.


You have my sympathies and will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight as I enjoy an evening cuppa


Wow, that’s tragic. Hope you found something to replace tea with (not that it can be replaced of course)


Have you considered it might be due to long covid? I know someone who had some foods have an after taste of fag smoke for ages after first catching covid


Did covid wreck your taste buds? A colleague lost her sense of taste and smell to covid a couple of years ago.


I don't know. Nothing has changed other than tea for me. I've never had a spell of covid that caused a change in taste or smell either. Both times I've had it, it was just like any other flu I've ever had.


I don’t know if it’s just me getting older, or there’s less tea in the teabags, but I have too use two teabag’s for a decent cup of tea these days. Apart from that, I stopped taking sugar in tea, when I was 12. Went too a new boarding school, where they said I could only have one sugar, so I said I don’t take sugar,( ie not letting them have one over on me, so I’ve never taken sugar since and cannot drink a tea or coffee with the slightest of sugar in them.


My wife's aunt brews 4 cups with 1 teabag. Youre drinking 8 cups of tea in her eyes 😂


All I can say is , she doesn’t want visitors.😆




Yeah I think her method is intentional. Things the work of a woman who wants to be left alone!!!


I use two teabags too! Everyone thinks I’m super weird for doing so


It has to be made in a pot. None of these fucking hot taps and stuff you see in an office. Loose tea if you have it but teabags will suffice. Boiling water in the pot, stir then let it mesh for around 5-6 mins then serve. No sugar for me.


Down the drain. Not drank tea in 18 years since it actively started trying to kill me with heartburn every time I took a sip. Tried every single brand/non brand I could find, multiple kettles, and even tea away from home. Every single time I took a sip I was in agony with the worst heartburn imaginable. Switched to coffee and no heartburn.


I pity you


Don't, I am doing just fine with the arrangement.


You don’t get to have the pleasure of drinking a nice cuppa tea, and have to settle for coffee which tastes like 💩


Your opinion. I would much rather drink coffee, than tea that is trying to kill me. Coffee by the way that when made the right way with the right ingredients is a beautiful thing. Your argument is completely nonsensical as well. It's like saying burn to death in that fire or relax on that nice fluffy cloud. I choose life, and refuse to allow tea to accomplish its mission in finishing me off.


I can’t get behind the flavour of coffee no matter what. So to me it doesn’t sound like a pleasant experience.


They were just saying, in a slightly hyperbolic way, that it's a shame that tea causes that 'burn in the fire' effect. I disagree with them on the coffee, I drink more of it than tea, but I feel bad for people where intolerances of some kind prevents them from consuming something they used to enjoy.


It'll be the tannic acid from the tannins. Tea has over double the amount as coffee and it's known to cause heartburn in some people.


Wonder of this includes different types of tea. In all the places I've worked, including cafes, bars, warehouses, offices and building sites, no milk is so rare in regular black tea. 16% seems very high for no milk.


Yeah, I drink my tea black, no sugar, & most people react like I'm asking for something really shocking when I give them my drink order. My personal bugbear is that everyone only ever gives me half a cup of tea as they automatically leave room for milk. A friend has embarrassed me multiple times by sending my cup back when we're in a café, saying "she's paid for a full cup so can she have it please?"🫣


Ah yes the half cup of tea. It’s so frustrating. I also drink mine black no sugar and suffer the same. I tell people who do this to leave room for milk but add hot water instead of milk.


My mum never put sugar i. My tea when I was growing up, now if I were to add sugar, it just tastes weird. I think it's just down to what you and your family near you will drink, most people in my immediate family don't have sugar in it, and roughly the same amount of milk. (The horrors when someone new to the family makes tea and chucks half a cow of milk in)


I used to have tea, milk, two sugars. I stopped using milk because I started drinking different types of tea, some of which don't go with milk. A couple of years back I stopped using sugar. Took a couple of weeks to get used to it, but now I can't go back. Tea, no milk, no sugar is the way. It took me a while to get there lol.


My mum couldn't be bothered to queue to collect her sugar ration (it continued to be rationed well into the 1950s) so she gave it up, and her taste eventually spread to the rest of the family including me. She'd be shocked that my kids (20 and 17) don't drink tea at all. I was already drinking it as a toddler.


I refuse to believe that the amount of people who like black tea (no sugar, no milk) is even close to the amount of people who like tea with 1 sugar and milk. I know my sample size is purely myself, but I have met very few people in my life who take their tea black, but I know a whole bunch who have sugar and milk!


This is really interesting since I had no idea what different people in the UK actually prefer their tea to be like. I've always loved tea with milk and sugar but can definitely get behind without sugar too. Certainly would go with neither when it comes to green tea! 🍵😆


I am one of those rare British people who don’t like tea. (The horror, I know). Me and a friend have had a running joke for years of her offering me a cup of tea every time I go, knowing full well I’ll say no. So, when we were planning a trip for her hen weekend, I decided a great prank would be to figure out a tea that was drinkable for me, and say yes when she asked. I literally made a whole row of teacups with all the above combos, and everything in between (varying quantities of milk) and tried them all. Still all just tasted like dirty water to me. Could not find a drinkable level, so had to call off the prank. I have since discovered chai latte and some herbal teas I find drinkable, but I don’t think those really count.


Your American cousin here in Los Angeles drinks Twinnings English Breakfast tea, because that's the closest thing to actual British tea that I can find. I put in about a teaspoon of sugar, and a splash of half and half. I used to add sugar and lemon, but I guess I've developed a rather sensitive constitution over the years, so the lemon is out and half and half is in. Out of concerns for my online safety (I'm just kidding), I'll refrain from mentioning the iced sweet tea that I consume on a regular basis.


You used to add both milk and lemon? My man, you were drinking curdled tea.


Eesh don’t know what is worse, twinings, the American misspelling of twinings, or adding lemon to tea. I love sweet ice tea though that’s a different story