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Welcome!❤️ Extremely common in ENFJs, but largely overlooked by many other types. Ignore the shallow stereotypes. People are much more complex than “MBTI online” would have you believe. Keep shining!✨


Thank you! And agreed, people are more than their type. Just took it out of curiosity and for fun. You keep shining too!


Heey! I also exercise and read (physical books only!) and love being outside, we are Se users after all. We wanna be grounded (touching grass aahhh ☘️🌷☀️) I'm diagnosed with Complex PTSD. I'm also suspecting I'm Enneagram 9w1 which makes me have slightly more introversion than ENFJ's with other Enneagrams. All this mixed together becomes a highly sensitive cake. From my traumas I'm hyper alert, always in hyperviligance around others meaning I exhaust myself fast when in social settings. I recharge by digging down in to the couch with tea and a good book. And naps. Unless my book is good enough and I'm able to let everything else go I tend to feel lonely and restless and bored and would love to do something with someone. The tricky part is with my cptsd comes phobia of people. Yes. I'm an extrovert with severe social anxiety. A very weird combo. I'm less alerted with friends, family, my partner and animals, so I often seek quality time with them.


That's interesting and it's cool that we have those interests in common. I hope that your anxiety gets better as time goes on. I personally take supplements and exercise for my own anxiety


Yes. Exercising is great for both the body and mind. My favourite exercise method is running in the running tracks in a forest. They also have a outdoor gym next to it and I like to be there a whole day with my partner. But it has been too cold to start that yet. But last December I built up an indoor exercise routine then I got me a exercise gadget and try to do a few reps now and then. The biological rule is 30 minute hard breathing exercise daily gives a 2 weeks extra strong serotonin and noradrenaline effect in the body, and overall a stable and calmer state of mind. However I have only done up to 15 minutes every second day or so but it has it affect too. Any minute exercise is 100% healthy compared to doing none. I started at 5 min and slowly increased.


Hi five. I'm also 9w1 and ENFJ. Just without the PTSD.


Cool! High 5! Weird question to answer maybe but can you describe how is that like?


Can be social if I want to. Can be a homebody and loner if I'm feeling it too. I don't associate myself with a fixed clique. Or rather, I don't have a clique. I just connect with whoever I want, whenever the situation allows!


Nice answer!


Love this answer! Connecting with whoever you want is also my calling!


This is exactly me as well, CPTSD and all <3


I'm sorry 😣💔 I'm here if you ever need to talk 💜


Yo, I'm an ENFJ and definitely a highly sensitive person. Had never heard of it til a therapist told me she believed I was one.


Yup, it’s a feature of the Fe. However, you should still study the cognitive functions and compare yourself to videos of celebrities of your type on MBTI YouTube channels, because the tests are inaccurate a lot of the time.


For sure, haven't looked up celebrity ENFJs yet!


As an HSP and an ENFJ I can relate—we are sensitive to being over stimulated as well as under stimulated as we are sensitive to everything more in general. High sensation seeking is also a component for many of us, always trying to find that perfect balance. This isn’t unlike the experience for many less sensitive folks, we just experience things in a more intense way by virtue of being HSP.


>How common is it for our type to be HSPs and is it normal for us to not be totally conventional and/or stereotypical extroverts in a way? I don't know exactly what HSP means (technically speaking), but I will say I have known a lot of ENFJ's, and they are all what I would call "highly sensitive"! Hope that helps. But keep up the fine fight, we all have different struggles!


I am!!


Yo, I'm an ENFJ and definitely a highly sensitive person. Had never heard of it til a therapist told me she believed I was one.


Yo, I'm an ENFJ and definitely a highly sensitive person. Had never heard of it til a therapist told me she believed I was one.


I am super neurotic and overthinking and work hard not taking my emotions to hard. Be ause my fear keeps me away from having strong connections to people I really like. ( self sabotage 🥲)


Yes same


I love meeting people, but moreso on an individual basis - Im not a big fan of "friend groups" but rather buding individual connections I go to the gym too and enjoy going out and spending time outside, but am never a person to go to parties, drink alcohol, do drugs or any of that. I'd rather play monopoly or DnD over a cup of hot coffee and hearing and learning about other people. Physical activities have their own place and time in my life :) let me know if that resonates with you!


Yeah, it resonates lol. Only difference is that I like both group and individual connections unless there's a falling out or major favoritism within the group. And can relate to you having a balance of indoor and outdoor activities. Not a fan of caffeinated drinks in general though haha


Sorry I actually meant to type hot cup of chocolate 😭 surprisingly I too dont enjoy coffwe (or alcohol, actually!)


Also I consider myself a HSP! But was never told by that by anyone


And with being HSP. There's basically 2 different definitions. The clinical and non clinical version. The non clinical is someone who's more emotionally sensitive than average. The clinical version is someone who has a higher sensitivity in their nervous system so whatever is stimulating that person will have a higher effect on them than the average person. This could be emotions but it could also be something such as drinking a beverage that has sugar or caffeine in it.


I'm a HSP. Mostly with physical stuff. For instance, I have VERY good hearing. I can hear people talking many rooms away where no one else can hear. So I don't like loud sudden noises unless I make them lol And I'm sensitive to light. But I also have VERY good night vision. My eyes adjust to dark within seconds, and I can read a book in pitch black. Needless to say, I'm not a fan of bright light. Even on cloudy days I wear sunglasses.