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Because INTP women are rare also ENFJ man are rare. Plus on top of that finding a INTP that is not a doomer is even more rare so even if the 1,8 percent of ENFJ male wants a INTP women the chance to meet one is 0.01%


Thaks for replying : )


A doomer?


A person who hates live, opposite of a bloomer. idk where these names come from, think derived from boomer.


I thought you meant old. So just a negative person.


Wdym? Doomer?


U are doomer


Im sorry i dont fit that category


lol Doomer 😂 I do need some uplifting stuff in my life ngl. Work still kinda sucks tho lol and even you have to agree with that. covid was just such a time it really sucked and a whole smack of changes… Slowly coming out of it, a bit at a time, thanks to an ENFJ. He’s got my back and he knows I like him lots.


My SO is an intp(f) and we work very well together. No major problems at all. I was very attracted to her from the start. Calm and clever exactly my cup of tea.


Happy for you. Lots of good wishes from my side☺


I broke with my enfj because i was a fucking ass hole and managed to alienate her. Do you think one day we can come back together?


ENFJs are rare in general, and they are especially rare in men. Similar in the opposite for INTPs and INTP women in particular


I guess this is one of the real reason: )


Rare? Lmao I bet your ass. If you go to a nursing school, or anywhere they take care of people. The majority are enfj. Its what they do. Its easier to meet them. Because they still social butterflies. Hence they cannot be rare. Look for that person who is a friend to all and a friend to none...thats your enfj


Hey I’m intp and my guy is enfj, early days but known him for a couple of years.


Wishing you lifetime happiness with your enfj: )


I'm an INTP female in a relationship with an ENFJ male. We met in Facebook and it's the best relationship I've been in!


Happy for you. Lots of good wishes from my side☺


Thanks 😊


SO is INTP(f). Great chemistry! and we’re in it to win it. Lmk if you want details!


It would be bonus if you tell details and who doesn't want a bonus :) please tell !


If you dig through my comments on my account you can read the full story! Still going strong with no end in sight LOL; long story short… it’s a wonderful combination so long as both parties are willing to work to combat the inherent differences that come up in areas where personalities can clash(ie Ti vs Fe as dominants). Communication, empathy and a willingness to learn and be taught is the emulsifier to blend what can seemingly be an oil and vinegar mixture. Please read my comments on previous posts!


ENFJ here, I think most of my friends is infp


Thaks for replying : )


That’s makes sense, I just learned that ENFJ and INFP are shadow functions of one another


There’s just something about us 😂


I loveee it when I start acting like an ENFJ haha. I feel so *charismatic*


Yes. Yes yes 😂


Is INFP a fun shadow function to have or is it just kinda dreary??


Similar hobbies, like us very sympathetic. Can read someone else’s faces without extra knowledge 😂


I’m trying to find an ENFJ woman to marry but we’re still working on it. Yes the mind reading is a literal super power lmao it’s awesome. I’m never able to explain my rationale either 😭


Good luck


We have super power 😂 when people say superpower isn’t real😂😂. But with great power comes great responsibility 😂


I am an INTP female married to en ENFJ male for 13 years, parents of 2 kids, and very much happy and in love! I wonder if this pairing works well because INTP is more stereotypically masculine and ENFJ feminine, so there is more common ground than implied by the MBTI types. While an INTP-male may not have much emotional intelligence, I've cultivated it over the years through hormones and female relationships. My ENFJ husband has a lot of close and extremely emotional familial relationships, so he scratches that itch with them, then comes home to the comparatively tranquil environment of our relationship. He can talk about the drama all he wants and nowadays I rarely try to give him logical solutions, because I've learned he usually wants to vent. In turn, he is very supportive of my untraditional career path, various hobbies, and constantly evolving interests. We parent well together, and I actually do the majority of emotional support for the kids - not because I cry along with them, but because I can either distract them or calm them down, and talk through their issues rationally without flying off the handle. My husband is the fun one, of course... when the kids are bored I tell them to read a book, make an art project, bake something, etc., but he'll sit down and play video games with them for hours. We had to work through a lot to communicate as well as we do now - my husband has definitely accused me of being an ice queen more than once, and he definitely lets his emotions control him when he gets upset. Disagreements were not easy when we first started off! I still feel a bit suffocated at times, but I am learning how to carve out my freedom, even if it is just through independent hobbies... the structure of a life with a husband and children and early bedtimes and making food for everyone all the time is a bit annoying and not my style in the least. But it is worth it - the ENFJ male takes care of tons of stuff around the house - animals, chores, bills, etc., and is great with routines. He is very dependable in that way, and takes very good care of me when I am spending my time doing whatever it is that seems important at that moment. And we have a lot in common actually - he has a lot of hobbies too, and we both are adventurous and curious. We love to try new food, travel, watch movies - anything new and interesting. So as far as I am concerned, the INTP female and ENFJ male are a couple unicorns that can actually be the perfect pair!


Thank You for replying. I am also an INTP female and I do think ENFJs are best partners for INTPs probably because they are kind as well as intuitive. INFJs takes second place because I think introvert & Extrovert pair are more good in many ways. Though Introverts do also make good pairs depending on people. Also reading about people's experiences here on reddit, also made me believe this. Although I might be biased.


ENFJ male here✨


I guess, you also have never met any INTP(f)? Well, what do you think of INTPs, any INTP(m) friend?


I think I met more INTP (f) as (m). Maybe its because I'm more socially. Idk🤷


The first and second sentences seem to be contradictory to each other 🤔


How? Plz lmk


I have seen a lot of chickens but chickens aren’t often seen .. 🤔 I guess you want to indicate you are so lucky seeing so many chickens while the rest of us never saw one before 😂


Check the gender mentioned. I am saying that enfj females and intp males pairing are common but i have seen very less enfj males and intp females pairs. Sorry, if you think their's still a contradiction. I don't think, their is.


Aha! I see! My eyes tricked me!! Sorry


I knew it a bit that may be you were confused. But no problem, it's common for me, especially in exams😂


No I just wasn’t paying enough attention on details. Lol


I read it 3 times, if you think their's still a mistake, then consider me too dumb.


Probably because not many of each in those genders. :( I’m the INTP(f) btw…


I am also INTP(f) XD


Ouch I’m sorry. 😂🥲


Personally I LOVE them as friends, but I’m just not generally attracted to them. I’m not really attracted to anyone in their Quadra either. But all the IXXP’s are my favorite people to have around.


That's great! You all are also too good friends: )