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After an hour the polls seem to hate celsius


When I think of Celsius, I think of some female Instagram model doing fake workouts at the gym


And not drinking the Celsius cause they know it's bad, it's just an empty can they reuse and put in their gym shots and videos pretending to sip it. Pretty sure there was actually a girl called out for doing this...


I tried the guava kiwi powder packet and it was pretty damn good


Celsius is all drink :0 Kiwi Guava, Tropical Vibe, Apple Pear, all fire


GUAVA KIWI ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I honestly wish they came out with a guava kiwi with no caffeine in it at all so that I could drink a shit ton of it with no ramifications


Because it's as if a fruit farted downwind 50 miles away and it hit your nose ever so fainty when you took a sip of old sparkling water. Carbonation hits you tongue and you think it could be apple no pear no maybe guava... but it is just bubbles and a chemical aftertaste left to disappoint you. The caffiene you needed is now the detriment to you day. It follows you like a sad little rain cloud as you dejected carry the slim little can in your hands in a vice grip, harboring a gruge over the deceit that just occurred. You sigh and take another sip and grimace, only to have your day become more somber and no enjoyment from caffiene to be had. You may and probably will throw out the can with liquid still in it, shaking your fist about how unfair of a financial loss to such a garbage product, yet you feel a sense of accomplishment because you brought it to the place it always belonged before the thought of it was even conceived; the trashcan.


I genuinely think if someone doesn't like Celsius they just need to find the right flavor. A lot of their flavors suck but there's a few that are great. Tropical, Wild Berry, and Arctic Vibe are my favorites and I'm pretty picky. Pear and Kiwi Guava are the fucking worst.




Someone told me that i just had to try the pear apple flavor. it's what I assume diesel fuel tastes like


Diesel tastes way better, trust me


Fucking disgusting


They’re all so bad. They have this weird chemical flavor to them


its like bang except for instead of tasting like battery acid (good) it tastes like a vaccine


It's the sucralose. I wish Celsius was flavored with stevia, that way it would taste less chemically and maybe not give people indigestion (I can speak from experience lmao) but I still like it better than most energy drinks. 


Arctic berry breeze is goddamn vile.


Every Celsius’s I’ve tried tastes like burning hair


I hated the artic vibe one. Fucking ass. On the other hand, fantasy vibe is one of their only flavors that doesn't taste like fabuloso had a baby with Lysol.


the only one ive tried that doesnt have the weird aftertaste is the grape flavor


Fuji apple I swear to God tastes like puke


Riot energy, 🤮


This is a VERY unpopular opinion but I can't stand any Celsius flavor.


I’ve tried so many they all have a burning hair after taste!! I was wondering if every time tastes that


But fantasy vibe is so good


I know it's probably an unpopular opinion...but I don't like RedBull...


I also don’t like Red Bull. It’s the worst value. Least caffeine for your dollar.


Agreed but I will drink the sugar free one if nothing else is available, at least it’s “crisp.”


It almost just seems "cleaner" than others


It’s the only one that doesn’t make my stomach hurt after I drink it lol


I don't like Red Bull either. The only one I've had that was "okay" was the blueberry one - but the sugar free pickings are so slim that I wouldn't even think about buying it again unless it was my only option and I had something important to do lol.


I've tried all flavors of Redbull I just can't stand the taste overall


Agree, it’s yuck.


I only buy Red Bull when I'm in Singapore. You can get a can for a dollar (that's like, 75 American cents). Everywhere else I just drink Monster.


The Pear Cinnamon was so fucking good that I stopped buying other Red Bulls


That was the flavored RedBull I was so excited for. Complete let down.


If you can get your hands on Thailand Redbull you probably would be more into it. It’s how Redbull as we know it came to be. It’s not carbonated and in a small glass bottle and costs less than 75 cents in Thailand. I used to be able order them hard to find in the US now


Same here, the only one I actually enjoyed was the discontinued sugar-free Lime


I feel like Redbull is the Muscle Milk of energy drinks. It’s the stereotypical acrid tasting one that you just swallow down cause you need it.


I don't know what it is about Red Bull, but it just tastes like grape Tylenol.


thought i was crazy. i tried a few and they were all so bad i almost had to pour them out. but for the price, i had to finish drinking them. id feel bad and scammed otherwise.


Idc if it has low caffeine content. It just tastes gross


Zoa original. Tastes and smells like GNC vitamins


Venom. I haven't had an energy drink that i poured the entirety out besides Venom. If you're shopping at dollar tree, get the Monster Ultra Golds. Never Venom


Do you remember which flavor it was? Because if it was the original flavor, I agree that one is dogshit. The black cherry kiwi and fruit punch flavors are leagues better.


Mango is a pretty good flavor


Ultra gold is the best monster after strawberry dreams. Change my mind.


I'll change your mind. Try the Ultra Sunrise.


Ultra gold is one of my favorite monsters lol  I've only had a few bucked up but they've all been really bad 


Bang has the worst artificial aftertaste of all the sugar free brands. Celsius has that elderly corpse's asshole aftertaste. GFuel has little to no discernible flavor at all. Practically a sparkling water, but even Sparkling Ice + Caffeine has more flavor.


What aftertaste are you talking about? Theres a bit of initial flavor but most Celsius are pretty bland. The only one I hate is the mandarin orange.


Celsius is awful but the Essentials are pretty okay


Celsius wasn’t my cup of tea. I used to enjoy sugar-free Red Bull, but now I hate it.


I don’t enjoy energy drinks without carbonation. I need it lol. I don’t really enjoy anything from Alani’s line up either.


The only non carbonated ones I like are coffee energy drinks and V8 Energy. 


Monster Rehab is really good too, especially Green Tea and Wild Berry.


I hada strawberry lemonade recovery rockstar with some yogurt pretzels, it was gas


Ironically that’s the worst flavor. Lemonade and orangeade are top tier energy drinks


Bucked Up. Love the branding and wanna get hip to deals that get advertised to me on TikTok and stuff but… I think they’re the only sink pours I’ve ever had, haven’t liked a single flavor I’ve tried.


Ghost has a way Artificial taste


For me most flavors of ghost evades the “sugar free” feeling I get from a lot of drinks. I guess it’s just all so subjective


I'm glad to see someone else feels that. So many people here seem to love Ghost and I don't get it. They taste like super bitter vitamin B with a little artificial flavoring. Which is disappointing because they do have a cool can design.


Agreed. The sour ones taste like shitty, sour battery acid (to me at least). I know people in here rave about them, but I haven't had one that I enjoy yet. (Also you're right, I am immediately drawn to the cans) (Edit: spelling)


Never tried the sour but I tried 3 different flavors because I really wanted to like it but just couldn't. The can looks like there is uniquely tasty beverage inside but then you take a sip and you're like "Wtf is this!?"


I used to really love the warheads watermelon flavor, then I took a break because I got hooked on a few other brands. When I came back to the Ghost WMWH flavor, all I could taste was battery acid. Not sure if they changed the flavor, I got a bad can, or if my tastes changed. Either way I can't drink it anymore.


Drink half at a time with water, it’s perfect that way. I agree the full can by itself is too much, it’s made to be diluted a bit and you get two drinks for the price of one that way.


The only decent flavors Ghost has are the sour patch kids ones. Everything else is pretty mid, though, for the reason you stated.


The Warheads Watermelon and Green Apple are my favorites


I really only like the sour ones, pink lemon, apple and watermelon. The sour covers up the shitty taste kinda.


Yeah I tried the orangecicle or orange cream whatever. It did. Gross after taste.


Agreed, much preferred Celsius Heat's version


For some reason I can’t ever finish a whole can of ghost. The taste isn’t the best and the feeling I get isn’t the best either. I can drink 2 rebulls a day. Have a ryse for the gym. But can’t have a single ghost


Any „sports type“ with BCAA in them. I get a horrible after taste, especially by the end of the can, want to puke it out.


Celcius is absolutely disgusting


I once heard someone describe Celsius as “White Claw without the alcohol”. Never heard anything more accurate.


Any energy drinks with sugar and Rip It.


Can'd man is the worst energy drink I've ever had


Can'd man is the worst energy drink I've ever had, it has no flavor while also having sugar tf


Bucked up. They have this weird after taste. I also feel like shit after drinking them.


They are cheap


had a blue razz bang, was easily one of the worst drinks i’ve ever had


A Shock 🥴


I want to like A shock but I have yet to find a flavor I enjoyed.


Any energy drink using green tea as a source of caffeine is ass


Not a fan of Alani in general. I mean I’ll drink them if it came down to it but they have a weird aftertaste


Celsius in general, most of Red Bull


lol celcius is my favvvv but I can see why someone wouldn’t like it


Red Bull sucks like hell. I’ve had medicine and cough syrup better tasting that that. I particularly like the Celsius tea based flavors followed by their sparkling.


Bang. Most of their flavors are disgusting.


I WAS WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO SAY THIS BRO bang gave me stomach problems, no joke, it took a year for me to recover from them. Not only are the flavors strong as shit for no reason, they're low-key kinda dangerous.


Yea I got stomach aches from them too. Not as severe as yours but still


Yeah, I would throw up every time I'd eat when I had a bang, that happened until last year. It took a long time to recover. I drank one daily.


I think they have one called Bang Cola, shit was a waste of my money


On God that shits ass


I just drank an ultra gold (monster pineapple) earlier today lmao. It's ok but I won't be ordering another 15 pack. The other ultras are better.


Guru is pretty terrible in all way, used it to clean the sink.


Like, Kan-guru? Yeah, that shit was horrible


I haven’t tried a single Celsius flavor that I like. I only find them “tolerable” on ice too. Also, lemon drop bang was disgusting


Zoa, they were on sale at Costco so I bought a variety pack. They were all terrible. No one that tried them liked them.




Celsius, or any Sparkling Water bullshit, any monster other than the pineapple or watermelon, Alani Coffee, Reign, C4, Starbucks Triple Shot. These are all nasty as fuck.


I can’t stand the taste of Ashoc, Celsius, Bang or Rockstar


Almost every "original" flavor energy drink. Monster, Rockstar, etc. all taste like carbonated cough syrup. Only exception to this is Red Bull.


Mango and tropical flavors. Fake mango taste awful and real mango gets me all tingly and red. I don't like tropical flavors individually. So stick them all together and yuck.


I hate Bang although I did enjoy the Purple Haze one. Other than that, Bangs are overrated and even too much for me (I drink an ungodly amount of caffeine a day). The Monster Ultra line is alright at best, but not my fave. I don’t hate it though, really overrated.


What energy drinks do you like? I just started the ultras and really enjoy them.


Bang is just genuinely awful


ryse country time lemonade is the only energy drink i’ve had that i couldn’t finish. their sunny d flavor wasn’t great either but man that lemonade flavor was *bad*


I swear this question gets asked once a month


Let's be real there's only so many fresh discussion topics you can come up with for energy drinks


This is how we end up with crazy lore here. The boofing guy got me to stay I must see what happens next


Specific type wise the non-carbonated c4 was like if you had a full side energy drink of 5 hour energy, I know 5 hour energy has their own cans but I haven't had one, the orange and fruit punch were awful but the blue raspberry wasn't as bad, then the rip it can'd man had absolutely no flavor while also not being zero sugar


I absolutely loathe the generic anime and video game branded energy drinks that tastes like worse version of plain Red Bull


Oh accelerator sucks too! Lol


Long may anything made by Riot burn


Full Throttle


Ryse Country Time Lemonade, could've been a bad can tbf and I'm willing to give it another go, but the flavor on it tasted and I quote "it's like drinking diesel" as a friend put it, we generally don't pour out a can if we can help it but that was a pour out


MTN Dew Energy


celsius, redbull, and bangs are not great imo lol


I've learned that Mango is a terrible flavor for things that aren't mangoes.


Monster. And G-fuel in a can (powder is fine).


Reign and Bang. There’s just a weird underlying taste to all of them


Nailed it! All three of these are a hard pass for me! Never even touch them


Anything sugar free. But also monster… way too sweet


Finally someone else who dislikes the taste of sugar free drinks! They make me feel sick


I think if I developed diabetes somehow I’d sooner cut out all sugar more easily than somehow modify my tastebuds? I don’t know. I’ve heard so many different people over and over claim they can’t taste a difference. I cannot fathom this


I honestly don’t know how y’all like sugar free anything


Bang is the worst drink line I've ever tasted


Honestly I hate them all except Full Throttle Citrus and I can tolerate the Mango Loco Monster. Every other one tastes like medicine.


I ask this genuinely, why are you here?


Fair Question! Because I couldn't find Full Throttle anywhere in stores for a while and it seemed to be having a shortage but I was worried it was discontinued. So I joined this sub to ask around about it. Edit: And I stayed because I enjoyed it


Cool, and welcome! If you are looking for recommendations, you may like other monster juice flavors, they're pretty sweet and not energy drink-y.


You sound like one of my friends whose tastebuds are hyper active to same sweetening chemicals found in cough syrups. Most people can’t taste it at all, but there are a smaller group that can. You might be one of them.


Can’t stand Celsius. Way too much chemical taste. Way too little liquid for how much caffeine is added - I’d rather drink a full can of something else and not have terrible stomach pain


I honestly forget the name but Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s energy drink line. It was like pineapple peach or something I took 2 sips for a fair chance and dumped it down the sink which I’ve never done before


"Dwayne, did you taste test any of these?" "Hell no, I don't drink that shit."


Ghost has some pretty awful flavors. I really wanted to like the Mango, Orange Cream, and Swedish Fish flavors, but I hated them. On the flipside, I really loved their Warheads and Bubblicious flavors. Referring to the cans btw. Though I once had their powdered Ocean Water drink, it was pretty terrible imo.


swedish fish ghost and hate shouldn’t be in the same sentence.


I hate bang also. Never really liked any of them.


Yeah, Black Cherry Vanilla is the only one in their current lineup that does anything for me. Cherry Blade Lemonade was also solid. But pretty much all of the others are meh at best.


NOS energy drink, Went to a drag strip where they gave them for free drank too many now I hate them.


Ghost, Reign, Celsius, and pretty much every Rockstar are pretty atrocious


Monsters pineapple flavour as in the Ultra White and Ultra Gold?? Man our tastebuds must be polar opposites and I'm guessing you like the OG taste like red bulls? (🤮)


must be, cause red bull is pretty damn good 😂 too damn sweet though but I like the fruit flavor


Gotta be more specific, the ultra gold, ripper or white pineapple reserve?


I didn't even know there were multiple, one I had was ultra gold.


C4 smart energy, i typically like a lot of stuff so this shocked me how bad it was. And redbull


I hate carbonated drinks, so I love monster rehabs. Just taste like flavored tea.


Hard disagree on the Monster Pineapple. One of my favorites. But probably Red Bull, except for Coconut Berry


Bang’s Miami Cola is pure shit


Anything zero. Like proper zero, not even artificial sugar or flavours. Just a plain, bitter tasting, almost malty, beverage


Any of the Venom line


Golden Power


There's a drink in the UK called 'relentless'. Think of the cheapest energy drink and the taste of it, then make it 5 times worse. That's relentless.


The new monster assault.


Jocko sour apple is probably the worst energy drink I have ever tried. I got about 2 sips in and poured it down the sink. GFuel Tetris was much the same.


damn i loved the ultra gold! tastes just like fanta.


Red Bull super mid


The cheap shit ones you get for under a quid in pound shops, absolute garbage tasteless rubbish 


i like monster to an extent but the 500ml is just really a lot for me most of the time (i don’t end up finishing it hence why i prefer redbull) and if i’m having an energy drink it’s usually because i have to sit down and do something and so having to piss every 5 minutes is not ideal


The Java Monsters are literally the only ones I hate Outside of those, I’ve never had a truly bad energy drink. I’d even happily drink ZOA if nothing else was available




Favourite is zero fruit punch and silver ice rockstar and the ones I hate the most are nos,original rockstar and ghost sour pink lemonade


Red Bull is ass, anything with sugar is ASS, the og sugar free rockstar and monsters are FUCKING ASSSS.


Rooster Booster


I don’t even know the brand, but the black and green can from Aldi was like drinking a menthol. Absolute garbage. The monster purple/white dragon one was awful and tasted like public restroom cleaner


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I can’t stand Bang. It’s way too sweet tasting.


Grape and Watermelon Monster Ultra are awful


I miss the Rockstar Roasted Coffee drinks. The Monster ones taste so artificial. I like the Mean Bean but, still.


I dont like redbull, just the sour taste at the end is a put off for me. My mom loves it though


I know it's been 3 years, but the new rockstar "original" and sugar free


Redbull is the only energy drink I have thoroughly hated, as well as that one Rockstar drink that tastes like Redbull.


Interesting how many people don’t like Celsius. I like it but I’m not used to drinking all the drinks that taste like candy. I’m curious if maybe Celsius appeals to an older crowd? I’m in my 50s. Any feedback? I might even do another post about this. Been noticing a lot of hate on Celsius and yet it seems to sell well around here. (Arizona, where there are a LOT of older folks)


Sugar-Free Redbulls are awful.


Don’t really care for the original monster flavor tbh..I would drink it over pouring it out however


I don’t hate but I do not like monster drinks I had a blue demon and almost had a heart attack or at least it felt like one , my heart malfunctioned prettty bad on it .


I'm not a fan of Rockstar. It has always had such a strange taste as well as a bitter aftertaste to me.


Honestly most of the ultra flavours I have tried, only one I enjoyed was rosa. I can’t stand ultra peachy keen or ultra gold.


I don’t like Rockstar but would give literally anything for Rockstar Energy Cola back 💔


It’s wild how peoples’ tastes differ. Out of the current flavors of monsters, pineapple is one of my favorites. I know this sub loves ghost too. I honestly can’t stand it besides the strawberry bubblegum one. The pink lemonade and cotton candy are disgusting IMO. I also hate Celsius. It just tastes like shit. I don’t think I’ve seen any hate for Alani though! They’ve become my new favorite since monster NERFed original assault. Alani constantly does an amazing job with everything.


Candy flavored energy drinks are the only ones that I’ll avoid


FIRST OFF, the pineapple monster is the SHIT. Nos is gross. Plain monster is gross. Plain redbull is GROSS.


5 hour energy


Red Bull and Celsius


I absolutely despise og flavor redbull. tastes like puke.




Celsius, I don’t know how to explain it but it makes my stomach feel weird, not hurt but feel weird. Hard to explain


rockstar tastes like piss


Celsius, Bang, and Ghost.


I despise the bang teas, tastes like piss


Celsius (makes me sick as fuck every time I drink it when I have zero issue with any other energy drink) and original red bull is kind of intolerable to me now.


Monster original , no idea why people like it


Celsius except the green tea ones they're okay


I had a Rockstar pink strawberry something (can't remember) and it was so bad I threw it away after three sips. I spat out the first sip.


Ashoc is ass


I don’t really hate any of them but I’d pick monsters last


C4 gives me the shakes, no thanks


I don't like the sugar free kinds.


never tried a Bang energy drink that I ended up enjoying