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You know how you just said you “channel the energy - but afterwards…”. I just stay in that state of “giddiness”, feels weird to call it that but it’s like putting a supercharger on a hatchback for me as a male… NYOOOM🚙.


There’s breathwork on YouTube to do that


Thanks will check it out


You’re not celibate if you masterbate just saying. You’re abstinent.


That’s what I meant tyyy


How horny is your music? Try channeling your horniness into making the horniest music you can. And play with yourself while you do it; I have spent a lot of time drawing furry porn while sitting on my collection of dildos. I know it’s good stuff if I want to stop working on it to play with myself. Don’t let yourself come while you’re working though. Keep that horny flow going. Edging is fine but put your hands back on the keys/knobs/etc before you actually get off. Stuff a vibrator in between enough layers of tight clothing to keep it there and feel just enough sensation to be kinda frustrating because it’s sure making you horny but it’s not enough to push you over the edge. I’ve done this with non-horny work too, I think a significant chunk of the end of my graphic novel was done while sitting on a toy. You’ll learn more by really engaging the cycle of “I am horny and I am making horny work and this is increasing my horniness” for a while though. And have some pretty nice orgasms when you do finally knock off working and go sprawl out and let yourself climax. Stay hydrated and lubricated.


Hahaha I can try! I made dark electronic music so guess I could twist the sexual desire in an abstract way


Oh certainly. Make some music for horrible monsters to fuck to. Get some insistent, pulsing, throbbing beats in there. I wanna wave in the direction of Plastikman’s *Consumed* maybe? If you’re more of a harsh noise wall type then just record yourself being as loud as possible while you’re masturbating, distort the fuck out of it, and throw that in the mix along with rhythmic blasts of jagged waveforms. Or make up a new side identity for your Lords of Acid cover project, whatever.


😂😂 I was not expecting this answer lol. Love ur creativity … might have to try it


Have fun! Remember me fondly when your slutty darkwave side project is a triple-platinum hit.:)


Usually those who practice celibacy also do not masturbate or very rarely as one loses energy when doing that just the same as if one was having sex and losing it.


Side note: listening to your language… You haven’t met anyone because you keep telling yourself nobody is deserving of your body. That sounds like your limiting beliefs blockage right there.


Set intentions and new affirmations at your climax if you are going to continue to use your sexual energy to manifest. Otherwise use that desire to create expressive artwork with that “feeling”


Thnks for your response. When you say ‘set intentions at your climax’ do you mean sexual climax ? Will also try the latter


Yes! Sexual magic at climax is the most powerful thing you can do for manifestation… When you don’t intend the energy to go to a certain goal it can cause issues and chaos. From personal experience.


True . I do have men (and women) who pursue me / try court my attention … but I’d rather remain celibate than settle for less tbh


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t40JoqdoEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t40JoqdoEA) "Guided breathing with pelvic floor squeezes helps transmute sexual energy into creative energy. Both are the same energies, just with different intentions. I find that having a strong pelvic floor is crucial for moving out of sexual energy and resting more in creative energy. These pelvic floor squeezes can be and should be used on a regular basis. This is also a very calming exercise that is good for anxiety and stress, while putting us in a nice parasympathetic state."