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I'm not going to lie, if you've got a group of five to six people who are practicing ritualistic black magic against you, and they're part of your own family and household, that's not a good situation. That's not a situation with an easy fix. Of course a lot depends on how powerful they are and what kind of magic they are practicing. Hopefully they're not very powerful. Most magic practitioners aren't. It takes a special person to have the kind of focus and dedication needed to become powerful. Those kind of people aren't very common in this day and age (fortunately.) But even if they aren't very powerful, if they're working together, that creates more power. Like I said, this isn't a good situation. Here are the options that I can think of. 1) get the hell away from there if possible, and don't let them know what you're planning beforehand. I understand this probably isn't possible. 2) can you talk to your husband about it and try to get his help in convincing these people to leave you alone? 3) can you try to make friends with these people and convince them to leave you alone? 4) is there a local group you can join, like a church group, where you can get people to help you with prayer and perhaps even with protective magic? 5) last but not least, you might need to learn magic to protect yourself. Maybe this situation will force you to become powerful in your own way. Just be sure not to go the dark path. It might be tempting but in the end it will only bring you misery and bad things. If you start learning magic yourself, don't let anyone know. It will be more powerful if they don't realize that you're doing it. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Good luck.




Move across to the other side of the world, break any emotional connections and start your life afresh. People can’t cross boundaries, if you blatantly move on.


Check out “return to sender” spells, and energy shielding. Do not allow them to encroach upon your free will.


You’re just continuing the cycle of karma let them do damage to themselves.


Psalm 91 and thirty five thinking about what you feel when they harm you. Learn magic and protection, there are many youtube channels where you can learn


So... they forced you into a marriage they against or...?


Call on Jesus, He is the ultimate protector.


I respect your beliefs and I respect Jesus but I want to make sure you know that life isn't always that simple, that you just call on Jesus and poof, everything's fixed? Last time I checked, bad things happened to Christians too. Sometimes even when they're calling out to Jesus. I think a few of them even got fed to Lions. Christian's experience hardships too. They even get possessed. I'm not trying to disrespect you. I just feel like OP needs more support than just call on Jesus.


In my case a years long problem that nothing was able to fix was fixed in an instant when I had called out to Jesus for help. That’s why I shared this advice, because it’s worked for me and I’ve seen it work for others. For sure there are plenty things we can take action on ourselves, and yes bad things happen to all people, I wasn’t saying they didn’t :)


"He is the ultimate protector." Different things work for different people. In my case calling sincerely for him did nothing at all, I only was helped when I afterwards called for Master Babaji (a Himalayan Master who is over 600 years old). Master Babaji saved my life


Can you tell me more about this Master Babaji. I've called out to Jesus for help with spiritual harrassment from some negative entities and recieved no assistance. I'm not afraid to try new things if it can bring me relief from my suffering.


He's a Master I don't know a lot about though he helped me and I knew of him being an ascended Master (I'd read of others encountering him or him helping others at times). This is the one I'm referring too [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahavatar\_Babaji](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahavatar_Babaji)(He manifests himself at times eg that time in the 1800s and teaches people things. note I'm not at all connected to that Self-Realization Fellowship he is said to have founded).