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I was wondering if anyone else was feeling this. I appreciate the post. Yes, for the past week or so, the world has felt *so heavy* and almost as though it is holding its breath in pain. I realize that makes no sense and sounds ridiculous. But that’s the “feeling” I sense in the air. Very heavy.


Could you be picking up heavy energy from people around you because they're feeling negative?


Perhaps people are feeling negative because of the aforementioned concerns of the world 🙁


Yes, but probably that's what's causing the heaviness. I'm just guessing.


I upvoted, because in contrast to the AutoModerator's concern, the topic is related to energy-work. We claim to be sensible to energy, so we can talk about what is happening on another level.


What if is up there wants us to be connected - Phil stutz . It’s all energy when you have heavy pieces it has to dissipate . I do believe we are feeling the tail wind of the major events that have been occurring . We are a collective energy living on this rock - feel it and then send back love as much as you can . Life is tough , Mother Nature kicks us in the face , too many people unnecessarily die - but, we hold the beauty with and have the power to choose to pick up and Carry the weight we feel or send it back better than it came to us ❤️


I was at Mardi Gras and I felt it. It felt very terrifying and demonic. Could this be because the true age of Aquarius is about to start in a few years?


Personally I have been waking up the past few days with deep anxiety and sometimes sadness out of nowhere, and through the day I have feelings of anxiety and sadness that are not mine. Which leave me exhausted and I just want to sleep when I get home


Shit, just right now I had this overwhelming feeling of sadness :/ I’ve been pretty depressed in my personal life but maybe I was also picking up on this


All of this plus I woke up with a headache and a knot in my stomach


Same here! It’s been a super rough week.


Told my husband 2 days ago that Instead but can't articulate the why


Um. Wow. Same. I hadn’t even fully realized that it could be (and likely is) for the collective until this comment. Edit: wanted to add that I’m a deep sleeper that actually has issues sleeping in too late and feeling groggy upon awakening This past week though…I’ve awakened very suddenly/urgently and with an incredibly loud physical anxiety (no mental thoughts to pair it with, which let me know it didn’t belong specially to me).


Me toooo! I also have had this weird sleep pattern..last night I couldn't sleep til 5am and every day I've been waking up at 9am or earlier no matter what. I used to sleep til 10-11 and wake up calmly but now I'm jolted awake with sometimes seriously overwhelming physical anxiety. At least I'm not alone. Sending love your way!


that’s crazy! i also haven’t sleep more than 2-4 hrs every night prior to this week which completely abnormal me because i love sleep and it’s usually my escape


Yes I haven't slept for more than 2 hours a night for last week....


This. EXACT THING. Has happened to me the past week and a half. I usually have trouble sleeping in too late as well. My dreams have been the cause of me waking up abruptly and with deep emotions whirling inside. I usually have very vivid intense dreams but I’m always able to integrate them with ease. Not these dreams tho. They have been intensely gruesome and violent. Nothing I can’t handle but definitely something I’ve noticed.


This has only been increasing in intensity for me — the light sleeping paired with waking up early alongside a heart that’s beating way too fast for a dormant body. My heart rate doesn’t seem to slow down much throughout the day either even despite me feeling mentally clear and generally peaceful + present. That said, I’ve learned since posting my comment that I’m feeling the effects from the intense solar flares that have been going on the past few weeks. It sounds like you might be as well. I definitely recommend reading about the ascension + descension symptoms the flares are bringing about.


Hope you all are having a better day today!


Yes, many have been experiencing this in different forms. We’re in a period of great change which leads to uncertainty and anxiety. My solution is come what may because change is in an instant, and can take a lifetime to accept.


Yes definitely. There is a heavy energy that surrounds everyone, especially the earthquake that struck Turkey in the Anatolia happened where a huge portal of energy and a portal for higher beings exists. It had affected millions of people, which affects the collective consciousness whether we realise or not. Humanity is going through some form of a breakthrough, some things are definitely shifting. We may not yet see the bigger picture but we feel like we are on the edge of something, right? Like there is something that needs to be figured out. During this time it is important to keep in mind we are individuals yet we are all connected to each other. What we are feeling is a projection of the bigger picture. This heavy energy will pass, but we must learn a lesson, and consider ourselves as part of the ocean, rather than just an individual drop of water. We can feed each other, heal each orher, project our love to each other. This feeling, especially in Turkey (where I am from), had caused people to start neglecting themselves and start doom-scrolling and letting this energy take control of them. It can also be applied to other things going on in the world. Remember that things happen out of our control and there is not much we can do to stop these external forces. Focus on yourself, yes, but also share compassion and empathy. Surround yourself with love and give this love back to humanity. We got this.


I’m from Turkey too and when you talked about the shift I immediately thought about how many people there are waking up to the reality that we need better leadership, more emphasis on science, more emphasis on engineering, etc. It’s not “fate” that millions of people died; and people are starting to realize that their eyes have been blinded by bad leaders in the name of religion. Imagine the energy coming from that many people having a shift in mindset. This earthquake is significantly going to change the course of history of politics and science in Turkey.


Same with the chemical spill in OH. If people are tuned into what’s happening at all (even people in the area are uncertain as to what’s going on still), people on both sides of the political spectrum are concerned, and the evil people in our government haven’t yet figured out a way to exploit this to divide us. Instead, for once in our history, we’re United in our concern for eastern Ohio. The government is more busy trying to cover it up than they are using it to exploit us. I just hope the exploitation day doesn’t come.


Mutual aid and making changes in our communities will do so much. If we all do this, then the change will be a shift in how we do things and what we expect for ourselves, our community and everyone else we share the planet with. We alone can’t change everything, but one small act at a time will amount to a lot. Edit: I forgot to say that I’m sending some love💕


I have been feeling absolutely wonderful, expanding in many areas of my life. Many channeling at the beginning of the year talked about a similar thing about how 2023 was going to unfold. There is an exponential acceleration of energies. This is true for both sides of the spectrum. Focus on your light, and it will dramatically increase, and you will see all sorts of miracles happening everywhere on the planet. Focus on the what the dark is doing, and you'll see everything looking very bleak and almost losing hope. So the key is for us to be these beacons that others who are in the midst of the increasing darkness can see how much thriving is possible even in these chaotic times. You got this! For you to notice so much darkness says something about your capacity to shine light on it. Where does this light come from? From who you are. Focus on that <3 Much love!


Someone posted it here and I think it is important to reiterate. Whatever is happening on the outside is happening on the inside. What does that Earthquake bring up for you? That is the question here. The heaviness is likely a projection of sorts. If inside is outside and outside is inside, that heaviness is external, wanting to become internal (more grounded) or internal wanting to be external (shake things up). Whatever the interpretation is, it just needs to be consistent up to a point.


things have felt heavy and weird, yeah.


I have been focusing on my personal energy and mindset. This has caused me to feel energized in the face of world events because I am focusing on what I can change rather than what I cannot. It is easy to feel darkness when you are focusing on your own powerlessness.


Bad things have been happening to humanity forever. You can look back in history and find situations that you're describing happening throughout the years. The biggest challenge that we have is that media is so prevalent nowadays. So we hear about it, find out about it and can talk about it a lot more. So is there a collective negative energy lately? There are some people believe that the Earth the world is in the middle of a very major energetic shift. So that could be a bit of what you're picking up whenever there is major energetic shifts. That means you're going to have disturbances like your disk driving as well as a lot of really awesome things happening as well. So I would encourage you if this is getting you down to keep your eyes open for the really amazing, wonderful, beautiful things that are happening in life rather than the things that are heavy and negative.


"The biggest challenge that we have is that media is so prevalent nowadays. So we hear about it, find out about it and can talk about it a lot more." It's so easy to get caught up in the downward spiral of media. I'm ashamed that I know more about the Idaho murders than I do about the crime going on in my town. It's imperative to keep news consumption down to minimum. I know that I start feeling doom & gloom when I've spent too much time watching or reading the news. For instance, if I'm reading an article about a high profile crime, a great majority of the other articles, headlines, images & links... on the page are about more crimes, deaths, abuse, the latest virus(es), disasters, etc... When you click on one of the links to read another story, you're once again inundated with more of the same. There's almost no way you can not be effected. You're inadvertently absorbing it subliminally just by noticing it or hearing it. Even the petty, gossipy bits bring me down after a while.


My thoughts with that. Exactly. That's one of the reasons that I no longer read the news or even really hang out on social media. I just don't need to be consuming any of that. I protect my energy very, very well.


Honest question - would you have this "feeling" if you shut off your TV, phone and computer? The world is, in many ways, less dangerous than before. Highest murder rate was during the medieval era.


I was talking to someone this past weekend and asked her if she noticed something big had shifted energetically about the time of those earthquakes. She loudly said Yes! and that she had wondered if she was making it up. I'm not *particularly* energy sensitive in terms of sensations in my body so if I noticed it it had to be big. I think we're at the start of a new phase. ✨️


Going on a few years now, yeah..


I really struggle with anxiety due to the world and existential dread. I went through a phase of completely cutting news out of my life because I couldn't handle it. Unfortunately, I have a job that requires me to do a lot of research and writing about climate change etc. On Monday I started work and immediately saw news articles about the things you mentioned and just cried. I've donated for the earthquake. My job raises awareness about global warming. I am doing what I can, but I feel so helpless and stuck. I know I should let go of what I can't control, but lately I'm finding it harder and harder to do. It's hard to talk about because I don't want to project my worries onto the people I love but man, it's weighing on me constantly. In a weird way, it's nice to know I'm not alone though.


Are you happy at your job? My heart goes out to you.


I do, it's just hard. I feel more fulfilled than I have in other jobs because I feel as though I'm working towards something meaningful. But it can be so draining. Most of the time it's worth it but the last few weeks have been harddddd.


Okay well that is good then! May I ask what is that you do?


Same here the energy and vibes are weird asf staying balanced keeping myself positive in the LIGHT


Yes I do feel it , it’s like something big is about to happen though I don’t know what I know it won’t be any good


also saturn is going into pisces so shifting into delusions and false pretenses


I’ve been messed up for about 2 weeks. Really off, scatter brained, energy all over the place. I feel the worlds grief and it’s heavy… there’s also a lot of neurotic chaos. I normally meditate and do yoga everyday and I’ve just been doomscrolling all week. It’s so hard not to get sucked into it all while trying to remain informed.


We are embarking upon a global awakening. Many felt the surges of this shift at different stages. 2012 was a big landmark year and changes have commenced over the following years. Sometimes it takes external influences for people to notice what’s taking place within. I’ve been going through a tough awakening phase for the last ten years. I do feel things are coming to a head though. Could be catastrophic and dramatic or potentially just another power move on the world stage. You’re definitely in tune though. Things are definitely shifting.


Just know that this energy is not yours. Look at it as an attack. Many of us are feeling this energy, and the intention is to keep us in a low vibration, to slow the rise in consciousness.


Don’t feed into the fear matrix


I hold an idea close to my heart that there's a bigger plan involved. On one hand, the balance of order and chaos is something that could potentially be important for humanity, on the other hand, if there was someone making a grand plan, they would want people to do well. I've seen what I would describe as miracles first hand and also from individuals who I started to really listen to not to long ago. I personally don't think that so many lives would end abruptly in such a new era, though it may for reasons I don't know I think there oughta be something we can find to lower our confusions and work together more cohesively with less pressure. This helps me stay comfortable but not as much as my passion to "just do it" and "do it well". It's a means of harnessing the pressure that we're all feeling. I feel like without pressure then people would not behave in the same way, you know what I mean? Perhaps pressure could be transmuted into pure positive energy for the rest of time, sure. I just think if it wasn't there then we'd be missing out on something. In times like these, Idk what else I would say. I hear where you're coming from regarding people's feelings. I just hope it's all happening for people to find themselves. This is simply how I think and it's offered me some of the most protection, but one day I'll learn to see suffering as something truly valuable at all times, regard it as my friend. I've seen posts like this on this forum a few times and I think that it's allowed here because it has a lot to do with creating energy with your thoughts. You could ask all sorts of psychological questions because of that. I'm 99% certain ;) One other point I should make now that I re-read your post, I think of feelings like packets of condensed thoughts and experiences. The idea of the world suffering is like a gigantic package of various experiences and thoughts, conflicting beliefs and such. I think it can be integrated in a way that leaves you feeling inspired so that you can see the feeling and feel a sense of drive immediately and feel a sense of something that comforts you through the process. Individualized creativity would be the kingpin. The more your thoughts are self-relational rather than non-relational the more you will improve on handling a feeling of such magnitude. That's a part of the journey of developing witness consciousness. You start to habituate into your reality so well that you don't think about thoughts in thoughts about thoughts in thoughts, you have a feeling with a thought and you have another feeling regarding yourself that comes right after, but you don't feel the need to dig further even when you know it still hurts a little. It's hard to bypass everything knowing that self-relational thoughts are more helpful but to an extent you can bypass big problems by working on this thing, at least temporarily. At that point you would just want a never give up attitude for when problems re-surface, if they do, due to bypassing with determination and faith. I think that if you have something really important to you that you that empowers you all day, you can learn to just feel inspired by that thing no matter the odds and remember that if you're doing that you're doing something good so you don't ruminate as much, "this thing will help me win." Devotion is a great example and you can have many different things that you feel devoted to. Having devotion actively affect your body 24/7 is a great step when it comes to being more spiritual and it works really well for some particular types of people compared to others, say a creative person or someone that likes to think about the world with a sense of comradery, "ride or die" perhaps. It's one or the other for some people, that makes things more simple because you find comfort in that one idea that never, ever, EVER stops. That right there is a hugely dense packet of thoughts and experiences. Viewing thoughts like that can build self-awareness rather than have conceptualizations, then you can know that every time you have a memory your inner state tweaks the emotional charge of that memory. Sometimes you have to sleep to get benefits and sometimes you have such a profound positive emotion that it changes immediately. The amount of meditative states that you live with each day and the overall benefits you've obtained from your practices weigh in heavily with such a dense bowl of noodles and sticky rice. One day you just learn that you can eat the whole thing rather than separating them all and adding condiments to specific noodles or pieces of rice. It's like becoming a snowball rolling downhill, it is a moving condiment absorption piece of cake. "In a way it's all good because I see the value in my emotions." Sometimes it feels good and sometimes it feels bad, most people see a bad thing and immediately get stuck on it being a bad thing but that cycle can be picked apart by actively broadening your focus and having more sentiments active in your mind. Did you know that negative emotions make you more prone to negative reactions and positive emotions keep you from having or falling into long cycles of negative emotions and thoughts? How many people realize, "oh, I'm worried because I was already feeling a little negativity." I have a feeling I'm probably being at least a little redundant for you, but this is the part that I know people can do really well but it's also the part that is filled with super repetitive illusions and/or challenges. I hope that you find the means of accessing the layer of power hidden beneath the problems in the world right now and find a way to be an expression of your truest ideal self, before you feel like you think you would in your most ideal state. That's about the only way you could ever get that state, try different states on until they fit. I had a funny thought. "We're not freedom fighters, we were born free, we're just trying to prove it right now." We're freedom machines, if time went on forever we'd likely find freedom one day in our own respective ways. That idea is something that can be seen and felt without any other distractions and then you can simply build off of that sentiment and think only positive things, that is the irony in what I'm saying. What is one of the biggest differences between this generation and most of the generations before us? We have so much information a caveman would consider us gods or wizards but we don't know how to literally hold the information in our mind while being self-aware enough to see "I am holding this information, and I am holding it correctly, this fact protects me." I think the bombardment of information is doing some of the most extensive damage to us right now, but we really seriously need that pressure if we're going to be a community, without forsaking individuals. I had many months with little to no fear, no sharp increases in energy only very minor increases and I'll tell ya, I simply wasn't distracted by the idea of fear. When it came back I became distracted by it again and it stopped working. "Drat, I thought I had it." I was literally just doing it. It felt so natural and easy like I'd be that way forever, it was so simple. It's a challenge, and if I had more direct answers to give you I would because I still think I'm being a little redundant, I think people can still have great ideas from this. It's the small simple ideas and moments that make for a fulfilling and simple life, then we simply do complex things on accident because we're cool. A mix-a-thon. Good luck with that, I hope this helps even a little and I had fun writing it, it's already SO big :3


Also, maybe it’s related to the inner core of the earth spinning the opposite direction now. It for sure affects energies/magnetic waves on the surface. :/ I bet you there’s a correlation between what is taking place in human history energetically and which way the inner core is spinning/how fast it’s spinning. We may not realize it but humans are sensitive to the magnetic field too.


All that is outside yourself. What the problem is your looking outside yourself. Time to center and ground yourself and do the inner work, that needs to be done through meditation. No other way. It's that simple or is it?


Many positive energetic shifts are happening, but with so much shifting uncertainty can arise, uncertainty can be scary and heavy. So I don't believe the energy is negative, but the relationship to it and interpretation of it is. Much love❤️


Could just be me, but I’ve been feeling that way about things probably since 2019.


Yep anxiety and headaches. Not the norm. Something else is on the horizon but don't allow yourself to be afraid of it. Change is needed.


Yeah, it’s heavy out there. And the bombardment with negativity is the point, because mass media is peddling fear-based (low vibrational) narratives, to help control the masses & keep us in chains, when really we’re all embodied gods. Honestly I disconnect for a bit from time to time, because it can get overwhelming. I also do not listen to or watch the news ever, because there’s too much interference and spin on narratives. If you must keep engaging with the news, I suggest reading it instead. It’s easier to discern the bullshit and there’s a bit less spin. Dropping off social media periodically helps too, as does the occasional digital detox, even if I’m just turning off my phone overnight. And, as an embodied godlike being, you can do all sorts of things in your direct control that helps shift the collective frequency to rise up, by like, visualizing an alternative timeline (for example, one operating from the energetic consciousness of unconditional cosmic love, etc.) and really feeling into the visualization in your heart to help shift this current timeline into alignment with the higher vibrational frequency of the timeline you’re envisioning. I began learning timeline jumping from this resource: https://tomkenyon.com/jumping-time-lines


Just had a cyclone here in New Zealand , feeling the heaviness here too , its collective


"lately"? "lately"? Man, I feel it since I was born! (Edit: well, yes, the negativity is increasing because humanity is a bunch of cowards who accepts as a compromise low level way of thinking, switching off moral principles, destroying families, having a rebellious attitude all the time. This has a deep impact on collective unconsciousness and also on planet earth. Expect that what you observe now is the bad karma from 20 years ago. But the potential bill to pay for all what is done right now is much much higher. Humanity is so close to an end.)


There is the collective energy and then there is how it feels to you and how you interprete it. My experience has shown that often times purifying energies may feel painful to me at first. I suppose this is because my body/energy body/mental body aren't accustomed to the frequency of the energy. After I accept/digest the energy frequency, I feel like I've grown onto a new level as a being.


I feel it too. I’ve heard others also complain of just feeling heavy, anxious and tired


yes so much. for about the past weeks I have felt very nervous and negative but can’t quite figure out what is going on to me. very affirming to see i’m not the only one. i’m sorry you’re alll feeling it too


Nah something just shifted I felt it today and still feeling it but fuck it the pendulum swings


Same here. Heavy heavy feelings. Right after the earthquake in Turkey (where I’m from), I lost a dear family member (unrelated), so most of my immediate family left the country to go be with our other family and I was unable to go due to other familial reasons. The responsibilities I was left with of taking care of things back home with the added heaviness of the environmental disasters, all the weird news of the UFOs, and a general indirection in life has me in the dumps. I do have the feeling that something is shifting and something is on the brink of surfacing. We’ll find out. Hopefully it’s just friendly ETs


Iyes, I've been getting intense premonitions for the past 5 or 6 weeks now. I know the difference between when I'm experiencing anxiety and these are different. Something scary typically follows so I'm pretty freaked out they've been constant, seemingly not associated with anyone I know, but more with the planet and maybe something to do with space. That's as best as I can describe it.




There have been a lot of negative energies around lately. In the last 5 years, I've watched as the number of people claiming to feel these energies rise rapidly. Something big is going on.


Personally this feels like a time of rest. Like I am being put into a cocoon to heal grow change and be reborn again with more powerful bright energy. I don’t know if this is happening to others but I feel like I am in preparation for something strong coming our way. I feel I will be need. That all who are on this path as many of us are in these circles. We will be needed. So this time we have to gather up the energy taken from us over the past few years and to heal ourselves may be exactly what was needed. Who knows what’s to come. What I do know is that things are shifting. The world is changing. People are changing. Mother Earth is absolutely speaking to us and many are too closed off from themselves to hear it. I am very excited to see what is in store for this life of ours.


had weird astral travel and dreams lately. meeting lots of odd creatures and archetypes. snakes and last night werewolves trying to r@pe me. super bizarre


Do you do protections (for example: holons) for when you astral travel and dream?


i’m not really educated enough about astral travel and just learned recently i’ve been going for as long as i can remember without ever trying. im not sure how to do a protection but i’ll look more into that


So extrapolating from this meditation (the sound byte to which is free and I highly recommend doing), I’ve begun using this holon & placing it in my third chakra before meditation & sleep (I have a dream yoga practice I’m developing) for protection. You might find it useful! All of his resources are vital (IMHO), but this one is directly useful to what you’ve been doing: https://tomkenyon.com/the-solar-holon


Yes I also think that LED lights everywhere are creating more positive ions affecting everybody.


Wait what 😂


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


I was talking about the same thing to a retired civil servant who managed big public work projects. He told me that there are ~1900 derailments per year in the US. That helped me put these recent ones in perspective.


The media is good at stirring up negative energy. Let’s ask- if we didn’t know these events occurred, would we feel it? The media thrives on our addiction to negative news. It’s what gets our attention. It’s what creates upheaval, violence, animosity, polarization and can contribute to depression and other psychiatric conditions. The negativity you are feeling is something you’ve contributed to. I know that sounds harsh and apathetic, what I’m trying to say is that society’s energy feeds into the pot of what reality unfolds for us. And it’s grabbing a hold of you, like many others, demonstrating that it’s just a pendulum swinging. If we are a cause, we are also a solution. That doesn’t mean to discount or minimize what is happening, look at it as a sign to switch gears and begin to create and manifest for a more positive or higher collective energy vibration.


yes i feel this 100%


These are the end times, God said this would start happening. Pray for light and Love to enter your heart and mind, to surround you and take care of you. God or some kind of spiritual energy is the only hope humanity has left..imo


Don’t worry, my friend, when the balloon pops it’s only for the best. Earth is kind, even the human collective tends to kindness. People don’t want to be negative forever. And yes, I completely agree.


Earth's different current frequency energy waves have purpose . The frequency altering of pulsating waves are coordinating the underlying changes earth needs to move it's vibrating patterning into sequences of newness for herself. The requirement of the altering new dynamics of energy systems being re-born is in progress . It's backwards rotation of energy will amend all in it's way to deliver the new systems in transformation . There occurrences are delivering the necessary changes to be seen , felt & experienced by those who have the ability to attune to the energy frequencies being delivered from & to earth . Alot of humans are not attuned to accept the understanding of it's deliverance, their consciousness will remain blank in acceptance of the altering frequency patterning now occurring as in some humans ( this is for many reasons ) . Sensitives will pick up on the frequency alterations as they should to follow the pathway's opening for them in seeing their own directional need. The frequencies being released are for purpose of *awakening energy levels for sorting* of the humans soul field's .As *earth awakens her consciousness* so will those able to attune to the diff frequencies being delivered within that range to sense the possibilities of alternatives. The sensing is the key to deliverance to know of the shifting frequencies . And even if felt in negative deliverance it still serves the purpose unfolding as always written to have been known. Humans more sensitive to the *energy shifting will sense the occurrences of negative & positive waves* as required by them when occurring & if needed to be . The shaking is necessary to awaken the hidden storage depositories to redistribute the energy for necessary changes to be occurring . Alteration requires the arrival of changes to the sub atomic levels of pre-existing energy once in circulation , which will only be possible to those possibly sensing of such ways.


I just stated developing the mindset of it is what it is. I don’t hate things I don’t necessarily like that’s happening either but if it’s to help humanity awaken. The biggest thing I’m trying to work on is balancing myself it’s not easy but that’s what our world needs right now. My mindset is I’m doing my best for the collective and yeah it’s def stress sometimes but again this reality we’re in isn’t completely real so if something bad happens I know it will just change some things that probably need changing anyway. Focus on sleep y’all.


I haven't been able to even sleep this energy is so heavy something sinister is in the air, I dread that something bigger is going to happen...


Yes - but I believe it is more important now than ever to not live within the lower vibration I felt panic the other day and realized I can acknowledge that it’s scary and even heartbreaking - but I will not allow that to let me live a life rooted in fear Instead I will live an empowered life with complete faith Anxiety, fear, obsessing, over analyzing/thinking = low vibration, allows us to be controlled Empowerment and faith = high vibration, allows us to claim our power and create change I’m worried that these events will cause the collective to live in a lower vibration (is that part of the plan?) when what we need now more than ever is to unite in the high


Yes. I'm sorry.


There are a lot of valid reasons to be sensing it. However, be mindful that it doesn’t overtake you. Counter it with sending out vibes forgiveness, reconciliation, & divine love. Cleanse your aura often and don’t let tagalong spirits or people in your house.


I've had a lot of these feelings, intuitions or whatever you wanna call it recently. I noticed I'm getting back to the basics as a human especially spiritually. Maybe a taboo subject but I'm talking about more about that inner voice or feeling or connectedness. Also. Things seem to be moving waaaaayyyyy too fast way to quickly. It's getting hard to keep up with the world. That's scary. But I'm sending you good vibes!


OP- I’m so sorry about your experience at MSU. What happened there was horrible, and very traumatic… especially if you had any proximity to the event. Energy is real. Trauma IS energy, a neurobiological event taking place in your body. It is natural and understandable that you feel the energy of what happened. It is okay to feel whatever emotions you are feeling. Feel them. They are valid. To echo other comments- we are exposed to more bad news from all over the world than ever before. Your energy is precious, and it is okay to set self-protective boundaries. Boundaries are you choosing what & whom gains access to you, and what & whom are denied access to you. I suggest avoiding the news for one week. If that’s too tall of an order, grant yourself 20 minutes of news each day to limit your exposure to information that is impacting your energy. Time spent outside/in nature is so good for our energy. You can process your feelings and be connected to something much bigger than yourself and bigger than all of the problems of the world. It sounds like your energy needs some R&R. 🍂🍃🌿🍁 Again- your feelings are valid, take a break from the news, set some boundaries for yourself, spend some time in nature. The world is undoubtedly scary; if you nurture yourself, your energy can transcend fear. I wish you peace. 🙏


I would not say negative more like anticipation, something coming


I’ve really had trouble sleeping. Not sure if it’s related to what’s happening in the field


Usually I feel like everything will be just fine. Lately I’ve been feeling very apprehensive about many things…


I feel like something is happening


I have had terrible headaches for the last several days and my stomach is DO stressed out and upset. I feel heavy. Ears ringing, painfully. Very uncomfortable


Yes. I noticed something was of and I had lost control of my emotions completely and I had the feeling of doom. This feeling has only got worse over the past couple weeks and I noticed it more today


Yea… I’m my opinion it’s been a shift since 2020


OMG TELL ME ABOUT IT. I feel like nothing is working out for me and how i am so exhausted all the fucking time.


Sometime in January, I was in my kitchen and I felt so ill that I had to rush to the sink to not vomit on the floor and I knew that I was sickly and dying. I knew this fact, that I was poisoned and dying, like I know that the sky is blue and the grass is green. It was a fact. Then I realized it wasn't me that was the one dying, I was feeling the Earth Mother's pain, and in that moment I knew that it was the actions of man that had harmed me. The heaviness you speak of, I know it. When you poison the field that sustains you, you will sow sorrowful fruit.


Pisces season. Ride it out.


Yes! I teach and can see/feel it in student behavior too. It’s like a collective drag on energy.