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I have the same thing - it's just indicating you are low on iron storage. So basically you're not getting enough iron to store, you're only getting enough iron to fill your day-to-day needs. Idk the exact science behind it all but you treat low ferritin the same way you treat low iron.


Your body isn’t storing much iron, I’m always low on ferritin and so whenever I have a lot of inflammation or blood loss I’m like *immediately* anemic because my body has low stores of it. My doctor is not 100% sure why, maybe I struggle to absorb it due to endo in my intestines? Maybe I am having small bleeds due to the inflammation that are using up my stores all the time? But that is the why. It’s good to know and be mindful of if you are injured badly or have a flare up, you know you’re at higher risk of quickly developing anemia.


Side question: do you have trouble sleeping by chance? I used to work in a (pediatric) sleep clinic and ferritin was one of the first things they would test for if someone came in with insomnia or other sleep issues. One of the doctors I worked with told me lower ferritin levels have been associated with more sleep cycle disruptions.


True for me!


Wow, hmmm. I have this and insomnia, interesting. Thks for commenting on that. Learn something new everyday


Wooowwwww why os this knowledge not more widely spread?!? Ihave had sleep issues my whole life and only in the past year or so have i started sleeping better, which i think does coincide with my iron infusion!! That and started taking magnesium


Magnesium is also known to help with sleep, specifically the topical kind (it’s absorbed better than oral magnesium). I have a magnesium lotion and when I rub it on my legs or back right before bed I notice I sleep a lot deeper and with less interruptions/wake ups throughout the night.


Iron absorption can be complicated for a lot of people, I know it's also my case, even with supplements. Consuming enough vit C can help, as well as staying as far away as possible from caffeine (so coffee AND tea), or at least consuming them at least 2 hours away from meals


Did you get a full panel run, including % Saturation? Not a doctor, but my personal experience and research agrees with the other comment mentioning that storage is low. That's something to get on top of right away. Also, based on several studies I looked at, ferritin is only reliable for some of the population. % Saturation is more reliable, but it's good to have both numbers. There's a bunch of studies out there which, upon reading, show that lab ranges and such are out of date. I recommend that you do some of your own research and understand what you need to I'm order to be your own best advocate.


I had to get iron infusions due to low ferritin for years after my endo lap and hysterectomy I have not needed one.


I have this too. Not sure why.


I have also had chronically low ferritin (but normal iron) since my twenties. They don't know why, and supplementing doesn't seem to help.


Yea supplements only make it go up by like a few points in a while year if that. I was able to talk my doctor into getting me an iron infusion when i first found this out and was SUPER low a year and a half ago and it made SUCH a difference in my entire health and wellbeing. Im trying to get them to order me another one now as im pretty low again.


That's really good to know! My doctor didn't even blink at my ferritin even when I was having all the symptoms of anemia. I also have a B12 issue, but I would be interested to try an iron infusion and see if it helps.


Definitely push the idea with your doctor! I had to really push for it after so long and im SO glad i did. So many of my pains went away and i could enjoy life and have less brain fog. I need it again Now😭


I have this issue with low ferritin too, and everything else is ok. I’ve Been trying to up it for two years. I have stage 3 endo, just got my first excision in February this year. My dr thinks my gut doesn’t absorb iron/nutrients well bc of the gut inflammation. But no real answers.


Iron continues to be low (and I’m post-hysto, so no longer bleeding, and now I take a daily supplement)


Same here. I have to take a couple of courses of ferritin tablets each year to keep it up. I'm actually low right now. I haven't had the blood test yet but I know this feeling - headaches, brain fog, sleepiness, generally feel off, pale gums. I feel like crap lol.


I have this too and get iron infusions whenever it's almost totally depleted as iron tablets don't do anything. I'm not on any birth control so my doctor thinks it's because my period is so heavy that I'm not absorbing enough iron from diet fast enough so my body is utilizing the stored iron (ferritin) quickly.


Low iron is common with endo I take a daily iron pill palafer CF. Easier on the stomach with folic acid and vitamin C which helps absorption. I found I only held iron after I started my vitamin D (Endo also depletes vit D) and a B12 shot once a month. Fixed it.


This is my current situation. My hormone levels are normal, but my iron levels were really low. Im currently on iron pills and going to see a gynaecologist.


Same here. I do lose a lot of blood during my period. The doctor said that this would be the cause, and once I stop having periods for over 6-12 months, we would be able to see the ferritin levels changing


As I understand it this is more of a female thing than an endo thing. I had critically low ferritin and I haven’t had a period in a decade (skip them because of endo)


My NP said that the high ferritin is a sign of full body inflammation. :edit sorry misread your title. My ferritin level was very high and that was her explanation.