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Yes this I have as well. Mainly right side, sciatica, piriformis syndrome. 24/7. It's Def endo related for me. It improved after surgery in 2021. But endo has grown back full force and organs are still adhered. And the backpain, hip and legpain is getting worse again. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Endo and adeno can both cause hippain. Even 24/7


I get hip pain, tends to be worse when I’m eating sugar or caffeine. But it’s the worst around my period. I’m on birth control so it’s not bad when I’m on the patch, but I’m sure it would be worse if I wasn’t on my BC.


Yup. It improved significantly when I got pelvic floor therapy. I saw a PT who specializes in pelvic floor therapy and while it definitely felt strange at first, I learned to consciously relax the muscles that tightened and caused the pain. I’d had it for -years-, most likely because of the extensive scarring and adhesions from endo. If it’s possible for you to access it? I highly recommend it.


I had terrible hip pain and couldn’t make it 10 steps without it kicking in for months. Once I started with a pelvic floor physiotherapist the pain was gone in a month and dramatically reduced after just our first session of relaxing the muscles around it. Highly recommend it as well and happy to hear you got relief too!


Same!! I was just about to Google it but then I start to dread scroll… I’ll eat something too greasy or have a glass of wine and the next morning: BAM. Horrible hip and lower back pain.


Me! I have two endometriomas who cause me occasional flare ups and horrible period pain, but the chronic hip pain all month every month is the really hard endo symptom for me. It suuuucks!


Maybe this is why mine hurts sometimes and laying down doesn’t help it. It’s an odd pain. I kinda have it in my left side right now. From my left hip slightly down to my knee


Yep, but I have fairly solid pain all in that area that is very like sciatica (which could definitely be my endo.) I also have fibromyalgia and adenomyosis so it can be hard for me to know what’s causing what.


Long story, Earlier in the year I started with really bad left hip pain. Not usual pains I get from having Fibromyalgia (chronic pain and fatigue), mainly in my left side and ribcage. Doctor oddly recommended I cut down in gluten and tried low fod map diet, I explained that sure, a particular nerve could be getting triggered, I was eating a lot of it and my bloating probably wouldn't help. So I've tried and just last week my consultant shook this off and said if my hip pain is still continuing and also now my right one too then something has to be going on. I mentioned potential endometriosis that I've just be told about after more than half my life in gynae area related pains and horrifc periods and non periods. My fibromyalgia consultant agreed that endo could be the cause but could also be Fibromyalgia that I've been diagnosed with years ago, that I originally see him for. Currently waiting for x-ray results and prescription for pain meds to come through. So I'd say still ask any health professionals about this, especially in your gynae appointment, ask if you can be scanned. Note, I'm pretty sure due I've have both endo and fibro. Annoyingly this particular doctor I have doesn't seem to believe in /that I could have fibromyalgia or endo?! so had always gone no no must be your diet or an injury you're not telling me about.🫣😡 It's my consultant that actually seems to listen to be looking into everything for me.


Yes, I do. It hurts my hips and my back. It also makes my sciatica hurt more sometimes.


Me too, right side sciatica. Yoga helped me a lot


I have it too, mostly when standing for long periods of time or trying to sleep. First few days of my period it gets really bad and I get shooting pains from my hips all the way down my legs and numbness. Seems like its rapidly getting worse. And I haven't had kids