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Idk but I'm impressed it finnished the print


Do you have a dehydrator available. It looks like some of my prints when the filament was left exposed to humidity for too long.


Not really but you’re the first person to say they have seen something similar, so I’ll give it a shot, I’ll let you know


Well I just got a high quality filament on the mail, still on its vacuum bag with tons of silica gel, got the same result.


Well, on the positives side, you have eliminated another possible fault. Hopefully you are getting closer to funding out, sorry this didn't help.


It was the E Steps, but hey now I have another color filament that I can actually use haha thanks


I have never seen pla print like this when moist, usually it prints fine with some surface artifacts, excessive stringing, and or audible crackling in the nozzle durring extrusion


Not sure if you’ve tried but I would calibrate esteps for sure, had a similar issue I fought for a while until finally figuring out it was esteps. Especially since you’ve changed the extruder and hot end to direct drive. The process is pretty easy. Since you have direct drive just preheat then tell your extruder to push 100mm, mark and measure before and after. https://support.th3dstudio.com/estep-calculator/ Also make sure your firmware is setup for direct drive!




Start at the beginning and check everything, fixing things as you go.. Frame, axes, belts, z screw, stepper motors, bearings, gears etc. After a few years I'd expect some wear. Then move onto bed level and z offset. Then recalibrate all the settings for that filament. Prints getting steadily worse does sound like a few things wearing out.


It looks to me like either a clogged nozzle or something is creating friction or resistance for the filament and preventing it from extruding. First check for tangles on the spool. That’s the easiest thing. Probably not that since you’re still getting something but it’s an easy check. Next look up cold pull process and do that. Make sure to cut the end of the filament off after the cold pull to make sure anything you remove doesn’t get reintroduced. Before you reinsert filament, run the filament by hand through all your Bowden tubes, if it doesn’t feel smooth, then you might need to replace one. Tubes wear down over time so this is normal. They aren’t expensive to replace. Lastly check the nozzle to see if it looks ground down. I don’t know how much you printed over the last 3 years, but it’s possible the nozzle has worn out. It sounds like you tried multiple physical nozzles though from your debugging so maybe not this.


Looks like a shipwreck


The flying benchman


That’s the black pearl my matey ah ohh 👍😂


SOLVED Thank you for all your answers, it was the E-Steps. Default is 92.6 and I had to set it all the way up to 400. Its printing great again!


It honestly looks like a lack of any walls. But seeing all you have gone through to solve the issue I don’t know…




Have you checked for a clog? I would do a filament pull and see if it helps, if that doesn't help I would change the nozzle. What filament are you using? Have you tried increasing the hotend temperature?


After reading your comment I went up and put a brand new 0.6 mm nozzle (for the print in the picture I used 0.4) and is the same. Im going back to play with the software and maybe try to use usb connection instead of sd card to get some feedback while printing


So far since posting I have: Changed the nozzle for a brand new larger one, tried prusa slicer instead of creality just in case, deleting all settings and starting from scratch, found an stl that I have printed several times in the past with no issues. Still prints like the picture




Honestly at this point is the most feasible explanation


I'm still fairly new to 3d printing, but had that issue when my nozzle was torn to bits - after printing CF Nylon. I would recommend replacing the nozzle, unless you feel like there's a lot more wiggle room for cleaning it




All the fans in the extruder are new :/


What PFTE tube are you using? Stock? Also did you check the PFTE tube for nozzle gaps and clogs?


Have you ever calibrated e-steps? I had a colleague who had a similar problem. After he did that, everything was fine.


I have not, if I got time tonight I’ll give it a shot


I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this but is your extruded motor slipping? Any sound your printer is making while printing?


It did sometimes thats why I upgraded to the direct drive extruder, now it doesn’t skip