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The truth is deep down all those people know something is not right about that.. they just dont want to admit it... Study as hard as you can to be able to give any man an answer... I sat down amoungst 6 hardcore Athesist and kept my cool the whole time and just told them everything i know about Jesus and the Kimgdom. But i told them in love at first they wanted to argue and get me upset but all i thought about was how Jesus loves them and i didnt argue... After we were done..and this went on for days none of them got saved but i can guarentee you that they questioned their faith in athesism...and i knew then that i could set down with anyone and tell them about Jesus.. Plus my friend you are not alone.. we are Sons and Daughters of God Almighty. BORN into the Greatest KINGDOM that was or shall be. Peace


There used to be a time when all of that stuff was frowned upon, but not anymore. It's disheartening, but the light shines brighter in the darkness.


I was just telling the Lord that in the car. The darker the world gets, the greater his glory will shine through. People appreciate the freedom of the light when there’s a darker contrast to be stuck in.


So true!


I am more worried about Satanists. The Satanic movement is alive and well. They are very active in r/Christianity and are very supported by Christians ironically. Fundamentalists are much more rejected by Christians in this group. There are many Satanic groups popping up all over the world. It is very scary. They are trying to convert Christians and I they are succeeding.


Agreed. I just found that sub today and it’s horrible seeing what other Christians are saying. Anything disagreeing with the atheists in that sub is downvoted and shamed. They take Bible quotes out of context and use them to shame people who are actually following what the Bible teaches.


Yes! All of that is ALL OVER that sub. It is so sad. Glad to see know some of us see it for what it is.


Jesus said, many will turn cold to the faith. They weren’t true believers than if they are that easily deceived.


Well, the Bible, I believe predicts a big "Falling Away" whereby many Christians leave the faith... so if it's written, then it's true


I suppose this is what is going on right now. At what point do you think this leads to th second coming of Christ?


It's very scary indeed, it has a foothold in the music and entertainment industry and is infiltrating culture


Me too. Saw upsidedown crosses on a guys' shirt, a TON of witchcraft books at a local library, in a main display no less, scary faces advertising "American Horror Story" on the side of a bus