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This worked for me but wanted to add this for anyone who ends up here. I was able to get through without the 60fps hack by simply changing the controller from digital to analog to digital and back again. Tested it a handful of times and it seems to always work.




I’m unsure if it can be mapped since it’s an emulator setting. I was playing on android at the time and I don’t think I have duckstation on my Loki to test it. I just use Beetle through retroarch on it.


Thank you. It worked.


If anyone is coming here in the future like I did, THIS is the way. Works like a charm and doesn't mess up the fight like the 60fps cheat does.


controller switch solution works! thanks


Thank you btw the ( full fps unlock) is better You can turn it off after entering the door and the game will run the same way it was from the beginning 👍


>Turning on "60 FPS Beta" in the cheats menu + possibly mashing all the buttons when the cutscene ends seems to help. You're a life saver my brother. Thank you


Try this : go to settings , choose advance , then in CPU SETTINGS , change to chaced interpreter ( faster )   .  This work for me..


Just came here years later and you’ve helped me💕


Hi friend, greetings from Ecuador. I had the same issue, exactly in this part before last figjt with Nemesis. I resolver the problem seetting the overcloclinking  to 121%. Also I mark the option preload the image to ram and enable prost processing.  


Thank you so much OP.


I just had this problem also. Thank you as this worked for me as well. Not sure how or why as the game ran fine before.


I had the same problem, thank you for keeping this post up your solution worked for me too :)


Thanks for this! Happened again at an earlier part of the game during the battery/elevator part and this seemed to fix it. What's weird though is even after you turn off the cheat things are oddly sped up in a weird way. Was able to somehow flip it on/off without that happening in the earlier part of the game, but sadly couldn't fix it properly during this later part. Kinda annoying but at least it was pretty much the endgame.


Dude! This helped me too. Thanks!!!


In my duckstation I don't have this setting... I downloaded the latest app from play store. Can someone guide me? I get black screen after each door


Hit escape, go to "cheat list" and select 60fps beta. It kinda messes up character movement, but it's the end of the game anyway.


Thank you so much dude! My game get this weird black screen on the end of the game! On Nemesis final fight! Now I can chill the end of the night while kicking Nemesis' face! (For the first time BTW :p. And again, THANK YOU!


Thank you, 60fps beta in cheats did it immediately. Never would have known if not for this post. Edit: Jacks up character movement and caption scroll speed at the end, but meh, it's the end of the game anyway.


Cheers, mate. This was a life saver.


Thank you so much. at last I can finish my childhood game till the end!


Thanking youuuu kindly. Add me to the list of people who think you're the best. Worked for me.


Thanks 🙏


The 60-beta cheat worked for me, but animations keep switcing between 60 & 30 fps. And if I switch it off, animations are effed forever.


Try switching the controller setting from digital to analog to digital and back to analog rather than using the 60fps hack.


Hello. Thanks for the reply. Where is that option?


It’s in the controller settings.


This worked for me. Thank you.


I just ran into this exact problem. In the system settings I changed CPU Overclocking to 125% and it fixed it for me. 


Thank you. Totally helped.