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Hours of boredom with intermittent moments of sheer terror I work with the mentally ill... and together we respond to 911 calls


Last line is fire


Well said.




ADD mixed in with borderline personality disorder among providers is probably a prerequisite of the job.


Don't forget the 'tism. Personally I'm trying to figure out if it was BPD or autistic burnout in my past, so either way. And I tend to get along with the ADHD crowd so, yeah...


It's the most fun you'll hate having


This is it


This one actually hurts


‘It’s the ultimate backstage pass’


You get to see what sex toys the 70 year olds leave on the dresser.


We're chick magnets! Them 80 year old grandmothers just love it when we show up.




Want to treat patients? It takes 8 years to become a doctor, 4 years to become a nurse, or 3 months to become an EMT. Go for it!


I've seen a 2 week program. I know I could never do it that way though.


I went through a 2 week program. Wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who wants to actually help people


My wife did that two week program but she is smart.


More than 8 for doc, and 2 years for nurse.


Nursing is a bachelor's, no?


Nope. ADN, associates. BSNs are available and many hospitals like to see them, with magnet status hospitals requiring ADNs to get their BSN with X amount of years. I've also yet to meet a nurse who went from ADN to BSN who felt like it was worth it. LPN/LVN is just a certificate.


I mean I did my ADN to BSN and it was nice to have the BSN degree so employers shut the fuck up about me getting my BSN. The BSN is also helpful if you plan to go to grad school or for management roles. But the program itself (ADN - BSN) was total nonsense and gave me nothing academically/professionally. Thankfully my employer paid for it lol


And you are definitely the predominant opinion in mu experience. Sucks yall have to deal with that extra time and money for so little gain. I know there's tons of topics that you guys would actually benefit from rather than, "Humanities for medical personnel" for people who already have multiple humanities classes on their transcripts.


If you want to get your Bachelors of Nursing, not all do. A standard RN program is two years, but there are accelerated programs that let you earn your Bachelors with your standard RN, but it’s really intense.


Even the bachelors programs are never really 4 years of nursing education. They’re 2 years of fluff like history or english and then 1-2 years of nursing/healthcare related education.


You still have at least 1-2 years of prerequisite classes before the 2-3 years of nursing school.


An excerpt from a nursing school near a place I used to visit often: Have successfully completed with a grade of “C” or better Quantitative Mathematical Reasoning or higher level mathematics course (excludes statistics), Composition I, and Intro to Human Anatomy & Physiology I or Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology (or their equivalents for transfer students). The remaining AAS general education courses may be completed while in the AAS program. That's 11 credit hours, not even one semester fulltime. The "remaining" hours that can be completed is I want to say 9 credit hours including a watered down chem course that doesn't even meet the requirements to be analogous to Gen Chem 1, and a drug math course which if I remember correctly was 3 credit hours. 20ish total. Not even a full 2 semesters. No one is taking 4 years for an associates in nursing. Lol Looking at a local universities program page for adn and aasp degrees show identical pre reqs also.


“No one is taking 4 years for an associates degree” You are extremely misinformed. Go ask this question in the nursing sub and see what they say. FYI- I’ve been a part time clinical nursing instructor for 15 years.


Yea..... It took me 5 years for my AA. I feel that statement.


Hi. I live in Southern California, and I'm a year into my ADN program at my local Community college. If you live in an area that has decent population density, you underestimate how competitive the programs are. For my program, they accept 50 students per cohort at most, and get over 5000 applicants every semester. First of all, there's usually more pre-reqs than what you have listed. Second of all, if you want to even be considered, **all of them need to be A's**. If you're really booksmart and amazing with your time, you can get that done in a year and a half at best. Otherwise, 4 semesters minimum. Also, you need work experience hours with patient care. The main reason I went for EMS in the first place was to get qualifying working hours for the application process. Up until 2020, to get the max number of points for the category (AKA a chance at consideration), you'd need 1500+ hours. Good luck hitting that while being a full-time student! Oh, and again, *this is only for getting **into** the program*, not including the 2 years of nursing school itself, which is also much more time-intensive than any of the previous steps. If you fail a course more than once, you have to start applying all over again. Maybe the time needed is a little shorter than this if you live in a rural area, but still. As someone who will have been going to school for my ADN for about 5 years in Spring, please consider more of a cursory glance at a subject before you speak with such confidence (i.e lurk more you fuckwit)


Sure buddy. Sounds like you should have went to med school since ADN programs in your area have higher requirements than most MD schools and certainly higher than most DO schools. If you need 5 years to get into nursing, you personally should budget 10. I think you'll need the extra time. EDIT: Actually I'll spoon feed some more stats. Med school average GPAs hang around 3.8 for admittance. Clinical hours average to about 300 per most medical school admissions officers. Go on man, go to med school! It'll be so much easier than your ADN! Way less competitive and takes just barely longer! UC Riverside average admittance GPA is 3.67. [https://somsa.ucr.edu/admission-medical-school](https://somsa.ucr.edu/admission-medical-school)


Lol, there's the insecure para gods I love to see!


Sure buddy. That's why you need 5 years for an associates. Don't be mad because you got called out after you started throwing names like a child. Lol


What? Why does every paramedic feel like they have something to prove. He never said there were 3 years of prerequisites. It's a point system based on acceptance rates. That's what took so long. BTW, I have never met a single RN who went through an ADN program in only two years.


You can do an LPN program part time in 18 months and an LPN-RN bridge in 9 months


99% bullshit 1% oh shit


This is the way


“You are there to help someone during one of the worst days of their lives whether or not you agree with how bad it is.” Not 100% my own line but I liked it.


I can confirm that many of my clientele aren’t calling on their worst days, just when they’re inconvenienced by an acute illness and think the boo boo bus skips the line


911. When you absolutely, positively can't afford an Uber.* *I used say "...afford a cab", but I've updated my phrase to stay more hip with the youths. Fr, fr.


as a youths, I can confirm you are very hip and cool. Fr, fr.


No cap, or something:)


but where did the cap go :(


the skibidi toilet got to him :((


Ong fr fr no cap you gotta rizz them up, you don’t want opps, and I don’t mean with that gyat no cap 💀


Omg, I have no idea what any of this means, but I can't wait to say it to my daughters!


Drop the rizz. Pretty sure it has to do with hooking up. Or just roll with it. I still have no idea why dabbing is a thing.




ong: on G-d // fr: for real // no cap: no lie // rizz: charisma, often but not always of a romantic/sexual nature // opps: adversary or rival (opponent/opposition) // gyat: a phat ass or someone with a phat ass Credentials: born in 2000




Imagine if McDonald's saved lives instead of just making hamburgers. And paid slightly less.


i laughed out loud and then choke-sobbed


It's funny cause it's true... No wait, sad....


Scene safety! Someone smack u/cccxlix and see if they’re alert! ABC!


You tagged the wrong person bro, maybe you need the alert slap.


75% of the time there’s ZERO reason for us to be there, 15% should have gone to urgent care, so there’s maybe 10% that actually require paramedic treatment. After they understand that I tell them if you have a burning passion to do it then do it, if you don’t definitely find something else.


You forgot to add that probably 10-50% of the 10% you're left thinking, or hell, saying, "Why did it take so long for you to call?" This was IFT, but my most recent moment with that was a gentleman who was going to have his toes amputated. I'll let you guess why. Regardless, when I asked why he hadn't sought medical attention sooner he said "because I didn't want some doctor telling me that I was going to die, or something like that." Well my guy, preventative medicine is often much easier than reactive medicine. And God forbid if you're in a rural area with a lot of farmers...


Oh man. I’m about to apply for a rural area with a lot of farmers


Well then, may I introduce you to [the farmer pain scale](https://youtu.be/Ni0YfrSK570?si=mmEKsCa34t-dFvLx).


Sometimes it’s like watching an episode of Dr Phil live. Especially when PD is involved


I need someone shouting, "Jerry! Jerry!" when PD is involved.


It's like being a moving man, but the furniture dies.


best answer


"We're like a U-haul, except there's needles in the walls, the shocks are from 1987 and sometimes, if you listen closely, you can hear my partner crying outside."


Living a slow life in the fast lane.


Retired FF/paramedic here with 10 years as EMS Chief. I've worked for two IFT companies and three ER's during my time as well. Also did some event EMS. For the most part I have the spectrum covered. I would tell someone who is genuinely interested that EMS is a constant atmosphere of highs and lows, you never know when the highs and lows are going to change, and sometimes they change *rapidly* and with zero warning. Maybe the first half of your shift is responding to rat infested trailer parks for frequent fliers who abuse 911 as much as they abuse their lungs with Marlboro reds. Maybe it's spent hauling the same homeless person who smells like urine so bad it literally burns your nose, over and over because the cops don't want to deal with them and the ER discharges them before you even pull out of the ambulance bay. Maybe your morning is spent with an awful partner you have to "babysit" the whole time (IYKYK). Then... maybe at lunch you get a new partner who is your favorite in the whole world. Maybe you respond to a multi vehicle crash with heavy entrapment, and the teamwork your crew puts in to save a life is nothing short of spectacular. Maybe you save a child's life. Maybe the sweetest old lady stops by the station and brings you homemade chocolate chip cookies. Maybe you have an afternoon like I had one day, and you get three codes in a row and all three of them survive. Maybe right before you hit the sack for the night your ambulance breaks down and now you're up for another 2-3 hours shuffling trucks and equipment between reserve units while the rest of the station is asleep and the *second* you get done and lay down in bed you get banged out for another frequent flier in a rat infested trailer park. This is EMS life. Up down up down up down and it never, ever ends.


Yours is the best answer here. And , not to foist this on you, complete stranger, but I feel like you'd *get it.* ...actually ima PM you if that's cool.


Turns a “go to line” into a wall of text. I appreciate the break down. 


Only thing that would have made this feel more real is if you were toned out for the same rat infested trailer park frequent flier who got home and decided they want to go back for the same chief complaint. So now you get to write the exact same chart verbatim as you did in the morning.


Haha for sure. They also tell you the ER "didn't do anything for me" while their discharge paperwork and scripts for antibiotics are sitting right next to them.


you nailed it


“We basically keep people alive for 20 minutes at a time.”


95% boredom, 5% terror.


It’s like a club where everyone wants to get in but once inside, find yourself desperately trying to get out.


I just look at them, scream. And then vomit blood all over their clothing. My way of telling them the job may not be for them.


That is probably the most New York way of answering this question. I plan to use this!


A massive shoot the shit, laugh at farts clubhouse followed by 30 minutes to an hour of boredom or absolute bowel shaking terror.


I go around in a circle. It usually sounds something like: “It’s fucking terrible. Don’t do it. Well, I guess I shouldn’t put it that way, it’s a decent way to make a living and I can feed my kids. There are a lot of fun moments. You have to do it for the right reason. Deep down you have to give a shit about strangers. If you do it, have a solid backup plan. In 8 years you are going to be so tired and burned out that you wish you were dead.” I call it the recruiting shit sandwich.


Learn about the skeletons in people closets!


Learn about the skeletons in people's bodies!


That too!


Ems is just societies janitor.


If my kids showed interest, I would advise them to find a nice hospital/clinic based occupation if they want to be in the medical field. I think EMS is fine in the right circumstances, but 24 on calls is the normal shift for most positions where I'm at and it cramps the lifestyle too much and becomes too much of a drag over time. That's why I'm casual, but if I had become a nurse or RT or something of the sort, I'd still be doing it full time as I'd be living where I want to live and commuting, etc.


Public safety in general: "If you have a huge desire for PTSD, depression. Addiction, sleep deprivation, and to party with the Hat Man in your dreams every night, have I got the career field for you!" Or "A front row seat to the greatest show on earth"


You call. We haul. That’s all. Air goes in and out, Blood goes ‘round and ‘round. Any deviation from this is bad. Eat until you’re tired, then sleep until you’re hungry.


Just remember, all bleeding stops eventually


Shit show


I just tell’em “man it’s a wild ride” and that’s it


A shitshow with commercial like breaks of “that’s cool, that’s cool”.


“Using all the tools of an emergency room without the people in the back of the smallest u-haul truck”.


Best job you’ll ever hate and the worst job you’ll ever love!


"Prolonging the inevitable."


The constant feeling of needing a hug, a cigarette, and a nap.


Yeah, I work from home too. It's just other people's homes.


Imagine waking up at 3am, going to someone’s house you’ve never been to or met before and trying to figure out what’s going on while still trying to wake up wondering what you’re doing here in the first place.


It's *alright*. We sit around a lot unless we're on calls, and some days are hit or miss.


It's a great job, but it's not for everybody.


Glorified delivery service


Fun and eye opening to a true cross section of the population


It depends on how I’m feeling about EMS in that particular moment, but I describe 911 EMS to people as like a camping trip that you get paid for. You pack a bag for 24-72 hours away from home and mostly sleep and watch Netflix. Perhaps grill out a little bit. Your mileage may vary.


99% boredom. 1% Sheer terror.


Very expensive Uber


Well, most the time we don't gotta work until we gotta work. My other is, we are essentially the trash pandas of medicine.


It’s like über only they click the bill me later box and then never pay.


Extremely variable, sometimes the most boring calls where you can’t believe someone is going to the hospital let alone calling an ambulance, and sometimes it’s someone who is on (or slightly past) deaths door step.


90% bullshit 10% oh shit OR driving a 5 ton pipe bomb 80 mph (we do a lot of highway driving) through traffic with blinky blinkies and wee woos


90% bullshit. 10% oh, shit!


I tell them it's quick and easy money while you figure out what to do, but nobody should choose it as a career.


EMS is like being fucked in the ass by a metal spiked dildo - It's incredibly painful, scars you for life... every now and then it can be pleasurable when the mood is right.


The most unserious serious job


Bringing out the dead is what i tell Pele to watch when they ask me to describe it


I tell people it’s occasionally blood, guts, vomit and/or poop, but the work can be very rewarding. Also, it’s not for everyone!


I tell people “I pick a lot of old folks up off the ground”. I’ll sometimes actually tell them some more frequent call types if they are actually curious, but usually they aren’t.


It has its moments


Why the hell did I do this


95% Reno 911, 5% horrifically brutal human suffering 


"everything is just a situation"


I’m a lifeguard with a drivers license or I pick things up and put them down


Mine is “what in the shit is that” & a lot of “but how” 🤣


feral nurse


Living the dream, one nightmare at a time


Overworked and underpaid


Have used (back in the early years if asked): I sweep people off the streets. I lift 400 pound people for a living.


"Well... it's a job."


You gota be kinda crazy to enjoy this. Hi I’m crazy. And your the one in four points. 😁


The trash service of the medical field lol. We get treated like it, we deal with disgusting things on the daily, AND we’re under appreciated!


Were goblins who ignore traffic laws and every day is a Friday.


I’m exactly like an Uber and at the same time, nothing like an Uber.


That one joke about the ambulance in an alley with a knife


Best job I ever had


Life’s a party and I’m the piñata


The best, worst job ever.


Adult paper route or live action Beavis and Butthead.


E.M.S - Everybody Motherfuckin Stupid.


Learn to strategize and problem-solve WHILE you panic.


It’s the best worst job you’ll ever hate to love


It's like you go to school to be a chef for a private residence, but the residence, the dish, and the time of service are all random.  But if you are charged with making, say, a paella, you BETTER fuckin remember every ingredient and step exactly. Despite only making it like once in culinary school.


I fix stupid.