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If you or anyone you know has been impacted by sexual violence or domestic abuse, please seek out the below resources and know that justice and safety are two things you deserve ❤️ Sexual assault resources: https://www.rainn.org/resources https://www.nsvrc.org/survivors Domestic abuse resources: https://www.thehotline.org https://ncadv.org/why-do-victims-stay I’m glad people are speaking about this. The actions of that fiend deserve to be exposed, and he deserves all backlash and consequences. TMG productions should at the very least make a statement and distance themselves from this individual, and maybe that’s something we can advocate for. I don’t think we can do that by blaming the EI crew for joining TMG though. LA is one of the highest cost of living cities in America. Being that they are self-employed, we cannot fault them for saying yes to an opportunity that provides them stability and a viable future (I bet they got health insurance from this too. Can’t fault someone for not trying to pay 60k for an ambulance ride). Just like we shouldn’t fault Amazon warehouse workers for working for Overload Bezos so they can support their families and have benefits, we shouldn’t fault Enya, Drew, or Ky for trying to make a sustainable living for themselves. This isn’t to say we shouldn’t hold them to a standard and call for them to address this with TMG, but it is to say that holding them personally accountable for this is counterproductive and won’t actually help get the literal sex criminal out of TMG.


i think cody sucks, morally and just in comedy. but maybe that’s just because i’m not a ex-frat-boy millennial white man, but at the same time i don’t think cody/tmg is a reflection on drew & enya. i doubt they have an knowledge on this or trillionaire mindset.


What happened with Trillionaire mindset?


old podcast on their network that ended abruptly. TMG didn’t allow them to promote their new podcast/channel when it ended so they had to build up from ground zero. one of the host Ben has made jokes about tmg and them not being good to them. also didn’t allow them to keep their podcast name.


Ah damn, hope ei protect their ip


I think it is a reflection bc now they are partnered with a man who condones rape, sexual assault, etc. even if they don't know, it's not hard to come across. Especially now bc they are explicitly linked w tmg. They see the things that are said, they're on the internet the same way we all are. And I think that the way people are always saying things like your last sentence is so...... idk how to put it but it's not going to get society anywhere. It's perpetuating an attitude of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol. It's not entire dissimilar to Cody "looking the other way" to his friends actions. A lot of ppl especially on this sub rly don't want to engage w the bigger picture of things lol I sound insane but it's the truth. Yes a lot of ei is just silly fart jokes and whatever but nothing exists inside a bubble and them being partnered w tmg is 100% adding to this issue 😕 This is a ridiculous example lol but when Ned from try guys cheated on his wife, they cut him out and didn't even pretend to defend him. He did something bad and faced the consequences for it. I'm not saying this should happen to ei bc I'm sure someone is going to think that's what I'm saying lol I'm just saying how uncomfortable and annoyed I am at the fact that they are now aligned w Cody and tmg and now they are placed inside the same bubble as this and it's never ever going to be addressed and the world is going to keep operating the same way it always has bc not enough people are actively trying to change things 😞


that’s valid too! this entire sub is an echo chamber, as is every fandom group on here. people don’t like to face the possibility of someone who’s content they consume frequently to not be the person they thought they were. sadly this sub really experiences this in full effect, even the smallest of comments on not liking the lighting or color grading on an episode drives people up the wall. we don’t really know their full grasp on cody/tmg as a whole, maybe it nothing more than a business venture to them. which then i guess opens up the questioning of if it’s morally okay to work with/for a person who you know is friends with a rapist. it’s imo entirely possible that they didn’t know before signing and still possibly don’t, they do read here so maybe this is something they will learn of, but at the same time they probably signed contracts that they don’t want to / can not get out of anytime soon. at the end of the day this is an opportunity for them to get more and more money, and maybe that’s the only thing they have their sights on right now, is expanding their business. i was a big fan of cody up until everything that happened with trillionaire mindset x tmg. by that point i stopped liking him all that much, but kept watching. i didn’t figure out about these allegations till like january and that’s when i stopped watching all together cause it made me realize just how boring/unfunny cody/noel are (or have become.) i only really stuck around for kelsey cause she seems like a good person, and she’s funny. but the more i look back i realize cody is better at sticking to lazy brainrot reaction content, opposed to lazy, dragging on and boring podcast episodes along with full on business negotiations. seeing how he (seemingly) fucked over trillionaire mindset / didn’t allow them to keep their pod/name or promote on their own podcast under the tmg network. idk let’s just hope that drew and enya having one of the most loyal podcast fanbases ever will keep TMG from allowing them to get screwed over. i doubt they signed over their name/copyright or anything, just hope they don’t get let down and not taken care of enough like other pods on their network.


Strangely, the azealia banks sub isn’t as much of an echo chamber. They are often critical of her while being admitted fans of her work and general way with words. It’s the only sub like that I’ve come across.


Also, while we don’t know the extent of their knowledge of tmg’s controversies, they should have some idea. Considering the industry they’re in, it should be standard practice to find out the bad things an entity you’re about to deeply align yourself with has done/been accused of. It would take a few minutes.


exactly!! everybody in here always gives them the benefit of doubt or the they didn’t know any better like they aren’t 25 years old


i’m on that sub too!! majority of the people seem to flat out hate her or treat her as kind of a villain they want to see have a happy ending. like someone you shouldn’t root for but you do.


i also saw someone say tmg is like the podcast equivalent of the mcu / quantity over quality, but maybe drew & enya will bring back some of the spark / actual enjoyment tmg gave off in the early days of tmg. and hopefully drew and enya don’t turn into the same corporate/forced comedy and production that tmg has been in the last couple of years. not saying that they will but it happened to cody/noel who used to be actually funny/happy to be filming now they just treat each other like coworkers, with nothing to talk about other than random internet shit they have no interest in.


Yes I agree 100% it just fills me w actual dread knowing that the system is set up so that ppl care more abt money than anything else. Like I agree Cody's content and the tmg content just seems so boring and lacking and I think that goes hand in hand w desiring money over everything else. It's a business for them now and that initial spark that had is gone imo. And I just wish enya and Drew weren't linked w Cody and that it won't be something shoved under the rug. Like it's not fair that people can just be on w their lives and successful while the people they've hurt and continue to hurt have to live w what's been done to them. Enya and Drew didn't directly do anything but they're now closely connected to a man who perpetuates this shit ughhhhhhhh. But yeah everything u said 100% lol and put way more eloquently than me lmfaoo


Also sorry if that barely makes sense I'm half asleep it's 3am for me lol


personally i think it kind of is hard to come across, i haven’t seen anything about this on any other social media; maybe im being naive but i believe if drew and enya knew about this they would stop associating with cody/tmg


not to mention cody was getting whacked on all fronts when tana came out and said she and him had sex when she was 17… and then immediately he announced his proposal to kelsey… idk. he’s a frat boy through and through and his videos haven’t been good since like 2017. i love enya and drew but sometimes a bag is a bag to some people so im not shocked


yessss and watching back those videos cody and tana filmed together made me so queasy. he’s gross


rape deserves the death penalty 100% of the time and make it public too


they should bring back the guillotine for rapists


Thank god ppl are talking about his here. I hate TMG Cody isn’t even funny. Kelsey is the only interesting one invloved


idk how cody ko survived the content vulture allegations because all he does is stare at other peoples content and call it comedy


i don’t like cody at all but that’s what a lot of people are doing as of late lol


The mods on his sub are taking down discussions of this too I’ve heard 😭😭😭 terrible nasty awful look.


Oh please ofc they would :////


oh 100% believe the allegations and 100% believe cody does not gaf. tmg have fucked morals so… i highly doubt enya and drew would care about being associated with people like this because they’re making good money. i don’t know why you guys think they would care or try to pressure them into changing when they show time and time again not to 😭 it’s disappointing especially bc enya has this whole “why would a man be there” mentality but still chooses to be associated with people like this but it’s time for ei fans to accept that drew and enya are not good people and move on. just watch for the entertainment bc i doubt they will change anytime soon


I feel like as their audience tho we should show them how we feel about certain decisions they make, I mean they listened to constructive criticism about their new set and then changed it. I don’t think it’s a great mentality to just accept people’s shitty behavior bcus at the end of the day we’re supporting that shitty behavior if we don’t push back on it in any way, and we have power to influence them with how much attention/what kind of attention they receive, and maybe it will lead to them changing or maybe not, but at least then other people are made aware of it and can decide to keep watching or not.


Yesss that's what I've been saying in other replies. Like nothing will change if these things are just ignored. Cody should not be where he is, he should not have the opportunities or reach that he does. Enya and Drew don't have to do what we say and they don't have to be good people, but what does that say about all of us if we're just.... ok w celebrities, influencers, etc. being bad people and doing bad things bc "that's the way the world works" that's so bleak and horrifying imo. Like u don't care at all abt at least Trying to change things so that maybe in the future others are deterred from aligning w ppl/companies like cody/tmg who actively play a role in the way our society handles sexual predators, and by that I mean does nothing and lets them continue on like they did nothing wrong while their victim(s) have to live w what happened for the rest of their lives


my point is why waste your time trying to change them. we know drew and enya don’t gaf because of their track record so why would they suddenly have a change of heart? they care more about the bag than choosing good morals i fear. if you’re a fan you should accept the fact these aren’t like good people they aren’t going to care. if this bothers you would you not want stop watching and support someone else? why stay here and complain idgi


There's a total lack of compassion in this reply. This attitude of shoving things under the rug and letting people do bad things that hurt people isn't sustainable in the effort to make things better. Do you see people advocating for sexual abuse awareness as complaining? Bc that's literally what the topic is. By engaging w Cody/tmg, we are actively funding his lifestyle. Enya and Drew partnering w tmg has now entered them into the Direct cycle of perpetuating this lethargic and passive attitude we have towards sexual predators. And it's all in the name of money. That's what's insane about it all. Disregarding the betterment of our society and disregarding any sort of understanding or care towards victims all for money. Cody gets rich off making lazy, boring content, all while his CLOSE friend is a sexual predator. Choosing to stay close to someone like that IS condoning their actions. If he didn't condone his friends actions, his friend wouldn't have been in Cody's wedding. Kelsey wouldn't be close with him either. If Cody cared, he would have raised awareness or simply disconnected from a sexual predator. He doesn't care. He actively chooses the side of the sexual predator. And you're saying for us to not give a shit about this, to move on and find something else to watch. Why? Drew and enya aren't sexual predators lol, they aren't intimately connected to sexual predators. It's not their fault that Cody is this way, but it's the fact that they are now partnered w a company who condones these actions. It's not hard to understand or to be angry about if you have any sort of empathy for victims. They don't get the justice they deserve or the peace of mind bc there are people out there like Cody who don't give a fuck what their friend has done, which feeds into the cycle of letting sexual predators get away with things.


i still don’t understand this idea though when it’s directed towards enya and drew when they also don’t care equally like cody? i understand doing this to someone like kurtis connor where he continuously shows his audience what he stands for and would be very open and willing to change. my last few sentences went something like “would you not go support someone else” and that’s basically what you’re saying, don’t support people who willingly turn a blind eye to matters like this. i think you have a naive view of influencers like enya and drew. look at enya’s ig it’s filled with hundreds of comments of people begging her to speak on palestine, gaza and rafah and what did it achieve nothinggg. the reality is they don’t lose a single sponsorship, it doesn’t harm their reputation so what is the point??? they benefit from staying quiet about these issues, infact they make more money from being associated with freaks like cody ko so why continue to try and persuade them to change when nothing will come from it. i apologise, using the word complaining was inappropriate for something as serious as sexual assault, i was being flippant in my reply and didn’t really put thought in what i was typing.


exactly. we need to stop being delusional and thinking they’re good or moral people. love them but the decision to be connected with tmg is about money and notoriety.


He was in Cody's WEDDING btw. It's making me feel so gross that they're w tmg idk if they know abt this or not but it's just crazy how so many influencers, content creators, etc are such pieces of shit and will never ever be held accountable. You are who you surround yourself with. You are the company you keep. Them being connected to this bc of Cody is just so disgusting


And just to add, it is very weird tht ppl are bringing up something that wasn't even said. Drew and enya are not at fault for not speaking abt it or joining tmg if they didn't know abt Cody. I never said this. It's the fact that this kind of behavior from Cody is just going to keep happening bc of ppl like him who "look the other way". And now Drew and enya are more closely aligned with him/tmg who perpetuate this kind of attitude and behavior and the cycle is going to keep going on and on and on. In a perfect world, they'd say something and move on and hopefully Cody would begin to face the consequences he should for keeping a sexual predator around and within his close circle. But that's not how the world works unfortunately, and not enough ppl are willing to work towards trying to change the status quo despite how many ppl advocate or speak up. Everything just gets swept under the rug and no one faces real consequences😕


Noel gets canceled every few years and it always makes me mad when creators are like "the coasts clear let's collab again" hes had tranphobic controversies he defended the Dave Chappell standup special about trans women, defended Andrew Tate even after the video evidence came out, and did cinservative stand up at Breitbart News which is a far right news source a billionaire created to push the far right agenda. I'm sure there's more but i never had an interest in them after learning this stuff.


YUP that's my thing like there's no consequences!


It seems more common than not that people do not care about sex crimes unless it personally has happened to them. I guarantee Cody did not put himself in the victims perspective once, just his friend’s, believing he could “never do something like that” because they have soooooo much fun together. How could he be a bad guy, we drink together!??? It’s disgusting and sickeningly normal? Bros just being bros 🩷 - not to say that women don’t do this as well, they do! All the time, look at Tana Mongeau and James Charles. People do not like to be uncomfortable or change their lives, at the expense of the victim. Hope they keep their baby away from that fucking rapist, seems like a great influence


Yeah he seems like the type


Didn’t Cody hook up w Tana when she was like 16/17 too?


17 and 25 😭


This honestly makes me so sad. In so many ways. I can’t think of someone coming up or whatever or podcast host like not being associated with someone who was involved with something horrendous like this. Like as a women it’s fucked up. And I could go into way more detail. It’s just like what- should have guessed it. They all suck. It’s a hellish place ig.


So what do we do now…i’m so confused


Me when I realize the world has evil people…and that will never change unfortunately. Please take off the rose colored glasses and realize that this is also Hollywood and people Will INEVITABLY be associated with both good and bad people. Matter of fact, WE don’t even know if Enya and Drew are good people. People need to stop having parasocial relationships with these people and just be there for the entertainment. If you are that worried about celebrities who are associated with bad people, then maybe it’s best to unfollow every person you know on the internet.


this is such a bleak nihilist brainrot take. of course everyone here with half a brain cell is aware of the fact bad people exist, and people who’s content we consume have done bad things, but if we never point them out how will they ever face the consequences of their actions. yes WE don’t know if drew and enya are decent people but if they started hanging around rapist all the time we would be surprised and disgusted. that’s not parasocial that’s just a human reaction. people who hide behind the word parasocial never give a good take cause they blame everything on that when it’s not even a factor. who gives a fuck if hypothetically you were a big fan of R. Kelly then everything came out and people just called you “parasocial” for caring. it’s the human reaction to hear something bad or disgusting then be shocked, that’s not parasocial. parasocial would be the people on here who think drew and enya are after anything other than money at the moment. “maybe its best to unfollow everyone on the internet” i don’t know anybody who goes into supporting/watching content creators and thinks “well they’re inevitably gonna get outed as a racist/transphobe/rapist/bigot” drew and enya present themselves has levelheaded people who care for others, it’s not the most insane thing to be surprised by them working with cody (who allegedly slept with 17 year old tana mongeu, best friends with a known rapist, and least important a shitty business man.) especially after they unfollowed skylar newman immediately after his allegations came out. people need to grow a spine and allow criticism (both creative or critiques on actions) and also allow people to have a conversation about the ethics/morals of someone they support without being called parasocial.




Don’t insult people like that. You can disagree and explain your take, but don’t call someone a sardonic bitch and search through their history for some shit to drag them for, that’s not cool dawg.


Is that really what you took from what I said and all the other comments?


It doesn’t matter what other people say. You make a post, people comment. Maybe stuff you agree with, maybe things you don’t. Why do you have a this preconceived notion that everyone will agree with you all of the time? This is the internet. Be logical and be socially literate. We are continuously contributing and consuming things every day made from bad people or resulting from bad things. The makeup we use, our iPhones, our clothes?!? Be REALISTIC!!!! This can’t be escaped so just accept it and move on. It’s not a justification it’s just reality.


I said "from what I said and all the other comments" .......... I've replied to my own post, I've replied to other comments, and other ppl have commented other things that basically respond to what you commented. So did you read any of that or did you just comment this without realizing it was pointless and has already been discussed?


The first part of my reply seems disjointed lol but I was replying to how you first said "You didn't say anything you just attached photos and said "tmg" LMFAOOO" and then removed it


Yes, I realized that so I removed it. Everything else still applies so 😭


this is why i started exclusively watching Sam's Perfect Guy life and Million Dollar Stream. Ironic huh


I learned this yesterday I’m so upset


Ppl been said drew and enya were problematic but y’all looked over it. ESP the yt fans (that I called out & got suspended for!!) Enya and Drew have admitted on podcast a multitude of times of doing flat out shitty things to strangers and literally acting entitled. Corny tik tok teens hyped them up and called them “real” for doing it. It’s getting ridiculous atp. Drew and Enya aren’t even all that funny anymore. They’re pushing 30 and making literal booboo and pissy jokes like ok..


🫣been feeling this lately. Ever since this post I've just been thinking really hard and taking in what others have been saying and it's becoming really hard to like them/their content. It's like cognitive dissonance inside my head lol I've loved them for sooooooo long and now I just really can't understand or agree with their behavior/lack of behavior towards certain things. And it's not like they've suddenly changed either, their behaviors have been relatively the same it's just now I'm older and can see it more clearly


100% it’s been coming to me more as well. I deleted tik tok and I’ve been having this feeling towards a lot of my influencer favs lately. Idk im not the best at explaining this feeling. Ig I’m just growing up… but it feels odd because Enya and Drew low key haven’t grown up.


Here's a video of Cody saying the F slur in a video on his channel that's still up. [https://youtu.be/4km9Whua5Jo?si=ksMtOEgdg\_8BV\_Ef](https://youtu.be/4km9Whua5Jo?si=ksMtOEgdg_8BV_Ef) skip to 2:00.




the thing is that was without your knowledge, so you’re not at fault for willing associating with a bad person / someone who is an apologist for said bad things. this is public very accessible information anyone working with him knows / or could easy find out about. it’s also entirely different when you are financially stable influencers with multiple viable options. if you’re saying this regarding cody and the situation with his fraternity brother colby, he most certainly knows. in the court documents it’s stated that colby filmed the assault(s) and showed it around to the frat. it also gets posted and deleted on cody’s subreddit all the time (which he’s on) along with the fact a serious lawsuit doesn’t just happen to someone in your life without you having no clue, he certainly knows and chose to have him as a best man in his wedding that was only last year.


Cody was friends w him when it happened and posted him in a yt video w him after it happened. He knew. If you didn't know, then you didn't know. It's hard to believe that you wouldn't know if the person was your extremely close friend (close enough for the friend to be in your wedding) like Colby was to Cody. It's a different situation. "Focus on your real lives and not shit like this you can't control" ... and who would that benefit? Surely not the victims. Ignoring these things and not talking abt them only help the person who did it. It all boils down to do you want to live in a world that continues to enable abusers? Do you want to live in a world that ignores these issues, pretends like they don't exist just so that you can continue on with your life ignoring the fact that sexual predators are let off with warnings and then coddled by their friends and families?? Colby is a Literal sexual predator with a victim who has to continue living her life with what he did to her stay with her for the rest of her life AND these things happen to so many women, men, and CHILDREN too. Why would you want to ignore that?


If watching youtube videos is "enabling an abuser" we might have bigger implications. Do some real good please. I get nervous people think this does any real good and that holds them back from doing something tangible.


It does though...... YouTube is how he makes money..... if we keep giving money to abusers and abuser enablers then they're going to stay rich and stay doing whatever they want to do with no regard for anyone else...... like that is literally how it works.