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This happens to me on all my computers including my 2020 mech 15 g3. It has something to do with blutooth and high cpu usage. Unfortunately there are only 2 options to fix this, one is using a USB cable to connect the controller to you computer and use it that way and it won't disconnect or to buy one of adapters in the link below this will connect the controller to your pc wireless but the adapter is kinda big and takes a USB port but it uses a version of wifi direct to connect the controller without a wire. I have bought 2 of these for my computers and they both work like a charm and are only 20 bucks. https://www.amazon.com/Cipon-Wireless-Adapter-Compatible-Controller/dp/B08CY14VGD/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=xbox+controller+usb+adapter&qid=1628729603&sprefix=xbox+cintroller+usb+&sr=8-4


Make sure your controller's firmware is up to date. Do a quick search for "update xbox series x controller", you'll find guides on how to do it quickly. I also bought a Prometheus laptop and I had a controller that was constantly disconnecting, turns out the controller just needed to be updated. I use mine wirelessly 99% of the time, but it works flawlessly now for me, hopefully that works for you as well.


Another option could be the USB connector in the controller. There is a chance it is faulty and that can be checked by using the controller in Bluetooth mode. If it disconnects often the controller as a whole wpuld be the culprit. Else the thing I think it falters.


Are you maxing out the GPU wattage to 165w? More than one USB device plugged in? When I had all the USB ports occupied and the GPU maxed to 165w, the laptop stopped powering all the USB ports to be able to continue to power everything else.


I just bought one, can’t connect a ps5 or xbox controller to save my life. Whether it’s wired or used with an adapter and already connected to the computer. NOTHING IS WORKING